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Blackpill Brain Structure Different by Gender

Feminists have long stressed that men and women are equal. There seems to be an unspoken implication that differences in our behavior are caused by our society rather than by pure human nature. Using this jump, feminists and other Libtards frequently advocate for affirmative action, transgenderism or encouraging women to enter male dominated fields.

For example, here is a link to an article by a prominent feminist website championing affirmative action for women: https://everydayfeminism.com/2015/08/affirmative-action-isnt-racist/.

Here is another source showing a feminist arguing that sexism is responsible for lack of female STEM workers in India:

Here, a popular feminist writer argues that men and women were born equal so gender differences must be the fault of nurture:

However, evidence reveals that reality is very different from what feminists believe. Men and women not only differ by nature at birth but also throughout their later lives.

In one study(https://www.nytimes.com/1995/02/16/us/men-and-women-use-brain-differently-study-discovers.html) , female brains were shown to INNATELY process words differently from men’s. While previous studies had used subjective Q&A, this study proves that the differences are inherent by studying the brain in motion. This research utilized newly developed technology to scan the brains of both genders as they read. Apparently, men were shown to primarily use a small area at the front of the left hemisphere while women either also rely on their right hemisphere or do not rely on this area at all. This is particularly significant since it was found mainly by female researchers, likely feminists, who did not expect to uncover any differences between the sexes.

IQ Distribution also suggests differences between genders. This time, the proof is present in the form of graphical data followed by a very logical conclusion. While the average IQ score of both genders seems similar, there are clearly higher proportions of men with abnormal IQs than women:


(Source: https://www.quora.com/Who-usually-has-a-higher-IQ-the-male-or-the-female)

At first glance this distribution may appear arbitrary. After all, if sexism and society were to blame for differences in thinking, what would be the cause of this distribution? Fortunately, biology and an evolutionary way of thinking offer a simple explanation. Men only have a single X chromosome while women have two. This means that genetic deviance is more common in men than it is in women. Lately, it has been shown that genes play a fundamental part in determining one’s intelligence. Thus, since men are more prone to genetic deviance, they are also more likely to have deviations in their intelligence. Therefore, intelligent men are in general smarter than intelligent women which is why they are in demanding areas such as STEM and Leadership. Also, enlightenment and self-awareness are very rare in today’s world. If women tend to have average intelligence, then they are thus less likely to be self-aware or interesting.

Further, studies show that Foids’ brains have vastly different placement of white and gray matter. White matter improves communication between different parts of the brain while gray matter is where the actual processing takes place. Thus, it is not surprising that men almost always have the most gray matter. In men, gray matter appears primarily located in the left and center of the brain which explains our logic, depth of thought and ability to reason with accuracy. What little gray matter women have is primarily in the right hemisphere, the half generally more responsible for instinct and emotion.


(Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/01/050121100142.htm)

While IQ can change throughout one’s life, the only likely explanation is evolutionary. Further, since creation and reorganization of neurons is limited after infancy, the other structural dissimilarities must be static. Thus, there are fundamental differences between the brains of men and women starting at birth.


Clearly, feminists are wrong about gender equality. Women will likely never be like men because the two sexes have fundamentally divergent structures of thinking. Thus, it is foolish to blame female job preferences, lack of attendance at prestigious universities or choices of mates on nurture. Certainly, women are not just responding to sexism when they spend their time in the kitchen or choose to major in foreign language instead of engineering. The Blackpill tends to consist of static facts with little hope of change. This provides proof that female nature may be one of those facts, an assumption that has been long present on this forum.


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In other word, water is wet.
In other word, water is wet.

It builds the Blackpill and proves feminists wrong. This should provide a foundation for proving our ideas with evidence. After we have proved everything we will dominate the feminists.
Excellent post. Scientific evidence supports the blackpill, yet again.
Science that refutes feminism? How did that slip through the cracks?
any hackercels? someone needs to ddos those fuckers from everydayfeminism.com
There are probably more differencies in brain, but cucks block possible researches.
Only technology to the service for us can detach men from physical pleasures
Only technology to the service for us can detach men from physical pleasures
Can we use this insight and knowladge in order to ascend? Doing all the research and then referring back to the initial blackpill-assumption is neutralizing the effort taken. Mediocre IQ at best. Sorry.
In conclusion men are working while women post booty pics on Instagram while twerking
Women are by default inferior to men in any way, they are incapable to have high IQs or physical strength because they are the weak sex
It builds the Blackpill and proves feminists wrong. This should provide a foundation for proving our ideas with evidence. After we have proved everything we will dominate the feminists.
No offense dude, this is a high IQ post but it's all old news. Feminists still deny it, some calling it The scientific equivalent of fake news ROFL.

You can't reach people in denial with facts sadly.
Can we use this insight and knowladge in order to ascend? Doing all the research and then referring back to the initial blackpill-assumption is neutralizing the effort taken. Mediocre IQ at best. Sorry.

I'm assuming that what you are attacking is my conclusion which refers to the Blackpill. The main purpose of my doing this was to explain to other incels how my research was relevant. The reason did the research is that I could not find threads on Brain Structure in the Blackpill section. We already know women behave differently than men. The next step in this site's studies, it seemed, is proving that this difference is inherent at birth and within our minds. Imo, this may not be archive quality but still took much thinking and contributes. If you don't think my post quality is up to par, I would support you taking my evidence and re-writing it your own way. Once we have proved the next statement, "men are inherently better than women", we will have proven a large part of our theories.
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Women are less intelligent than men, so why should they have the same rights? Or are we going to give children equal rights as well?
No offense dude, this is a high IQ post but it's all old news. Feminists still deny it, some calling it The scientific equivalent of fake news ROFL.

You can't reach people in denial with facts sadly.

Disappointing. It seemed like pure science to me. Not surprising though considering feminism's history with the sciences:

Also women's brain shut down regions involving judgement and inhibition during sex/orgasm. The same doesn't happen for men

This explains why french women slept with nazi soldiers when they invaded France
Also women's brain shut down regions involving judgement and inhibition during sex/orgasm. The same doesn't happen for men

This explains why french women slept with nazi soldiers when they invaded France
it does happen for men thats why some people fap to degenerate shit but feel disgusted afterwards.
women are the missing link between chimps and homo sapiens
The scientific facts against feminism are already on the table but that won't change the bias of media because they have a specific agenda and no scientific researches will detain them in stablishing this new order they want.
I studied psychology, and one of the first things they taught in 101 was that male and female brains are wired different and that gay men have brains wired like a female's.

I'm sure you know the concentration of foids in psych classes, of course. The hypocrisy is ridiculous, but expected.
Under stress, blood flows in to mail brains and out of female brains. This was shown in a study. And it is observable in life.
Daily reminder that extroverted and introverted brains are also structured DIFFERENTLY tbhtbh
Women and men are different, water is wet.
Women and men are different, water is wet.
With Science, we can prove that their minds are inherently different and that this inevitably begins at birth.
high iq thread
It builds the Blackpill and proves feminists wrong. This should provide a foundation for proving our ideas with evidence. After we have proved everything we will dominate the feminists.
Problem is people are ignorant and only trust the (((media)))
With Science, we can prove that their minds are inherently different and that this inevitably begins at birth.
We can also disprove trannyism because they say "muh brain structure is different" depending on our finding
It builds the Blackpill and proves feminists wrong. This should provide a foundation for proving our ideas with evidence. After we have proved everything we will dominate the feminists.
Based and well put. Saved btw nice post
Am going to say it *looks around room* there’s only *glances over shoulder* two genders hehe *shids pants*
Feminists have long stressed that men and women are equal. There seems to be an unspoken implication that differences in our behavior are caused by our society rather than by pure human nature. Using this jump, feminists and other Libtards frequently advocate for affirmative action, transgenderism or encouraging women to enter male dominated fields.

For example, here is a link to an article by a prominent feminist website championing affirmative action for women: https://everydayfeminism.com/2015/08/affirmative-action-isnt-racist/.

Here is another source showing a feminist arguing that sexism is responsible for lack of female STEM workers in India:

Here, a popular feminist writer argues that men and women were born equal so gender differences must be the fault of nurture:

However, evidence reveals that reality is very different from what feminists believe. Men and women not only differ by nature at birth but also throughout their later lives.

In one study(https://www.nytimes.com/1995/02/16/us/men-and-women-use-brain-differently-study-discovers.html) , female brains were shown to INNATELY process words differently from men’s. While previous studies had used subjective Q&A, this study proves that the differences are inherent by studying the brain in motion. This research utilized newly developed technology to scan the brains of both genders as they read. Apparently, men were shown to primarily use a small area at the front of the left hemisphere while women either also rely on their right hemisphere or do not rely on this area at all. This is particularly significant since it was found mainly by female researchers, likely feminists, who did not expect to uncover any differences between the sexes.

IQ Distribution also suggests differences between genders. This time, the proof is present in the form of graphical data followed by a very logical conclusion. While the average IQ score of both genders seems similar, there are clearly higher proportions of men with abnormal IQs than women:

View attachment 29410
(Source: https://www.quora.com/Who-usually-has-a-higher-IQ-the-male-or-the-female)

At first glance this distribution may appear arbitrary. After all, if sexism and society were to blame for differences in thinking, what would be the cause of this distribution? Fortunately, biology and an evolutionary way of thinking offer a simple explanation. Men only have a single X chromosome while women have two. This means that genetic deviance is more common in men than it is in women. Lately, it has been shown that genes play a fundamental part in determining one’s intelligence. Thus, since men are more prone to genetic deviance, they are also more likely to have deviations in their intelligence. Therefore, intelligent men are in general smarter than intelligent women which is why they are in demanding areas such as STEM and Leadership. Also, enlightenment and self-awareness are very rare in today’s world. If women tend to have average intelligence, then they are thus less likely to be self-aware or interesting.

Further, studies show that Foids’ brains have vastly different placement of white and gray matter. White matter improves communication between different parts of the brain while gray matter is where the actual processing takes place. Thus, it is not surprising that men almost always have the most gray matter. In men, gray matter appears primarily located in the left and center of the brain which explains our logic, depth of thought and ability to reason with accuracy. What little gray matter women have is primarily in the right hemisphere, the half generally more responsible for instinct and emotion.

View attachment 29413
(Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/01/050121100142.htm)

While IQ can change throughout one’s life, the only likely explanation is evolutionary. Further, since creation and reorganization of neurons is limited after infancy, the other structural dissimilarities must be static. Thus, there are fundamental differences between the brains of men and women starting at birth.


Clearly, feminists are wrong about gender equality. Women will likely never be like men because the two sexes have fundamentally divergent structures of thinking. Thus, it is foolish to blame female job preferences, lack of attendance at prestigious universities or choices of mates on nurture. Certainly, women are not just responding to sexism when they spend their time in the kitchen or choose to major in foreign language instead of engineering. The Blackpill tends to consist of static facts with little hope of change. This provides proof that female nature may be one of those facts, an assumption that has been long present on this forum.
Don't forget that liers have big levels of white matter , foids.
Best BLACKPILL Forums.
What the fuck is this thread? I should make a thread "2+2=4" and DEMAND it would go into the MUST READ section.
What the fuck is this thread? I should make a thread "2+2=4" and DEMAND it would go into the MUST READ section.
Water might not be so wet for people that sit on the fence. This video could be helpful to our lurkers.
helpful to our lurkers
Holy FUCK, I don't give a single SHIT about """"""""""""""our"""""""""""""""""""""""" lurkers, little buddy. And even IF I cared, literally no one contests that male and foid brains are different.
The last inequituous playing-field yet to be frontiered is the one of psychometrics (IQ & personality). Just because we can’t physically see genetic disparity, doesn’t mean that there’s no order in place (Just ask physicists, yet they’d be too retarded to understand). Instead of hoping for the best BUT PREPARING FOR THE WORST, the leftist imports their whole maladaptive daydreamed utopia into their perception that they use to interpret reality which includes preparing for the best and in this case navigating their perception which is were all equal everywhere la la la. (I have a gripe with these people when they pass off their delusional perspective to innocent people because then innocent people will take directions from the leftist’s utopic world of how the world should be (NOT HOW IT IS) and assume it’s safe to take a right a MLK blvd because that’s what the leftist said because leftists operate in that way of “no, you can actually do that because that land belongs to you! Be free and be brave and stand your ground because that’s you!”). Anyways I digress, I know many people - me included - who find themselves privileged within the iq distribution that are totally benefitting from these idiots really thinking that it’s just our social privilege pushing us up in society lmaooo, but we are starting to chip into this frontier of psychometric in our culture via AI because it’s constrained on the basis that “this is unacheivable for a human and an unfair amplifier”... many times have I been accused of cheating because I can memorize a 16 digit number and recite it backwards immediately, so what about me? Are you going to fucking silence and significantly dilute me to quell your own moral discomfort? (Leftists already do this with psychiatry, I won’t get into that unless anyone asks) but then they’d be going against their actual agenda because I’m a minority. What do these idiots what and how do they even fucking think? I’m starting to think they’re too dumb actually have en masse converged on a single agenda behind they veil of whatever the fuck they ever claim to be and are and stand for that they guise themselves with.
real science shows the femitards are deluded:redpill: their fake science says gender is a soycial construct:bluepill: all this dogshit from the lepht is gonna get shot down and thrown out as pseudo science:redpill::whitepill::feelsYall:
It builds the Blackpill and proves feminists wrong. This should provide a foundation for proving our ideas with evidence. After we have proved everything we will dominate the feminists.
They are denying shit that they aleredy know
Also women's brain shut down regions involving judgement and inhibition during sex/orgasm. The same doesn't happen for men

This explains why french women slept with nazi soldiers when they invaded France
Women are animals. Period.

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