Google has been using their platform to push their far-left agenda for far longer than this. They manipulate their search results to push down things they don't like, and use their conferences to encourage people to become mentally ill with Gender Identity Disorder. And, of course, there's YouTube's constant censoring of conservatives, while allowing liberals to spread as much hate as they want.
I haven't used Google products in years because of everything above, and their search engine tries to make me fill out a recaptcha every time any way (and these stupid things never work until I do it 3 times in a row, so I refuse to waste my time with those). My advice is to degoogle yourself, and the sooner the better. Use another search engine, use hooktube or youtube-dl to watch YT videos if you absolutely must, block their trackers and APIs in your browser, and never, I mean NEVER, create a Google account (and delete your account ASAP if you have one). If enough of us fight back and stop feeding the beast, we can push it back!