undeadcel said:
I wish I was in that room. This monkey is only acting like a nigger because the femoids are amused, if some whore would have told him to stop he would stop.
I think you're right.
He's obviously showboating to get attention, and part of that attention is from the females. If one of them said "YO JAMAL U ACTIN A FOO' LEAVE THE POOR ANIME NERD ALONE" I do agree that Jamal would probably stop.
fukmylyf said:
He should be shot.
But the race cope is strong ITT. White people do this shit too.
Bullying? Yes. White people do it too obviously.
But I went to 2 different high school - one mostly white (90% white) and one that was still mostly-white, but only maybe (51% white, 15% black, x% other races) and I promise you the less-white school had more bullies quantitatively, more aggressive bullies and outright thuggish behavior not present in the white school.
I've seen Jamal's firsthand like the one in this video, because some of them used to pick on me. In the locker room before gym class, they would spit gum into my Caucasian hair, but my hair was not nappy so the gum didn't stick. Still, it hurt my feelings lul.
Most dangerous are always named Martin Luther King High School.
Most dangerous streets are always named Martin Luther King Street/Boulevard/etc.
Should tell you something.
undeadcel said:
I wish I was in that room. This monkey is only acting like a nigger because the femoids are amused, if some whore would have told him to stop he would stop.
I think you're right.
He's obviously showboating to get attention, and part of that attention is from the females. If one of them said "YO JAMAL U ACTIN A FOO' LEAVE THE POOR ANIME NERD ALONE" I do agree that Jamal would probably stop.
fukmylyf said:
He should be shot.
But the race cope is strong ITT. White people do this shit too.
Bullying? Yes. White people do it too obviously.
But I went to 2 different high school - one mostly white (90% white) and one that was still mostly-white, but only maybe (51% white, 15% black, x% other races) and I promise you the less-white school had more bullies quantitatively, more aggressive bullies and outright thuggish behavior not present in the white school.
I've seen Jamal's firsthand like the one in this video, because some of them used to pick on me. In the locker room before gym class, they would spit gum into my Caucasian hair, but my hair was not nappy so the gum didn't stick. Still, it hurt my feelings lul.
Most dangerous are always named Martin Luther King High School.
Most dangerous streets are always named Martin Luther King Street/Boulevard/etc.
Should tell you something.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Should be mandatory for all boys to take MMA classes.
This would backfire.
The ONLY time a Jamal would be "top of the class" is if it involved fighting lol.