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News Breivik fights "inhumane" prison conditions

Do you think Breivik has "inhumane" prison conditions?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 36 60.0%

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Incel revolution
Aug 8, 2018
"The 37-year-old has been kept in solitary confinement since he was sentenced, in 2012, to 21 years in prison - but he has argued that being kept away from other prisoners for 22-23 hours a day breaches his human rights.

Breivik's lawyer Oystein Storrvik has said the killer is "mentally vulnerable" because of his prison conditions.

In April 2016, a Norwegian court upheld part of his claim, although it dismissed his argument that his right to respect for private and family life was violated by restrictions on contact with other right-wing extremists.

On Tuesday, the Norwegian government - which was also ordered to pay Breivik's legal costs of 330,000 kroner ($38,500; £31,600) - began the process of appealing against the court's ruling.

The government argued that his three-cell complex, where he can play video games, watch TV and exercise, is better than the conditions of most other prisoners to compensate for being kept in solitary confinement."


Only 3 cells for Breivik?



Breivik is living the hikki dream tbh
I been in prison for months cuz because ı shoot a mothefucker but he's still alive but ı was in worse conditions than this mothefucker. it's over if you living in 3rd world
nordic countries are so cucked.

it's why they are being subjugated by islamic immigrants
he has a better life than me and he killed 77 people in cold blood while i tried all my life to do what is right
I wish I had the balls and intelligence to do something similar to what he did.My town is full of gypsies,rapefugees,towelheads,eastern European beggars and welfare leechers and it's hard to find native people here anymore.Not to mention that the mayor is a leftist pro-degeneracy.Please stay strong Breivik.
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Heroes are treated like scum. Disgusting.
he has a better life than me and he killed 77 people in cold blood while i tried all my life to do what is right
According to their way of thinking life of Breivik is more important than life or those who have been killed by him. Nice joke.
try living your entire life in solitary confinement.
NIGGA DIDN'T GET A PS4 HE WAS STUCK WITH A PS2! That probably violates the geneva convention.
NIGGA DIDN'T GET A PS4 HE WAS STUCK WITH A PS2! That probably violates the geneva convention.
Imagine having to replay Persona 3 over and over and over and over and over.....................
I'd kill myself.
try living your entire life in solitary confinement.
I did most of life, though in my room, which is like a prison for me.
I could spent days without going out and weeks without having a discussion with somebody.
I was and I'm still living in involuntary loneliness, society has rejected me, ostracized me for years, despite the fact I tried all my life to do what is right.
NIGGA DIDN'T GET A PS4 HE WAS STUCK WITH A PS2! That probably violates the geneva convention.


One of Breivik's 3 cells complex.


One of the gym.

Mate, I'd love his situation, paid for neet style.

It's not like I have a social circle out here.
we should start a petition for him to get a ps4
Mate, I'd love his situation, paid for neet style.

It's not like I have a social circle out here.
No internet though.. Does he have access to books?
Rofl he lives basically the same life as I do except I only have two cells(my bed room and toilet). Well I got internet so that's something.
Give the man whatever he wants, he killed over 50 people. Higher killcount than most of us ever will have
damn with that setup its almost like they're encouraging criminals. what kind of food does he get? steak and lobster with caviar?
damn with that setup its almost like they're encouraging criminals. what kind of food does he get? steak and lobster with caviar?
No kidding. Because, it's exactly what they do.
Murderers, robbers, terrorists, etc. in UK HMP are locked up for 23 hours a day and kept in worse cells than this guy
This dude is living it up lol, a racist murderer like him should be sent to Alcatraz, the Norwegians have no spine lol.
This dude is living it up lol, a racist murderer like him should be sent to Alcatraz, the Norwegians have no spine lol.
Marxist experiment with Globalism, Internationalism and anti-Nationalism, ethnic and racial mixing, just like Soviet, Chinese and Eastern European Communist must fail.

So, if Europe is up to survive, it must stop this multi-racial and multi-religious madness. Europe is a continent for ethnic Europeans, not for Africans or Arabs or Asians. It is the highest time to understand..."multiculturalism kills".

Mono-ethnic/Mono-racial Nation-State is the only solution for us. For every, civilized country in the world. You may do not accept it, but it is completely true.
So basically he get rewarded for mass murder. I mean I live not that far away from Norway and I work ~50 hours a week and to be honest have similar level of life as he does. I mean of course he is in much better position because he has a ton of free time and no stress(my job can be really stressful) so I quess he will be living longer than I. What a fucking joke. Not to mention I pay ton of taxes, to support this CCCPv2 called European Union. Soon I'm gonna go minimalist way and work much less because fuck it, we have only one life and I'm not gonna spent my on wageslaving. I mean if at least after life of wageslaving I could give my kids better life, then it would make some sense, but I'm not gonna have kids and besides I couldn't give them better life because half of my money government steals from me, and gives to single mothers and criminals.
WTF I want to be a Norwegian mass murderer now.

(Not really FBI it's just that what the fuck this is better than my dorm).
I think he should be aloud human contact. Solitary can fuck a guy up
Believing you're entitled to human contact is misanthropy.
Not entitled. But solitary really can fuck a person up. He needs human contact or hes just going to get fucking crazier
i don't understand why they don't just kill him
NIGGA DIDN'T GET A PS4 HE WAS STUCK WITH A PS2! That probably violates the geneva convention.
Marxist experiment with Globalism, Internationalism and anti-Nationalism, ethnic and racial mixing, just like Soviet, Chinese and Eastern European Communist must fail.

So, if Europe is up to survive, it must stop this multi-racial and multi-religious madness. Europe is a continent for ethnic Europeans, not for Africans or Arabs or Asians. It is the highest time to understand..."multiculturalism kills".

Mono-ethnic/Mono-racial Nation-State is the only solution for us. For every, civilized country in the world. You may do not accept it, but it is completely true.

Obviously. But that doesn’t justify killing over 70 people and being racist.
nordic countries are so cucked.

it's why they are being subjugated by islamic immigrants
I believe prisoners should be treated humanely, but it burns me up that after doing the most awful things they still live luxuriously compared to innocent people in the third world.
Obviously. But that doesn’t justify killing over 70 people and being racist.
The ends justify the means. Also there's nothing wrong with being "racist"
This proves how good chads get it even in prison.
That sounds like heaven to me, tbh.
The ends justify the means. Also there's nothing wrong with being "racist"
So BLM and Alt Right Nazis attacking whites and blacks respectively for the way they were born is ok? Also what ends. You spineless neo nazis can’t and won’t do shit

Lol to be fair the song is good but the lyrics and subject matter are cringe as hell, and yes, I’ve seen this before. Dont really understand the point you’re trying to make though.
Calling people alt-right is soy.
No it isn’t. Calling peole or things or concepts soy when they quite clearly aren’t is retarded and ironically what alt righter summer or cuckservatives do.
solitary really can fuck a person up.
They know they just don't give a shit.

Solitary confinement is awesome. If you have a cellmate, he's usually going to be a douchebag whose company will be worse than being alone.
This. Being locked in a small room with a stranger who may or may not be a violent degenerate is worse than being by yourself and even if he isn't he likely isn't someone in whose proximity you want to be sleeping.
Obviously. But that doesn’t justify killing over 70 people and being racist.
Too bad, Breivik personally told he deserves death penalty and any other option is a joke. He laughs on this idiotic political system all the time, showing how disgusting, leftish and full of hypocrisy this system is. He personally has shown than in political correct Europe, criminal has bigger rights than its victims. He is right and he is the winner of this whole situation. In 22nd century, many will consider him as brave hero, not a villain. And who will remember his victims? No one, probably, including the families.

For me, tortures should be legal, at least some intelligent ones, like medical experiments. Criminals who kill with no mercy should be treated, in reasonable way. I don't back death penalty, because it is rather an award, I prefer tortures or medical experiments, for life.

Race is the most important part of human identity, next to other physical features, like height or obesity for example. It simply bases on human psyche, nothing more. I do not understand absolute hypocrisy, related to racial issues, nowadays. For example Obama's case, 2008 elections were full of racism and it were both camps who acted like racist, Democratic, pro-Obama camp was even more racist. Obama was elected not because he had good programm but he was non-white. He's not black, but a mulatto, but whole political, liberal mainstream called him "First Black President". So what, if he were non-white? This was the best example of racism, dominating the mainstream in United States. And what's the most important, most of blacks in America acted in clearly racist way, voting for Obama. Even in polls they were saying "I vote for Obama, because he's black". Noone critisized it.

The same problem comes from South Africa. ANC is a racist party, situation of white people is worse than it were in early days of post-apartheid times. I do not have to remind that black extremists murdered dozens of white people, only because Janusz Waluś braverous act, South Africa was a not place of "white genocide".

But leftist mainstream and "anti-racists" do not see it.

Immigration must be stopped and reversed, at all costs. Otherwise, ethnic and racial war will only be a matter of time. It is much better to treat immigrants in harsh way and make them stop coming to Europe, than to see multi-ethnic and multi-racial violence and slaughterings, here on the continent. I do not believe, though, that White Europeans will be the aggressive force, Muslims have given plenty of examples of anti-Jewish and anti-Christian, hateful aggression.

My views might be controversial but there have never been and will never be xenophobic or imperialist.
Most of people cannot differ between racial patriot (I am proud of being white) and racist (I believe that my race, no matter if it is white/black/yellow/any other is superior than others).
his "inhumane" has been the last 10 years of my life :lul:

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