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RageFuel Boomers Are Leaving America to Retire Abroad In Droves Because the U.S. is "Just Too Expensive"



nevER lose your smile⚡⚡
Nov 20, 2022

If you guys thought this disgusting generation couldn't get more insufferable, you are in for more ragefuel.

For non-burgercels, I will make another thread explaining why myself & many others hold a great disdain for boomers.

When Allan Fawcett decided to retire from his career in computer science in 2011, he knew he wanted to spend at least a few years traveling, particularly around Europe. After decades working in tech, he was ready, as he says, to give his mind a rest. "Computer programming destroyed my brain," he tells Fortune. "I needed an escape."
If only these entitled fuckers could know what not just guys such as us, but most Americans in general have had to go through in-part due to their choices & decisions.

This is the average boomer mentality-they had it relatively easy yet act as if they had to struggle & demand us all to give them our utmost respect because "muh respect your elders!1!1!"

Fawcett, now 67 and a Spanish resident through marriage, couldn't be happier about his decision. Though his wife still works, he spends his days playing tennis, reading, and going to the beach or cafés with expat friends in Barcelona.
Must be nice-it's disgusting this fucker gets to enjoy that whilst most here struggle to afford rent & will nevER own a house.

The same lifestyle wouldn't be possible in the U.S., Fawcett says.
No shit sherlock, but do you know why that is? :waitwhat::feelsjuice:

Housing is much more affordable, food is inexpensive, and the wine is even less so. The mass transit system is a godsend; Fawcett doesn't have a car and doesn't need one to get around. Walkability is also a major benefit.
I know that this seems like simple necessities, but focus burgercels it's a different reality.

Must be nice having actual, organic food not laced with seed oils & other crap like that.

there were over 700,800 people receiving Social Security payments abroad, according to the most recently available data from the Social Security Administration. In 2000, that figure was less than 400,000.
Now, this will eventually be included in a topic for a thread I will make eventually, in which I will discuss as to how the decline of the US will lead to people eventually fleeing, making this place a passport bros location

The latter is true for Susan Keenan Sweeney and her husband, Joe, who moved to Hungary in 2015 (Joe was born in Hungary, but moved away as a child). Though Sweeney, 69, had done well for herself in a career in banking software in the states and even retired early in Florida, she was put off by the increasingly high costs of housing and health care.
Imagine being born privileged enough to have enough saved up just to be able to escape living in this second-world shithole, only yo brag about how easy you had it & had the ability to escape it.

Sweeney and Fawcett wouldn't have been able to save the amount of money they did throughout their high-paying careers in the U.S. had they spent their careers in Europe.
As proven here.
If I can start working and make decent money again my first course of action will be to gtfo of the west.

If you guys thought this disgusting generation couldn't get more insufferable, you are in for more ragefuel.

For non-burgercels, I will make another thread explaining why myself & many others hold a great disdain for boomers.

If only these entitled fuckers could know what not just guys such as us, but most Americans in general have had to go through in-part due to their choices & decisions.

This is the average boomer mentality-they had it relatively easy yet act as if they had to struggle & demand us all to give them our utmost respect because "muh respect your elders!1!1!"

Must be nice-it's disgusting this fucker gets to enjoy that whilst most here struggle to afford rent & will nevER own a house.

No shit sherlock, but do you know why that is? :waitwhat::feelsjuice:

I know that this seems like simple necessities, but focus burgercels it's a different reality.

Must be nice having actual, organic food not laced with seed oils & other crap like that.

Now, this will eventually be included in a topic for a thread I will make eventually, in which I will discuss as to how the decline of the US will lead to people eventually fleeing, making this place a passport bros location

Imagine being born privileged enough to have enough saved up just to be able to escape living in this second-world shithole, only yo brag about how easy you had it & had the ability to escape it.

As proven here.
I am not from the USA, but I can understand the cultural context of different generations.
View: https://youtu.be/C4KIaQaEuOM?si=MFhDIx2kt57QAclr

If you guys thought this disgusting generation couldn't get more insufferable, you are in for more ragefuel.

For non-burgercels, I will make another thread explaining why myself & many others hold a great disdain for boomers.

If only these entitled fuckers could know what not just guys such as us, but most Americans in general have had to go through in-part due to their choices & decisions.

This is the average boomer mentality-they had it relatively easy yet act as if they had to struggle & demand us all to give them our utmost respect because "muh respect your elders!1!1!"

Must be nice-it's disgusting this fucker gets to enjoy that whilst most here struggle to afford rent & will nevER own a house.

No shit sherlock, but do you know why that is? :waitwhat::feelsjuice:

I know that this seems like simple necessities, but focus burgercels it's a different reality.

Must be nice having actual, organic food not laced with seed oils & other crap like that.

Now, this will eventually be included in a topic for a thread I will make eventually, in which I will discuss as to how the decline of the US will lead to people eventually fleeing, making this place a passport bros location

Imagine being born privileged enough to have enough saved up just to be able to escape living in this second-world shithole, only yo brag about how easy you had it & had the ability to escape it.

As proven here.
Boomers were born during the Cold War, and since the United States was afraid of communism, the elites allowed Americans to enjoy a high standard of living so that they would not become communists. As soon as the Cold War ended, the elites stopped caring about the standard of living of US residents, as the threat of Communism disappeared forever.
I wanna move to Europe
So this pleb came to me with his new
"invention" and he claims it will do the work in his behalf I told him to fuck off and go back to work and start paying taxes pleb hahahaha

-emperor Vaspasian
Seriously though boomer managed to get both rightwingers and leftists to hate them which is rather impressive feat if you ask me
Boomers are parasites by nature. It's not only just in US, but also in Romania as well (albeit not as privileged as in the US) and I think in this entire globe since every nationality seems to hate them.

Boomers in Romania shit-talk other generations after theirs all day and how they somehow ruined society (that is partially true, but each generation has its own bad apples), meanwhile they keep in voting for shit globohomo parties because during rallies they get water and bread (and that somehow is a reason to support them? jfl :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:).

These globohomo parties that I mainly talk about are the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the PSD (Social-Democratic Party). And the reason they are still popular in Romania these days is because boomers vote in masses meanwhile millenials and zoomers are not interested in politics, so it is always corrupt shitty parties that win in Romania because they figured out it is easy to manipulate your average boomer to get votes. @Nagger would agree with me on this topic since he is also a romanian.

And let's not also forget that all the faggotry and degeneracy that millenials and zoomers display is because boomers failed their jobs as parents leading to their children rebelling against them. And since they associate stuff such as tradition with boomers, of course they will end up supporting shit such as feminism, multiculturalism, the faggot alphabet and all that shit just to spite them. I mean, it's pure fucking miracle that most of us here ended up as normal individuals and not some castrated soyboys. And I barely even managed to touch 1% of the reasons why boomers are hated, meanwhile I have wrote like 3-4 paragraphs jfl :lul::lul::lul:.

As a sidenote, since boomers are old people, their voices shouldn't be heard because their brains are rotting from aging. That's why you got terms such as "baby-boomers" because they are mentally retarded.
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Shit, I didn't know that.
Screenshot 2024 07 17 202718 1

You & I have more in common genetically, since gypsies are abos.

I casually implied that Europeans(native ones) are genetically, phenotypically, and culturally linked, and then he sperged out jfl.
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Boomers that dodged the draft had life on tutorial mode
I really hate that boomers will all be dead when society turns so they will never be forced to acknowledge their crimes.
Day of the pillow is such a cope, they are all getting away with it and we can do nothing.
At least most of their grandchildren hate them, maybe there is some justice in that.
At least most of their grandchildren hate them, maybe there is some justice in that.
Yea, but with a great cost, they now support faggotry and feminism as a result of that which in turn affects us greatly.

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