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Theory can we empirically define hatred ?



the supreme coder
Dec 17, 2021
I hate foids
but what is hate ?
and more importantly how can we code it ?

often normies would say :
if incels hate foids so much wouldn't they like it in jail where there aren't any ?
if MGTOWs h8 foids so much why do they discuss them ?

isn't it a paradox to want something you hate ?
what does hatred accomplish ?

a feminist placed at HR will, for example, not higher sub 8 men, unless they are flammingly gay
she will hate the plumber but she will still pay him to fix her faucet

an ethot will hate her army of SIMPs but still attention whore to get as many as possible

would it be correct to say hatred, at it's essence is about replacing ?
waifubots for example
are there examples where hatred doesn't manifest with a desire to replace ?

another thing is, when diving deeper into the algorithm you can ask :
if you had the perfect dish everyday would you not want a sandwich occasionally ? the condition is that it is not overpriced
Well hate usually is driven by the lack of something so much it causes you to actually hate it. You ask so much "Why can't i get it?" that you start coping and creating motive to not want it anymore, but you see undeserving (in your vision) people who have it and start to hate it....

Just cause you hate it doesn't mean that you gotta have a geniune repulsion by it. In all honesty what we incels trully hate is how society works and how unfairly genetics treated us...
what foids feel for us just because we exist
I'd define hate as a desire for justice, not replacement, although the two kind of overlap.

An e-thot doesn't hate her simps because she doesn't care about them and doesn't lose any sleep over their existence. She's disgusted by them at most. Foids don't hate incels until they've been manipulated into thinking that they are some terrorists who have committed huge injustices or are about to do that.

We hate normies, boomers, foids and Chads because we feel like they've robbed us from our chance to live.
Hate is just another form of psychosis
I am slowly being drained of my hate as my passions and confidence increases
Hate only occupies the void that exists in the absence of strength to fight against that which is adverse to you.
Hate only indicates weakness and a will to passivity; to conform to normie standards of """success""" and """happiness"""
You can sit and seethe and cope and run your head in circles thinking about dumb foids, globohomo, soyciety etc, etc,
Or you can embody your true potential to disregard this dogshit entirely. Fill yourself with that which you love in life and use it to completely exclude all of the bullshit that has battered you into seething on incel forums.
You have to get outside and be willing to fight with normies. I'll repeat that because it's important: you have to go outside. Be willing to give them a stupid sarcastic retard level response to their questions if need be. Be willing to even show kindness and be decent to them because nothing that they can do to you will ever matter. It never did. They cannot betray you, hurt you or put you down in the dirt if you have the strength.
The strength I am speaking of merely comes from the confidence in your abilities. Subhumancels here constantly complain they don't have 'muh passion' 'muh energy' 'muh peepeepoopoo' when they do nothing. If you do nothing you will become nothing. You have to start doing something to even know what being alive feels like to develop any modicum of passion, strength or confidence in anything. You are training yourself to be a retarded slug creature if you sit and seethe at roasties all day. Do something. Literally anything.
It's difficult. I still manage to look like a gimp and get made fun of and bullied and slagged of behind my back. I still get nervous dealing with normies. Sometimes excuses, hatred, self loathing and all manner of psychoses pop into my head. I still get tfw no gf. I still sleep with a hot water bottle at night as a substitute gf. I still masturbate to the thought of cooming in foids. I still cope.
You will experience barriers. You will not be able to do certain things you want to because of normie gatekeeping. You will be met with awkward and uncomfortable looks and be brushed off by people in the most disrespectful ways. Normies will seethe at you for not doing certain things or doing absolutely nothing at all. Sometimes these people will be your coworkers, people at the gym, the supermarket, even your own family members. But you just have to shut it out and find another way. Exhaust your options. Make sacrifices. And don't see that as a disability or some point at which you can lament on some theoretical existential fata morgana. It is merely an obstacle.
But, it all get's easier not by the fact you become a normie- because you never will. But by the fact that you slowly understand you are invincible. Soon the hate disappears and all your feel is the pain of the struggle.
Don't just cope boyos, HOPE.
but what is hate ?
Slaves like you never believe something can be truly known, you're just yanking.

But concept of hatred is 'strong opposition of values', so if something is against your values, you hate it. Simple as that.
Slaves like you never believe something can be truly known, you're just yanking.

But concept of hatred is 'strong opposition of values', so if something is against your values, you hate it. Simple as that.
a computer doesn't understand the word opposition
to define opposition is almost the same puzzle as defining hatred
a computer doesn't understand the word opposition
to define opposition is almost the same puzzle as defining hatred
It does, it's called viruses or forced commands.
I think if you want it to die or be completely destroyed then that’s hate
Hate is a strong feeling of anger and contempt. We are angry at foids because they are degenerate whores and won’t fuck us, thus we have contempt for them. :feelsjuice: Pretty simple
It does, it's called viruses or forced commands.
emotions are to be defined as an algorithm
so that waifubots will have the most efficient form of them

so I could theorize, that one skill becomes dormant while sending a command to engage an alternative skill
in some cases.

this is not dependent on the actual parameter the skill may use, for example :
if ones oneitis rejects him it does not mean he will become singularity pilled after that one rejection
the skill may have a tolerance/stubborness module to go from one mode to another

the above could also, in some conditions, trigger dreaming as a result of dormant skills
this thread. schizos me XD
Hate is a strong feeling of anger and contempt. We are angry at foids because they are degenerate whores and won’t fuck us, thus we have contempt for them. :feelsjuice: Pretty simple
not quite so.
I think a more correct assumption is the foids overpricing for us, ie betaMaxing and escortmaxing
while so cheap resource wise to chadrone

and also perhapse, it would be incorrect to say we hate them on one universal level.
because we hate them in many contexts. for example :
because foids breed with criminals and produce crime while stealing our money and prospects via the gov
and other reasons like HR feminists taking our jobs.
I think if you want it to die or be completely destroyed then that’s hate
that is a grose oversimplyfication
does the computer or even us truly understand what death is ?
some incels would prefer to torture foids and keep them as rape slave, (for argument sake)
some just want to replace them with bots or even dolls

what is completely destroyed ?
if I take a ship and replace all its parts and burn the replaced parts, have I really "destroyed" the ship ?
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