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Soy Bluepilled ricecuck on IT: "What’s with incels and dehumanizing literally everybody?"

some of you guys really like using reddit huh
just join bts theory

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/hw8e8d/whats_with_incels_and_dehumanizing_literally/

Hey fellow ricecels, apparently we aren't subhuman because, you know, kpop! But kpop! Racism doesn't exist, because kpop!

Wondering what you guys think @ChinaCurry @AsiaCel @pp183 @Ricecel X @Ignas @omnilet

They use examples of diversity of male celebrities and music stars to argue about how an average comparatively anonymous male doesn't have it as bad as they think. Nevermind that male celebrities and music stars usually are better looking and have more status than the average male.
If they are rice and saying things like this they are coping hard and I feel bad for them.
Kpop only appeals to 14yo girls. They quickly grow out of it and demand tall masculine (= white) men like everyone else.
Ah yes, Kpop, basically only liked by alternative fat 14yos with green hair and daddy issues that grow out if long before they finish highschool. Blackpill destroyed.
Ah yes, Kpop, basically only liked by alternative fat 14yos with green hair and daddy issues that grow out if long before they finish highschool. Blackpill destroyed.
Bluepilled ricecels have got just one thing which they use over and over again - "Muh K-pop". :feelskek:

Why can't they fucking acknowledge the fact after listening to K-Pop holes go back to Chad's place to suck his dick.
well I'm asian, and you know, kpop is really big, then we got kpop here, what else we got... oh that's right the kpop thing is actually popular you know
Someone should show him the IT noodlewhore comment about asian men
IT doesn't think kpop faggots can be Chad (Chang) so who's the real racist?
Someone should show him the IT noodlewhore comment about asian men
Just kpopmaxx bro

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/hw8e8d/whats_with_incels_and_dehumanizing_literally/

Hey fellow ricecels, apparently we aren't subhuman because, you know, kpop! But kpop! Racism doesn't exist, because kpop!

Wondering what you guys think @ChinaCurry @AsiaCel @pp183 @Ricecel X @Ignas @omnilet

He already experienced the blackpill :feelskek:
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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/hw8e8d/whats_with_incels_and_dehumanizing_literally/

Hey fellow ricecels, apparently we aren't subhuman because, you know, kpop! But kpop! Racism doesn't exist, because kpop!

Wondering what you guys think @ChinaCurry @AsiaCel @pp183 @Ricecel X @Ignas @omnilet

Projecting based on 0.0001% of a population is something only ricemen can do.

I know high IQ ricemen who are PSL3 but think they're gonna slay in the real world because Kpop has shown Asians are hot bro!

What makes it worse is that the kfags aren't even hot, they just have an androgynous, safe, look that noodles have been conditioned to like (till the primal part of the brain kicks in) and obese landwhales who are disenfranchised from society lust over the way they used to for tyronelite because they know they can't get chad.

Curries are guilty of the first part, but to a way smaller extent than rice, but thankfully not the second (Roshan would slay in any bar in the west even if he wasn't statusmaxxed, Jungkook and RM probably won't even be let into the bar)
After being dehumanized your entire life you become bitter.
He already experienced the blackpill :feelskek:

I'm surprised how he can experience racism as a ricecel and still think that our ideology is "foreign".
I know high IQ ricemen who are PSL3 but think they're gonna slay in the real world because Kpop has shown Asians are hot bro!

What makes it worse is that the kfags aren't even hot, they just have an androgynous, safe, look that noodles have been conditioned to like

Is "metrosexual" the term I'm looking for? That describes South Korean cels perfectly.

so on one hand its incels who are being racist towards asians whereas society admires asians

And on the other hand it turns out that its actually society which has a racial stigma towards asians and incels are simply commenting on this observable reality (but not necessarily being racist in doing so).

These bluepilled fucks are suffering from cognitive dissonance, they have contradictory beliefs without even realising it. Talk about lacking self-awareness JFL, im done, these fuckers are too stupid to educate lol let them suffER.
How can you even say that being asian yourself? Her ancestors had fucked ricemen since the dawn of existence. Imagine a white guy saying "I don't like white girls". How is it possible? Does it even make sense? Racism in humans is so fucking real.
How can you even say that being asian yourself? Her ancestors had fucked ricemen since the dawn of existence. Imagine a white guy saying "I don't like white girls". How is it possible? Does it even make sense? Racism in humans is so fucking real.

Social conditioning. She's likely insecure after years of being mogged (fogged?) by white femoids, and after years of racial microaggressives -- so she'd decided to cope with her racial identity by sucking white dick. I suppose it makes her feel "whiter".
What's with literally everybody dehumanizing incels?
Kpop only appeals to 14yo girls. They quickly grow out of it and demand tall masculine (= white) men like everyone else.

This. Kpop guys are all pretty boys, that appeal to young foids for the same reason boybands like Nsync and Backstreet Boys were popular 20 years ago. It's the same faces, bodies, personalities, dance routines and music teenyboppers of all eras enjoy. You rarely see legit Changs in Kpop with adult type masculine energy - it doesn't sell to the very young target audience.
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I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe u go to Oxford uni n all dat. I'm not tryna insult u and I have no way of knowing for sure whether it b true or not but I dunno I just be a very paranoid person and I dunno I feel u could be lying n all dat.
We acknowledge our own subhumanity, so in all fairness even we do it.

Voluntary self-deprecation is one thing, it's like the use of the word "nigga" by the black community

Bullying is another.
I'm surprised how he can experience racism as a ricecel and still think that our ideology is "foreign".

Is "metrosexual" the term I'm looking for? That describes South Korean cels perfectly.
Nah metrosexual is a bit different, because it has a lot of masc hallmarks too.

Metro would be more like 28yr old Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, MAYBE even Gandy.

You can't really be classed as metro if you have non dimorphic face and frame, u just end up being faggy.
Yeah just kpopmaxx boyo. If I look like a kpop boyband member wtf I'm doing here in this forum lol I'd slay in my home country. But I'm a 5'3 brown skinned SEAcel with slanted eyes and balding head
Yeah just kpopmaxx boyo. If I look like a kpop boyband member wtf I'm doing here in this forum lol I'd slay in my home country. But I'm a 5'3 brown skinned SEAcel with slanted eyes and balding head
Just paint your nails and wear makeup bro the chicks dig it :soy:
At least you got kpop, what do sand niggers got? Suicide bombers?
Racism doesn't exist, because kpop!
In a foid's brain, that's all it takes for them to tell themselves they aren't lookist and racist as fuck.
Gaypop destroyed in one image. This is the quality of roastie that kpop stars can choose from. The top 1% of primped and surgerymaxxed dancing apes.

Gaypop destroyed in one image. This is the quality of roastie that kpop stars can choose from. The top 1% of primped and surgerymaxxed dancing apes.

Literally only one attractive girl in that pic
This is how easy females have it:

So, I decide to post my feelings about this on the Whisper app. It was something along the lines of, "Just turned 18, embarrassed about my lack of experience." And my PM's exploded with messages. I expected that honestly, and the attention was nice for a couple hours. I think I got over 100 people who responded to that in my PM's. But most of them were weird, not that helpful, and creepy. Again, I expected that and I didn't talk to all of them.

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/dg6esz/just_turned_18_and_planning_to_meet_up_with_a_45/

If I posted something like that at best Id get one or two comments saying "dont feel bad, its ok to be a virgin at 23"

Its always funny to me how women think theyre doing something right so they get so much attention, meanwhile we must be alone because unlike them were evil or something

No, you just have a vagina, you could be 10000x more vile than the most vile user on this forum and youd still get billions of PMs and guys wanting to date you

Its easy to be a happy go lucky hippie when everything just happens to you with 0 effort
K-Pop is actually DETRIMENTAL to the image of Asian males. Pretty/gay boys singing and dancing, is not a good stereotype for us, especially considering that we're already stereotyped as effeminate.

Ricecels often come up with ridiculous copes to ignore reality, as if K-Pop is suddenly making Asian males attractive. If anything, nothing is getting better for ricecels in the west. Ricecels are less self-aware than others looking at the ricecel situation, since every other race can at least subconsciously acknowledge that ricecels are worth less than trash in the sexual market. Ricecels have such fragile egos that prevent them from seeing reality from a statistical perspective, despite being stereotyped as being good at math.
They rage because they can't understand our terminology as they are too low IQ :feelskek:
K-Pop is actually DETRIMENTAL to the image of Asian males. Pretty/gay boys singing and dancing, is not a good stereotype for us, especially considering that we're already stereotyped as effeminate.

Ricecels often come up with ridiculous copes to ignore reality, as if K-Pop is suddenly making Asian males attractive. If anything, nothing is getting better for ricecels in the west. Ricecels are less self-aware than others looking at the ricecel situation, since every other race can at least subconsciously acknowledge that ricecels are worth less than trash in the sexual market. Ricecels have such fragile egos that prevent them from seeing reality from a statistical perspective, despite being stereotyped as being good at math.

Spot-on about Kpop.

Statistics isn't just about the ability to plug numbers into a calculator, unlike, say, algebra -- it requires a fair amount of interpretation, context. Which is why a lot of ricecel drones suck at statistics.
Just become like this exact racist stereotype theory

Remind me how they aren't racist?
Tbh kpop is destroying the image of real masculine men in asia they really think they're doing good for the image of asian men but they're failing so miserably kpop just like any other pop is a garbage and only garbage people will like it

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