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Blackpill [Brutal]Early Blackpilling Experience From my Foid Cousins.



nevER lose your smile⚡⚡
Nov 20, 2022
When I was younger, I use to see these two foid cousins from one side of my family: Sometimes I would see both together, sometimes it was just this one specific one.

Obviously, I will not use names, but the one I would spend time with one-on-one is around my looks-level I would say, and also has a very similar phenotype to mine(Atlantid): Me & her got on quite well when we were younger, played together a lot, and she also was quite "different" from many other foids her age, since she was more of the nerdy bookworm type. My other cousin, in contrast, is a HTB with a Nordid(or adjacent one) pheno, has always been that "popular" daddy girl type, and ofc was always a complete & utter bitch to me for no reason.

Almost always, when the two were together, they would do what foids did to me in school: Gang-up on me, try to paint me as the "bad guy," and would provoke me constantly with their teasing, and even outright physical aggression on a few instances.

In a way, I view this as sort of a "pre-blackpilling" experience if that makes any sense: It highlighted to me as to how foids tend to have such a strong affinity for one another, despite such a wide-birth existing amongst them in terms of looks, behavior, interests, etc.

Something which can reinforce this, would be the fact that various studies highlight foids have a much stronger in-group preference in comparison to males:
Four experiments confirmed that women's automatic in-group bias is remarkably stronger than men's and investigated explanations for this sex difference, derived from potential sources of implicit attitudes (L. A. Rudman, 2004).
In Experiment 1, only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem (A. G. Greenwald et al., 2002), revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic own group preference. Experiments 2 and 3 found pro-female bias to the extent that participants automatically favored their mothers over their fathers or associated male gender with violence, suggesting that maternal bonding and male intimidation influence gender attitudes.

Ultimately, this just confirms again what we say: Foids have strong preference with one another, due to the fact that feminism has effectively programed foids to see one another, irrespective of the sea of differences which can exist between them. as natural allies due to them just existing as the same gender.

Not to mention, the bias is so heavy that people will favor their mothers over fathers: Admittedly, I was like this when I was younger, probably in part due to the fact my mother was around a lot more than my dad. Luckily, I realized my mother is a mentally-ill bitch who deep-down despises me, so it's all good now. Mothers are naturally quite manipulative, and this excerpt from the novel, Anatomy of Female Power highlights such:

One evening, in a flat in London, a West Indian woman picked up a 15 month old boy and tried to teach him to kiss. When she first kissed him, the boy made a sour face, and tried to break free from her embrace. The woman, undeterred, kissed him a second time, and then a third time. After the fourth kiss, the boy began to stick out his tongue for more, grinning with delict, and tossing his arms excitedly in the air. After watching this for a while, 1 asked the woman:

‘Aren’t you starting him a bit early?’

‘Oh no!’ she replied. The sooner the better actually. After he gets to be thirty, you can’t gel him this way.’
(page 33)

This serves to indicate that foids, by nature, wish to program males to adhere towards any kind of positive stimulation offered towards them: My childhood in a way was a reflection of this, since my mother frequently bought me gifts, coddled me, and also used my dad as the butt of many of her jokes, which further elaborates on foids manipulative nature. What was strange, is that despite all of this, she would often get angry & scream at me for a small mistake I made; what kind of messages is that going to send to a young boy?

But back to my cousins, nowadays, they are quite close: The one I spent a lot of time with one-on-one still is quite similar to how she once was, though since growing up she has embraced the usual behavior most foids do. Whilst my other cousins influence may have only been part of the equation in this matter, it still highlights how foids have a natural in preference for one another. Furthermore, it also highlights how foids are more susceptible to the influence of "beauty," as she clearly was following my older, bitchier cousin, who mogs her in most ways.

And yes, both of them are RadFems nowadays, who would have guessed?
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Anatomy of Female Power highlights such:

(page 33)
Big thanks to @GeckoBus for sharing this source in a thread; I plan on giving the book a bit of a skim read for more ideas.
When I was younger, I used to see these two foid cousins from one side of my family: Sometimes I would see both together, sometimes it was just this one specific one.

Obviously, I will not use names, but the one I would spend time with one-on-one is around my looks-level I would say, and also has a very similar phenotype to mine(Atlantid): Me & her got on quite well when we were younger, played together a lot, and she also was quite "different" from many other foids her age, since she was more of the nerdy bookworm type. My other cousin, in contrast, is a HTB with a Nordid(or adjacent one) pheno, has always been that "popular" daddy girl type, and ofc was always a complete & utter bitch to me for no reason.

Almost always, when the two were together, they would do what foids did to me in school: Gang-up on me, try to paint me as the "bad guy," and would provoke me constantly with their teasing, and even outright physical aggression on a few instances.

In a way, I view this as sort of a "pre-blackpilling" experience if that makes any sense: It highlighted to me as to how foids tend to have such a strong affinity for one another, despite such a wide-birth existing amongst them in terms of looks, behavior, interests, etc.

Something which can reinforce this, would be the fact that various studies highlight foids have a much stronger in-group preference in comparison to males:

Ultimately, this just confirms again what we say: Foids have strong preference with one another, due to the fact that feminism has effectively programed foids to see one another, irrespective of the sea of differences which can exist between them. as natural allies due to them just existing as the same gender.

Not to mention, the bias is so heavy that people will favor their mothers over fathers: Admittedly, I was like this when I was younger, probably in part due to the fact my mother was around a lot more than my dad. Luckily, I realized my mother is a mentally-ill bitch who deep-down despises me, so it's all good now. Mothers are naturally quite manipulative, and this excerpt from the novel, Anatomy of Female Power highlights such:

(page 33)

This serves to indicate that foids, by nature, wish to program males to adhere towards any kind of positive stimulation offered towards them: My childhood in a way was a reflection of this, since my mother frequently bought me gifts, coddled me, and also used my dad as the butt of many of her jokes, which further elaborates on foids manipulative nature. What was strange, is that despite all of this, she would often get angry & scream at me for a small mistake I made; what kind of messages is that going to send to a young boy?

But back to my cousins, nowadays, they are quite close: The one I spent a lot of time with one-on-one still is quite similar to how she once was, though since growing up she has embraced the usual behavior most foids do. Whilst my other cousins influence may have only been part of the equation in this matter, it still highlights how foids have a natural in preference for one another. Furthermore, it also highlights how foids are more susceptible to the influence of "beauty," as she clearly was following my older, bitchier cousin, who mogs her in most ways.

And yes, both of them are RadFems nowadays, who would have guessed?
lol it kinda hurts. my foid relatives would send cards for birthdays to my sister but never to me.
Foids always gang up on subhumans to make it clear that they dont want you in the gene pool. Its absolutely brutal.
its always without exceptions the hotter sister that will be sluttier and extroverted and uglier one that will be more shy and introverted. Eventually the uglier one catches up with dick count but that personality diff stays forever.

Idk how can anyone deny that looks = personality
Foids and Jews are literally the same all the way down to their hardcore nepotism :forcedsmile:

This reminds me of what Himmler said about the LGBT, how they sort of perceive themselves as their own "race" and would therefore be more loyal to one another than to Germans or the Nazi Party. Clearly, this level of tungsten-strong in-group preference exists among foids as well. I'd bet a huge reason why many white foids pushed and still do push hard for mass immigration – aside from wanting to virtue signal – is because they see it as their duty to help turd world foids reach safety and a better life.
both of them are RadFems nowadays
Holy fucking shit, that's brutal. I don't know how I'd resist the urge to choke them to death if I was you. My own sister is a LibFem – at least I think that's what they call it? She's pretty much a living buzzfeed feminist stereotype from 2016
Foids and Jews are literally the same all the way down to their hardcore nepotism :forcedsmile:
:yes: :yes:

Foids are the Jews of gender, Jews are the foids of races.
This reminds me of what Himmler said about the LGBT, how they sort of perceive themselves as their own "race" and would therefore be more loyal to one another than to Germans or the Nazi Party. Clearly, this level of tungsten-strong in-group preference exists among foids as well. I'd bet a huge reason why many white foids pushed and still do push hard for mass immigration – aside from wanting to virtue signal – is because they see it as their duty to help turd world foids reach safety and a better life.
Spot on.
Holy fucking shit, that's brutal. I don't know how I'd resist the urge to choke them to death if I was you. My own sister is a LibFem – at least I think that's what they call it? She's pretty much a living buzzfeed feminist stereotype from 2016
They’re insufferable & I hate them: In fact, as per an interaction with @Ron.Belgrade i’d let some of the brocels on this site have them, provided i get something in return ofc.
lol it kinda hurts. my foid relatives would send cards for birthdays to my sister but never to me.
Brutal, sorry man.

Mine just send me a bit of cash, yet they give the other foids much nicer gifts and/or more cash.

But hey, I still have my “male privilege” :society:
its always without exceptions the hotter sister that will be sluttier and extroverted and uglier one that will be more shy and introverted. Eventually the uglier one catches up with dick count but that personality diff stays forever.

Idk how can anyone deny that looks = personality

Not to mention, that personality is genetic mostly, leaving the rest to be shaped by your environment at a younger age.

It was kinda brutal seeing a foid I kind of got on with & related to a bit turn out to be a disgusting bitch like the other one, that itself is a blackpill.
Foid family members, truly, are some of the first foids who will blackpill you.

I can discern more on this concerning my mother, grandmothers, etc.

What’s most depressing, is the fact that I inherited a lot of their negative traits: One of my great grandmas(or was it great-great?) was prone to depression, and apparently one day just decided to jump off the balcony to rope.

Depression is genetic, so therefore I inherited it & am now suffering: Hence, why I support eugenics so that foids don’t breed offspring such as myself
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Any similar experiences brocels?

@LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo @RealSchizo @Adolf Hitler @KillNiggers @Made in Heaven @based_meme @Mortis @WorthlessSlavicShit @TBIcel @Copexodius Maximus @Grim_Reaper @wereq
Any similar experiences brocels?

@LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo @RealSchizo @Adolf Hitler @KillNiggers @Made in Heaven @based_meme @Mortis @WorthlessSlavicShit @TBIcel @Copexodius Maximus @Grim_Reaper @wereq
My sister mocks me by saying I will never get married when she gets mad at me. I've blackpilled her myself though
A few foids in HS straight up told me I would die alone, including one Castiza whore.
Women are all subconsciously blackpilled. They just gaslight incels to thinking otherwise. This is why no matter what, they will attack a man based on his inability to get pussy of they're ever mad at him
Just by talking to her about things like skin color iq and height
Foids always gang up on subhumans to make it clear that they dont want you in the gene pool. Its absolutely brutal.
The savage animals then have the gull to play victim.
My foid relatives only give a shit about my foid relatives. I got to spend time in state care and my mom did a lot of screaming at me and shitting on my dad just none of the positive things also my sister is still freeloading off her at 24 even though I hadn't lived with her since 13 and a lot of times before then I didn't. Foid cousins ganging up on me I didn't get so much but every toilet in school treated me like shit. Also my sister is a feminist anti white race mixer who had an abortion. She cheats on every guy and swings at them.
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Yup, foid bullies can get away with almost anything which is why being female in this world is a superpower. Men will never have such a strong in-group preference like toilets do. A well known fact if you have been in this community for long enough.

Being blackpilled about life and the nature of humans at such a young age is beyond brutal. Sometimes I wish I was homeschooled during those years to avoid all the bullying I had to go through. Humans don’t deserve to have freedom due their sadistic/self destructive tendencies especially toilets who only bring chaos to this world. I very much wish there was some kind of order to give everyone a shot at life. Bullies have to be punished regardless of their gender.
I was never close to my cousins, both socially and proximally (they live far away), but it pains me that a lot of the women in my family either identify as feminists or have been brainwashed by it. The cancer has spread all the way to India, China, and even Saudi Arabia of all palces, for fuck's sake, so I can't imagine any place that hasn't had the corrupting influence of feminism on some portion of the female population.
I have only one foid cousin and last time I saw her she was a baby :feelshaha:
Any similar experiences brocels?

@LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo @RealSchizo @Adolf Hitler @KillNiggers @Made in Heaven @based_meme @Mortis @WorthlessSlavicShit @TBIcel @Copexodius Maximus @Grim_Reaper @wereq
Most of the women in my family were not manipulative. But that’s probably because I was usually the oldest one, and they just followed whatever I did. Older women are extremely manipulative though, as they think they know better than you due to being older. My mom was super manipulative and it was either her way or the highway. Would mock me for being fat and ugly, and then when I would start crying she would get mad at me for overreacting and saying “all parents joke about their kids and I shouldn’t take it seriously”. My mother gave me 0 self esteem in life, only broke it down.
Any similar experiences brocels?

@LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo @RealSchizo @Adolf Hitler @KillNiggers @Made in Heaven @based_meme @Mortis @WorthlessSlavicShit @TBIcel @Copexodius Maximus @Grim_Reaper @wereq
mine is more brutal since once she tried implying that I am getting bullied by my classmates in school, that happened like 5 years ago and its blackpilling as fuck.

My cousin also thinks of me as a simpleton and she knows for a fact that I am an incel.
I've blackpilled her myself though
Wow, I have blackpilled my mother a little, in that life is easier for foids, and everything was easier 30 or 40 years ago, since my mother always questions why I just LDAR and stuff and accomplish zero.

But still I feel like blackpilling sister even a little would be a lot harder, or maybe my sister is just a massive cunt so I can't imagine even talking to her.
My foid relatives only give a shit about my foid relatives.
Same here: In my extended family, all the males are basically "second-class citizens"
I got to spend time in state care
Brutal, my condolences man.

And considering it is Cuckada, I can't imagine it was good State "care"
and my mom did a lot of screaming at me and shitting on my dad just none of the positive things also my sister is still freeloading off her at 24 even though I hadn't lived with her since 13 and a lot of times before then I didn't.
Foids are manipulative like that, I bet she also tried to to portray you & your dad as the "bad guys" whilst emotionally manipulating you both.
Foid cousins ganging up on me I didn't get so much but every toilet in school treated me like shit
Same here, hearing some of the shit toilets said about me back then should have been enough to fully-blackpill me.
. Also my sister is a feminist anti white race mixer who had an abortion. She cheats on every guy and swings at them.
Disgusting, did she go for a guy of another race?

I remember she also helped her boyfriend assault you, fucking disgusting whore, I legally can't say what she deserves online.
Yup, foid bullies can get away with almost anything which is why being female in this world is a superpower.
I would say the bullying I received from foids was more brutal than what my ""friends"" and/or male classmates did: They were much more vicious in their choice of words, and just knew the right things to attack(my hairline, for instance).
Men will never have such a strong in-group preference like toilets do. A well known fact if you have been in this community for long enough.
And this is brutal, just think of all the infighting here.

In fact, this is a plan for a future thread of mine, and it is brutal tbh.
Being blackpilled about life and the nature of humans at such a young age is beyond brutal.
I still had hope, optimism, etc. but I think subconsciously, deep-down, I always kind of knew it was over in a way, and just how nasty people are.
Sometimes I wish I was homeschooled during those years to avoid all the bullying I had to go through.
Same here tbh, HS was hell on earth for me.
Humans don’t deserve to have freedom due their sadistic/self destructive tendencies especially toilets who only bring chaos to this world. I very much wish there was some kind of order to give everyone a shot at life. Bullies have to be punished regardless of their gender.

This is why I support Authoritarianism: Humans are animals, and need strict social standards & laws to prevent them from engaging in their dysgenic, r-selective, behavior.
I have only one foid cousin and last time I saw her she was a baby :feelshaha:
Kek must be nice:feelskek:

Have you ever checked her social media though? I know it would be a brutal lifemog, but it just serves as more proof of the blackpill.
I was never close to my cousins, both socially and proximally (they live far away),
Somewhat similar situation with me: I saw these two quite a bit, but not others due to proximity.

I wish I had seen more of my male relatives though, that might have strengthened me socially more as a child.
but it pains me that a lot of the women in my family either identify as feminists or have been brainwashed by it.
It kind of connects back to this thread I made:

And as I discerned above, foids in group preference is astronomically stronger than males; I can't believe I didn't include that in the thread.
The cancer has spread all the way to India, China, and even Saudi Arabia of all palces, for fuck's sake, so I can't imagine any place that hasn't had the corrupting influence of feminism on some portion of the female population.
This also proves both what I said in the thread I linked above, and also by the statistic of foids in group preferences: A foid in India will naturally see a foid in Sweden, whom aside from gender bears nothing in common with, as her "ally" "friend" or "sister" due to the spread of Feminism globally. Another user stated men are naturally more tribalistic, which for us may be consequential in a way, but also bears strengths in it, since clearly Feminism is another tool of the Elites to erase borders as well as racial & national identities.
Most of the women in my family were not manipulative. But that’s probably because I was usually the oldest one, and they just followed whatever I did.
That makes sense: I think another reason as to why they both ganged up on me, was due to the fact the one who was a bitch to me is older(not by much) yet when you are younger this counts a lot more, especially since she was taller & bigger than me for quite some time.
Older women are extremely manipulative though, as they think they know better than you due to being older. My mom was super manipulative and it was either her way or the highway.
My mom is the exact same way, and I've noticed she has gotten much more manipulative as she has grown older: In fact, I've noticed her using more of those emotional tactics of crying/being "teary eyed" in order to get her way more.
Would mock me for being fat and ugly, and then when I would start crying she would get mad at me for overreacting and saying “all parents joke about their kids and I shouldn’t take it seriously”. My mother gave me 0 self esteem in life, only broke it down.
Brutal, I'm very sorry man.

My mother was extremely overprotective, controlling, and a full-on helicopter parent for most of my life: Not to mention, she would go from acting very loving & caring one second, to yelling and/or screaming at me for any kind of mistake, error, etc. I made the next second, what do you think that's going to do to a kid?
mine is more brutal since once she tried implying that I am getting bullied by my classmates in school, that happened like 5 years ago and its blackpilling as fuck.
Elab; did she mock you for it, or was she just stating it?
My cousin also thinks of me as a simpleton and she knows for a fact that I am an incel.
Mine for sure does as well, and I'm willing to bet they've joked about it with one another for sure: Last time I saw them, summer of 2023, I caught them giggling while looking at me from a distance.
It would be incredible for all the foids to fall, something that transcended matter.

Foids are responsible for the majority of trafficking, since they are hybristrophilia, a large part of them control trafficking indirectly.

Butal, their offspring will be dysgenic.
Tbh her not killing them in the womb is probably a pretty tall order so I kinda doubt that will happen. Also eventually she is likely to find some other guy after she gets bored with him after more cheating and physical abuse from her.
Tbh her not killing them in the womb is probably a pretty tall order so I kinda doubt that will happen. Also eventually she is likely to find some other guy after she gets bored with him after more cheating and physical abuse from her.
This is why no matter what, they will attack a man based on his inability to get pussy of they're ever mad at him
This is just a general normie trait. To them, calling you some form of "non-sexhaver" is the be-all and end-all of insults, regardless of what word they use (incel, virgin, "bitchless", etc.)

When confronted with the idea that they're reinforcing the blackpill by insulting you in such a manner, they'll most likely respond by saying they aren't doing so, since they don't believe that dating is based on genetics. I guess they don't realize that if they truly believe that to be the case, their insults hold zero weight, 'cause at that point there's no difference between calling me an "incel" and a "rayciss misawwjinistic chud"
Any similar experiences brocels?

@LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo @RealSchizo @Adolf Hitler @KillNiggers @Made in Heaven @based_meme @Mortis @WorthlessSlavicShit @TBIcel @Copexodius Maximus @Grim_Reaper @wereq
I rarely see my foid cousins but when I do, they don't want anything to do with me.
Kek must be nice:feelskek:

Have you ever checked her social media though? I know it would be a brutal lifemog, but it just serves as more proof of the blackpill.
I never did that
I never did that
It will be suifuel & both confirm the blackpill, which somehow gives off a "hit" of dopamine/satisfaction for some reason.

Comparing my social media to my foid cousins is an astronomical blackpill in itself: Same genes, different lives. :blackpill:
Always appreciate your high effort threads.
I´m lucky, that I am the only one.
No Brothers or sisters, and I consider that a blessing.
Just imagine having a sister, and while you LDAR in your room, she is getting her holes stretched by Chad in the room next to you.
very depressing, and don´t ever want to experience that.
Always appreciate your high effort threads.
Thanks mang means a lot. :feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic:
I´m lucky, that I am the only one.
Ah, a fellow only childcel I see?
No Brothers or sisters, and I consider that a blessing.
Same here tbh; I'd rather have a brother though even if he is Chad.
Just imagine having a sister, and while you LDAR in your room, she is getting her holes stretched by Chad in the room next to you.
very depressing, and don´t ever want to experience that.
It would be another reason to rope tbh, I don't know how Sistercels can cope.
Foids always gang up on subhumans to make it clear that they dont want you in the gene pool. Its absolutely brutal.
This happened to me. Remember being first day in school and in classroom two foids said in very sarcastic tone ''Hey handsome guy''...i didn't talked to them and still did this to me, now i'm nearly 26 and my life in complete ruin while they soon will likely marry soon and will have kids.
Good thread brocel, ''teasing'' is such foid behavior, they will use all tactics to destroy your socstatus and eleminate us with genepool....which they did

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