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Venting Call me soy or whatever the fuck but stop worshipping random shooters.



Jul 5, 2018
You know the thing about "St.Cho" "ER" and other shitstains is that they were all narcissistic pieces of shit who never tried to make actual social connections. Not to mention they never considered themselves incel. Think about it like this, do you think any of our saints would spare our lives if we were somehow teleported to the site of the shooting? The answer is fuck no they wouldn't, in fact they wouldn't even waste a second glancing over us because they don't give a shit about us. Randomly killing strangers because you had a temper tantrum isn't brave or courageous. Hell if ER was more attractive then he would have quite literally been a douche bag "chad" to everyone considering how huge his ego was even when he wasn't that good looking. And cho was just a retard with severe social issues, beyond that he had a pretty damn comfy life and didn't even need to talk or work with people at his uni. You people are literally just celebrating spoiled idiots who wasted their comfy easy lives away..
shorten it pls
i dont got the willpower to read more than a sentence here
ER mogs anyone I've ever seen IRL. I'm not kidding. I'm not sure what you mean by "not too good looking" he was Chadlite minimum. You'll probably say this is just another reason to dislike him and others will agree with you but he didn't use his good features to bully us and mog everyone constantly throwing sex in everyone's face. Instead his life really did come to it's logical conclusion. When he was treated the way he was BY HIS FAMILY what do you expect?
shorten it pls
i dont got the willpower to read more than a sentence here
St.Cho" "ER" and other shitstains is that they were all narcissistic pieces of shit who never tried to make actual social connections
They would shoot us all if they could
They wasted their lives away because they were too dumb to see how easy they had it
ER mogs anyone I've ever seen IRL. I'm not kidding. I'm not sure what you mean by "not too good looking" he was Chadlite minimum. You'll probably say this is just another reason to dislike him and others will agree with you but he didn't use his good features to bully us and mog everyone constantly throwing sex in everyone's face. Instead his life really did come to it's logical conclusion. When he was treated the way he was BY HIS FAMILY what do you expect?
He was literally a 5'9 hapa goblin with dick sucking lips and a huge nose. He wasn't a chadlite and he had shit social skills because he was too lazy to try talking to people normally.
I wish they would have shot me then I would have been spared of this shitty existence!
True actually lol, we need a homeless starved Ethiopian ugly Manlet idol with cerebral palsy
Do you live in an Abo tribe?
Just a small town in hickville. No but he was genuinely good looking. Maybe I exaggerated but he's in the top 10% of good looking people. He was fashion savvy too.
In truth I'm always indifferent to every mass shooting that's occured. I always thought it was strange that a number of mass shooters had relatively rich parents, something I've always wanted.
Considering the fact that ER killed his fellow incel friends definetly says something about the kind of person he is.
As for people of this site celebrating the mass shootings, most people who die in these tragedies are Stacies,Chads bullies etc. so it gives them comfort knowing they're people willing to kill the kind of people they hate or had to deal with their BS for years.
While it's true that these mass shooters will kill members of this site if they were in the area, thing is many members either want to die, or they never have to worry since social gatherings aren't places they go to.

That's my theory anyway as to why these mass shooters are celebrated here.
They would shoot us all if they could
I wouldn't mind being killed by them, my first reaction when I heard about Alek Minassian was that I wished he had ran me over, I was 5 minutes away from him.
Just a small town in hickville. No but he was genuinely good looking. Maybe I exaggerated but he's in the top 10% of good looking people. He was fashion savvy too.
You seriously need to look at more pictures of people, the only thing good about Elliot was his lower third. Beyond that he was legit weird looking. A weird mixture of female and male facial features.
5ba0aa3741cbf 2018 09 1809 31 22c9a5e2b5e13bd23542ffa2665068ad5a

I used to worship Leo Gura lol
In truth I'm always indifferent to every mass shooting that's occured. I always thought it was strange that a number of mass shooters had relatively rich parents, something I've always wanted.
Considering the fact that ER killed his fellow incel friends definetly says something about the kind of person he is.
As for people of this site celebrating the mass shootings, most people who die in these tragedies are Stacies,Chads bullies etc. so it gives them comfort knowing they're people willing to kill the kind of people they hate or had to deal with their BS for years.
While it's true that these mass shooters will kill members of this site if they were in the area, thing is many members either want to die, or they never have to worry since social gatherings aren't places they go to.

That's my theory anyway as to why these mass shooters are celebrated here.
ERs roommates wanted him kicked out because they thought he was weird. They also made him feel alienated because of this. They probably weren't incel either. ER did not kill those three indiscriminately. ERs mistake is wasting his grand master chess with Einstein mixed in level iq. And he still kind of didn't waste it because he created his manifesto and immortalized his name forever. He's one of the coolest humans I can think of.
I feel nothing when I hear about a new shooting, just like most normies, but they’re too NT to publicly admit it. It’s such mundane news in today’s world. It seriously perplexes me that people here relish in the news. I’m never sure if they’re joking or not.
Time to go back to reddit OP, you cant have a comfy life with no gf, a homeless man sleeping on the street with his gf has it better than the richest incel in this world

I wish they would have shot me then I would have been spared of this shitty existence!
ER was decent looking and written a lengthy manifesto that everyone can relate to, not to mention with his relative good looks he spread the blackpill much easier, imagine people saying "wow even this guy is struggling it's over for me". I don't agree with ER killing his ricecel roommates but what's done is done, it serves the greater good.

Cho didn't had a comfy life, he likely was bullied by his roommates and subject to constant ostracizing daily. You just don't snap out of nowhere to kill 32. It has to be built up for years.

People who go ER are taking revenge on the society that has ostracized, bullied and abused us. How could we not like that?

Mass shooters would likely shoot us in sight that's true, but it's likely just business, you don't wear a shirt says "INCEL GANG" to prevent being shot by some ERcels.

Also ER did considered himself a incel back in PUAHate days and Cho acknowledged his incel state with angry writings (he faces similar problem as many of us if you do enough research)

If being subject to daily ostracizion, rejection, abuse, bullying is your idea of having a spoiled life, then stop consuming your soylent and eat some real food before they rot your brains away.
>random shooter

Pick one, soyboy. :soy:
I dont care. I hate normies. I hate liberals. If they die i am a happy chappy
i think most people do it ironically. agreed actually worshiping them is wrong.
What about Sandy Hook? Didn't that horrify the pod people or at least put a little dent in their Christmas spirit?
Talking about these days tbh. People are desensitized but insist that they are “sad” and “sickened” by the acts committed, giving the generic copy and paste responses such as: “thoughts and prayers”, “my heart goes out to the families”, etc. If they were truly moved by the shooting, they’d say something from their hearts.
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OP = NT gay fag
I agree tbh. Why worship random shooters when you can worship a specific shooter, the great Brazilian shooter Wellington Menezes de Oliveira?

Jk :y'all:
Only if the rest of the world stops supporting incels committing suicide

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