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Serious Book Review: Brave New World (long)

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Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is often seen as the counterpart of 1984, which together with Fahrenheit 451, form the three most beloved and well-known dystopian sci-fi novels of the early 20th century. But while 1984 paints a picture of a dictatorship where people are ruled by pain and fear, which has almost become a cliché at this point, Brave New World uses a concept that feels much more original and 'fresh' (even though it's from the 1930s) for the genre, which is a world where the government controls people through pleasure.

The world of Brave New World is one which is controlled by a world government, where Christianity and all other religions are replaced with the worship of Henry Ford and science, where everyone speaks one global language, where parenthood and families no longer exist because babies are created by the government and where sex and drugs form the centers of people's lives.
Monogamy is looked down upon and people are encouraged to have sex with as many people as possible and not stay with one partner for more than a few weeks. The view of sex which people in this world have and the way it reflects the modern west's Tinder or hook-up culture which is now popular in the west while also the way the main characters struggle with the desire for a monogamous relationship is the reason why I believe most incels will find this book highly relatable. In the foreword of a 1964 release of the book, Huxley wrote that the sexual aspect of Brave New World's society was partly inspired by the high divorce rates of the cities in the US.

Nor does the sexual promiscuity of Brave New World seem so very distant. There are already American cities in which the number of divorces is equal to the number of marriages. In a few years, no doubt, marriage licences will be sold like dog licences, good for a period of twelve months, with no law against changing dogs or keeping more than one animal at a time. As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase.

The book has two main characters; Bernard Marx, who is the main character of what you can consider the first part of the book and John Savage, the main character of the second part of the book. Which one of the two you will most relate to may depend on your outlook on modern society.

Bernard Marx is of very small stature, which is an important aspect of his character because the world in which the book is set in contains a caste system where the highest Alpha caste members are tall and physically strong while the members of the lowest castes are described as dwarves. Marx, even though he is of the highest caste, the Alpha-Plus, physically resembles people of the much lower castes which he is often ridiculed for by his fellow Alphas. Marx, because of his manletdom and his anti-social tendencies, is essentially an incel, which is quite unusual seeing as the society he lives in encourages people to have as many sexual partners as possible. The character of Lenina, who is one of the two important female characters of the book, for example, nearly rejects his offer to visit the US together because of what she perceives as his abnormal behaviour. The segment in which Lenina ponders with her female friend over what to do seems like it could be a regular, real-life conversation today between women, as the various male partners they have had are compared with each other as if they were shopping through a clothing store to look for the perfect piece. Not very different from how people nowadays 'date around' to find their 'soulmate'.
Marx realizes something is wrong with the society he lives in but his hatred for it, in the end, comes down to not being able to participate it in the way others can. He despises the hyper-sexual nature of society and considers it degenerate, yet, at the same time, he also wants to engage in lots of sex and connect with people, just like everyone else does. I think this mindset reflects that of a lot of this site's members. On the one hand, most of us romanticize the west from before the sexual revolution, when lifelong marriages were still possible and desire lifelong companionship like that for ourselves. At the same time, we have this mindset that if the modern west does not allow for these relationships to happen anyway, we should at least have the right to fuck as many mentally ill whores as we can and satisfy our primal desires, yet we can't, because we are undesirable.

The other main character, John Savage, reflects the desire of those who genuinely reject modern western society and seek a return to the values of the past. In the world of Brave New World, there still exist Indian (Native American) reservations which are some of the last places where people do not live a sterilized existence and where concepts such as father, mother and marriage still exist. The inhabitants of the 'civilized' world visit these places, much like people today may visit some tribal village in Africa, for their amusement and bewilderment. John's mother, Linda, was a member of the civilized world who visited such a place but got lost and injured herself and was taken into the society of the Indians. Because she was pregnant, she could not return because in the book's world, motherhood is considered shameful and disgusting and any woman would have gotten the child aborted before it came to actually giving birth. As a result, John, is raised as a white outsider between two conflicting worlds; the one his mother tells him about and which still controls her behaviour as she has sexual relationships with many of the Indian men and the traditional world of the Native Americans in which honour, God, love and death still mean something.

Bernard, intrigued by this story, asks John to come with him to London and John agrees, excited to see the marvels of technological development which his mother talked about during his childhood. But John quickly realizes that the civilized world was not exactly what he dreamed about, he is disgusted by the hedonism and lack of knowledge of the average person and can't keep up with the hyper-social system which forces everyone to always be in the company of others whereas he had been used to being alone in the desert. John also falls in love with earlier mentioned Lenina, who of course has a very different view of sex and relationships than he has. Lenina comes off onto him while John is trying to explain that he believes in marriage and wishes to wait for a good moment. Lenina doesn't listen and John, enraged by knowing that the woman he so loved is only interested in temporary carnal pleasure, beats her up while calling her a whore. I found this to be a very amusing segment because the utter confusion which Lenina exhibits in this segment seemed so similar to how women tend to behave in those videos where they get beaten up.
Eventually, he snaps when his mother dies in front of his eyes in a state hospital and a bunch of nurses and children mock his grief, as they are conditioned to treat death as a minor event and because they have no family, will never know what it feels like to lose something akin to a parent. He attempts to 'wake up' the low-caste workers outside of the hospital and holds a speech about how their whole lives are founded on lies but they do not understand what he is trying to stay due to being conditioned from birth to be content with this lifestyle and instead attack him.

John is arrested and afterwards, decide to go full Kaczynski and live in a lighthouse and attempt to live off natural resources and devote the rest of his life to repenting for his mother's death and worshiping Christ. However, this attempt fails as people marvel at what they conceive as a barbaric lifestyle and come in droves to film him for their amusement. He attempted to escape civilization but civilization simply came back to him.

I could strongly relate to John as I live in the west but was raised in an Islamic household, the ancient values that I was brought up with of course strongly conflicted with the values of the society I participate in. This includes the views on sex and marriage, whereas Islam expects one to marry for life, westerners have already come to be used to a society where their future wives participated in gangbangs and can divorce them at any time for whatever reason. I also share some of his anti-technological views, as I am for example sick of the social media and smartphone culture that exists today, in which one is expected to be sharing absolutely everything he does.
I personally suspect John's character was inspired by Shakespeare's Othello (which is directly referenced many times by John himself, who is an avid fan of Shakespeare, which most people in this age have never heard of because his works were banned). Othello was a play about a Moorish (Muslim) general in the Venetian army who marries a Venetian Christian girl, who Othello suspects is cheating on him, after which Othello murders her. This may not have been Shakespeare's intent, but this to me reflects the more liberal attitude the west has always had regarding cheating and marriage compared to the very orthodox attitude in the Islamic world.

Concluding, when it comes to sexual relationships, we already live in Brave New World, this is why it's quite a depressing read at times. Many of either Bernard's or John's monologues made me think of emotional struggles I dealt with in life so far.
Leave out the caste system and certain inventions like rocket-fueled public transport and this book might as well have been written by Michel Houellebecq. With the media's attempts at popularizing anti-monogamous fetishes like 'swinging' and women no longer having to marry because they can get financial stability by merely posting pictures of themselves online, it seems like monogamy and the concept of the nuclear family might already be on its death-row. At least in the west.
Did read but didn't read
High IQ
160 IQ book review. I read Brave New World some time ago (before I was blackpilled), and your review refreshed my memory. The promiscuity depicted in it has gotten closer to approximating the actual pattern of sexual behavior found in the west every year since its publication- in particular, for women and a subset of men. I think it's a pretty good book and is worth reading.
Seems like a Brave New World is just life in 2019.
Do you share your reviews somewhere else or just in here?
High IQ post. Need to re-read. First time I read Brave New World was in 2012 when I was a bluepilled normie infatuated with a foid.
The promiscuity depicted in it has gotten closer to approximating the actual pattern of sexual behavior found in the west every year since its publication- in particular, for women and a subset of men.
True, but one should take a quick look at the degeneracy of Weimar Germany and early 20th century Jazz culture to see that the writer was also very much inspired by his own times. He was fortunate enough that he at least lived in an era when people still kept their sex lives somewhat private and the degeneracy was still looked down upon by a large chunk of the population.
What's also disturbing is that we are getting closer to the genetic engineering described in the book. With all these weird experiments going on in China where they created a baby out of two male mouses and create apes with autism, who knows how far we are from babies all being born in test-tubes with a specific task assigned at birth. When they described how they would pour alcohol over the embryos to stunt development for example to make people more obedient/docile, it reminded me about how all the hormonal crap in our food and water is making us men more feminine and thus more docile as well.
Do you share your reviews somewhere else or just in here?
Just here. I was thinking of writing for the Manosphere site that the mods had created though.
My favorite book. It's supposed to be a dystopia but I'd still prefer to live in BNW over this life. Even if I were an epsilon semi-moron I'd at least have soma and the ability to fuck my subhuman looksmatches.
More prophetic compared to his overrated cousin 1984.
Hopefully we end living in Cyperpunk 2077 so we can at least try to destroy corporations.
high iq review keep it going
Aye it's a class book. You should read a clockwork orange and get into some of that ultra violence my good chelloveck.
Aye it's a class book. You should read a clockwork orange and get into some of that ultra violence my good chelloveck.
I was planning on watching the film soon as I thoroughly enjoyed everything from Kubrik I've seen so far, he's the greatest director of all time. I'm not sure if I'll feel like reading the book once I've seen the story in film form though.
I know the book
I was planning on watching the film soon as I thoroughly enjoyed everything from Kubrik I've seen so far, he's the greatest director of all time. I'm not sure if I'll feel like reading the book once I've seen the story in film form though.
Read the book first then. The film was good an I had seen it a few years before reading the book. But its definitely worth a read.
i didn't really like the book. it was one of those books where it seemed they wrote a message with a story rather than a story with a message.
I know the book
Are you literally me?
Read the book first then. The film was good an I had seen it a few years before reading the book. But its definitely worth a read.
I might give it a chance.
i didn't really like the book. it was one of those books where it seemed they wrote a message with a story rather than a story with a message.
I agree with you on that. The writer was more focused on presenting his predictions for the future and the intriguing aspects of the dystopia and in turn did not really flesh out any of the characters. Still, I kind of preferred it that way because I was mainly interested in reading the book because of its concept and less because I wanted to read an interesting fictional story. I generally don't like fiction anyway.
People feared 1984 would come true but Brave New World hits way closer to the truth, and everything points out to the fact that Huxley's grim vision of the future is gradually becoming our reality. People don't even oppose it. They celebrate and embrace it completely.
Are you literally me?

I might give it a chance.

I agree with you on that. The writer was more focused on presenting his predictions for the future and the intriguing aspects of the dystopia and in turn did not really flesh out any of the characters. Still, I kind of preferred it that way because I was mainly interested in reading the book because of its concept and less because I wanted to read an interesting fictional story. I generally don't like fiction anyway.

Im not like any other. Im nothingness.
Are you literally me?

I might give it a chance.

I agree with you on that. The writer was more focused on presenting his predictions for the future and the intriguing aspects of the dystopia and in turn did not really flesh out any of the characters. Still, I kind of preferred it that way because I was mainly interested in reading the book because of its concept and less because I wanted to read an interesting fictional story. I generally don't like fiction anyway.
huxley also wrote the doors of perception which i liked more. its more of an essay and is non fiction. i think a brave new world would've been better in that stye.
People feared 1984 would come true but Brave New World hits way closer to the truth, and everything points out to the fact that Huxley's grim vision of the future is gradually becoming our reality. People don't even oppose it. They celebrate and embrace it completely.
While reading the book, I actually thought to myself that most leftists today wouldn't even consider the world depicted in it to be dystopian.
The view of sex which people in this world have and the way it reflects the modern west's Tinder or hook-up culture which is now popular in the west while also the way the main characters struggle with the desire for a monogamous relationship is the reason why I believe most incels will find this book highly relatable.
Good review, but I think the dating culture in Brave New World cant be compared to tinder. We all know about the 80/20 rule and the gini coefficient of the like distribution, tinder is a brutal capitalistic dating market. Dating in the brave new world on the other hand is pure communism. Orgies are an important part of people's lives, they are children's games and part of (semi mandatory) religious rituals at the same time. Nobody, not even loosers like Bernhard, gets excluded. In the lower casts, being an incel is even more impossible, because most people are clones so there are always looksmatches you can fuck whenever you want.

BNW may be immoral, but at least it's far more just and and 'incel friendly' than today's society.
Accurate enough review, makes a lot of sense.
Brave New World is my favorite book by far. At least it was so for past 8 years.

What was your favourite book before those 8 years?
Probably Animal Farm.
And before that I was stupid teen, so I liked popular fiction like City by Cliffor Simak, Dracula, Ubic, Solaris and Lord of the Rings.
> “westerners have already come to be used to a society where their future wives participated in gangbangs and can divorce them at any time for whatever reason. I also share some of his anti-technological views, as I am for example sick of the social media and smartphone culture that exists today, in which one is expected to be sharing absolutely everything he does.

Extremely high IQ post mate. Social media is only for Chad and women — low status ugly males will fail to farm validation/attention from it in the way they do.
High IQ post. Need to re-read. First time I read Brave New World was in 2012 when I was a bluepilled normie infatuated with a foid.
Same bro
Hopefully we end living in Cyperpunk 2077 so we can at least try to destroy corporations.
And fuck hookers more importantly — where I live its illegal
I was planning on watching the film soon as I thoroughly enjoyed everything from Kubrik I've seen so far, he's the greatest director of all time. I'm not sure if I'll feel like reading the book once I've seen the story in film form though.
His movies are great I agree
Good review, but I think the dating culture in Brave New World cant be compared to tinder. We all know about the 80/20 rule and the gini coefficient of the like distribution, tinder is a brutal capitalistic dating market. Dating in the brave new world on the other hand is pure communism. Orgies are an important part of people's lives, they are children's games and part of (semi mandatory) religious rituals at the same time. Nobody, not even loosers like Bernhard, gets excluded. In the lower casts, being an incel is even more impossible, because most people are clones so there are always looksmatches you can fuck whenever you want.

BNW may be immoral, but at least it's far more just and and 'incel friendly' than today's society.
This is an important observation I agree — incels would have it better in the BNW society than in our own ironically enough.

What was your favourite book before those 8 years?
I know you weren’t asking me, but my favorite book maybe ever is American Psycho. The film is good for what it is, but the book is superior still imo.

I would love to read your analysis of that one someday.
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Will have to read
dn rd but wow i agree tbh
Fuck this book
Fuck the Huxley Family
Fuck the Royal Society
My nigga got banned for book reports. Over for readingcels
Read this book like when I was 12 or 13.
Interesting. Will check it out

Leave out the caste system and certain inventions like rocket-fueled public transport and this book might as well have been written by Michel Houellebecq. With the media's attempts at popularizing anti-monogamous fetishes like 'swinging' and women no longer having to marry because they can get financial stability by merely posting pictures of themselves online, it seems like monogamy and the concept of the nuclear family might already be on its death-row. At least in the west.

Houellebecq wrote a dystopian sci-fi novel very much like this, it's called The Possibility of an Island from 2005.

It's about a comedian and a dog who, like the rest of the population retreat into pod-like houses in the countryside of a France that has become a museum for the Chinese. The people live totally atomised lifestyles mosly devoid of material discomfort, are immortal as clones replace decaying bodies, and all communication takes place via zoom-calls. Le Becq even accurately predicts VR porn/sex.

The book was made into a movie released in 2008:

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The people live totally atomised lifestyles mosly devoid of material discomfort, are immortal as clones replace decaying bodies, and all communication takes place via zoom-calls.
He predicted the Covid way of life jfl
I have a retard friend who read this book and was inspired by it.
Except he thinks it's a utopia and wants to turn the world into it.

Also why was this nigga banned?
I have a retard friend who read this book and was inspired by it.
Except he thinks it's a utopia and wants to turn the world into it.

Also why was this nigga banned?

For the average coomer, consoomer bugman with shitlib politics this world is pretty much paradise.

>wake up
>make '''''artisanal''''' coffee with overpriced, convoluted coffee machine
>eat breakfast of various soy, corn syrup and highly processed grain products
>while listening to fake and gay podcast you subscribe on via patreon 'hahahaha, these guys are so edgy and subversive!'
>work in an open office jungle or eternal cringe zoom chat --- lorded over by woke HR matriarchs you agree with
>post on social media on way home
>return to pod apartment
>consoom products
>order food with smartphonhe app
>smoke weed from legal dispensary that is packaged and presented like consoomer product from the supermarket
>consoom netflix
>play AAA normie vidya online and chat with bugman '''''friends'''''
>coom to pornhub or onlyfans
>take prescribed medications and go to sleep

Repeat this every day until death. On days off there is just more netflix and gayming. Maybe some gym going.
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Brave New World is like blackpill bible. It's the first book I had trouble reading because it's fucking horrifying.
Aldous Huxley's brother was a biologist, and that's why Aldous himself knew much more about biology that typical person 100 years ago or even now.
Lower casts in Brave New World are smaller, with darker skin. Also, there are many descriptions of them like: recessed jaw/chin. It's mindblowing. Tell about how recessed jaw is bad to typical normie today - he will laugh at you. Yet almost 100 years ago Huxley said in this book clearly: small height, dark skin, weak bone structure means you are a fucking lower class.
1984 seems like a fucking paradise in comparison. Not only system like that can't function(it's against human nature who seeks absent of pain and abundance of pleasure) it's quite easy to fall(have a famine or two and people will eventually rebel, not to mention economy will inevitable suffer - while CCCP was close in earlier years to scenario depicted in 1984 even without war on attricion it eventually collapsed because every inefficient system has to fail[North Korea survives only because western world want it to survive]) but humans were still humans. Meanwhile in Brave New World there is no humanity in society, and yet people fucking love it - because it goes well with human nature. No pain and full of pleasure - 99% of people will fucking love it.
In short: tyranical dictature is better than consoom corpohellhole. You can topple dictature with pitchfork and gun, but you can't defeat cons0merizm
Brave New World is like blackpill bible. It's the first book I had trouble reading because it's fucking horrifying.
Aldous Huxley's brother was a biologist, and that's why Aldous himself knew much more about biology that typical person 100 years ago or even now.
Lower casts in Brave New World are smaller, with darker skin. Also, there are many descriptions of them like: recessed jaw/chin. It's mindblowing. Tell about how recessed jaw is bad to typical normie today - he will laugh at you. Yet almost 100 years ago Huxley said in this book clearly: small height, dark skin, weak bone structure means you are a fucking lower class.
1984 seems like a fucking paradise in comparison. Not only system like that can't function(it's against human nature who seeks absent of pain and abundance of pleasure) it's quite easy to fall(have a famine or two and people will eventually rebel, not to mention economy will inevitable suffer - while CCCP was close in earlier years to scenario depicted in 1984 even without war on attricion it eventually collapsed because every inefficient system has to fail[North Korea survives only because western world want it to survive]) but humans were still humans. Meanwhile in Brave New World there is no humanity in society, and yet people fucking love it - because it goes well with human nature. No pain and full of pleasure - 99% of people will fucking love it.
In short: tyranical dictature is better than consoom corpohellhole. You can topple dictature with pitchfork and gun, but you can't defeat cons0merizm
he wasnt just a biologist, but one of the worlds most renowned eugenicists and was one of the UNESCO founders + director
I am not a big fan of pointing at a book "SO TRUE!! LITERALLY OUR SOCIETY" but bnw does describe some truths that are present today, mostly just from a different/exaggareted perspective. its a much better book than 1984 tbh tbh which is the one normies always drool over
he wasnt just a biologist, but one of the worlds most renowned eugenicists and was one of the UNESCO founders + director
Yeah, you are right, I just thought that it's not that important -> what's important that his brother was an expert in that field.
Just as you, I'm not a fan of saying how book predicted something, or looking hard for parallels between bok and real life, but BNW is just amazing, not to mention it's quite older than 1984, which is - as you said - some sort of holy grail for normies. I think that's because 1984 is so much easier to understand - duh oppression and brainwashing is bad duh. BNW is not really subtle at all(although much more than 1984), but I quess many people think that society filled with cons0merism and sex and pleasure is something we should pursuit at all costs. People in CCCP knew they live in hellhole, I'm not old enough to remember it(even if I was born in the 80's) but my parents and family remembers it and knew even back then it was a hellhole.
Yet now majority of people thinks western world is a-okay even if we are straight going into BNW -> say goodbye to normal families, having one sexual partners in life, loyalty, hardwork, sacrifice, community. Everyone from high caste is gonna fill his/her life with meaningful sex and people(well, men really) from lower caste are expected to work and sustain civilization and prizes are vidya games, netflix, and plastic toys. The one big difference between now and BNW is that in BNW they COULD automate everything so people wouldn't really need to work(or work much less hours), people in power just didn't want to do it(because free time could lead to thinking and thinking is bad), and we are still in not that point yet. Maybe Rome will fall again before that happens.
Good review, necro bump

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