No they can't. Faggots are mentally ill degenerates who fuck like rabbits and spread around stds among each other like the plague. A good amount of child molestors are also gays despite gays making up a small amount of the population. Faggots are dangerous disease carrying pedophiles. If you are gay and an incel, it's volcel, simple as that, or you're not even gay and just got tricked by their obvious psy ops bullshit. They like to pray on incels, just go to /r9k/ and see the heaping piles of faggot propoganda. It's even spread here recently. Disgusting. I hope HIV mutates or some shit and it instantly turns into aids and starts killing people faster than it does now, those worthless fucks. I have a lot of hate for gays, nearly as much hate as I have for women and cucks.