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Blackpill Blacks are children of Satan.

  • Thread starter Blackcel rigth wing
  • Start date

Africans got it together more than americans

We got it all and still kill each other

Least they’re happy wit nothing
Fucking brutal truth, nothing will change!
Its over for niggas honestly. We just have low stats.
Wtf is going on here?
You Mogs me because African.
How does that make me mog you?
Your not dispora black so 1 mog point, your not African black so 2 mogs point. You really won’t understand. Blacks are victims to theirs genetics, nature and environment. Smh
Your not dispora black so 1 mog point, your not African black so 2 mogs point. You really won’t understand. Blacks are victims to theirs genetics, nature and environment. Smh

It’s over

All the virtue signaling and protesting and I Still get jumped over loose change

Niggers are really useless
another white cuck op who can't cope with the fact that black men are superior lovers with massive cocks.

Your mother and sister were BUILT FOR BBC
Autism and astroturfing but still funny.

BBC is comical just because of how insane it is. Niggas have the big anaconda dicks nigguh dey gon fuck yo wifey white boy
yeah but you have higher smv
Major cope only tyrone not staving negro Africans or Inbreed blacks in America because black women reproduce with the same men fucking up everything.

I bet you didn’t know most black men don’t actually reproduce. Most children in the black community come from a very small number of men. Blacks are further in degeneracy then any race.

Finally you country is better then any Black Country/environment. Some niggas have other things on their minds. You race is also better off. we are the most poorest and low is race Smh i can’t believe I’m explaining this to you idiot honestly.
@BummerDrummer you find the truth funny smh expect more from you tbh seeing as your white.
@Blackcel rigth wing

More like Blacks are the sons of Ham and the Jews being children on Satan.
@BummerDrummer you find the truth funny smh expect more from you tbh seeing as your white.
BBC isnt the truth :lul: :lul: :lul: Don't blacks have like the exact same penis length on average except for I think like 1/10th of a cm
@BummerDrummer Your mother and sister were BUILT FOR BBC.
nigga i live in a shithole, it's black's fault for living in ghettos and shit.
Not more shithole than blacks I bet. Also when did I blame anyone for our condition in this thread are you retarded or something read the thread again.
brutal Racepill. Lol if anyone can think a possible God would be benevolent when he has created entire races and countries filled with Subhumans who make no progress.
Major cope only tyrone not staving negro Africans or Inbreed blacks in America because black women reproduce with the same men fucking up everything.

I bet you didn’t know most black men don’t actually reproduce. Most children in the black community come from a very small number of men. Blacks are further in degeneracy then any race.

Finally you country is better then any Black Country/environment. Some niggas have other things on their minds. You race is also better off. we are the most poorest and low is race Smh i can’t believe I’m explaining this to you idiot honestly.
This is the most blackpilled thing ya wrote about black people
BBC isnt the truth :lul: :lul: :lul: Don't blacks have like the exact same penis length on average except for I think like 1/10th of a cm
You missed interpreted my message. But then again I could of worded it better. Bbc is not true.
X=doubt plus your race is better off. Even if it’s still not great.
brutal Racepill. Lol if anyone can think a possible God would be benevolent when he has created entire races and countries filled with Subhumans who make no progress.
I want a re roll fuck life in general tbhngldedsrs
I live in a post corrupted post communist country, my peers rather try to illegally immigrat and risk dying in the sea than live here.
Same with blacks especially mainland blacks (Africans) but your race is higher iq than blacks, even if your country is a shithole. Your shithole is better off than black shitholes. They live in huts, some eat dirt or eat shit, some bath in shit. And still in Stone Age or dark age. They are the poorest race on planet earth.
Blacks will never improve as race. Blacks are victims to their genetics and nature. They need a mercy genocide. Maybe they’ll be better off in the spiritual/mind plane. Africa is a shithole and always will be. It’s over for literall subhumancels.
Same with blacks especially mainland blacks (Africans) but your race is higher iq than blacks, even if your country is a shithole. Your shithole is better off than black shitholes. They live in huts, some dirt or eat shit, some bath in shit. And still in Stone Age or dark age. They are the poorest race on planet earth.


We’re not dumb

But too many of us act like shitheads to ignore it

Idk what to do about it either

We’re not dumb

But too many of us act like shitheads to ignore it

Idk what to do about it either
maybe gene editing can fix the problem or a few thousand years of eugenics
Jews are more then likely to be Satan's children then blacks are.
brutal niggerpill
So what are blacks then?
Blacks are a gullible race often used by others because of this, but they are usually not as truly malevolent as jews are.
personally, I don't think blacks are capable are making empires that span the world and last for generations or able to compete for the most part to whites and Asians when it comes to intelligence and the ability to invent and implement things. That doesn't necessary mean that they deserve to be exterminated or anything like that as long as they stay in there ancestral homelands.
In a perfect world blacks would be returned to there homelands and jews would pay for there crimes against whites.
I'm a Satanist so that's a good thing to me.
I don't get it.
Dem niggers always ruining what the white men has created.
Pick up the pitchforks and let´s lynch those shitskins back to Africva.
niggers have no soul
niggers need to take responsibility for the niggering that they have done cause
Shouldnt you kill yourself as well OP?

Let's see. Op has no skill, no talents, invented nothing, done nothing to better him or his society, is a slave to NWO agenda, subhuman and an outcast.

Oh, right, you're also black, or at least claim to be.

You literally exist for no reason and are at the bottom of society. Kill yourself and end your pathetic suffering.

Since you have no purpose for existing on earth why don't you give yourself one and actually take action instead of speaking meaningless words. Go and attempt your own genocide, you already have nothing to live for and no one else is going to do it for you faggot.
Blackcels are volcels for not ascending with demons, they need to ascend with Satan's children.
Shouldnt you kill yourself as well OP?

Let's see. Op has no skill, no talents, invented nothing, done nothing to better him or his society, is a slave to NWO agenda, subhuman and an outcast.

Oh, right, you're also black, or at least claim to be.

You literally exist for no reason and are at the bottom of society. Kill yourself and end your pathetic suffering.

Since you have no purpose for existing on earth why don't you give yourself one and actually take action instead of speaking meaningless words. Go and attempt your own genocide, you already have nothing to live for and no one else is going to do it for you faggot.
I love how when ever a black person don’t think like others. Everyone quick to assume he’s not black.

My opinion has changed on this slightly now go hang yourself you fucking humans scum
View attachment 391963
I have completely swallow the race realism pill. Blacks are the children of lucifer, lucifer was known for being the musical angel. What are niggas good for besides music and sports.....exactly. Maybe we are being punished that’s why we are the lowest iq and poorest race on planet earth.

Race realism is undeniable truth it’s such a blackpill. Blacks are probably not even human like Asians,whites etc. We are something else.

Blacks will never improve as race. Blacks are victims to their genetics and nature. They need a mercy genocide. Maybe they’ll be better off in the spiritual/mind plane. Africa is a shithole and always will be. It’s over for literall subhumancels.
Become a nigger version of Zeke yeager theory?
"The golden salvation is if we have never been born"
>blacks are the children of satan
>i am no longer right wing

I hate all humans, but black people are idiots am not a fucking hive mind it’s what separate me from ordinary blacks and humans period.

You guys love assuming if a black person don’t kiss ass all day he most be a coon or right wing and like I said my opinion has changed slightly in this.
Let's see. Op has no skill, no talents, invented nothing, done nothing to better him or his society, is a slave to NWO agenda, subhuman and an outcast.
Same as you, you utter subhuman. You’re a nobody.
You literally exist for no reason and are at the bottom of society. Kill yourself and end your pathetic suffering.
This includes you too you know that right :feelskek:
Since you have no purpose for existing on earth why don't you give yourself one and actually take action instead of speaking meaningless words. Go and attempt your own genocide, you already have nothing to live for and no one else is going to do it for you faggot.
You’re the faggot on here who loves talking like he’s deep. You’re a fake deep piece of shit.

You also have no purpose too on this earth if you died the world will go on as usual because you’re not even a grain of sand, actually your not even a atom your a quark.

I probably IQ mog you to oblivion for simply not being a hive, not that it even matters.
wait wtf you are a self hating nigger, oke bro have a good one, i mean I also hate myself i understand
This is one of the most low iq statements I ever heard. Might as well rename this site to normies.co because most of you guys aren’t really blackpill and can’t comprehend shit.

If I really hated myself don’t you think I would have bleach my skin, get rid of my hair completely. It’s more than that.

You’re ironically proving my beliefs more.
you faggot.
Calls me faggot yet has female avi represent him. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
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tbh i didn't read your post (very low iq) all I know is that you are a nigger and hate niggers which is very funny to me
I hate all humans that includes blacks too. My hate for each race is different though. I hate black people for being retards and hive minds, i hate whites for moaning about the Jews ruling them and messing everything up yet they boast about how they use to run world and everyone was their bitch. They don’t sound to different from the Jews both are assholes. And even then they are still one of the top dogs among Jews in this world.
Same as you, you utter subhuman. You’re a nobody.

This includes you too you know that right :feelskek:

You’re the faggot on here who loves talking like he’s deep. You’re a fake deep piece of shit.

You also have no purpose too on this earth if you died the world will go on as usual because you’re not even a grain of sand, actually your not even a atom your a quark.

I probably IQ mog you to oblivion for simply not being a hive, not that it even matters.

This is one of the most low iq statements I ever heard. Might as well rename this site to normies.co because most of you guys aren’t really blackpill and can’t comprehend shit.

If I really hated myself don’t you think I would have bleach my skin, get rid of my hair completely. It’s more than that.

You’re ironically proving my beliefs more.

Calls me faggot yet has female avi represent him. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
So kill yourself faggot. You're a worthless nigger who wants all niggers dead.

I don't have to off myself because I don't share the same retarded beliefs as you and I have a purpose for existing, you don't. Not to mention if I did, I'd end up back on earth anyways. Not that you'd know anything about that.

Idgaf if you IQ mog me or not nigger. IQ is irrelevant which is why you're a broke, talentless, unskilled faggot with zero worth to anyone.

So based off what you posted, livestream your suicide for us nigger, at least accomplish something in your life. But I know you wont because you don't even believe in what your saying. All talk and ZERO action. Too much of a pussy to even follow through with your own belief. Either livestream your lynching or shut the fuck up and keep sucking off those San Fransisco Chad fags.
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