Don't do what I did when I was in HS. I followed the Japanese tradition of giving her a letter and professing my love. This was before much of anyone had internet at home. Back in the old days in Japan they used to write a love letter to their oneitis. People had respect for each other back then. If she rejected you, it was kept a private matter. My oneitis did not keep it a private matter. She was a 4/5 looks. Back then I was maybe a 4, and now I am a 3, because I'm old and I've deteriorated. But back then we looksmatched The weird thing is I studied her habits, the way she dressed, her musical interests, hobbies. I fell in love with what I thought was her. She sent chad to beat me up. I beat him up. But that set off a chain reaction in my school where my letter was passed around and read by everyone. I was bullied out of my high school. You are brave for doing this but don't give her any ammunition to hurt you. It may be her intention after all. My love note was all the ammunition they needed to turn my life in that school into pure hell.