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News Breivik fights "inhumane" prison conditions

Do you think Breivik has "inhumane" prison conditions?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 36 60.0%

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  • Poll closed .
So BLM and Alt Right Nazis attacking whites and blacks respectively for the way they were born is ok?
Whatever spreads polarization is ok, though both of those groups are crawling with feds.

Also what ends

A white ethnostate
You spineless neo nazis can’t and won’t do shit
Keep telling yourself that buddy. Neo nazis in Ukraine took over large cities several years ago and the same thing could happen anywhere in the world where enough white people wake up to the reality of what is happening. Your kind need to go back to wherever you came from if you don't want to get hurt
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Not entitled. But solitary really can fuck a person up. He needs human contact or hes just going to get fucking crazier
He talks to the guards and inmates bringing him food. And lots of visits and letters. Calls
Can anyone tell me the neo nazi view point of this guy? Why he attack that teen camp full of whites.
He talks to the guards and inmates bringing him food. And lots of visits and letters. Calls
Can anyone tell me the neo nazi view point of this guy? Why he attack that teen camp full of whites.
In that case hes just being a baby. He has plenty of things to spend his time doing. Solitary over there must be far different than the US lol
bloke had a kill count of like 77 people. stop dicking around and someone develop a FPS for him already
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Life's so fucking good for that guy, I'd go to prison anyday if I get something like that
Wtf my dorm room isn’t even half as nice as his cell
he has a better life than me and he killed 77 people in cold blood while i tried all my life to do what is right
In that case hes just being a baby. He has plenty of things to spend his time doing. Solitary over there must be far different than the US lol
In the usa it is 99999x worse
Can anyone tell me the neo nazi view point of this guy? Why he attack that teen camp full of whites.
Can anyone tell me the neo nazi view point of this guy? Why he attack that teen camp full of whites.
Sorry, but I do not know, what to say. Breivik has not links to Far Right. He was pro-Israel option, typical right-winger. Definitely not Nationalist. Nordic Resistance Movement, the best organized Far Right movement in Sweden, Finland and Norway have said very clearly about the motives of this crank. First of all, I do not see any benefits for a Nationalist cause, from such attacks. If we want to stop the massive immigration, we must do it, on the big scale and target the source of the problem, not through killings some young leftist politicians.
Sorry, but I do not know, what to say. Breivik has not links to Far Right. He was pro-Israel option, typical right-winger. Definitely not Nationalist. Nordic Resistance Movement, the best organized Far Right movement in Sweden, Finland and Norway have said very clearly about the motives of this crank. First of all, I do not see any benefits for a Nationalist cause, from such attacks. If we want to stop the massive immigration, we must do it, on the big scale and target the source of the problem, not through killings some young leftist politicians.

Not surprising he was pro israel. Biggest whiner i have ever heard of. His cell includes a 4 basketball private gym. Lol
Wow that's his prison "cell"? Fuck this faggot
Whatever spreads polarization is ok, though both of those groups are crawling with feds.

A white ethnostate

Keep telling yourself that buddy. Neo nazis in Ukraine took over large cities several years ago and the same thing could happen anywhere in the world where enough white people wake up to the reality of what is happening. Your kind need to go back to wherever you came from if you don't want to get hurt

Keep coping alt righter you ain’t putting on no one, in 50-60 years ethnics will rule and whites will be enslaved or treated as almost second class citizens like ethnics are now. And this cycle will continue as it has done for ages, as humans can only appreciate being conquered by one another, a good example of this is India.
That’s not what I meant. I don’t believe in enslaving people since it’s wrong. I’m just stating a fact that that is what ethnics will most likely do in 50-60 years when they become the majority in America and/or the world. I love how ethnics like myself aren’t allowed to call out actual racism for fear of being called an “SJW” or being memed by you low IQ fags.
in 50-60 years ethnics will rule and whites will be enslaved or treated as almost second class citizens like ethnics are now.]
You're actually blind if you think nonwhites are being treated like second class citizens. You niggers rape, murder and steal at much higher rates than anyone else and yet we still tolerate your presence. More than just tolerate it as a matter of fact, we give you affirmative action and preferential enrollment in our highest universities. What goes around comes around though nigger, without the white man to leach off of your kind will suffer.
He plays on very easy mode. I am concerned that violence is not a problem in Norway. (also mass shootings)
That’s not what I meant. I don’t believe in enslaving people since it’s wrong. I’m just stating a fact that that is what ethnics will most likely do in 50-60 years when they become the majority in America and/or the world.
You ethnics won't lift a finger against the actual slave drivers in Israel. If you were smart you wouldn't be so smug about the demographic future of the world, they're already planning on massive wars to cut your population down to size and they're going to profit massively off of it. Don't forget, we liberated you and were the first to end slavery across the world. If the only thing humans understand is conquering one another then why is the white man letting himself be conquered today?
millions of free europeans(outside of prison) live in way worse conditions than him. Being a murderer rewards you with better life
You're actually blind if you think nonwhites are being treated like second class citizens. You niggers rape, murder and steal at much higher rates than anyone else and yet we still tolerate your presence. More than just tolerate it as a matter of fact, we give you affirmative action and preferential enrollment in our highest universities. What goes around comes around though nigger, without the white man to leach off of your kind will suffer.

Wow, where to start with this moronic statement. I love how I am the moral one in the argument, I haven’t once defaulted to any racial slurs, nor have I made any sweeping generalisations about any one race (I hope so anyways lol). Black on black murder is the highest form of murder by blacks in the US, and I know Nazis like you don’t care about blacks being killed, so don’t get on a pedestal. I never asked for affirmative action, nor will I’ve ever want it, it’s a scam meant to keep blacks down. Accept you have white privilege, whites are not second class citizens, and we really won’t suffer without white people. Also, just look at your profile picture, do you not think part of the reason you’re an incel is because everything that comes out of your mouth is racist garbage?

You probably think all blacks look like that head ass lol, if i posted a picture of Tyson Beckford or a mixed race male model tier person you would probably explode in alt right insecure rage lol

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