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JFL Boomers genuinely have some of the shittest dating takes of any generation

I kind of want to write books for fun. I won't have social status, but I feel like I'm actually putting something beautiful into the world, unlike a lawyer job where I'm expected to get near death just to be some asshole partner's grunt in the vain hope that somehow I'll be able to do the same to someone else, all the while perpetually being viewed as disposable and replaceable by a firm at every stage in my career except near the very end if I get shareholder value.
Good luck. I picked up writing last year. It works like a therapy session for me. It's actually liberating when you stop chasing money, as cliched as it may sound.
Like if I'm going to put that much energy into something, why should the rewards be disposability and a lack of respect? Fuck Big Inc.
You know the hoeflation phenomenon has inadvertently made me gain more self-respect. If foids are going to put such a heavy price on their pussy and intimacy, why should I work for cheap? I left the job before the current one because of this very reason. It is true that most guys aren't man enough today. They are willing to be corporate bootlickers just so they can afford an ungrateful cunt. If only men banded together and refused to work for anything less than an income that doesn't result in living paycheck-to-paycheck. But no, they are too busy infighting and backstabbing each other.
over for chadcels

No, I meant Boomers. Boomers promoted degeneracy, feminism, and the Sexual Revolution. They demanded abortion. Normalized girls being sluts and feminism. Gen X are just the generation before Millennials who didn't live in a completely fucked society and the last that could really moneymaxx geomaxx before total Americanization. I'm a Millennial and I hate Boomers, but I also really hate my generation too. I really hate a lot of people.
This, they are the true Case 0 of this decadence.

Either way you shouldnt take what any booomer says seriously, or even conservatives/ 4channers who worship women.

They seriously believe jews "manipulated them" to be with thugs and criminals and this isnt the result of their free will.
Exactly. Something happened around 2017 or so when this incel terminology started getting attention as men started sharing this information, but either due to cognitive dissonance or intentional hijacking, it became morphed with the 80s "muh bootstraps" attitude.

Suddenly what made a man a chad wasn't how hot + status + dark triad he is, a man slays pussy by getting a high paying salary and a prestigious career.

To me, it indicates the declining intelligence of our world and the failing of our educational institutions. The narrative I had growing up was
"you know what, if you work your hardest and be a nice guy and make a woman laugh, she'll have a deeper love with you after she got hurt from all the mean loser guys".

That was at least believable to someone like me who was optimistic about human nature.

But it suddenly shifted to the artificially pushed "pussy slaying geek" thing in the 2010s, with like Jim from the Office, Egoraptor, Big Bang Theory's main lead, the Internship with Vince Vaughn, I would argue Futurama. Something that's obviously bullshit but might've tricked enough women.

Now it's like 80 IQ retarded. Just having a prestigious career means you'll get pussy. Lol, lmao even.
well said
Based. At some point, I expect there will be anti single mom campaigns. They are severely dysfunctional people and are becoming a big drain of resources. They will tax society more first, of course, but eventually something will break and the single mom problem will have to be dealt with.
TSMD :feelsYall:

This, they are the true Case 0 of this decadence.

Either way you shouldnt take what any booomer says seriously, or even conservatives/ 4channers who worship women.

They seriously believe jews "manipulated them" to be with thugs and criminals and this isnt the result of their free will.
Boomers are very stuck in the whiteknight 'chivalry' mentality where it's a mans job to bend over backwards to please women, and if a woman cheats etc its all his fault for not giving her everything she wants. They're oblivious to how greedy women have become.

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