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JFL "But femcels, misandrists, radfems or FDS members don't kill people unlike men!"



Soon to be deleted account
Aug 21, 2018
[UWSL]I wonder why? Maybe because there is no need for violence if your (private and political/ideological) desires are always fulfilled anyways. [/UWSL]
[UWSL]People only use violence if they have a) no power and just act on pure desperation mode or b) all the power and therefore need no justification anyways.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]This is why radical feminists or misandrists have no need to commit physical violence, because Big Tech shuts down their opposition anyways, because they get support from the mass media/education institutions (enormous metapolitical capital in a democracy where you define the future if you define the minds of coming generations) and because the state fulfills their desires always (sometimes more, sometimes less quickly).[/UWSL]

It's not a question IF everyone gives into feminist/misandrist demands, it's a question of time, not a question if it happens at all. A chemical analogy: Sometimes certain events (like the PORNHUB scandal) just act as a catalyst that reduce the reaction time/affect the kinetics, but not the outcome/the thermodynamics.

[UWSL]And guess what: Feminists/misandrists don't need to kill people to effectively destroy them, if they don't like you by some coincidence no jobs or essential services get provided to you anymore because those with the power sympathize with them, nobody will hear you anyway, if they actually got their hands dirty/killed a MRA/MGTOW/PUA/Incel it would be associated with only costs for them (like going to prison or creating a martyr) with no benefits that their corporate/media/state symbiosis and classical deplatforming couldn't give them.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]What radical feminists/misandrists do without their enablers can be seen in the early feminist/misandrist movement where they built bombs/actually killed men. [/UWSL]
[UWSL]If the state/the corporations carry out your will anyways physical violence is (right now) just redundant or only necessary to keep the worst of the worst of the dissidents in line (like with Antifa).[/UWSL]

[UWSL]The same reason why in the West mostly the Far Right (Islamists/Nationalists) actually commits murders nowadays, the Far Left doesn't have to do it, their demands will be fulfilled with given time anyways and sublethal methods of enforcing their will (like looting/burning down public and private property/destroying economical existences via deplatforming or smear campaigns with the help of the MSM) are easier anyways. What leftists would do if they ever didn't have the outward support or at least the passive indifferent lenience of the corporations, the media, the state and the education system can be seen with the RAF. [/UWSL]
[UWSL]The only reason why they don't engage in violence nowadays is because they always get what they want in given time anyways due to a) demographical changes and b) total control over the media/schools/universities (where they control what next generations think anyways), both things that gradually move the Overton Window in their favour. They only don't use violence, because their tactic of infiltration was successful.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]The conservative of today is the progressive of yesterday anyways and no real threat, only a temporal setback for their plans at best. This is of course until the moment where they have so much power that they can afford other more brutal options for the most resilient dissidents (the threshold for the definition of that word will sink with given time of course).[/UWSL]

[UWSL]Answer: The only reason why there are no feminist/misandrist terrorists is because they are getting their will anyways which makes violence redundant for them, they have already won in any thing they put their mind to, be it within a few days or years. They don't commit violence because they are good people, they refrain from it because the cost-benefit-analysis doesn't go up for them at the moment. [/UWSL]
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They also aren't unfuckable, unlike incels.

Obviously people not facing total social rejcection won't behave like people who have.
Thanks for these examples. In the "incel "terrorism"" VICE video comments there was someone claiming that feminists don't kill innocent people; they should see this.

Also, a cumskin lardfoid killed a currynormie she met on a dating app just because she felt like it. It was premeditated, too.
The world is ruled by the Whore of Babylon, makes sense.
[UWSL]People only use violence if they have a) no power and just act on pure desperation mode or b) all the power and therefore need no justification anyways.[/UWSL]
Not to detract from your point, but some people are just animals with no human inhibition, and they kill without thinking about it.
When you take everything from a man, he has nothing to lose and is thus dangerous. Feminists pushed men to violence by stripping them of their basic needs because those were part of the supposed patriarchy. Wanting a non whore wife, a couple of kids, a house and a job that pays for all that is apparently toxic masculinity in this cucked soyciety.
they don't ''kill you'' they just make up false rape accusations so you commit suicide or get raped in prison.
Not to detract from your point, but some people are just animals with no human inhibition, and they kill without thinking about it.
Not to mention that this comes along with a lack of capacity for self awareness, critical thinking, and independent thought, very common characteristics of bluepilled npcs.
Not to mention that this comes along with a lack of capacity for self awareness, critical thinking, and independent thought, very common characteristics of bluepilled npcs.
I firmly believe that as many as 50% of humans aren't fully conscious, and some percentage is never conscious.

And if you want a conspiracy theory, I think the elites want to kill off must of the conscious people because the not-conscious people are trivial to control, and very useful. Seriously, very useful. The pyramids were built by people who weren't conscious. They were designed by those were conscious, though.

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