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SuicideFuel BRUTAL : Foid fantasize about "crushing" husband "I want to break him" (by cheating)



My jawline = Your sexlife
Feb 1, 2018

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/adultery/comments/oiul5k/why_do_i_fantasize_about_crushing_my_husband/

Why do I fantasize about crushing my husband?​

It's not like I want him to go in suicidal mode or anything, but I find myself fantasizing about seing him broken from me leaving him and finding an other man. I can't understand where these feelings are coming from, I have always been good hearted with all the moral instincts. But we had an argument where I told him something felt wrong. That I wasn't sure about my feelings and if we even are right for each other. Been married for 11 years. Now he is in full angst mode. He does everything he can to fix the relationship, and I feel like he is stepping on my toes all the time. He seems very insecure and awkward, and it all feels sad and pathetic. I know this sounds cold from me, but his panicking makes me want to leave him, and even cheat on him. I find my self fantasizing about him discovering I have a new flame. About me being firm on leaving him even if he begs. Even about me introducing my new flame to my ex's family after leaving him (Me and his family are very close). Seeing his reaction when I bring my new guy to his family.. I know I might get a lot of hate from this, but I can't control my feelings and fantasies. Can anyone relate, or have input?

Now some cels on this forum come from low IQ countries, but even if you're high IQ, your emotional system might be so overwhelmed by the sheer evil you just read that you can't properly process the information.

Let me summarise it slowly :

- the female is "good hearted", has "all the moral instincts"
- she's been married for 11 years (HOLD ON : let that sink in. Think about everything the man has sacrificed, all the efforts he's made for the marriage, the countless hours worked to provide)
- she started to feel that "something's wrong", that she wasn't "sure about her feelings"
- she discussed it with husband
- he started be panic, became and anxious, and is now "doing everything he can to fix the relationship"
- that very state of neediness and angst makes the foid see him as "pathetic", "awkward", "insecure"
- she now fantasize about crushing him, make him feel broken by cheating on him and telling him she found someone else, seeing him begging her to stay, and yet leave.
- the fantasy go as far as presenting the new chad to her husband's family to see his reaction in front of this public humiliation

So, a lot of people in the thread say this is some "dark", "weird" fantasy. In my opinion ? Nothing's more common than what's happening in her brain.

Notice how foids usually laugh when a chad bully a beta male ?

Water's wet : A female's sex drive go crazy when seeing a powerful male exerting dominance over a weak male.

That dominance can be verbal, situational, subtle, or brutal and violent, like in ancient times. Typical example : A fierce warrior kill a farmer then rape his wife while he bleeds on the floor = Instant orgasm for the wife + increased chances to conceive.

That's exactly what's happening to this female. She now see her husband as a weak, valueless drone, and wish a superior male could destroy him before her eyes.

We must abolish women's rights at all costs.
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No More Reaction GIF by WWE
he should crush her skull (in roblox)
I don't even want a girlfriend or wife anymore tbh. I'm still just trying to make money. Everyone i see is miserable and poor. But somehow they have gf or wife though. Makes little sense to me. If I had money I could live in a nice place though but it's too late in my life for that to help me now anyway. Fuck it.
Wow 0 upvotes, even Reddit has some decency for once
What an amazing personality.
My reaction:


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Sounds larpy at times but foids do indeed think like this
Most foids feel like this towards their oofy doofy partners I suppose. This one is just stupid enough to speak out.
Make no mistake, there already is very little shaming towards female psychopathy, they get away with a lot nowadays, and they slowly realize that there are no consequences for being a whore or a sociopath for them (their sociopathic behavior will almost always get excused by many, easily forgiven or just totally overlooked), and it will probably only increase.
I don't even want a girlfriend or wife anymore tbh. I'm still just trying to make money. Everyone i see is miserable and poor. But somehow they have gf or wife though. Makes little sense to me. If I had money I could live in a nice place though but it's too late in my life for that to help me now anyway. Fuck it.

Just fetish shit...
Funny how the man does everything just to get the woman to be happy with him. Imagine that betabuxx cuck investing 11 years of his life that he will NEVER get back, only for his wife got bored with him. Now; 11 years is more than enough time to bond with someone. It’s more than obvious that the guy clearly genuinely loves that whore and that simply is the most brutal part. But feminists will consistently say that men are evil and callous lmao. As much as I despise blue pilled cucks, I can’t being to imagine how incredibly painful it must be to have the love of your life just bail out after some argument with you. After 11 YEARS. And that guy does everything in his power to save his failing marriage, JFL. He’s about to find out the true power of divorce rape… poor, poor sucker. That’s the natural result for believing you’re equal with women. That’s what he got; 11 years of hard work rewarded by what? Emotional trauma that will WRECK him for life. You don’t just move past 11 years of “love” like that.

Unless you’re a woman.

Fucker got a reality check lmao. Every single blue pill cuck ends up like this. And they all suffer for it.
What the fuck?
Funny how the man does everything just to get the woman to be happy with him. Imagine that betabuxx cuck investing 11 years of his life that he will NEVER get back, only for his wife got bored with him. Now; 11 years is more than enough time to bond with someone. It’s more than obvious that the guy clearly genuinely loves that whore and that simply is the most brutal part. But feminists will consistently say that men are evil and callous lmao. As much as I despise blue pilled cucks, I can’t being to imagine how incredibly painful it must be to have the love of your life just bail out after some argument with you. After 11 YEARS. And that guy does everything in his power to save his failing marriage, JFL. He’s about to find out the true power of divorce rape… poor, poor sucker. That’s the natural result for believing you’re equal with women. That’s what he got; 11 years of hard work rewarded by what? Emotional trauma that will WRECK him for life. You don’t just move past 11 years of “love” like that.

Unless you’re a woman.

Fucker got a reality check lmao. Every single blue pill cuck ends up like this. And they all suffer for it.
This is why men need to be blackpilled it saves you from making so many mistakes that you would have made if you were bluepilled

But most men are too mentally weak to accept the blackpill

Which makes it even more brutal when this sort of shit happens to them

because If a guy like this cant accept the bp then imagine him trying to accept the nature of women and what his wife has done to him after she divorce rapes him and takes everything he worked for
probably after cheating on him and making it known to him too

His entire bluepill view of the world would be completely shattered

This is the woman he loved for 11 years and the woman he thought loved him too yet she backstabs him and twists the blade
He would have to realise that she was never who he thought she was and he would have to see the evil side of the woman he supported and wasted resources on for years

I doubt he would be able to cope with the massive blackpill he’d be forced to swallow since he has no resilience to the bp and the true nature of life like we do

his entire life would be ruined
If he didnt end up killing himself He would never be able to fully recover

But a blackpiller would never end up in this situation to begin with

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