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Venting Brazil is a useless country



Lolicon, anti aoc advocate and sexual marxist.
Feb 15, 2018
It has never produced anything of value. There are no great thinkers, mathematicians, scientists, musicians or artists from this place. The food is boring, the people are low IQ and boring too, the streets are dirty, you can't walk around without worrying about getting robbed, public transport sucks and is always crowded. Video games are expensive, books are expensive, foids are annoying and picky. You can't even have sex. People only talk about normie shit. The aoc is low as fuck and there's a strong novinha culture ( look it up) but due to my being ugly I can't benefit from it. There are no cool free activities around town. The place is depressing, long hot summers, few places have air conditioning, bad economy, you never know if you'll lose your money overnight. I gotta leave this place for SA soon.
I always thought how your gov jewed you if you'd want to import something from a different country. From what I understand, it would cost twice the item.
Old news, I also remember how Sony had to build Playstation 2 inside your country to pay less taxes.
Not much changed I guess.
Just like every third world shithole.
The west will look like Brazil in the future
At least you guys had good UFC fighters back in the day but Brazil sucks at that too nowadays lol, last UFC was in Brazil and you guys lost 4/5 of the main fights. Got lucky in the 5th one too.
all racemixed countries are like this, see portugal.

it's the intended future for all countries. racemixed unproductive depressed peoples at the bottom, a certain tribe at the top.
novinha culture ( look it up)
I tried looking it up but nothing came up. Novinha = young girl in Portuguese, so I'm guessing it's some pedo thing?
I tried looking it up but nothing came up. Novinha = young girl in Portuguese, so I'm guessing it's some pedo thing?

It's acceptable for an older guy to date 14-17-year-old foids here. No one gives a shit. Back when I was in school, I had a foid classmate who was 14 years old and dated a 25-year-old guy. Another one was 16 and dated a 39-year-old dude. But I have never been chosen to be a novinha's boyfriend.:cryfeels:
Yes. I think Shaniquas would fuck me there
Just seems like a random plan, but my plan probably seems random to some people, so good luck to you. In Angola you could work lusophone game, too.
Most of the middle east is worse.
We do have some talented Brazilians but Brazil seems like a closed area internationally speaking, Brazilian things very rarely get international visibility.

We had writes like Machado de Assis and philosophers like Mário Ferreira dos Santos, but they have little to no impact internationally (in the case of the latter, not even nationally).

Of course, it's still nothing compared to the output of countries like the US, but we are no Zimbabwe or so either.

Regarding crime and violence, it's very shitty indeed, there's no denying that. But I accepted that this is my home anyway and I love it tbh.
seems like a terrible country to live in tbh
Well brazil have good footballers and carnivals are famous. You can see the foids with minor clothes dancing very gostosas
Brazil produced Kuruminha, whot more you want?
You can see the foids with minor clothes dancing very gostosas

No point if I can't fuck them. It's meaningless, to be honest. Those gostosas wouldn't give me the time of the day
Every country in the west is going to be Brazil in the future.
No point if I can't fuck them. It's meaningless, to be honest. Those gostosas wouldn't give me the time of the day
I'm interested in those novinhas I want to save money and move there or another similar place
We do have some talented Brazilians but Brazil seems like a closed area internationally speaking, Brazilian things very rarely get international visibility.

We had writes like Machado de Assis and philosophers like Mário Ferreira dos Santos, but they have little to no impact internationally (in the case of the latter, not even nationally).

Of course, it's still nothing compared to the output of countries like the US, but we are no Zimbabwe or so either.

Regarding crime and violence, it's very shitty indeed, there's no denying that. But I accepted that this is my home anyway and I love it tbh.

The problem is that Brazilians are never trailblazers. We're always late to the game. Machado was writing romance shit when the genre had already been explored to its maximum in Europe. His best novel, Capitu, reminds me a lot of The Sorrows of Young Werther. It was nothing new, that's why he didn't receive a lot of acknowledgement abroad. As for Mario, the things he said were pretty based and absolutely true, but Brazilians don't like to hear the truth. The country has always leaned towards the left.

The country has a pretty loose culture, but it's frustrating that we can't benefit from it. It's a heartbreaking situation tbh. I gotta admit that it affects me a lot. I had a lot of things to do today but didn't have the energy to get shit done.
We do have some talented Brazilians but Brazil seems like a closed area internationally speaking, Brazilian things very rarely get international visibility.

We had writes like Machado de Assis and philosophers like Mário Ferreira dos Santos, but they have little to no impact internationally (in the case of the latter, not even nationally).

Of course, it's still nothing compared to the output of countries like the US, but we are no Zimbabwe or so either.

Regarding crime and violence, it's very shitty indeed, there's no denying that. But I accepted that this is my home anyway and I love it tbh.

tfw you are a failed normie who lost his little social circle when traveling to Germany, if you were to be a Chad you would have stayed in Evropa.
Brazil robbed Sweden of the World Cup in 1958, and again in 1994. :feelsrope:
Yeah brazil sucks ass ded srs :dab::dab::dab::dab::dab::dab::dab:
Better to be Brazilian than Haitain. Haiti is a fucking shithole, full of ugly, low IQ darkies and Haiti doesn't have a lick of shit to show for itself. At LEAST Brazil has people who try and make a name for themselves and the country, at LEAST Brazil has attractive females, at LEAST Brazil has higher IQ than Haiti. So I'd take being Brazilian than being Haitian anyday.

Sugh sucks being one of the ugliest races and one of the ugliest most gross and dumbest sub group of said race. :feelsrope:
Not to mention that its an extremely sick and violent society OP, liveleak videos can witness what I'm saying.

Better to be Brazilian than Haitain. Haiti is a fucking shithole, full of ugly, low IQ darkies and Haiti doesn't have a lick of shit to show for itself. At LEAST Brazil has people who try and make a name for themselves and the country, at LEAST Brazil has attractive females, at LEAST Brazil has higher IQ than Haiti. So I'd take being Brazilian than being Haitian anyday.

Sugh sucks being one of the ugliest races and one of the ugliest most gross and dumbest sub group of said race. :feelsrope:
Are you haitien ? I don't think that people in Haiti are much uglier than people from Gook countries or India.
Not to mention that its an extremely sick and violent society OP, liveleak videos can witness what I'm saying.

Are you haitien ? I don't think that people in Haiti are much uglier than people from Gook countries or India.
Yes. Eh different tastes, I think Curries and Gooks look much better than blacks of any caliber.
Better to be Brazilian than Haitain. Haiti is a fucking shithole, full of ugly, low IQ darkies and Haiti doesn't have a lick of shit to show for itself. At LEAST Brazil has people who try and make a name for themselves and the country, at LEAST Brazil has attractive females, at LEAST Brazil has higher IQ than Haiti. So I'd take being Brazilian than being Haitian anyday.

Sugh sucks being one of the ugliest races and one of the ugliest most gross and dumbest sub group of said race. :feelsrope:

Shit. Haitians are one of the few people we have a chance to mog. A lot of Haitians fled to Brazil after the earthquake in 2010.
Shit. Haitians are one of the few people we have a chance to mog. A lot of Haitians fled to Brazil after the earthquake in 2010.
Further solidified my point about haitians/blacks in general are at the very bottom of the totem pole, unless you're Tyrone.
Further solidified my point about haitians/blacks in general are at the very bottom of the totem pole, unless you're Tyrone.
I grew up around Haitians and no, I don't believe you guys are the ugliest. There are many gorgeous Haitian girls in my college.

In fact, the ugliest people on here according to me are the Abbos, Somalians and curries.
Yes. Eh different tastes, I think Curries and Gooks look much better than blacks of any caliber.
Nigerians mog the shit out of curries and most Asians tbh.
The only think Brazil produces are good gore videos.
Nuke Brazil and BrazilianSoycel tbh ngl.
all racemixed countries are like this, see portugal.

it's the intended future for all countries. racemixed unproductive depressed peoples at the bottom, a certain tribe at the top.
Portugal produced hell lot of great people. Culture of Portugal is very sophisticated. I dont know much about present situation in Portugal but i know its history. The country was great.
sounds like hell. i am not surprised. south america in general seems to be low iq. same as africa.
soon it will be the whole world that will suffer the same. thanks jews
I always thought Brazil was into looksmatches, and there was less juggernaut law, at least that's what I observed on my trips there, and my normie friend had a lot of success with the girls there (and he is ethnic).
Plus you have amazingly hot girls who just chill on the beach, so why are you complaining?
And it's the place where BrazilianSigma lives kek
If Brazil didn’t exist bestgore.com wouldn’t exist
Brazil seems like a scary shithole to me, but I know it's extremely different in different states. Seems to me, though, that Brazil has nowhere to go but up (whether it heads in that direction or not), burgerstan has nowhere to go but down.
all racemixed countries are like this, see portugal.

it's the intended future for all countries. racemixed unproductive depressed peoples at the bottom, a certain tribe at the top.
and all of currylands too, dont forget
tbh I think Brazilians did invent and do some significant things

but the more serious answer is that it only applies to white people of Brazil(pardos need not apply)

also meme answer: hot women, bundas and murder:lul:
You guys produce really great beheading videos, at least you guys got that going for you.
It has never produced anything of value. There are no great thinkers, mathematicians, scientists, musicians or artists from this place. The food is boring, the people are low IQ and boring too, the streets are dirty, you can't walk around without worrying about getting robbed, public transport sucks and is always crowded. Video games are expensive, books are expensive, foids are annoying and picky. You can't even have sex. People only talk about normie shit. The aoc is low as fuck and there's a strong novinha culture ( look it up) but due to my being ugly I can't benefit from it. There are no cool free activities around town. The place is depressing, long hot summers, few places have air conditioning, bad economy, you never know if you'll lose your money overnight. I gotta leave this place for SA soon.
it has produced a mathematician
Better to be Brazilian than Haitain. Haiti is a fucking shithole, full of ugly, low IQ darkies and Haiti doesn't have a lick of shit to show for itself. At LEAST Brazil has people who try and make a name for themselves and the country, at LEAST Brazil has attractive females, at LEAST Brazil has higher IQ than Haiti. So I'd take being Brazilian than being Haitian anyday.

Sugh sucks being one of the ugliest races and one of the ugliest most gross and dumbest sub group of said race. :feelsrope:

Shut your whore mouth. I'm haitian :feelsbaton::feelsbaton::feelsree:

We might be a shit hole but at least we got rid of the French and became one of the first indie nation of America aka uncucked.

Food and music is good. Some pretty girls albeit you wont see them in the news who only focuses on showing the poorest part and the slums in the country capital.

Still very traditionnal and patriarchal; men have the last word over there and dont get cuked easily.
Haitian women usually have an ounce of respect for their men.
Nigerians mog the shit out of curries and most Asians tbh.
negros are the lowest, but they have a big penis, and outgoing personality. Hence they inpregnant white foids. would never want to be a negro, however.
Egypt is a useless country. It has never produced anything of value. There are no great thinkers, mathematicians, scientists, musicians or artists from this place. The food is terrible, the people are low IQ and boring too, the streets are dirty, you can't walk around without worrying about getting robbed, public transport sucks and is always crowded. Video games are expensive, books are expensive, foids are annoying and picky and ugly. You can't even have sex. People only talk about Muslim shit. The aoc is low as fuck but you have to marry your cousin. There are no cool free activities around town. The place is depressing, long hot summers, few places have air conditioning, horrible economy, you never know if you'll lose your money overnight.
negros are the lowest, but they have a big penis, and outgoing personality. Hence they inpregnant white foids. would never want to be a negro, however.
In terms of having respect and allies from other races I'd say blacks are the lowest in that regard, however saying they are the lowest in the dating market is a stretch. They can do well in the west if they are attractive. The only places they'd struggle are Asian countries.
In terms of having respect and allies from other races I'd say blacks are the lowest in that regard, however saying they are the lowest in the dating market is a stretch. They can do well in the west if they are attractive. The only places they'd struggle are Asian countries.
Curries and Gooks are the lowest in the dating market, I would say. Gooks the lowest, perhaps.

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