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Can the idea of a good God be reconciled with people who are born ugly?



Nov 15, 2017
I am not interested in hearing that 'God doesn't exist' or things like that; this is not the subject of my topic.

I'm interested in theoretical rationalizations of why a good, loving, omniscient God would allow human beings to be born with ugliness, or even worse, deformities and diseases. 

From my research, there seems to be three popular rationalizations:

1) Illness, deformities, etc, are not directly willed by God (inasmuch as he doesn't painstakingly design every new baby) but are long-term consequences of original sin and the Fall of Man. Basically, we are still dealing with the consequences of the Fall; it is a corruption, caused by Man, of the perfect human form designed by God. We are allowed to use medicine and compassion to mitigate this punishment.

2) God works in mysterious ways. Maybe he decided that making you ugly would hasten or facilitate your salvation. We could imagine an ugly man who retreats into intellectual pursuits like philosophy or mathematics by obligation; when had he been handsome, he would have used his intelligence for pumping and dumping as many women as possible and lost his soul in the process.

3) God can sometimes be a prick for no good reason, just to test you. The Book of Job tells a story like this.

At some point in history, Christianity and Islam were competing with very popular heresies that claimed that there wasn't actually a good God, but two Gods (one good, one evil). These heresies, very similar, went by different names: marcionism, gnosticism, catharism, etc.

It would perhaps make more sense from an incel viewpoint. I am not advocating heresy, just proposing a debate about it.

Maybe Nature/biology has been created by the evil God (since the laws of nature seem pretty much amoral/cruel), and the good God is against biology. This good God could have tried to help us through various means, such as by sending prophets on Earth who advocate the overcoming of base instincts, or allowing us to develop more and more advanced technology.

What do you think?
Its to punish you for something you did in a previous life
women are evil.
So to protect u from these evil creatures he made incels ugly and beta.
he loves incels actually.
I think if God did exist 3 would be the most likely option. Why the fuck would an omniscient, omnipotent being create men like us if he absolutely had no reason to. What kind of a sick fuck does that?
No, it's my strongest anecdotal evidence for not believing.
The fundemental laws of the universe were created. gravitation, electromagnetism, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction. What ever happened as a result of these forces is anybody's guess.
Yes I believe Allah made me ugly and suffer in this life so that I can prove my loyalty to him. In Islam the more you suffer, the greater the reward is so I believe I’m going to heaven.
good looking chad cannot exist without inferior incels. A pyramid always needs those below to support the few on top.
So, Chad and Stacy do not really have an interest in euthanasia of abominations. Incels exist to serve as their wage slaves and as validation of their accomplished lives. In wolf packs the omega wolves exist to stick around and help catch prey, while the alpha wolf is the one to pass on his genes.
Eternal paradise is about the only way to make things "even" for all the suffering visited on the planet.

If god tolerates this, he's evil. If he can't do anything about it, what good is he?
Illnesses and deformities are part of rebelling from God. Life under God's will would have been perfect, but since we rebelled we are subjected to sin and impurities.

The way I see it, God is allowing us to bask in sin so that we will see what happens firsthand when we choose Satan over God. Through these experiences, our urge to rebel again will be halted.
even if everyone was "beautiful" there would still be less beautiful people as determined by society who would be shitted on, it's human nature
It's a consequence of the freedom that God granted us. People essentially made the choices through sexual selection that caused consequences of ugliness and other inferior qualities.
not_here_4_points said:
It's a consequence of the freedom that God granted us. People essentially made the choices through sexual selection that caused consequences of ugliness and other inferior qualities.

Have you heard about meiotic crossing-over and mutations? This explains why sometimes, handsome parents have ugly children. We just couldn't prevent ugly people from appearing over time. Biology is to blame rather than free will.
Fontaine said:
Have you heard about meiotic crossing-over and mutations? This explains why sometimes, handsome parents have ugly children. We just couldn't prevent ugly people from appearing over time. Biology is to blame rather than free will.

Yeah, I think the best we can really do is speculate about this. 

Also, in the Old Testament it was written that God would curse the descendants of some for their actions. I think he still does. At least anecdotally I can say for my family that that would add up. For example the cousin I have with down syndrome her mother was a degenerate before and seems to have had an abortion.
I want to meet the fucked up God who created this world, so I may suffocate him with my bare hands.
Mostly the explanations that you offered. In terms of justifying the world in accordance with the existence of God, there are a few possibilities:

1. A non-interventionist God. He created the world originally, but no longer intervenes in its affairs, perhaps because when he did he made things worse? Sort of like a laissez-faire government.
2. Our behaviour with what were given in this world is a test (this is largely the Christian view, as far as I can tell). Our “real” lives come in the afterlife.
3. God is constantly struggling with the devil for control of the world. Fairly common belief.
4. Continuing from the above, women are under the spell of the devil - goes back to the story of Adam & Eve.
5. Or perhaps our sexual urges are created by the devil. Is being an ugly man a blessing in disguise, are we the chosen few to go to heaven?
6. We are reincarnated and are being punished for sins of our previous life. Doesn’t make much sense to punish us when we can’t remember our previous lives, though...

I don’t personally believe any of the above, though. Russell’s Teapot.

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