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RageFuel /braincels users want that roastie bitch to be demodded. CUCK ADMIN RESPONSE.



Nov 11, 2017

But seriously, I am never going to demod Board_Gaming. The only way she's going to stop being a mod is if she decides so herself.
She does her job very well and she's always reliable
es, I am denying it; or, more accurately, I'm telling you you're wrong. Board_Gaming deletes things that are against the rules, or at least that she has used her judgement to determine are against the rules. Nothing more.
AnathematicAnarchist the cuck

I'm about to throw up. What a stupid cuck mother fucker this LOSER is. @SergeantIncel, I hope you NEVER become like this faggot.
Just saw this, they're getting cucked on their own sub. Nice.
Lol.that guy must be in love with her or something
/u/Demod_Board_Gaming is high IQ
All the "incels" that post on braincels are fakecels and cucks because they would post in a board modded by a roastie.
>going on Reddit
All the "incels" that post on braincels are fakecels and cucks because they would post in a board modded by a roastie.
That guy is a disgrace. Briancels is a meme at this point
Why did she choose to mod the sub in the first place anyway?

AnathematicAnarchist the cuck

I'm about to throw up. What a stupid cuck mother fucker this LOSER is. @SergeantIncel, I hope you NEVER become like this faggot.

Is the admin of braincels even a virgin? Also I'm curious, despite the cukoldry why wasnt it banned? I thought they banned everything ending in -cel.
It's probably condition of that place still existing without being banned.

Small price to pay when you think about it, she's not that bad, and many good discussions on braincels
It's probably condition of that place still existing without being banned.

Small price to pay when you think about it, she's not that bad, and many good discussions on braincels
Why did she choose to mod the sub in the first place anyway?
Because she's an average roastie that either likes holding power over or gaining attention from desperate males. She's not incel ugly, but she's not very attractive.
Why would an incel use reddit anyway's? That's like a Jew WANTING to stay in Nazi Germany.
Forget her tits do we even know what her face looks like?
It's probably condition of that place still existing without being banned.

Small price to pay when you think about it, she's not that bad, and many good discussions on braincels
I disagree on the last 2 lines but otherwise ye

Admins wont purge it if a femoid mods it
Because she's an average roastie that either likes holding power over or gaining attention from desperate males. She's not incel ugly, but she's not very attractive.
I have seen.her photos.
She is a little above average imo,but def not some high tier female.
Who cares about BrainCucks?
Who cares about BrainCucks?
OSRS subreddit has the best truecels on the site. They are so accepting of our views, yet intolerant towards degenerate behaviour.
OSRS subreddit has the best truecels on the site. They are so accepting of our views, yet intolerant towards degenerate behaviour.
I remember browsing there every day it was great and the memes i loved
I dont feel bad for them at all. Thats what they get for acting low IQ and continuing to post on that failed subreddit. They must enjoy having whats suppose to be a male only space being controlled by a Bitch.
"She's not that bad"

Like I said before...worst poster on this forum.

I seriously hate this guy, I don't even know how his post count got to that point and why he hasn't been banned yet, he disagrees with everything incel, downplays any post anyone makes with a "that was obvious" or "not a big deal" kind of sentiment. Its like he's purposefully "anti everything". To be honest I half think he's trolling and doing it on purpose, because nobody can be that annoying or stupid without trying, something like this takes effort.

Seems like a larping persona, without fail every post he responds too is likely going to be against it or the general assumed narrative supporting it.

Probably an incel tears poster larping for lulz, because who the hell says "she's not bad" when it comes to a woman modding an incel forum, whether she's "bad" or not is irrelevant to the inherent problem.
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I dont know why people even post there tbh, a woman modding an incel forum is a joke
braincels is a cucked shithole
imagine actually caring about cucked reddit or r/fakecels.

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