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Serious Can an incel become a Chad?



Dec 3, 2018
Can incels become Chad if they start working out, act like Chad's, take better care of themselves and leave their comfort zones??
If you’re seriously asking this question then you don’t belong here.
maybe in reddit's fantasy world :feelsrope:
Over for comfortzonecels
Only if they start as a 5'9"+ white guy. Usually if this happens it's because they had fantastic facial bone structure but were terribly overweight. Then they get buff and obviously they're Chad. I've seen a few examples of that online. I've also seen a few with bad jaws who got a really perfect jaw surgery and then ascended from that.

So it's possible but you have to have the right fundamentals. Ie. Chad but with a recessed jaw, or Chad but fat to begin with.
if you make adjustments and increase my penis I can reach almost chadlite. The problem that my mental is destroyed, I have even regular bones but I put the face easily.
JFL if u think "just work out br0" "just be yourself br0" can actually make an incel become chad
What differs a chad from a incel are bone structure, height, voice, confidence (50% of it is genetic), experience, frame, lack of mental illness

There's more but they are things you can't change or can change but with very expensive surgery.
Actually it is possible, but only in special cases like this one.
Only if they start as a 5'9"+ white guy. Usually if this happens it's because they had fantastic facial bone structure but were terribly overweight.
What differs a chad from a incel are bone structure, height, voice, confidence (50% of it is genetic), experience, frame, lack of mental illness

There's more but they are things you can't change or can change but with very expensive surgery.
Acting like chad without a chad's face invariably ends badly.

In my opinion, becoming a chad without a proper genetics is impossible. Surgerymaxing can help you ascend, but it doesn't do miracles, even if it's the most powerful tool available.
Wtf kinda retarded shit is this
Chill out guys it's a serious questions, I've seen a few skinng 5'4-5'9 guys gain lots of muscle(possibly because of genetics or their height, apperently smaller dudes can put more muscle) and they got girls afterwards. I'm not saying "just workout bro, just get a haircut bro, its all about personality bro" I'm saying that is it possible NATURALLY, with the genetics you were born with.
Happens in fanfic all the time.
Plasticsurgerymaxing is the only way, but even as chad you still have competition.
If they are younger than 20 then yes. They still have growing to do and they will never know how their body changed cia puberty till it was done. Thats why i hate any 16 year old fuck face in this forum.
Chill out guys it's a serious questions, I've seen a few skinng 5'4-5'9 guys gain lots of muscle(possibly because of genetics or their height, apperently smaller dudes can put more muscle) and they got girls afterwards. I'm not saying "just workout bro, just get a haircut bro, its all about personality bro" I'm saying that is it possible NATURALLY, with the genetics you were born with.
By skinny to muscular do you mean like this.
Can a woman turn into a man in a natural fashion? Can you move objects with your mind? The answer is no.
no it is impossible unless you are failo'd hard by a one or two deformed features and have otherwise perfectly developed bones and harmony or you are a very fat chad.
“take better care of yourself”
“act like chad”

Are you fucking serious ?
Can a nigger become white? Yes but it will be painful and expensive. Thats my anwser for you
Only through surgery.
My friend was an ugly 48 year old 5'2 indian guy and he was having trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him. Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? Fuck no. He showered, lifted, improved himself and now he's a tall handsome 6'4 20 year old white guy and he can get any girl he wants.
just be chad incel theory
Impossible , you are a fool if you believe in that shit
Yes if he has the physical potential, foids are stupid and dont care about personality
"You can do anything if you put your mind to it"

But those who go down that path might end up unhappy.
Yes. If you have at least a few million dollars lying around.
Get enough screencaps IT?
Ok who let the bluepilled faggots in:feelsseriously:
Chads are born, not made.

A mentalcel has a malformed/defective brain. Internal organs like the brain are out of sight, but can also be malformed and less functional in the same way as low quality skin or bones.

Those that say face>everything are right. Because the face reveals many diseases. Chromosomal errors are most obvious. But mentalcels often have facial features that will reveal more subtle brain malformations. In the same way as homosexuality can be revealed by facial analysis by computers, so can i.e. autism spectrum disorders be detected in a photo portrait of a person.

Without much awareness, femoids have evolved to look for these facial features. And they probably use no more than a second to swipe left when something is not right.

Ascending is a pipe dream. Your fate is decided in the moment of genetic recombination. And your face reveals everything about you. Except maybe height.

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