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LifeFuel Can Asian Men and black women rescue each other?? Yes...Yes they can

looks like a tranny tbh
Big difference is that guy mogs me. No black woman would want me.
Ricecels are hording themselves into Africa to mate with black foids.
Did they mean to go to Europe for white foids but then they made a wrong turn and ended up in Africa??
APrecious3 red

Just destroy your genetics theory.
she skullmogs him from zeleznik to kotez
looks like she is the man in relationship jfl :lul:
That ricecel could have gone to Africa and gotten himself a way hotter black female instead of settling for a obese fried chicken ape
Girl looks like a orangutan.
How to create a truecel
the cycle of cuckery

white > rice > black > white

and blasians r the 2nd ugliest admixture possible lulz right behind chindians
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Well, on the upside atleast ricecels have options, I'd probably try it tbh.

Ironically, there is a black + Asian famous male model, but he's what, top 0,0000001% looks for his race.
There's also Rui Hachimura from the NBA
:feelspuke: :feelspuke: :feelspuke: :feelspuke: :feelspuke:. Poor ricecels, abandoned by their own women. No other race of men can truly relate (well technically i can because currywhores try the same thing, but currywhores are ugly as fuck and most men dont want them)
Also, black foids don't need "rescuing." They may have the lowest SMV out of any race of women, but they still SMV mog every man.
Also, black foids don't need "rescuing." They may have the lowest SMV out of any race of women, but they still SMV mog every man.

Actually they dont. Many men SMV mog black women. Take a look at this old 2009 okcupid stat. This was pre-tinder so you can expect their scores to have improved slightly after this.

Black women as rated by men (total) is quite bad.

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Actually they dont. Many men SMV mog black women. Take a look at this old 2009 okcupid stat. This was pre-tinder so you can expect their scores to have improved slightly after this.

Black women as rated by men (total) is quite bad.

View attachment 171408
nah ratings dont mean shit lol it has been proven many times that men will sleep with a 0.1/10 if it has a hole

black women will have a harder time dating chad but there are literally doves of incel and average men lining up to date them
nah ratings dont mean shit lol it has been proven many times that men will sleep with a 0.1/10 if it has a hole

black women will have a harder time dating chad but she there are literally doves of incel and average men lining up to date them

Iam assuming most women dont want to get treated like a cum rag, except for chad of course. And most chads generally avoid black women. Black women also find it quite hard to find a man who want to have a relationship with them.

This is kind of obvious also when you look at how black women make up majority of femcels while there are much fewer blackcels here. This agrees with the Okcupid data; black men dont have a strong racial preference to black women while black women prefer black men over other races.
Mixture of rice+black like looks the negritos of Austronesia region. Just minus the brow ridge.
Actually they dont. Many men SMV mog black women. Take a look at this old 2009 okcupid stat. This was pre-tinder so you can expect their scores to have improved slightly after this.

Black women as rated by men (total) is quite bad.

View attachment 171408
You're misinterpreting the numbers. Those numbers show something like devuation from standard rating. ie, all it shows in the first chart is men like black foids less than other foids, or in the next chart, white women prefer white guys to some average, and white women like ricemen less than average. It doesn't mean black foids have lower SMV than men.

I'm pretty sure the same study showed that black women had a higher response rate (from all races of men) than white men (the highest SMV men) had from any race of women.
You're misinterpreting the numbers. Those numbers show something like devuation from standard rating. ie, all it shows in the first chart is men like black foids less than other foids, or in the next chart, white women prefer white guys to some average, and white women like ricemen less than average. It doesn't mean black foids have lower SMV than men.

I'm pretty sure the same study showed that black women had a higher response rate (from all races of men) than white men (the highest SMV men) had from any race of women.

In simple words, study shows that men and women of all races have a general strong preference to date within their race (Asian women -> Asian men is still quite high although lower than asian women -> white men) except for black men -> black women. Black men dont have the same racial preference as other men/women have for their race.
In simple words, study shows that men and women of all races have a general strong preference to date within their race (Asian women -> Asian men is still quite high although lower than asian women -> white men) except for black men -> black women. Black men dont have the same racial preference as other men/women have for their race.


And since I mentioned them, here are the charts showing that black women mog men in SMV

And since I mentioned them, here are the charts showing that black women mog men in SMVView attachment 171433View attachment 171434

Men are more likely to reply to a female sender. This is however not representative of real world SMV.

Iam guessing most females don't even need to message males since they get bombarded by 100s of messages from cucks. So men messaging women is prolly more common than the other way around which distorts the data.
Men are more likely to reply to a female sender. This is however not representative of real world SMV.

Iam guessing most females don't even need to message males since they get bombarded by 100s of messages from cucks. So men messaging women is prolly more common than the other way around which distorts the data.
Yes dancing green man.
Men are more likely to reply to a female sender. This is however not representative of real world SMV.

Iam guessing most females don't even need to message males since they get bombarded by 100s of messages from cucks. So men messaging women is prolly more common than the other way around which distorts the data.
Regardless, bottom barrel woman>>>>avg man. The fact that they get bombarded by thirsty cucks while men don't proves the point
This guy unironically mogs me, it's so fucking over.
the cycle of cuckery

white > rice > black > white

and blasians r the 2nd ugliest admixture possible lulz right behind chindians

Hapas >>> Abos in terms of uglyness
Disgusting ape tbh
Man, i feel so sorry for their future son, the boy will be a certified truecel.
like a game of rock paper scrissors
white beats yellow
yellow beats black
black beats white

Imagine a world with TyChang's running around
I can't wait
Top 20% asian male and a foid that looks, weighs, eats and monkey branches like an ape.

JFL at the state of relationships in 2019
Imagine getting brutally T mogged by your wife btw. :lul:
Is there similar hope for currycels, sandcels, or tacocels?
Fucking disgusting.
That ricecel could have gone to Africa and gotten himself a way hotter black female instead of settling for a obese fried chicken ape
Just be rice in Africa theory

Is there similar hope for currycels, sandcels, or tacocels?
Black women hate currys, but yes for sand and taco as both are seen as higher status than blacks in non-Western mixed race societies (Arab states and Latin America).

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