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Blaming God for you being an incel is irrational and stupid



Apr 21, 2019
"If God loved you why would he make you an incel" is said way too much on this forum first let's talk about the concept of God. Everything we see in the observable universe was created and further functions in a unified and tranquil manner indicating that whatever God may be or who he may be he is a being of inconceivable power and intelligence. Do you honestly believe that he would forcibly sentence his creation that he loves to a life of pain and torment on purpose? Do you honestly believe that something so spiritual insignificant in the grand scheme of thing such as lack of female intimacy was his purposeful doing just to spite you. No, everything that has been done to you is the work of MAN. God is forgiving it's always emphasized that he sends UNREPENTANT souls to hell. He does not want you to wallow in misery and doom yourself to never ending punishment other wise he wouldn't have taken another form and opened the door to salvation to man in the first place. If there is one being in the universe an incel should show respect to is God. He is the only one that understands your plight
@God thoughts?
There is no god.
Everything we see in the observable universe was created and further functions in a unified and tranquil manner indicating that whatever God may be or who he may be he is a being of inconceivable power and intelligence. Do you honestly believe that he would forcibly sentence his creation that he loves to a life of pain and torment on purpose? Do you honestly believe that something so spiritual insignificant in the grand scheme of thing such as lack of female intimacy was his purposeful doing just to spite you

You are falsely asserting that God = Good, God could very well be a sadist, which is why it would then make sense that he creates some humans to observe their suffering

Since God created everything, he decides what is good, so even when he's a sadist, he's good, because he's God and whatever that is good is what he decided was good

This is why there is no such thing as morality, for morality to be an "actual thing" (actually be true and not arbitrary), it would have to be a "force" that functions independent of anyone's say so or bias (like the law of gravity), and morality is dictated by God bias of self preference

God has killed more humans in the bible than the devil (look it up, its true), yet I'm sure its good when God murders because he's God, that's the inherent flaw of "morality", so long as a set of moral rules is determined by an individual, it will always be biased and flawed, because the creator of said rules always creates exceptions for himself/herself
You are falsely asserting that God = Good, God could very well be a sadist, which is why it would then make sense that he creates some humans to observe their suffering

Since God created everything, he decides what is good, so even when he's a sadist, he's good, because he's God and whatever that is good is what he decided was good

This is why there is no such thing as morality, for morality to be an "actual thing" (actually be true and not arbitrary), it would have to be a "force" that functions independent of anyone's say so or bias (like the law of gravity), and morality is dictated by God bias of self preference

God has killed more humans in the bible than the devil (look it up, its true), yet I'm sure its good when God murders because he's God, that's the inherent flaw of "morality", so long as a set of moral rules is determined by an individual, it will always be biased and flawed, because the creator of said rules always creates exceptions for himself/herself
God was almost certainly direct in what was to be good and what was to be bad when he sent Moses down from Mt Sinai with the 10 commandments. It's not a basis of self preference but a strict guideline from keeping his creation from destroying themselves. Think about some of the commandments "thou shalt not commit adultery" adultery leads to a degenerate and destructive society as we've seen "thou shalt not murder in cold blood" you can deduce from these basic ethic principles that God put forward that he was not only thinking about his own self preference but for the common good of his creation by identifying and condemning acts that we've come to know are in fact harmful and destructive to society.
"If God loved you why would he make you an incel" is said way too much on this forum first let's talk about the concept of God. Everything we see in the observable universe was created and further functions in a unified and tranquil manner indicating that whatever God may be or who he may be he is a being of inconceivable power and intelligence. Do you honestly believe that he would forcibly sentence his creation that he loves to a life of pain and torment on purpose? Do you honestly believe that something so spiritual insignificant in the grand scheme of thing such as lack of female intimacy was his purposeful doing just to spite you. No, everything that has been done to you is the work of MAN. God is forgiving it's always emphasized that he sends UNREPENTANT souls to hell. He does not want you to wallow in misery and doom yourself to never ending punishment other wise he wouldn't have taken another form and opened the door to salvation to man in the first place. If there is one being in the universe an incel should show respect to is God. He is the only one that understands your plight
Rick & Morty IQ
Religion is a bluepill cope to keep worthless betas in check
There is no God
God is the Creator of all, therefore whatever he says goes. After all, who are we? We are just His creations. God has ultimate say and I accept and honor this.
You are falsely asserting that God = Good, God could very well be a sadist, which is why it would then make sense that he creates some humans to observe their suffering

Since God created everything, he decides what is good, so even when he's a sadist, he's good, because he's God and whatever that is good is what he decided was good

This is why there is no such thing as morality, for morality to be an "actual thing" (actually be true and not arbitrary), it would have to be a "force" that functions independent of anyone's say so or bias (like the law of gravity), and morality is dictated by God bias of self preference

God has killed more humans in the bible than the devil (look it up, its true), yet I'm sure its good when God murders because he's God, that's the inherent flaw of "morality", so long as a set of moral rules is determined by an individual, it will always be biased and flawed, because the creator of said rules always creates exceptions for himself/herself
Based and truthhertzradiopilled

But i want to blame an (((imaginary))) being for my very real problems!
God is dead
It is not known the state of existence that God preoccupies. Is he a field of energy? Is he a cosmic phenomenon? Does he simply take the form of an average human? If we do not know the answer to any of these questions then making that claim as a being that is known to have an expiration date is a foolish game
Of course God didn't created us because God can't fail.
It is not known the state of existence that God preoccupies. Is he a field of energy? Is he a cosmic phenomenon? Does he simply take the form of an average human? If we do not know the answer to any of these questions then making that claim as a being that is known to have an expiration date is a foolish game
This famous quote means not literal death, but whay you have just discribed. Pursuing undefiable entity as if it has real effect on our lives. The question of the existence of god is meaningless because the word god has no coherent and unambiguous definition. You cannot even clearly define that which you claim is true. There is no God.
I agree. Blaming God is irrational and stupid because God doesn't exist.
God was almost certainly direct in what was to be good and what was to be bad when he sent Moses down from Mt Sinai with the 10 commandments. It's not a basis of self preference but a strict guideline from keeping his creation from destroying themselves. Think about some of the commandments "thou shalt not commit adultery" adultery leads to a degenerate and destructive society as we've seen "thou shalt not murder in cold blood" you can deduce from these basic ethic principles that God put forward that he was not only thinking about his own self preference but for the common good of his creation by identifying and condemning acts that we've come to know are in fact harmful and destructive to society.

My point is he has committed some of those very acts he has commanded us not to do, not only that, he has given passes to many of his favored to do them

God commanded the "children of Israel" to kill every living person in Canaan (The Promised Land)

God has commanded and done many things that would be considered evil

The most obvious one, the little game between him and the devil over the life of Job, you can't argue that was "good" without being a dishonest person and using mental gymnastics, it is not good under any circumstances to gamble with someones life, yet when God does it, Christians get a mental block, they get quiet or they start fumbling their words

Dude there are literally points in the bible where you have to truly question if God is mentally fucked up, remember the whole story with moses and the pharaoh, remember that verse that states GOD HARDENED THE PHARAOH'S HEART SO THAT HE WOULD NOT LET THE SLAVES GO FREE :feelskek: (AFTER HE SENT MOSES TO ASK FOR THAT VERY THING) :feelskek:

Like come on dude, there are certain things you can't defend, there is no defense for it, God has literally been shown to take away peoples free will when its convenient for him because he wants the "story" to go a certain way, all of this is for his entertainment

I used to be someone who would spend a lot of time arguing with atheists online, especially on youtube, fervently in defense of Christianity, and the irony is, after years of doing it, years of having said beliefs challenged, being told to read certain sections of the bible (that Christians avoid talking about), I myself started to realize that even though evolution theory sounds ridiculous, the God of the Christian bible is evil (under the context of what evil is defined as) and the religion is full of contradictions and holes

I would spend so much time arguing in the defense of God and the bible, that I encountered so many arguments and perspectives, but unlike a lot of Christians I never argued disingenuously, I was genuinely trying to have my mind changed and my arguments disproved, so ironically as time went on, I began to think more and more like an atheist, and THERE WERE ALSO A FEW ATHEISTS I ARGUED WITH THAT ENDED UP AGREEING WITH ME AND ADMITTING THAT GOD COULD POSSIBLY EXIST

This video here perfectly sums up my points, God is a hypocrite, everything that he says is "wrong" he is allowed to do it and its "right"
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God was almost certainly direct in what was to be good and what was to be bad when he sent Moses down from Mt Sinai with the 10 commandments. It's not a basis of self preference but a strict guideline from keeping his creation from destroying themselves. Think about some of the commandments "thou shalt not commit adultery" adultery leads to a degenerate and destructive society as we've seen "thou shalt not murder in cold blood" you can deduce from these basic ethic principles that God put forward that he was not only thinking about his own self preference but for the common good of his creation by identifying and condemning acts that we've come to know are in fact harmful and destructive to society.
oy vey :bluepill:
"If God loved you why would he make you an incel" is said way too much on this forum first let's talk about the concept of God. Everything we see in the observable universe was created and further functions in a unified and tranquil manner indicating that whatever God may be or who he may be he is a being of inconceivable power and intelligence. Do you honestly believe that he would forcibly sentence his creation that he loves to a life of pain and torment on purpose? Do you honestly believe that something so spiritual insignificant in the grand scheme of thing such as lack of female intimacy was his purposeful doing just to spite you. No, everything that has been done to you is the work of MAN. God is forgiving it's always emphasized that he sends UNREPENTANT souls to hell. He does not want you to wallow in misery and doom yourself to never ending punishment other wise he wouldn't have taken another form and opened the door to salvation to man in the first place. If there is one being in the universe an incel should show respect to is God. He is the only one that understands your plight

That's the truth. People blaming God for their problems are pathetic. Religions are not the problem.
Dumb ideologies like feminism and our society caused this.
Blaming God is stupid because there is no God, that's why I blame my parents
My point is he has committed some of those very acts he has commanded us not to do, not only that, he has given passes to many of his favored to do them

God commanded the "children of Israel" to kill every living person in Canaan (The Promised Land)

God has commanded and done many things that would be considered evil

The most obvious one, the little game between him and the devil over the life of Job, you can't argue that was "good" without being a dishonest person and using mental gymnastics, it is not good under any circumstances to gamble with someones life, yet when God does it, Christians get a mental block, they get quiet or they start fumbling their words

Dude there are literally points in the bible where you have to truly question if God is mentally fucked up, remember the whole story with moses and the pharaoh, remember that verse that states GOD HARDENED THE PHARAOH'S HEART SO THAT HE WOULD NOT LET THE SLAVES GO FREE :feelskek: (AFTER HE SENT MOSES TO ASK FOR THAT VERY THING) :feelskek:

Like come on dude, there are certain things you can't defend, there is no defense for it, God has literally been shown to take away peoples free will when its convenient for him because he wants the "story" to go a certain way, all of this is for his entertainment

I used to be someone who would spend a lot of time arguing with atheists online, especially on youtube, fervently in defense of Christianity, and the irony is, after years of doing it, years of having said beliefs challenged, being told to read certain sections of the bible (that Christians avoid talking about), I myself started to realize that even though evolution theory sounds ridiculous, the God of the Christian bible is evil (under the context of what evil is defined as) and the religion is full of contradictions and holes

I would spend so much time arguing in the defense of God and the bible, that I encountered so many arguments and perspectives, but unlike a lot of Christians I never argued disingenuously, I was genuinely trying to have my mind changed and my arguments disproved, so ironically as time went on, I began to think more and more like an atheist, and THERE WERE ALSO A FEW ATHEISTS I ARGUED WITH THAT ENDED UP AGREEING WITH ME AND ADMITTING THAT GOD COULD POSSIBLY EXIST

This video here perfectly sums up my points, God is a hypocrite, everything that he says is "wrong" he is allowed to do it and its "right"

Solomon build temples for whores and to worship other gods. God didn't punish him properly because he was one of his dear ones. God has preferences and is mostly a hypocrite.
They want you to worship (((God))), so you would stay stupid and not rise up against (((them))).

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