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British commoners are a race of violent savages



Sir ethnic cel the 1st lord of landwhales, grannys
Nov 2, 2021
Example look at any gore sites under the fight category in Europe and shieeet. You will see British are brutal towards each other. I am not talking ethnics but the whites. They stab, use bricks, motor vheciles and even continue punching when the opponent is knocked out.

Go to Holland, Germany, Denmark , Swiss and the people are civilised. You have whites who behave like animals but that is alcohol fueled fuckery but still they behave much better than Brits.

British hooligans are known all over Europe for animal like bad behaviour. White Brits stab, rob, fight.
it's why they were able to mog the other euros in the quest for world domination. That savage blood allowed em to rise to the peak
it's why they were able to mog the other euros in the quest for world domination. That savage blood allowed em to rise to the peak
I suppose so. They genocided the native Americans, enslaved niggers, colonised Africa, plundered India, forced drugs on China by the barrel of a gun.

A brutaly savage race.
I haven't had much experience with them here in SF. I just know that I don't like them generally speaking because they don't like me.
Briish "people"
bump. Sad this high IQ post has no reply
they were responsible for the Industrial Revolution though
Big deal.

Before them some currys perfected the foundations of all mathematics, some Sands created Algorithms. Engineering was perfected thousands of years previously example wind mills, water mills, metal smiths, catapults and trebuchet's. Navigation was perfected by Sands and niggers then used by Europeans to sail to USA.

If not Britain it would have simply been someone else to combine steam from boiling water to the mechanics and maths already perfected thousands of years ago. Nothing special at all because this is the time period when the prerequisite technologies and sciences finally matured enough for the first industrial machines.
It's no secret that brits are the most inbred and low iq of all european ethnicities. It puzzles me how they were so successful in the past
It's no secret that brits are the most inbred and low iq of all european ethnicities. It puzzles me how they were so successful in the past
The elites were successful not the common Brit.

Btw the elite class in UK are very closely connected with European Elites. They probably used Britain as a central spring board of sorts or what ever.

Dont forget the elites are related to each other across Europe especially the royals.
The elites were successful not the common Brit.

Btw the elite class in UK are very closely connected with European Elites. They probably used Britain as a central spring board of sorts or what ever.

Dont forget the elites are related to each other across Europe especially the royals.
I was thinking the same thing. Wasn't UK the hub of all the jewish banking dynasties?
The British mog sands and curries in terms of accomplishments into oblivion. Not just the Industrial Revolution but also the foundation of physics (Newton), math (Newton), biology (Darwin, Hooke)
Yeah well I wont argue that Euros didnt contribute to science because that would be wrong.

All I said is that is that it just so happens that at the time it was the Brits that had the cash needed to industrialise and more importantly pay for research and shieeeet. Thats all I am saying.

Today China is ahead in terms of researching super computers. It just so happens that China is now the one with the cash to fund research and Europe is broke.

Do you understand now what I am saying?
I was thinking the same thing. Wasn't UK the hub of all the jewish banking dynasties?
I dont know man. At times it was Amsterdam then Madrid before it was some Italian cities.

Makes no difference because it is always the same Elite families anyway. But yeah I think at the time London was their center if I am not mistaken
I was thinking the same thing. Wasn't UK the hub of all the jewish banking dynasties?
Wasnt the former king of England born in Greece and the queen of German blood or something like that?
That’s true for all societies, it’s generally the “elite” (more educated and more wealthy) that are disproportionately responsible for a nation’s accomplishments.

However, there are more curry elites alive than the entire population of Britain…
It takes money to do research research a neet type of lifestyle for 20+ years whilst doing research. Those dudes didnt work dont forget, You cant do both research and work for a living.
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Not Euros, Brits. Brits are the most successful Europeans to have ever lived. The rest of the cumskin race is piggybacking on all their achievements. If you include all Anglos then the rest of the world doesn’t even come close.

Not at all, there were multiple places over the world that had the capability of going into the Industrial Revolution, like the Song Dynasty in China or Bengal region in India. I’m also pretty sure the richest Euros during this time period were the Dutch, since the VOC was the most valuable company in history.

I disagree. Sure, China is making headlines with their research efforts but I have yet to seen them produce any novel work of the kind that say, the British R&D company Deepmind is doing.
But didnt Germans invent the combustion engine, rocketry, submarines, computers, televisions?

Just asking because you talk of Brits as if they alone shaped science and industry.
There were multiple people who contributed to the development of the inventions that you mention below, rather than them being the brainchildren of a single German scientist.

Hundreds of people contributed to this field. Modern rocketry, however, was developed by the foundation provided by English physics (Newton).

Computers can be very broad, but most of the modern hardware that goes into computers were developed by an Anglo country (US).

Same as above.

I didn’t say they were the only ones who made contributions to science and technology, just that they were the most successful European ethnicity with regards to it.

And let’s not forget that Enlightenment-era English political philosophy and economics (Locke, Smith) is followed by a majority of the decent world.
yeah okay i will just agree with you even we all know rockets were in invented in Nazi Germany and were used to bomb London, and even though combustion engines were created in Germany i will still agree with you because you probably talking about stuff like steam engines. So in that sense you are 100% correct and you have also proved my point. Technologies and sciences once matured simply undergo further research and development in the land that has enough money to do it at the time.
Huge cope, it’s pretty much undeniable that Anglos are the most successful moggers in recorded history. I say this even as an anti-imperialist curry.
okay i agree with you. Obviously you dont understand the history or you plainly refuse to acknowledge that science has no nationality or race.

so fine i agree with you. Brits are half human half god, jesus is white and brit, the british royals are pure blooded brits and not mixed predominantly german and greek
I was thinking the same thing. Wasn't UK the hub of all the jewish banking dynasties?
supposedly 4-5 gen before elizabeth 2, the bloodline was actually cucked.
a chad solider/commander?? impregnated the queen instead of king, there is conspiracy about it
supposedly 4-5 gen before elizabeth 2, the bloodline was actually cucked.
a chad solider/commander?? impregnated the queen instead of king, there is conspiracy about it
You got some links or something ? Sounds interesting
If it was just the Brits that were successful then I wouldn't think they were an especially superior race since its normal for the world's superpowers to fluctuate with time. But the nation that succeeded them as the worlds greatest superpower are also Anglos (United States), so I had to stop coping and accept that anglos are just superior :feelsohgod:
Amerimutts are Anglos?

Amerimutts are mixed breed dude

infact the dominant ethnicity as in the biggest percentage is actually German.
Jeez you really do not know your history at all.
I suppose so. They genocided the native Americans, enslaved niggers, colonised Africa, plundered India, forced drugs on China by the barrel of a gun.

A brutaly savage race.

Yes the Anglo-Saxons we have an ultra-elite in intelligence who are the high lords and controllers. Then the bottom 30% we have are savages. We use them time and again over the centuries attacking other people.

Thats why we have..
Upper Class.. top 1%
Middle Class.. top 10%
Working Class.. 30%
Working Poor.. 30%
Savages.. 30%
They make up a plurality of the population but Anglos historically dominated the United States for most of its existence thus far. Other Europeans like the Irish were just cheap labor.
i cant argue with you anymore because you dont even know the history you talking about.
Yes the Anglo-Saxons we have an ultra-elite in intelligence who are the high lords and controllers. Then the bottom 30% we have are savages. We use them time and again over the centuries attacking other people.

Thats why we have..
Upper Class.. top 1%
Middle Class.. top 10%
Working Class.. 30%
Working Poor.. 30%
Savages.. 30%
Example look at any gore sites under the fight category in Europe and shieeet. You will see British are brutal towards each other. I am not talking ethnics but the whites. They stab, use bricks, motor vheciles and even continue punching when the opponent is knocked out.

Go to Holland, Germany, Denmark , Swiss and the people are civilised. You have whites who behave like animals but that is alcohol fueled fuckery but still they behave much better than Brits.

British hooligans are known all over Europe for animal like bad behaviour. White Brits stab, rob, fight.
Brits aren't like that at all what you talkin about?
That’s because the Anglo Saxons were disgusting barbaric savages that mixed in with the Britons who are also barbaric savages. Normands did good on conquering them William the conqueror should’ve had his people breed out the Anglos.
Brits aren't like that at all what you talkin about?
Look at you. Are you not even ashamed to try this cheap stunt on me?


Look at you. Are you not even ashamed to try this cheap stunt on me?

View attachment 691219

What happened to all the chaps and top hats?
What happened to all the chaps and top hats?
dont try to shift the blame to Pakis and niggers buddy. I wrote about savage whites so focus on whites and show any other whites who are as savage as Brits
dont try to shift the blame to Pakis and niggers buddy. I wrote about savage whites so focus on whites and show any other whites who are as savage as Brits
Brits were very civilized in the 1920s and such to the 1980s. The foreigners came perhaps and changed it.
Brits were very civilized in the 1920s and such to the 1980s. The foreigners came perhaps and changed it.
bullshit. The East end was always gangster and violent. Even before nig nogs arrived in Britain
bullshit. The East end was always gangster and violent. Even before nig nogs arrived in Britain
Didn't family gay do a meme on this where they're fights were only verbal?
Example look at any gore sites under the fight category in Europe and shieeet. You will see British are brutal towards each other. I am not talking ethnics but the whites. They stab, use bricks, motor vheciles and even continue punching when the opponent is knocked out.

Go to Holland, Germany, Denmark , Swiss and the people are civilised. You have whites who behave like animals but that is alcohol fueled fuckery but still they behave much better than Brits.

British hooligans are known all over Europe for animal like bad behaviour. White Brits stab, rob, fight.
William regal admitted to all of this in a wwf segment once, mang
Tipu Sultan invented Rockets.
Tipu Sultan invented Rockets.
I honestly wouldnt be surprised. The Indian civilisation has been around for thousands of years and they created so much even Buddism and stuff like that.

becareful though. Some currycels will want to fight you and say it the British because everything was invented in UK according to them
Still, yes, they should not be worse than Brazilians.
Like? What curries did in 5000 years could barely hold a candle to what anglos did in 500.

Zero is a fucking dumb accomplishment because everyone intuitively knows what zero is as a concept. Formally associating a symbol with it doesn’t require much intelligence, if any.

Haha no, the nigger confused rockets with metal-cylinder rocket artillery, the latter of which was what curries created. Rocket artillery, let alone rocketry in general, existed well before it was modified by Tipu Sultan.

According to historical sources, these were only minimally effective:

Using rocket artillery turned out to be a low IQ move, as conventional gun artillery was far more accurate, had a greater rate of fire, and was less expensive than rocket artillery.

Same issue with the rocket-powered plane that Germans created (Me-163 Komet), throwing a rocket into something just for the sake of “innovation” is a retarded move. We only use rockets for space travel because we have no other option to overcome Earths gravity.
dude dont embaress yourself online. Thats why I said you dont even know what you are talking about but rather just blabbering your fantasy history here proving your lack of understanding.

you are using this internet with things like GPS, online streaming and such fancy things. It is rockets that put those satellites on which todays modern communication is based into orbit. Those rockets are based on the research from NAZI Germany. Which is based on the mathematics and algorithms given to us that was created initially by Currys, Sands, Noodles etc etc.

Thats why I said you should go back to the drawing board and study history again and this time properly not the MSM school history you were taught which is written by and published by those who own the publishing houses.

Publishing house history and real history are not one and the same. One is propoganda which you have obviously filled your uninformed mind with and the other is our true history of humanity.
It’s brutal to accept but Anglo supremacy is truth.

I previously covered rockets. Also, this is the inventor of the liquid-fueled rockets in use today:

Goddard had English paternal family roots in New England with William Goddard (1628–91) a London grocerwho settled in Watertown, Massachusetts in 1666. On his maternal side he was descended from John Hoyt and other settlers of Massachusetts in the late 1600s.

The first published mathematical study of the possibility of an artificial satellite was Newton's cannonball, a thought experiment by Isaac Newtonto explain the motion of natural satellites, in his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687). The first fictional depiction of a satellite being launched into orbit was a short story by Edward Everett Hale, "The Brick Moon" (1869).“

In a 1945 Wireless World article, the English science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke described in detail the possible use of communications satellites for mass communications. He suggested that three geostationary satellites would provide coverage over the entire planet.

Sure, they did make some vital contributions. Germans are 2nd, Anglos are by far the 1st though.

I’d say Newton’s calculus was the most important mathematical foundation for all the aforementioned things.

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