1. How is this an irrational fear? An NPC, normie, bluepilled man believes that money will help him, however, he also does not want to be used: Money also does not grow on trees, so it is not irrational to be worried about how your finances will impact your future dating options.
2. Pure projection- what else would I expect from a foid? Most men care about body count, because it is proven through dating stats most men would genuinely prefer a foid around their same looks level: If we follow basic logic here, it would make sense a guy would want a foid with around the same body count as her.
3. Ah, the tradwife cope. Genuinely, it makes sense most men want this: It has been ingrained into our biological nature to desire foids whom can take care of the homestead, thus why many men simply wish for a wife with basic home skills.
Also, what a fucking bitch for shaming men who can't own a house: In this shit country called the US, owning houses has basically became a luxury.
In fact, tons of Wall-Street based companies have been buying up tons of single-family houses:
View: https://twitter.com/APhilosophae/status/1402434266970140676?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1402434266970140676%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=
yeah, there goes my dream of ever owning a house in this place.
4. Makes sense: She was not in a relationship & thus dressed that way to attract men, now she is in one & should honor the commitment.
5. And? I thought foids were the ones whom encouraged "openness" in the bedroom.
6. Ah, straight from the horses mouth again I see: Wonder if she has seen the scientific findings proving that more foids are sociopaths in comparison to males.
7. As a norwoodcel, this made my blood fucking boil.....
Body is something that can be maintained, whereas your hairline is fucking determined by your genetics.
Also, the hourglass figure is very natural; it make sense men would like this due to evolution.
8. High-Value Woman=any foid who is at least a 3/10 & not fat, that's the only criteria for it.