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Blackpill Both men and women prefer younger partners, study finds



There are no happy endings in Eastern Europe.
Oct 30, 2022
Another day, another :redpill:cope destroyed:feelshaha:.

"Trust me bro, you just aren't matured and ripe enough for a relationship yet:soy:. Nothing turns a woman on like a mature older man who has a career and can provide for her:soy::redpill:, keep on working out, keep on hustling, buy my course:soy: and soon you will find your 15-years-younger wife, who will totally be attracted to you and not your money!"

The only consolation is that the effect is small overall:feelsjuice:.

Overall, men and women were equally more attracted to younger dates, at least after the first meeting, the authors report in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Eastwick said the effect amounted to daters preferring the younger of two potential partners 55% of the time. “It’s small, and you probably wouldn’t notice it yourself with just the ‘naked eye’, but it makes a difference in the aggregate,” he said.

The researchers analysed questionnaires completed by more than 6,000 blind daters who used a matchmaking service to fix them up with a potential long-term partner.
Is this a big enough sample size for the people who always doubt the studies we post here based on those:waitwhat:? Or will they not even think about doubting this since they like what this study says:feelsjuice:.

If women do tend to prefer younger men, why are most women the younger partners in relationships? One theory is that women may find younger men more attractive at first, but the relationships wither when, as the authors write, “the liabilities of men’s youth come to the fore”.
So men are more forgiving of partner's shortcomings and have lower standards overall? You don't say:feelsjuice:.

But men may simply get to exert their preferences more often. The age gap in Europe and the US has fallen for decades, while larger gaps persist in regions with less gender equality.
"It's le oppression:foidSoy:!"

Another possibility, Eastwick said, is that an age difference is baked into the dating pool from the start. Because boys mature later, they are older before they are considered viable dating material.
So, since girls mature faster, does that mean that older men being attracted to them makes more sense:feelsEhh:?

Meanwhile older women may take themselves out of the pool “because they don’t want to be a nurse or a purse”, Eastwick said.
I repeat:hax::feelshaha:: So men are more forgiving of partner's shortcomings and have lower standards overall? You don't say:feelsjuice:.

A separate study last year found that the older people got, the more they preferred a younger partner. But while men started out with younger partners, women started with older men before shifting to same-aged partners in middle age and younger men in their retirement years.
The agepill always comes to collect:shock:.
Redpillers are so retarded for believing a 40 year old man has more smv than a 40 year old woman. All you have to do is look up "milf porn" and see how popular it is. 40+ year old men are only sexually popular among faggots.
"Women age like milk and men age like wine br0" :soy:
You'll get the bi-atches once you're in your 40's bro :redpill::soy: :redpill: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Women have pussys which no matter how unwashed some desperate man somewhere is waiting to pump.
Redpillers are so retarded for believing a 40 year old man has more smv than a 40 year old woman. All you have to do is look up "milf porn" and see how popular it is. 40+ year old men are only sexually popular among faggots.
Good point:yes::yes:. Either all the milf porn gets most of its views from guys younger than the women in them, which alone shows how much of a cope "the wall" is and how much sexual appeal those women still have, or its mostly men as old as the pornstars watching them, in which case 40-somethings are just the same as any younger people, as in, the men lust after and would fuck just about any woman they could while women can choose to be picky. Either way, there's no age bracket where men somehow have higher SMV than women.

Literally one of the most retarded copes that redpillers perpetuate.
Makes sense when you think about it, I always took that redpill cope as just an example of being able to hustle n' grind to become a sugar daddy.
Is this a big enough sample size for the people who always doubt the studies we post here based on those:waitwhat:? Or will they not even think about doubting this since they like what this study says:feelsjuice:.
Yeah jfl, they always try and make up some excuse of "bro it's probably a sample size of 10 bro" which is just the denial stage of grief(or bargaining?)
So men are more forgiving of partner's shortcomings and have lower standards overall? You don't say:feelsjuice:.
It's because at a young age we know life is hard & that everyone has flaws.
So, since girls mature faster, does that mean that older men being attracted to them makes more sense:feelsEhh:?
what about mens satisfaction in dating comes from partners attractiveness
Once you turn 30 your life is over incel or not. Then the copes just come raining down from the decayed
I think the misunderstanding for most men is that they think that women are physically attracted to middle aged men, when they aren't. Its just that middle aged men have money that these women can leech.
Super brutal stuff. It just gets worse as you get older, the copes get weaker and weaker. Literally. Stuff like jestermaxxing won't even work
Redpillers are so retarded for believing a 40 year old man has more smv than a 40 year old woman. All you have to do is look up "milf porn" and see how popular it is. 40+ year old men are only sexually popular among faggots.
MILFs don’t resemble your average older women and they’re depicted as initiating a lot. That’s why it’s so popular

Older men just attract more women due to mere wealth
According to redpillers, your peak starts at 60 as a male.
Plenty of time bruv
Older men just attract more women due to mere wealth
Yea and then get cheated on cause she lusted after young Chadlite robust prettyboy in his prime, fully gymmaxxed.
L take tbh, what a fucking moron you must be, to think that women prefer older men.
Money is a man made thing, doesn't exist in nature. Women don't give a fuck about a piece of paper, her biology doesn't care.
Yea and then get cheated on cause she lusted after young Chadlite robust prettyboy in his prime, fully gymmaxxed.
L take tbh, what a fucking moron you must be, to think that women prefer older men.
Money is a man made thing, doesn't exist in nature. Women don't give a fuck about a piece of paper, her biology doesn't care.
Use statistics
Yep and that's why female adult teachers rape young boys, and take advantage of them (in a video game). There's also the stereotype of 'Cougars' where older women in their 40s prey on young men in like their 20s.

I mean this supports the notion of women liking more feminine looking guys as well (since they're obviously younger). Cap is 30 years old (for 'pretty boys' before they start to devolve or if they even can evolve into Chads, but even that's pushing it and if they're 'lucky,' agewise).

Yea and then get cheated on cause she lusted after young Chadlite robust prettyboy in his prime, fully gymmaxxed.
L take tbh, what a fucking moron you must be, to think that women prefer older men.
Money is a man made thing, doesn't exist in nature. Women don't give a fuck about a piece of paper, her biology doesn't care.
Yup. When they have time to strategize and think of what guy to use they might "prefer" an older one with money instead of looks, but on the street it's clear what their preferences are.

what about mens satisfaction in dating comes from partners attractiveness
Sorry for not replying, I wasn't sure what you meant by that. Is that about men moreso than women, being affected by their partner's attractiveness when it comes to how satisfied they are in a relationship?

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