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BOTH the democrat and Republican party believe the same shit. We need a white nationalist party like they have in European nations



Feb 25, 2023
RNC logic= Its okay if whites become a minority and then eventually 25% of the population in 100 years as long as they come in legally.
DNC logic= Its good if whites become a minority and then eventually 25% of the population in 100 years, through both legal and illegal means.

What difference does it make if 1 million shitskins come in legally or illegally? Fact is that they are here.

We need a white nationalist party. Look at the AfD in Germany or Party for Freedom in Netherlands.

Both parties are owned by this
There are no white nationalist parties in europe. It's all run by jews
Nice. Hopefully the The Third Way rises to power like the Afd
I dont think that will ever happen. The jews won't allow it and even if they did the german people are so brainwashed it's crazy, they are literal brainless robots
Gigabased count me in.

@Adolf Hitler @lazy_gamer_423 @niggers @Castaway
What difference does it make if 1 million shitskins come in legally or illegally? Fact is that they are here.
We need a white nationalist party.
it would need to stop foids from emigrating to other countries so they don't try to fuck foreign men, reducing the max potential birthrate and prevent creation of mutts. institute a eugenics program to stop the suffering of future incels. male-female pairings would be chosen by the eugenics program staff, who would give you your looksmatch within one point deviation.
it would need lots and lots of border security to make sure shitskins don't get in or foids go out. the border would have two walls with a gap in between the walls, so if they get past the first wall, they can be stopped by border patrol.
only issue is the (((UN))) would be on our ass because they are (((diversity))) loving cucks who support the jew agenda, the jews would start wars against the nation, and the libtards and other retards would also try to stop it

note to feds: this is only a hypothetical
There are no white nationalist parties in europe. It's all run by jews
AfD in Germany or Party for Freedom in Netherlands? Plenty of right wing parties in Poland?
Nigga said AfD and Party for Freedom isn't kikepilled :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Is this true? @Friezacel @Ron.Belgrade

I mean it makes sense & I believe it, but how deep is it really? I was once told by a former gERman user here @Retardinator that the AfD is infiltrated by Feds, and that if you're a registered member you could be denied a job. And from what I hear, Wilders is very pro-Israel.
RNC logic= Its okay if whites become a minority and then eventually 25% of the population in 100 years as long as they come in legally.
DNC logic= Its good if whites become a minority and then eventually 25% of the population in 100 years, through both legal and illegal means.

What difference does it make if 1 million shitskins come in legally or illegally? Fact is that they are here.

We need a white nationalist party. Look at the AfD in Germany or Party for Freedom in Netherlands.

Both parties are owned by this
There have been several attempts to create an American white nationalist party since the 1960s, but they have always been infiltrated and destroyed by the feds or driven into irrelevance by infighting. I don't think there is an immediate political solution as the masses are just too brainwashed and will never revolt against ZOG as long as they are well fed and entertained.

it would need to stop foids from emigrating to other countries so they don't try to fuck foreign men, reducing the max potential birthrate and prevent creation of mutts. institute a eugenics program to stop the suffering of future incels. male-female pairings would be chosen by the eugenics program staff, who would give you your looksmatch within one point deviation.
it would need lots and lots of border security to make sure shitskins don't get in or foids go out. the border would have two walls with a gap in between the walls, so if they get past the first wall, they can be stopped by border patrol.
only issue is the (((UN))) would be on our ass because they are (((diversity))) loving cucks who support the jew agenda, the jews would start wars against the nation, and the libtards and other retards would also try to stop it

note to feds: this is only a hypothetical
-Remove rights from foids
-Close all immigration down
-Deport all illegals first, and then all legal ones(unless they are White)
-Abolish Democracy; replace it with meritocracy, selection by heritable leadership traits, and some form of referendum
-Ban all LGBTQ+ & remove children from these couples
Yeah Trump is really sucking off niggers again, that last speech right after he got shot he was doing it again "oh our poor negroes and spics are being hurt by illegal immigration". Literally nobody claps, one nigger yells "blacks for Trump" and he gets all excited, it's so cringe.

But we don't need to stop illegal or legal immigration, that could've worked 50 or 60 years ago and then you would still need to consider birth rates eventually. The only thing that will save us is remigration and that's the nicest way of solving this issue, full-on deportation with no compensation should be on the table if these uppity niggers who think they somehow have a right to be in our lands don't wanna cooperate.
-Remove rights from foids
-Close all immigration down
-Deport all illegals first, and then all legal ones(unless they are White)
-Abolish Democracy; replace it with meritocracy, selection by heritable leadership traits, and some form of referendum
-Ban all LGBTQ+ & remove children from these couples
Is this true? @Friezacel @Ron.Belgrade

I mean it makes sense & I believe it, but how deep is it really? I was once told by a former gERman user here @Retardinator that the AfD is infiltrated by Feds, and that if you're a registered member you could be denied a job. And from what I hear, Wilders is very pro-Israel.
Right wingers are controlled opposition bucko, they're there to help create a fake antisemitsm climate so jews can leave edom (the west) before they crush it in the great war against yishmael
Right wingers are controlled opposition bucko, they're there to help create a fake antisemitsm climate so jews can leave edom (the west) before they crush it in the great war against yishmael
“bucko” jfl you sound like a pretentious boomer faggot

And yeah, a lot of it is controlled opp, tell me something i don’t know captain obvious

Actual NS hasn’t truly existed since WW2
“bucko” jfl you sound like a pretentious boomer faggot

And yeah, a lot of it is controlled opp, tell me something i don’t know captain obvious

Actual NS hasn’t truly existed since WW2
You literally asked about it dumbass nigger, and here's alittle secret bitch ass: Hitler was controlled opposition and was tasked with cleaning and strenthening the Jews through the Holocaust
You literally asked about it dumbass nigger, and here's alittle secret bitch ass: Hitler was controlled opposition and was tasked with cleaning and strenthening the Jews through the Holocaust
No need to sperg out, cunt

“bitch ass” if anyone here’s a little bitch it’s you

And no, I don’t give a shit about you cherry-picking sources to “prove” he was controlled opposition. Now piss off Nigger
No need to sperg out, dumb faggot

“bitch ass” if anyone here’s a little bitch it’s you
You literally asked about it dumbass nigger, and here's alittle secret bitch ass: Hitler was controlled opposition and was tasked with cleaning and strenthening the Jews through the Holocaust
GUYS calm down, hate is not the way! Spread love between brocels not hate!
Valentines Day Hug GIF by Teletubbies
GUYS calm down, hate is not the way! Spread love between brocels not hate!
Valentines Day Hug GIF by Teletubbies
All you newfags are trash ruining this forum, piss off back to tik tok & looksfags where you belong
You literally asked about it dumbass nigger, and here's alittle secret bitch ass: Hitler was controlled opposition and was tasked with cleaning and strenthening the Jews through the Holocaust
Imagine being this much of a crackpot
Keep sucking off your dear kikeführer
jokes are often a window, and clearly you're projecting.
maybe he comes back and saves le europe and destroys Israel if you lick his Imaginary Balls hard enough faggot
Again, you're projecting your faggotry with jokes.

Not even a fucking argument, kys.
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you dumb disgusting unlovable social reject.
Imagine using this as an insult on an incel forum...
Imagine hating someone for a join date you utter subhuman,
Again, using "subhuman" as an insult

And if you know what's been going on since 2023, you would know join date matters a lot.
holy fuck what a disgusting human being, if we can even claim that you're human.
Shitskin saying if I am even "human" jfl
you're as shit as a fucking normie
and you are genuinely one of the worst user I had the chance to talk to, and you will be the first to get on ignored on this forum, I tried many many fucking times to ignore and forgive you but you still hate me. You are one of the few niggers who I genuinely think deserve to be an incel and a social reject hated by many, fuck you. Keep sucking that Nazi meat, your race won't save your face, your race did absolutely nothing to you, you're proud for something you're born with you sound just like a normfag
haha you mad, glad your newfag ass is pissed off.

And no, I'm not "proud of my race" just for being born it, I just dont want to have to live with shitskins as exemplified by your behavior.
jokes are often a window, and clearly you're protecting.

Again, you're protecting your faggotry with jokes.

Not even a fucking argument, kys.
Projecting* dumbass, you barely found out about this word and you already fucked it up. I could give you a thousand arguments about
what i said but your peanut brain couldn't comprehend them and your mount everest ego couldn't acknowledge your wrong doing.

Stay a good goy and keep believing that hitler was a based aryan führer and that Trump and right wingers will save the west.
Projecting* dumbass, you barely found out about this word and you already fucked it up. I could give you a thousand arguments about
what i said but your peanut brain couldn't comprehend them and your mount everest ego couldn't acknowledge your wrong doing.
Oh yeah, a fucking typo somehow proves you right.

And why not show those "arguments" then instead of acting like some fucking 15 year old faggot in a COD lobby.

that Trump and right wingers will save the west.
I never said that, your ignorant 2024nigger brain pulled it out of your ass to go on a tangent.
And why not show those "arguments" then instead of acting like some fucking 15 year old faggot in a COD lobby.
Arguing with that guy is like arguing with some leftard pushing the black vikings theory. There's no point, it's just a waste of time to talk to someone that delusional
Arguing with that guy is like arguing with some leftard pushing the black vikings theory. There's no point, it's just a waste of time to talk to someone this delusional
yeah, that's why i usually ignore them, but sometimes i sperg out and fight them until i get warned or they get banned
Arguing with that guy is like arguing with some leftard pushing the black vikings theory. There's no point, it's just a waste of time to talk to someone that delusional
He really is one of the most shit users I've seen so far

RNC logic= Its okay if whites become a minority and then eventually 25% of the population in 100 years as long as they come in legally.
DNC logic= Its good if whites become a minority and then eventually 25% of the population in 100 years, through both legal and illegal means.

What difference does it make if 1 million shitskins come in legally or illegally? Fact is that they are here.

We need a white nationalist party. Look at the AfD in Germany or Party for Freedom in Netherlands.

Both parties are owned by this
as long as any trace of kike uniparty lives on your tax money will go towards wars for eretz yisrael.
“bucko” jfl you sound like a pretentious boomer faggot

And yeah, a lot of it is controlled opp, tell me something i don’t know captain obvious

Actual NS hasn’t truly existed since WW2
Agreed, its now kikes, federales or some cunts that end up kissing that yahood wall after being "muh gigabased right wing expel muslimsn shiettt" nigga, dont have any faith in RW nowadays IMO.
Agreed, its now kikes, federales or some cunts that end up kissing that yahood wall after being "muh gigabased right wing expel muslimsn shiettt" nigga, dont have any faith in RW nowadays IMO.
and now kikes want us to go to war with muslims for them, like they can fuck off back to the "gas chambers" if they think we are ever dying for them, no shlomo, im not killing children for greater israel.
Arguing with that guy is like arguing with some leftard pushing the black vikings theory. There's no point, it's just a waste of time to talk to someone that delusional
Oh yeah, a fucking typo somehow proves you right.

And why not show those "arguments" then instead of acting like some fucking 15 year old faggot in a COD .

I never said that, your ignorant 2024nigger brain pulled it out of your ass to go on a tangent.
Here you go bitch ass.

Disclaimer: I kept myself short but I think your small brain is big neough to connect the dots.

The cleansing of the Jewish people and the creation of Israel through the Holocaust:

To make things clear why a "cleansing" was necessary in the first place, we need to look at the state of the Jewish people in Europe pre WW2.

At this point of time the Jews were largely assimilated into society, Jews married non Jews, they immitated the europeans and slowly but surely got fully integrated into society and left their former traditions and degraded their religion into simple folklore.

IMG 4456

You can see this effect even today with arab and turkish immigrants who came to Europe. the 2nd generation of those immigrants are already deeply assimilated into Western society, some don't even know their mother language, they are really only Immigrant by name. Just like the jews back then.

This was a big problem for Zionists whom sought to create Israel, the "cultural genocide" as they call it themselves, was so destructive that there were barely any jews left who desired to return to Israel aka the holy land.

Judaism was on the verge of total collapse and there was something big needed to reverse this effect.

And Guess what happened next?

IMG 4450

One of the Most famous rabbies oat btw:
(he even has his own national day in the USA)
IMG 4452
IMG 4453
IMG 4451
Here you go bitch ass.

Disclaimer: I kept myself short but I think your small brain is big neough to connect the dots.

The cleansing of the Jewish people and the creation of Israel through the Holocaust:

To make things clear why a "cleansing" was necessary in the first place, we need to look at the state of the Jewish people in Europe pre WW2.

At this point of time the Jews were largely assimilated into society, Jews married non Jews, they immitated the europeans and slowly but surely got fully integrated into society and left their former traditions and degraded their religion into simple folklore.

View attachment 1205300

You can see this effect even today with arab and turkish immigrants who came to Europe. the 2nd generation of those immigrants are already deeply assimilated into Western society, some don't even know their mother language, they are really only Immigrant by name. Just like the jews back then.

This was a big problem for Zionists whom sought to create Israel, the "cultural genocide" as they call it themselves, was so destructive that there were barely any jews left who desired to return to Israel aka the holy land.

View attachment 1205301
Judaism was on the verge of total collapse and there was something big needed to reverse this effect.

And Guess what happened next?

View attachment 1205302

View attachment 1205303View attachment 1205304

One of the Most famous rabbies oat btw:
(he even has his own national day in the USA)
View attachment 1205305View attachment 1205306View attachment 1205307
First of all, the holocaust did not happen in the way they make it out to be. Yes, some did die but it was only around 200-250,000 or so. Look at the records, they dont match up

Death Camps Debunked 1 1536x1394

The jews have always used "muh six gorillion" number:



They also have lied about it, yet shifted it:


Also reinforced by the fact I've never seen a holocaust "survivor" with a number higher than the hundred-thousands

Secondly, that was pure schizo-shit: It never proved Hitler & the NSDAP were organized & secretly controlled by Jews, but just that the Nazis allowed the Jews to cry wolf & create Israel.
Secondly, that was pure schizo-shit: It never proved Hitler & the NSDAP were organized & secretly controlled by Jews, but just that the Nazis allowed the Jews to cry wolf & create Israel.
How much people really died doesn't matter at all the only 2 important facts are:

1. It did happen
2. It revived Judaism and let to the creation of Israel

The biggest problem of people like you is their depiction of Hitler. I'm pretty sure you believe in Hitler as a Christian traditionist, who sought to defend Europe from communism (which is also jewish) and to preserve the White race through le based Fascism/Nazism.

Hitler was a puppet of his higher ups who was constantly filled up with drugs to keep him mellow, he wasn't wven a Christian at all, he was a Atheist and was even thinking about removing Christianity from Germany

The NSDAP got support from american companies during its campaigns for elections like (surprise surprise) J.P Morgan which supported all big parties to have thighter control on german politics.

Banks and very rich companies gave him the perfect environment by collectively destroying the german economy so that the people in germany get as unhappy as possible, making them look for a new alternative AKA supporting the NSDAP.

Hitler then redirected zhis hate and anger at the regular jews in europe who have nothing to do with the actions of the ones on top of their Religion.

Hitler was literally a plant by the FEDs and the Rockefellers as i citate this german article:

"According to Sutton, an important vehicle (of the financial support of the NSDAP) was the American International Corporation (AIC), founded in 1915, a merger of the largest Wall Street companies, including the Morgan Bank and the Rockefeller family, i.e. in particular the Standard Oil empire and the Chase Manhattan Bank, such as also the Warburg family. Even large corporations such as General Electric, ITT or Ford appear on the balance sheets as payment carriers, and even a public institution such as the New York Federal Reserve Bank."

I recommend you to read the book "Wallstreet and the rise of Hitler"

I can also prove to you that the NSDAP, specifically the SS practiced occultism aka Satanic Rituals and sacrificed children if you want to ofc

The jews use this tactic of building up a fake enemy and then crushing him all the time, we can even see this right now. The Hamas got financed and supported by Israel before they got in power in 2007.
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