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Serious Brave New World is a mirror of our society.



Lolicon, anti aoc advocate and sexual marxist.
Feb 15, 2018
I'm reading it for the first time. I haven't finished chapter three yet. Huxley was right about how a totalitarian society would use promiscuity as a weapon of mass control to stop men and women from creating a bond that could oppose the state.

"... it's not as though there were anything painful or disagreeable about having one or two men besides Henry". This is a quote from one of the characters. It sounds exactly like a girl from 2019. Huxley and Orwell thought that you would need a one-world government to destroy the family unit; they were wrong. You only needed a powerful tool of communication such as the internet. Don't be fooled, they didn't give us the internet so that we could be free. No, the internet exists as a tool of mass indoctrination used by those in power.

But why would they want to target the family? why spread promiscuity? everything was done in the name of consumerism. They want people to spend as much money as possible on useless things. They call it " self-improvement. Men have been sold the idea that they need to improve themselves if they want to attract women. Improvement, by their standards, means to spend money on cars, clothes, gym memberships, trips and restaurants etc...

Everything was done to lock you in a perpetual state of unhappiness that would force you to consume more products. In other words, money was the chief cause.

" Stability, insisted the Controller....hence all this". Huxley was wrong. The elite does not give a crap about stability. They will cause hell on Earth if they can profit more. It's all about money. But who are they? who controls the world? the world isn't controlled by a single person, let alone a single group of people. It's controlled by multinational corporations and the families who own them.

A married man in the early 20th century didn't consume much. He probably lived off his land and his children grew up and married in the community. That lifestyle wasn't economically viable according to the big bosses of this world. They needed to sell more. And that's why they encouraged the destruction of marriage and traditionalism and monogamy. Everything has been done to force you to spend money: to consume and consume. That was the goal.

Read the novel, it's a great book.
Tbh I'd probably be a soma addict.
Didn't read but definitely a high IQ post
that book is beyond based. I got so depressed when first read it:blackpill:
That's a very accurate observation regarding the novel, the blatant state-sponsored consumerism through mind-control and social engineering to destroy the human bond. I'm partly convinced that the "controllers" of our world take into account the methodology of creating a weak and subservient populace through means of these books.

One thing I found interesting about the book, and I could be wrong, is that Huxley wrote all this before we had a comprehensive understanding of genetics in his view. A big thing in this novel is how genetics influences class, the "Alphas" are the class put in charge of managing things like factories and doing complex work while the lower classes are short, stupid, and ugly.

Bernard Marx actually represents this quite well, he's given the intelligence of an Alpha but however looks genetically inferior to all other Alphas and is openly shunned for it. His genetic inferiority coupled with his awareness made him incredibly socially awkward within this "perfect society". Even as the main character he gets pushed aside by the smarter, taller, and better-looking main character of John. His existence is pitiful, it's almost as if Huxley predicted incels in advance, even in a society with so much promiscuous sex he's basically starved from any positive attention. His only friend at work mogs him to oblivion, and in the end actually plays MORE of a role than Bernard does.

Bravo to Orwell and Huxley.
brave new world people are halpier than us. they het free drugs, also genetically predisposed to happiness. men can get easy sex. whats not to love?

while here we nay have far more knowledge but it is of no use and brings pain and infinte sufferings
BNW and 1984 weren't just novels, they were blueprints.

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