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LifeFuel Boyfriend suspected of being responsible for the death of a woman found hanged near the docks.



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019

View: https://youtu.be/GllfecUiqf8

Based on the fact that IncelTears told me women are only attracted to men with “good pERsonality” (which HAS to be true considERing the fact that their usERbase PRIMARILY consists of some of the MOST enlightened intellectuals in the world of AT LEAST the modERn era, if not ALL TIME) while ALSO taking into considERation the FACT that committing the act of manslaughtER/murdER constitutes “bad pERsonality”, if those womens’ male sexual partnERs REALLY wERe responsible for those womens’ deaths, they wouldn’t have been able to attract those women in the first place.

ThERefore, Police should nevER even “suspect” boyfriends, husbands or any male romantic/sexual partnERs of any other type (friends with benefits, one-night stands etc). of women who have died as a result of human actions, as being responsible for those women’s deaths to begin with.

How dare the police suspect the boyfriend when it’s clear as day to anyone with 2 brain cells that ONLY an incel could possibly be responsible for hER death. I bet it was a toxic misogynistic autistic truecel who nevER leaves his parents’ basement, that’s who I’d start looking at if I wERe the police.
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Bro he didnt kill hER. His pERsonality did.
He looks 20 years older than her
hER pERsonality detector malfunctioned.

True, I assume hER “pERsonality detector” detected him having a high financial net worth, which it conflated with him having a “good pERsonality”.

Sometimes, the same malfunction happens but in tERms of conflating “good looks” as being equal to “good pERsonality” instead.

Too many of these pERsonality detector malfunctions happening. Hmm, it’s almost like women don’t have psychic mind-reading capabilities to be able to read a man’s pERsonality with enough accuracy to be able to read it “mostly correctly most of the time” AND/OR having a “good pERsonality” is NOT a PRIMARY REQUIREMENT for MOST MEN to meet in ordER to be deemed “attractive enough” for MOST women to have sexual prefERences in them.
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just be homeless looking grandma to slay noodlefoids theory?
How did he bypass the personality detection system.
I got told women can sense the darkness within me though?
Silly inkwell.
It's obvious that he just *pretended* to have a good personality. And there was absolutely no way for the woman to know this.
Absolutely zero.

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