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BRUTAL hypergamy pill (get the fuck in here!)

whogivesafucc said:
Lmao, a legit 2/10. "I PREFER TO BE SINGLE"

Females who look like this still have 90x more options than us. It's fucking over boys

I'm not so sure about that, there's no doubt some incels would stick their dick inside this beast but since she wants chad she's just going to die childless in a room with ten cats.
WOW! PS:you're still mentalcel.
Wow this chick is a 2/10 if I ever saw one. Maybe even a 1.5.
that girl has probably been with a Chad which is why her standards are insane, she probably drove 100 miles to meet Chad, Chad probably used her for a quicky (Since Chad most likely doesn't need to masturbate at all) and she was totally okay with it and wanted more....
Fucking christ
Blackops2cel mogs her into oblivion
Sparky said:
Zielony4 said:
If she thinks you're "cute" then ask her to date you, chad.
She’s quite clearly trying to get validation. I doubt she has any real interest

Precisely. She only wants Chad. Even though she's a 3-5/10 depending on personal preference and her overall body. Facially she's not much to look at.
a-virgin-nigger said:

thank you, i needed my daily dose of this retarded chad pointing a firearm at his phone
Framecel222 said:
I hate this so much. I post a godly blackpill and every comment is about irrelevant stuff.

no man good work. This 1/10 trash truly believes she is Chad worthy
itsfuckingoverboyooyoyoyyoyos said:
thank you, i needed my daily dose of this retarded chad pointing a firearm at his phone

Nah, he's not Chad. He's 6/10 high tier normie with potential to become at least a 7/10 Chadlite if he didn't fuck around here and actually tried.
She was nice to you, though. I don't see any reason to shit all over people who haven't done anything to deserve it.

But yeah,you do kind of look like that guy.
Brutal shit, even if OP does seem a little fakecel.

Sparky said:
She legit looks like a female version of stblackops2cel

Someone please photoshop her face onto stblackops2cel’s picture

Your wish is my command.
honestly, she looks a bit like a female eggman.


  • blackops-ogre.jpg
    65.7 KB · Views: 129
CopingGymcel said:
She was nice to you, though. I don't see any reason to shit all over people who haven't done anything to deserve it.

But yeah,you do kind of look like that guy.

WTF is this bluepill shit bro? I expected better from you considering how you obviously are blackpilled. Being nice gets you nowhere in life. Want to know what being a nice person got incels?

-Bullied by superior males
-Bullied by Stacy's
-Bullied by those 5/10 popular sluts. I fucking hate these the most
-Laughed at and downright humiliation
-Invisible and non existent to women

Berdea said:
Brutal shit, even if OP does seem a little fakecel.

Your wish is my command.

honestly, she looks a bit like a female eggman.

Holy kek she's a major subhuman, yet she'd reject all of us. I fucking hate this world.
Wearacombl said:
Why shouldn't she, if she knows that sooner or later with a little luck she will run into a drunken Chad who hasn't fucked a girl in 24h and will take what he can.
They act thata way becaus ethey know that they can get away with it.
And should she not be lucky? Guess what, there are dozens of orbiters with good jobs that are in the 5-7 range she can pick off and live the rest of her life without lifting a finger, still hoping that some Chad will lose his way and end up in her.

Are you insane?

Look at this girl's face. :S

I understand that most of the guys on this site are incels in their teens and 20's, who have been terribly hurt and rejected....but can we please be more realistic?

Yes, female hypergamy is INSANE. I'm old enough to remember life before smartphones.....and morbidly obese women, trannies, and physically deformed women were NOT put up on a pedestal 20 to 30 years ago. In fact, they weren't really put on what we currently understand as a pedestal......even a mere 10 years ago.

Internet culture and smartphones changed everything.

The posters on this site don't have enough life experience, if they think that this girl will ever marry a Chad. She won't. At best, she'll get "pump 'n dump" sex from a Chad-lite.

Look, I don't know what that girl's body looks like. Maybe that's just a bad photograph, but she honestly has the face of a homely MAN. She'll never marry a 6-7/10; it will never happen.....obscene female hypergamy or not.

She has a very slight chance of marrying a 5.5/10, but it's so statistically unlikely...since she is only a 2.5/10 (assuming her body is passable). The only reason why I don't rate her lower, is because I don't feel fear or horror from looking at her face. Her face just has no elegance, softness, beauty, "cuteness", or femininity to it. However, based upon her unbelievable sense of undeserved privilege.....she will probably not settle for less than a 5/10. So her future will probably will be filled with lots of cats.

Berdea said:
Brutal shit, even if OP does seem a little fakecel.

Your wish is my command.

honestly, she looks a bit like a female eggman.


Holy shit, the real blackops2cel mogs the fuck out of her. Just lol.
Framecel222 said:
I hate this so much. I post a godly blackpill and every comment is about irrelevant stuff.

seriously tho op, if you worked on yourself you might be able to get a low tier normie girl. If you really worked hard at it you could be a 6-6.5/10. if you betabux you could get an even better girl. I would understand if you don't want a girl after the thorough blackpill you have received but im js. don't mean any offense btw.

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