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Can 18 year olds be considered Incels?



Nov 7, 2017
Genuine question. I'm 18 and I highly doubt my face will fix itself, I've looked up pictures of celebrities from back when they were my age and they honestly didn't change much (if at all, look at justin beiber for example, he was born a chad and had girls sucking his dick since he was fucking 15, cuz of his personality right?). I've been rated 2-3/10 by girls on okCupid and I was the ugliest kid in my grade, I've been told my face is "hard to look at", I'm also made fun of for my face constantly (average 3 times a month, sometimes as a joke or as an insult) and that doesn't even include the people who make fun of me behind my back. I'm generally a chill guy, meaning I treat people with respect, I have a small group of friends who are all below 7/10 (only one of them has had sex and he is a 6/10). As I mentioned earlier I got destroyed by women on okCupid (3/10 max ratings on there), I also made a /r/RateMe thread a while back on an alt and got my confirmation that I am indeed ugly, despite /r/RateMe being known for giving REALLY generous ratings, all of mine ranged from 3 to 4/10. Honestly tho this happened last summer, thats when I got the confirmation but I was already suspecting I was ugly long before, back in middle school (grade 7 and grade 8) all my friends at the time started dating meanwhile I was alone, also that's when girls started talking to me, middle school also happens to be the time puberty started and that's when my face started to go wrong (because of my horrible personality right??).

I highly doubt my face will ever change, anyway here are the things that make me incel:
  • Skinny Fat (15% body fat but face is fat as hell)
  • This is fixable, but I have acne
  • Facial bone structure is wide as fuck and circular (opposite of square which is what girls like), that plus the face fat makes my face look like a fucking baby (an ugly one)
  • Resting bitch face, due to the way my eyebrows look, I look like I'm mad and want to kill someone at all times (not to mention they're fucking peachfuzz eyebrows! Not even thick and bushy!)
  • Also, my eyebrows are uneven, making the left and right side of my face very different and makes me look inbred as fuck
  • Ugly moles and skin tags all over body and face
  • Head and skull shape are very unsettling (A less exagerated version of this: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/05/photogalleries/king_tut/images/primary/tut03.jpg)
  • Slight negative canthal tilt, looks worse when I tilt my head up
  • This is debatable but I have shitty hair genetics, I don't have straight thick white people hair, mine curls on itself and is very thin and dry.
  • In addition to sub-par hair, my hair started receding on the sides (balding at fucking 18 lmao)
  • I don't have a weak chin but it's definitely not strong, makes me look weird because of my ugly face shape
  • I'm 6 ft 1
  • Have an average nose (Fucking LOL, it's the only average feature of my face)
Unless my face and bone structure changes in 4 years, I don't see myself leaving the 3/10 range and it will only get worse over time. So can 18 year olds be incels?
yes, i'm 19 years old, 5'6 and my crown is thinning, it's over
Sorry to say kid, but you're fucked.
jagged0 said:
Sorry to say kid, but you're fucked.

Don't be sorry boyo, I've accepted it a while ago and I've moved past it. Glad my post could show oldcels that young guys can also be incel, face is the place that makes the case (some dude from /r/incels had that as this genius flair).
No, most of these teenage incels will end up normal in a couple years. When you pass your early 20s and still incel, then you are probably fucked.
incel scum said:
No, most of these teenage incels will end up normal in a couple years. When you pass your early 20s and still incel, then you are probably fucked.

I highly doubt it dude, like I said I looked up celebrity pics from when they were young and not much changed.
All of us older incels were teenagers at one point in our life, but a lot of guys lose their virginity in their early 20s. Statistically, any random 18 year old will lose his virginity in the next few years. If you are 25+ then it is easier for us to agree that it is over for you.
I think there's still a chance of being a "late bloomer" at that age. 

That being said, I basically knew it was over at 19. I was just in denial for a long time.
fukmylyf said:
I think there's still a chance of being a "late bloomer" at that age. 

That being said, I basically knew it was over at 19. I was just in denial for a long time.

Exactly, the chances are so slim its not worth it. Believing that I will find "the one" is just major cope for an incel and it will just set me up for disappointment when "she" rejects me for her abusive friend Chad.
20 is the treshold because that's the age when facial development stops
Generally younger people tend to be attracted by beauty, but as you grow older people will start caring less about your face and more about you, all you need to do is compensate for what you lack. Sometimes you just need to pay attention to your positives and not your negatives, like, are you very knowlegeable in something? Do you have a good sense of humor? Are you confident/have good social skills? But remember to not just do something because you want to encounter a "special one", you must like what you do, and it will all come naturally(but you can't let your chances pass too, you need to keep an eye)
Yeah, I'm 17 right now and I'm an early bloomer in puberty. I've thought it was over ever since I was 11.
I've done some looksmaxing in the past and I'm better looking now then I were 3 years ago, so I'll try and help you out and be a bit positive considering you're only 18. You're young, so you still have time to make changes and it's possible for you to escape inceldom before it has started, or at least become a better looking incel.

iiiTeMpeR said:
  • Skinny Fat (15% body fat but face is fat as hell)

If you're skinny fat, you're obviously not 15% body fat. At 15%, you should have visible abs. Most people dramatically underestimate their own body fat. You're probably above 20%.

That you can obviously change. I had a bit of extra fat on my face despite not even being skinny fat (just skinny) as a kid/teen, but when I dieted at a later age my face leaned out and I lost all of the "baby fat" and then even when I later gained some fat through bulking, I didn't gain fat the same way I did as a kid (not a lot of fat went to my face, rather my stomach).

iiiTeMpeR said:
  • This is fixable, but I have acne

Retin-A and a chemical exfoliant if it's not a bad case of acne. It should keep acne away and keep your face from looking like you're 40 in your 20s. 

iiiTeMpeR said:
  • Facial bone structure is wide as fuck and circular (opposite of square which is what girls like), that plus the face fat makes my face look like a fucking baby (an ugly one)

Wide is good, but circular is not. It could just be that you face looks round with the extra fat. I thought I had a round jawline when I was younger, but it turned out to be quite square once the fat was gone. Just lose fat. Reduce calories (500 calorie deficit), increase protein intake, start lifting (to spare muscle, even if you don't have much, you can still get scrawnier) and do some walking every day.

iiiTeMpeR said:
[*]Resting bitch face, due to the way my eyebrows look, I look like I'm mad and want to kill someone at all times (not to mention they're fucking peachfuzz eyebrows! Not even thick and bushy!)

Go to an eyebrow salon and ask them to style your eyebrows. It may end up looking gay as fuck, but it's worth a shot if it improves them in anyway.

iiiTeMpeR said:
[*]Also, my eyebrows are uneven, making the left and right side of my face very different and makes me look inbred as fuck

Bimatoprost solution on the lesser grown eyebrow to get it in line with the more developed one.

iiiTeMpeR said:
[*]Head and skull shape are very unsettling (A less exagerated version of this: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/05/photogalleries/king_tut/images/primary/tut03.jpg)

Can't really do much about that other than not having overly short hair.

iiiTeMpeR said:
[*]Slight negative canthal tilt, looks worse when I tilt my head up

If it's only slight, then it's not an issue. It's only an issue when it's very obvious.

iiiTeMpeR said:
[*]This is debatable but I have shitty hair genetics, I don't have straight thick white people hair, mine curls on itself and is very thin and dry.

Try applying some Argan Oil to your hair before you style it. It should keep it from curling too much. My hair sucks, too, and I am completely reliant on applying it to my hair everyday or my hair is just a complete mess.

iiiTeMpeR said:
[*]In addition to sub-par hair, my hair started receding on the sides (balding at fucking 18 lmao)

Usually I would recommend Finasteride, but that's a terrible idea considering your age (you still need all of your DHT, as you're still developing). Try Minoxidil for regrowth and a keto shampoo every 3 days or so as an anti-androgen (keeps androgens from binding to the scalp). That combo is quite effective. If that doesn't work, look into getting some ru58841 (experimental). 

iiiTeMpeR said:
[*]I don't have a weak chin but it's definitely not strong, makes me look weird because of my ugly face shape

If it's too much of a problem, there are always plastic surgery options. There are a lot of procedures for the chin.
CopingGymcel said:
I've done some looksmaxing in the past and I'm better looking now then I were 3 years ago, so I'll try and help you out and be a bit positive considering you're only 18. You're young, so you still have time to make changes and it's possible for you to escape inceldom before it has started, or at least become a better looking incel.

If you're skinny fat, you're obviously not 15% body fat. At 15%, you should have visible abs. Most people dramatically underestimate their own body fat. You're probably above 20%.

That you can obviously change. I had a bit of extra fat on my face despite not even being skinny fat (just skinny) as a kid/teen, but when I dieted at a later age my face leaned out and I lost all of the "baby fat" and then even when I later gained some fat through bulking, I didn't gain fat the same way I did as a kid (not a lot of fat went to my face, rather my stomach).

Retin-A and a chemical exfoliant if it's not a bad case of acne. It should keep acne away and keep your face from looking like you're 40 in your 20s. 

Wide is good, but circular is not. It could just be that you face looks round with the extra fat. I thought I had a round jawline when I was younger, but it turned out to be quite square once the fat was gone. Just lose fat. Reduce calories (500 calorie deficit), increase protein intake, start lifting (to spare muscle, even if you don't have much, you can still get scrawnier) and do some walking every day.

Go to an eyebrow salon and ask them to style your eyebrows. It may end up looking gay as fuck, but it's worth a shot if it improves them in anyway.


Bimatoprost solution on the lesser grown eyebrow to get it in line with the more developed one.

Can't really do much about that other than not having overly short hair.

If it's only slight, then it's not an issue. It's only an issue when it's very obvious.

Try applying some Argan Oil to your hair before you style it. It should keep it from curling too much. My hair sucks, too, and I am completely reliant on applying it to my hair everyday or my hair is just a complete mess.

Usually I would recommend Finasteride, but that's a terrible idea considering your age (you still need all of your DHT, as you're still developing). Try Minoxidil for regrowth and a keto shampoo every 3 days or so as an anti-androgen (keeps androgens from binding to the scalp). That combo is quite effective. If that doesn't work, look into getting some ru58841 (experimental). 

If it's too much of a problem, there are always plastic surgery options. There are a lot of procedures for the chin.

I will try to loose weight and go down to 10% body fat range, apparently that's my only option to know whether I'm a truecel or just some volcel who is fat. My brows are fucked tho, they are nikey swoosh eyebrows. Balding? lol no hope for that. I highly doubt my face shape will change even if I lose weight, most chubbier people then me don't have cheecks and a face like mine. ty for the advice bro
I generally say not until 20. I always see these 18 year olds complain about being incel, then a couple months down the road, surprise surprise, they got laid.
You should at least give it a real shot before going completely LDAR mode. Even if there is only a 5% chance, that chance is still well worth it if you ask me. I'm kicking myself for not trying to get laid in my teens and early 20s. It gets so much harder later when everyone expects you to have all of this experience that you don't possess. At 23 you pretty fucked and at 25 it's completely over. Don't let it get that far.
True inceldom starts at 18.
iiiTeMpeR said:
I highly doubt it dude, like I said I looked up celebrity pics from when they were young and not much changed.

I saw 18 year olds that looked like legit 3s and 4s getting the curve in their mid 20s.
It's not to instil false hope in you, but it can happen. Even simpe shit like growing a beard can make a huge difference, and some of what you mentioned is fixable to an extend, like eyebrows.
That said I'm myself nearly 30 and knew that it was over when I reached 25 and nothing had changed from previous years.

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