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Serious Can someone provide evidence that most normies get their looksmatch besides "cope" or "go outside"?



mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
"You're just coping, go outside"

sorry, I have, and I see chads and chadlites getting chicks

all the stats suggest that outside of the top 20 percent most dudes aren't getting shit or very little

show me stats that say otherwise
I am 19 and none of my friends and acquaintances have a girlfriend. Most of the people I know through school are normies as well, but most of them have never even been complimented by a girl once. Yet every girl in my college brags about their sexual adventures online and IRL like it’s going out of fashion

The math just doesn’t add up without acknowledging rampant hypergamy.

maybe looksmatch was law in the past, but 2020 is an entirely different animal.
I have no friends so I can't. I have no idea how normies get girlfriends
You talking about betabuxxing some landwhale foid with rotting roast-beef flaps?
I’m oldcel and haven’t seen many couples with their looksmatch in at least 15 years.
They cant. The only empyrical evidence poitns to the exact opposite. Your other post https://incels.is/threads/20-80-rule-strikes-again.216584/#post-4870810 is a great example. If you look at researches like this and still choose to acknowledge basic facts you are irrefutably an idiot.
@Dregster666 gtfih in here you stupid faggot.

got any stats to back your claims up that normies are slayers. (and getting laid and slaying are two different things. normies get scraps)
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My friends are mostly subhuman normies who still think that they'll eventually find someone. I've personally never seen a normie get a gf. The only ones I know are married betacucks whose wives are most probably cheating on them.
"You're just coping, go outside"

sorry, I have, and I see chads and chadlites getting chicks

all the stats suggest that outside of the top 20 percent most dudes aren't getting shit or very little

show me stats that say otherwise

nope. You’re right.100%
So normies are incels?
So normies are incels?
not quite incels but close. "nearcel" is a good term for low and middle normies

high normies still do okay though
@Dregster666 gtfih in here you stupid faggot.

got any stats to back your claims up that normies are slayers. (and getting laid and slaying are two different things. normies get scraps)
Nigga you think only 5% of humanity has seen a million dollars. Shut the fuck up already dude, you're lucky I even consider entertaining your brainlet threads.

Even if I proved it to you, you're still going to behave like a literal retard and claim that it isnt a norm.

You're subhuman trash who thinks he's in the 4-5/10 range, so naturally you will assume that all 5/10 males are struggling like you when that isnt the case.

It's quite honestly sad tbh, since that really distorts the way you look at other people.
People have different standards for what constitutes a chad. You guys are still delusional because its not men who rate, but women. If a normie looking guys gets all the chicks he is chad doesnt matter what you think of the matter, faggot.
People have different standards for what constitutes a chad. You guys are still delusional because its not men who rate, but women. If a normie looking guys gets all the chicks he is chad doesnt matter what you think of the matter, faggot.
"faggot"? what's up your ass?

no shit the dude who gets chicks is a chad. I said that I see chads get all the girls
I will make an appeal to confirmation bias. Exiting is valid, many will get something, due to the fact that the primary is scarce (Chad), which is a rule in any statistic. It is easy. If it's betacucks or whatever, biologically who cares, it's just a breeding strategy, even Chad sometimes doesn't shy away from that. It is very simple.
People have different standards for what constitutes a chad. You guys are still delusional because its not men who rate, but women. If a normie looking guys gets all the chicks he is chad doesnt matter what you think of the matter, faggot.
If you aren’t chad in 2020, it’s fat girls only. Anyone who goes outside can see this. Maybe a white dude who is tall and slightly above average can get a reg becky, but even that isn’t too common.
no one get his looksmatch in 2020, but they still get laid.
If you aren’t chad in 2020, it’s fat girls only. Anyone who goes outside can see this. Maybe a white dude who is tall and slightly above average can get a reg becky, but even that isn’t too common.
I personally can't.
maybe in highschool if agematched and the guy statusmogs. but I fear for the longevity of such an arrangement
Even if I proved it to you, you're still going to behave like a literal retard and claim that it isnt a norm.
how can you prove it to me? seriously how? you can't you troll. all the stats say otherwise. That more incels are being created, that average men might be getting laid but it's less frequently and with lower quality, and that top 20 percent are getting more and more.

You're just a troll. At first you trolled @Colvin76 telling him to thugmaxx and hypebeastmaxx and bullshit when he's a 3/10 truecel

then you first called me normie looking and since I disagree with you on the state of normies, you've reverted to calling me a truecel because it suits your argument. Instead of using any evidence, you can say "you think you're close to average looking but you're truecel and therefore you're out of touch with reality". When I've probably been to way more college parties, bars, and clubs than your ass.
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