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Based Blacks are experts on JBW and the Racepill

With hard work third world countries turn into first world countries,they're just not willing to put any effort in
Never said you have to work together.
One successful African country would prove me wrong.
Yet theres none.

That's just factually wrong
Tell an African country that's worth two shits :feelsseriously:

There are various places in africa that aren't third world, such as seychelles, pretoria, nigeria, south africa, and Ethiopia.

That's not to say that they're perfect, but they also aren't nearly as bad as north korea, the middle east, or china

Seychelles in particular is the most beautiful out of them all
There are various places in africa that aren't third world, such as seychelles, pretoria, nigeria, south africa, and Ethiopia.

That's not to say that they're perfect, but they also aren't nearly as bad as north korea, the middle east, or china

Seychelles in particular is the most beautiful out of them all

South Africa still butchered albinos for life potions :feelskek:
Ethiopia is literal insult when talking about countries

Nigeria is a shithole

Seychelles is a tourist hotspot :feelsseriously:

Unsure about Pretoria

LOL if you think anyone would pick them over China.
South Africa still butchered albinos for life potions :feelskek:

To be honest, that's not a very bad trade after you mentioned the fact that your father barely made 270$

Ethiopia is literal insult when talking about countries
Nigeria is a shithole

Are they as bad as North Korea though?, eh...I'm not so sure about that.

Seychelles is a tourist hotspot :feelsseriously:

It's listed as a country

Unsure about Pretoria

LOL if you think anyone would pick them over China.

I consider them as fairly normal in comparison
To be honest, that's not a very bad trade after you mentioned the fact that your father barely made 270$
Mock him all you want,at least he made his money in a non barbaric way,which is what makes him different from your people.
Are they as bad as North Korea though?, eh...I'm not so sure about that.
I don't have a high chance of getting my bones harvested for rituals in China.
You're delusional.
I'm meh on North Korea,you may have a point there.Thats why I said China instead of North Korea.
I consider them as fairly normal in comparison
Africa is made up of hundreds of countries within it, that would be impossible

That's like asking the middle east to work together
Don't mean to nitpick but there aren't even 100 countries in Africa.
Mock him all you want,at least he made his money in a non barbaric way,which is what makes him different from your people.

How do you assume that the average south african makes money?

I don't have a high chance of getting my bones harvested for rituals in China.
You're delusional.
I'm meh on North Korea,you may have a point there.Thats why I said China instead of North Korea.

Albinos are an extremely rare breed of people, I wouldn't be so worried about it in comparison to the fact that China strips most of your freedoms.

Don't mean to nitpick but there aren't even 100 countries in Africa.

Yeah, that was a huge mistake on my part, there are only 54

Still quite a lot though
It's still socially acceptable and thus the social norms for blacks to be blackpilled. It hasn't been suppressed yet like it has for whites.
maybe, i dont know tbthbh
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Being a christian in the middle east is dangerous as fuck, I don't want that kind of attention thank you very much.

Everyone within China is put under high surveilance, fuck that
all of those places still mog any african city economically
all of those places still mog any african city economically

That wasn't the point of the convsersation, the point was which one I'd rather live in, and at that point I could care less about it's economy.
I like that Blacks are atleast willing to call out White supremacism in culture and stand up to it. Other ethnics could learn but they are probably not willing to because they have immigrant-insecurity. They think sucking up to Whites will get them ahead but it won't. Then ethnic foids end up going with White guys because foids don't like insecure guys.
I like that Blacks are atleast willing to call out White supremacism in culture and stand up to it. Other ethnics could learn but they are probably not willing to because they have immigrant-insecurity. They think sucking up to Whites will get them ahead but it won't.
cope. read sun tzu art of war otherwise you'll never know how honesty with your enemy and pride with no plan is retarded. This is why the entirety of Africa and the modern Middle East ended up falling backwards. Muslims leaders like khalid ibn Al walid and salah din alyoubi back in the golden era knew very well the importance of discretion. That's literally tiqya. Blacks are retarded when it comes to this matter. Imagine if they didn't have the biological advantage of having dominant genes that could effect demographics. No one would've even hate them let alone care for them. There's a reason they thrived in the past only. Extreme low competition due to transportation hardship. The moors were only able to Conquer europe thanks to their Arab leaders. Uniting them under the ban of Islamic khilafa.

The jews spent years sucking up to Whites since fuckin Rome now they dominate the world. The Chinese kept playing 4D chess with the Americans but never tried to overshadowed them and layed low. Look at them now. Asians and indians are more financially successful than whites in America. Learn something my ass. Blacks as a collective were genetically gifted by nature not hard work . I'm not denying that certain individuals can exceed expectations but the majority speaks louder.

Then ethnic foids end up going with White guys because foids don't like insecure guys
Man stfu with your bullshit Bluepill shit. "just don't be insecure bro". You think a foid gives a damn if a 6"3 autistic Chad is shy? She'll call him cute and adorable.
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That wasn't the point of the convsersation, the point was which one I'd rather live in, and at that point I could care less about it's economy.
yea, for you it would better to live in africa, but it's the opposite for everyone else
They only black African country that did well and I can think of is Botswana.
yea, for you it would better to live in africa, but it's the opposite for everyone else

It's not my fault that I don't like the middle east.
The only real privilege is curry privilege.
Median us household income

Money, sex, status--curries have it all. Curries are gods.
cope. read sun tzu art of war otherwise you'll never know how honesty with your enemy and pride with no plan is retarded. This is why the entirety of Africa and the modern Middle East ended up falling backwards. Muslims leaders like khalid ibn Al walid and salah din alyoubi back in the golden era knew very well the importance of discretion. That's literally tiqya. Blacks are retarded when it comes to this matter. Imagine if they didn't have the biological advantage of having dominant genes that could effect demographics. No one would've even hate them let alone care for them. There's a reason they thrived in the past only. Extreme low competition due to transportation hardship. The moors were only able to Conquer europe thanks to their Arab leaders. Uniting them under the ban of Islamic khilafa.

The jews spent years sucking up to Whites since fuckin Rome now they dominate the world. The Chinese kept playing 4D chess with the Americans but never tried to overshadowed them and layed low. Look at them now. Asians and indians are more financially successful than whites in America. Learn something my ass. Blacks as a collective were genetically gifted by nature not hard work . I'm not denying that certain individuals can exceed expectations but the majority speaks louder.

Man stfu with your bullshit Bluepill shit. "just don't be insecure bro". You think a foid gives a damn if a 6"3 autistic Chad is shy? She'll call him cute and adorable.
You are delusionmaxxing. Blacks are far more respected in the West than Asians or other ethnics as they stand up for themselves. Confidence is a trait of Chads. You wanna live like a cockroach go ahead but it won't get you far in life. Taqiyya is Shia not Islam. Warfare is different than when you live within a society. Jews and Blacks are respected in the West because it is a stigma to talk bad about them.
OK. You're a troll but I'll roll with it.

You are delusionmaxxing. Blacks are far more respected in the West than Asians or other ethnics as they stand up for themselves.

Confidence is a trait of Chads.
"Personality matters, bro". :feelskek: . Lurk more. Chad fishing already proved your statement false. Blue piller.

You wanna live like a cockroach go ahead but it won't get you far in life.
Jews would disagree. Heck, COCKROACHES will disagree. Cockroaches evolved to survive a nuclear apocalypse. How further can you go?.

Taqiyya is Shia not Islam.

Warfare is different than when you live within a society. Jews and Blacks are respected in the West because it is a stigma to talk bad about them
Political correctness? We all know that's bullshit. But I'll bite. It's a stigma to talk bad about anyone in the West you dumb fuck. especially the Jews. Blacks like Arabs are respected only by name through the media. Now the public opinion obviously has different opinion. The jews couldn't care less cuz they have power to compensate.

Whites respect Jews and suck them dry after roles were reversed during ww2. Asians, turks and indians suck up for whites. The middle east is hostile to everyone. The circle goes on and on until you find blacks at the bottom of the ladder.
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delusionmaxxxxxxxxxxing, not worthy of a response.
black people can believe the dumbest shit if they think it's one upping the white man, even if it's to their own detriment

just go on youtube and look up videos on robert mugabe and look at all the black people praising him. This guy ruined the country for not just whites but blacks as well and basically lived as a tyrant for decades while the people were in poverty. Yet because he stood up to the white man everything else he did is ignored. hell they probably think it was all propaganda about him doing anything bad

I didnt know much about Robert Mugabe, until I heard about his death on social media. I started doing some research about his politcal lifestyle. Judging by his interviews he sounds smart and an articulated leader. Zimbabwe will honor his legacy. May he rest in peace.
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People here are just coping because they buy into the racist view of black people as "dumb lazy niggers who can't think for themselves" when in reality those "niggers" did more to impact ethnic freedom and to weaken racism than any other race in the world.

I mean, how hard is it to admit that not too long ago, blacks were the most enslaved and oppressed race in the world, and that this caused them to understand racial issues far more than any other culture on the planet.

As I've been trying to say this entire fucking time, you could grab any black man from america, and odds are, he'll probably know more about racism than you're prescious slavs, arabs, or asians...Am I saying that we're smarter?, no, I never fucking mentioned that, that's just what you want to perceive it as. Am I saying that blacks are more advanced and clever than any other race on the planet?, no, what I'm trying to say is that every other race is basically ignorant in comparison to the racism that we had to go through and learn from, which without a doubt produced two of the most iconic racial figures to have ever existed within western society bar none. This doesn't mean that I'm saying that your culture sucks, this doesn't mean that I'm saying that blacks are the greatest race on earth, it just means that we were the ones responsible for turning the tides on racism through the civil rights era, something which for whatever reason, you seem to not give us any credit for. Even though it's the very reason for why ethnics can even attempt to compete with whites.

Do you even have any examples of a slav, asian, or of an arab who did anything even close to what MLK or MX did within the extremely small time frame that they had?.

Who are you going to use?, Ganghis Khan the rapist?, Muhammed the man who married a 12 year old?, or how about Stalin, the communist?.

Fuck off, you people have no idea what you're talking about.
Whites are privileged for the most part, and act as the upperclass of the world.

Weird, such phrases are also brought up by leftist people and also by females.

What am I supposed to say, that it doesn't exist?, white guys are absolutely dominating.

How are black people wise then if white men are absolutely dominating?

Thats not a hardworking country, that's a third world country

One filled with a bunch of dumbass degenerates

Never said you have to work together.
One successful African country would prove me wrong.
Yet theres none.

That's just factually wrong


I like that Blacks are atleast willing to call out White supremacism in culture and stand up to it. Other ethnics could learn but they are probably not willing to because they have immigrant-insecurity. They think sucking up to Whites will get them ahead but it won't. Then ethnic foids end up going with White guys because foids don't like insecure guys.

This place here becomes more and more leftist and cucked...

People here are just coping because they buy into the racist view of black people as "dumb lazy niggers who can't think for themselves" when in reality those "niggers" did more to impact ethnic freedom and to weaken racism than any other race in the world.

And yet you are the one who called them degenrate:
Thats not a hardworking country, that's a third world country

One filled with a bunch of dumbass degenerates

I mean, how hard is it to admit that not too long ago, blacks were the most enslaved and oppressed race in the world, and that this caused them to understand racial issues far more than any other culture on the planet.

''I am the biggest victim'' - your local jew...

I really cannot stand it. What we have here are a bunch of non-white people who constantly bring up the topic of being once oppressed in the past. You act like jews... no, you even act like females.

And then we have a bunch of white people who are the biggest cucks on earth. To be honest, what the fuck is this? It is just absolutely pathetic.
Weird, such phrases are also brought up by leftist people and also by females.

Are you trying to say that JBW isn't real?, because it's proven time and time again from the black pill that it is.

Whites not only dominate within the dating scene, but they also dominate socially.

How are black people wise then if white men are absolutely dominating?

What do white men know about racism, if anything they're cucks when it comes to that subject :feelskek:

And yet you are the one who called them degenrate:

It's only half true, I do believe that blacks are lazy, but I also don't think that we're dumb in terms of racism, since we know racism best.

''I am the biggest victim'' - your local jew...

I really cannot stand it. What we have here are a bunch of non-white people who constantly bring up the topic of being once oppressed in the past. You act like jews... no, you even act like females.

And then we have a bunch of white people who are the biggest cucks on earth. To be honest, what the fuck is this? It is just absolutely pathetic.

Just because the left virtue signals blacks doesn't give us full immunity.

The average white person still thinks that I'm a thug when I walk by regardless if they're liberal or not, still watches their belongings around me, and still assumes that I grew up in the hood or something, even though my voice would indicate the complete opposite.
How are black people wise then if white men are
This place here becomes more and more leftist and cucked...
He wants whites to feel bad and shit.While his community leeches off of our hard work.

Hitler was onto something
I've been watching blackpill content made by VVS, is he really only like 20? He's not an incel but he is so woke like legit woke
Are you trying to say that JBW isn't real?, because it's proven time and time again from the black pill that it is.

Did I say it is not real? Because it do exist to a larger extent, nobody here denied that. But why is it that only non-white people seem to bring up this topic in the first place?

What do white men know about racism, if anything they're cucks when it comes to that subject :feelskek:

Exactly, they are cucks. This is what I said.
And regarding racism. In Germany for example ''our own media'' is specifically against white men or agaisnt white old men. There is no other country like that. Do you see black nations who create propaganda against their own people? That does not exist and it is a good thing that it does not exist because it is harmful.

The average white person still thinks that I'm a thug when I walk by regardless if they're liberal or not

Better thug than cuck.
Okay prove me wrong

Well, for one, Richard Pryor had a Jewish handler. The "racial humor" of blacks is essentially tailored to antagonize whites as part of the broader warfare Jews have been waging against gentile society, with blacks having been exploited by them to be used as proxy warriors to their agenda.

With this i'm not saying that blacks don't have a reason to be resentful against whites, but you should realize this whole "white privilege" thing is a kind of racialist Marxism, which is no different from the kinda of hierarchical or "aristocratic" racialism of the whites who held blacks down because they saw them as inferior. You can argue this is just comeuppance but you are just fighting racism with racism at this point (not you personally, i'm talking about the people who push this "racism is privilege plus power nonsense"), which is why people are starting to push back.
Did I say it is not real? Because it do exist to a larger extent, nobody here denied that. But why is it that only non-white people seem to bring up this topic in the first place?

Because it's not relevant to white people since they're already white, ethnics on the otherhand witness JBW firsthand.

Exactly, they are cucks. This is what I said.
And regarding racism. In Germany for example ''our own media'' is specifically against white men or agaisnt white old men. There is no other country like that. Do you see black nations who create propaganda against their own people? That does not exist and it is a good thing that it does not exist because it is harmful.

I can say the same thing about promoting white skin in asia, which has greatly hindered ricecels.

Better thug than cuck.

I don't see it as being a cuck, I see it as me being different from other black men who choose repeat the cycle and act like degenerate thugs. instead of three dimensional human beings
Well, for one, Richard Pryor had a Jewish handler. The "racial humor" of blacks is essentially tailored to antagonize whites as part of the broader warfare Jews have been waging against gentile society, with blacks having been exploited by them to be used as proxy warriors to their agenda.

With this i'm not saying that blacks don't have a reason to be resentful against whites, but you should realize this whole "white privilege" thing is a kind of racialist Marxism, which is no different from the kinda of hierarchical or "aristocratic" racialism of the whites who held blacks down because they saw them as inferior. You can argue this is just comeuppance but you are just fighting racism with racism at this point (not you personally, i'm talking about the people who push this "racism is privilege plus power nonsense"), which is why people are starting to push back.

You lost me at the jewish conspiracy stuff, I don't really subscribe to that shit, it's just too outlandish for me.
If black people had any wisdom whatsoever as a whole, the majority of them would be blaming Jews, instead if y pi po
Because it's not relevant to white people since they're already white, ethnics on the otherhand witness JBW firsthand.

As a white man you could go to Thailand, yet again you do need some ressources for it only to get a non-white female. You also have to stay there which also contributes to inceldom itself.

I can say the same thing about promoting white skin in asia, which has greatly hindered ricecels.

Yes and it is not good. What females are doing there, specially in Korea for example is not good at all and it needs to stop.

You lost me at the jewish conspiracy stuff, I don't really subscribe to that shit, it's just too outlandish for me.

It is not a conspiracy at all.

If black people had any wisdom whatsoever as a whole, the majority of them would be blaming Jews, instead if y pi po

And yet we get that:
You lost me at the jewish conspiracy stuff, I don't really subscribe to that shit, it's just too outlandish for me.

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