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Discussion Calling in all STEMcels

Anonymous MG

Anonymous MG

May 26, 2018
Ey what's Gucci, mind telling us what you major(ed) in and what you (plan to) do for a living?

Genuinely curious, I don't know the demography of this board too well ded srs.
cope til the end
i got kicked out high school
A lot of incels tend to either be massive failures in school or attempting to do something within difficult STEM fields, there's not much of an in-between.
yaaaay im her special boy :feelsautistic:
I'd say your greatest life achievement in terms of what you've described your life to be like is the fact that you used the pink colored font in chat in front of a mod.
My course name goes something like "administration and software of information systems", some computer science shit in short. Graduated in 2017, have been sitting unemployed the whole time.
My course name goes something like "administration and software of information systems", some computer science shit in short. Graduated in 2017, have been sitting unemployed the whole time.
Did you try any internships?

What were your courses primarily like?
Pursuing particle physics. I probably should be studying right now.
Pursuing particle physics. I probably should be studying right now.
Are you looking to pursue a PhD in the field, teach it in High School, or participate in a technical field?

I'm not too sure what the career opportunities available to Physics students are.
I am a medicinecel, hoping to be a neurosurgeon in the future
Switched from cs to accounting ngl, it’s much more easier for me
I am a medicinecel, hoping to be a neurosurgeon in the future
Are you mostly in it for the money, job security, or because of some kind of passion/ulterior motive when it comes to the field?
Are you mostly in it for the money, job security, or because of some kind of passion/ulterior motive when it comes to the field?
Job security, I actually wanted to major in electronic engineering, but I can't afford to be unemployed, even for a few months
Job security, I actually wanted to major in electronic engineering, but I can't afford to be unemployed, even for a few months
If it's not too personal, do you mind sharing?
CS dropout here
I'll go back to uni next year... and maybe change majors from CS to EE
not so sure about it tbh
I majored in Computer Engineeringing and I am now a Software Engineer. I prefer working on hardware tho
CS dropout here
I'll go back to uni next year... and maybe change majors from CS to EE
not so sure about it tbh
Have you ever considered Computer Engineering?

It integrates both fields into one unified branch, meaning more credits could in fact transfer should you decide to change. You should look into it.
Did you try any internships?

What were your courses primarily like?
No, I thought it'd be cool to get magisters degree, but then decided fuck it and quit. Among the disciplines I was taught were linear algebra, functional analysis, discrete math, a couple courses on algorithms and data structures, OOP and methodological aspects of programming in general, functional programming etc. Mostly highly theoritized and fundamental stuff, nothing to really apply in practice. I've got some decent practice with programming languages and various tools like git, data bases etc. I've just got disgusted by this shit and saw no purpose in getting at basic stuff needed for a regular paid job as a programmer.
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I majored in Computer Engineeringing and I am now a Software Engineer. I prefer working on hardware tho
Is it due to a disdain for the coding aspect of Software Engineering or a preference for Hardware Engineering?
If it's not too personal, do you mind sharing?
Well, I live in middle east, and my family is not quite wealthy, my father was a factory worker and he did not make any investments during his youth whatsoever, so we are stuck with nearly no money in the bank accounts, no properties, nothing, just living on pension he receives
In here we have a nation wide exam every year that one has to take to get into college, and my placing was good enough for me to get into any college in any major so my family left it for me to choose
Unemployment rates are very high here, even top tier graduates can go unemployed for months, maybe more if they don't have stong connections, which I don't
Doctors on the other hand are guaranteed to be employed, regardless of how well they do in college, a privilige that engineers can't enjoy, with a low GPA finding a job is even harder
Knowing that a single depressed month could result in extra months of unemployment I choosed medicine, I don't regret it so far
It is quit easy for me, all I have to do is to read a few textbooks before the exams and I get near perfect grades, I don't think I could be this lax in an engineering major as I would have projects and such
Well, I live in middle east, and my family is not quite wealthy, my father was a factory worker and he did not make any investments during his youth whatsoever, so we are stuck with nearly no money in the bank accounts, no properties, nothing, just living on pension he receives
In here we have a nation wide exam every year that one has to take to get into college, and my placing was good enough for me to get into any college in any major so my family left it for me to choose
Unemployment rates are very high here, even top tier graduates can go unemployed for months, maybe more if they don't have stong connections, which I don't
Doctors on the other hand are guaranteed to be employed, regardless of how well they do in college, a privilige that engineers can't enjoy, with a low GPA finding a job is even harder
Knowing that a single depressed month could result in extra months of unemployment I choosed medicine, I don't regret it so far
It is quit easy for me, all I have to do is to read a few textbooks before the exams and I get near perfect grades, I don't think I could be this lax in an engineering major as I would have projects and such
Do you plan on perhaps moving to a different location later on in life or are you intent to remain in your home country for your family/other reasons?
Do you plan on perhaps moving to a different location later on in life or are you intent to remain in your home country for your family/other reasons?
I am hoping to move to west after I get my degree, honestly nearly every single student on my faculty plans to move to west after graduation, the workload here is hellish compared to the west, or any part of the world really, 18 hour shifts, death threats from patients, some doctors even get murdered
I am hoping to move to west after I get my degree, honestly nearly every single student on my faculty plans to move to west after graduation, the workload here is hellish compared to the west, or any part of the world really, 18 hour shifts, death threats from patients, some doctors even get murdered
That sounds absolutely hellish.

I've never understood why some countries don't even bother to try to keep their educated population and readily push them out to separate countries to seek out a better living standard than the hell they're subjected to.
That sounds absolutely hellish.

I've never understood why some countries don't even bother to try to keep their educated population and readily push them out to separate countries to seek out a better living standard than the hell they're subjected to.
It's not like they don't try, they increased the salaries, built better hospitals and improved the hospital security as much as they could, but the root of the problem is the population itself
People here are ignorant, cunning and ill mannered, such traits have been thriving in these lands for hundreds of years. There is not much the goverment can do about it, I don't blame them for it, they may increase the hospital security as much as they could, but nothing could stop a patient's relative from stabbing the doctor to death on his way home, or shooting him in the parking lot, both of them have happened in the past
But that only applies to the clinical medicine, islamic ideology of the current goverment has completely destroyed the academic circles here, and I believe the damage is irreversible, as we have already lost our best academic staff
Doing computer science right now in a decent state school, plan on becoming a software engineer and hopefully a day trader afterwards.
Is it due to a disdain for the coding aspect of Software Engineering or a preference for Hardware Engineering?
I prefer the hardware aspects. Even now, I'm technically a firmware engineer
Electrical engineering and my plan is to kill myself after graduating
Have you ever considered Computer Engineering?

It integrates both fields into one unified branch, meaning more credits could in fact transfer should you decide to change. You should look into it.
thanks a lot for the advice, bro
will look into it :feelsokman:
cuck if ur a stemcel
I'm not a stemcel

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