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Based Blackpilled Nixon Quotes



Mar 28, 2020
Richard Nixon, the economically liberal and socially Conservative President was the 37th to hold that office. Down below are some PARAPHRASED quotes that show me just how cynical and blackpilled he was, he truly understood human nature. I paraphrase them for two reasons, many of these quotes are from the Frost-Nixon interview tape footage that's many hours long and I can't be bothered to trace every single black-pilled quote I remember; the second reason I paraphrase them is to add a bit of context. Quotes that start with "Mr Frost," for example are just there to indicate that Nixon was talking to David Frost for context. I hope this does not deduct too much academic value.

"Ya know buddy, the teasing, the mockery, you never get over it. Whether its because your black, Jewish, Irish, catholic, small, or just plain UGLY, it sticks with you forever. No matter how high you climb above them you'll never feel stop feeling that vulnerability"

"Jews are a very intelligent group of people, but I think they are compensating for something" (Their short statue and ugliness)

"They hate me, and they don't have a reason to hate me! It's because of the family I came from, the school I went to, because the way I LOOK, this is what they attack me for. He's lucky his daddy bought him into Yale!"

"Mr Frost, you don't know how fortunate you are. You actually enjoy those wild parties, I never did, I never could get along with people. People who do well with others don't realize just how lucky they have it and how much people like me would kill for it. Maybe I should have been the staunch journalist and you should have been the politician"

"Mr Frost, you got the face built for television. The cheekbones and the nice blue eyes. It's a gift. When I had the debate with Kennedy most people who heard it on the radio said I won but of course on the tube I could not compete with that prettyboy face and the blue eyes".

"I am not for women frankly in any government job. I don't want any of them around, thank God we don't have them in the cabinet"
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Last quote is giga based
Genetics are everything even when you get into power.
It doesn't matter how far, how much you manage to deceive the system, the people and yourself, they will remind you that you are of poor genetic quality; so you don't deserve to be where you are.

President based, everyone to some extent is blackpilled, they just pretend it doesn't exist.
JFL at thinking presidents have any power, @ovrload. They're just pretty puppets being puppeteered by the puppetmasters.
Just be redundant by repeating syntagmas theory.
Yea nixon was blackpilled
JFL at thinking presidents have any power, @ovrload. They're just pretty puppets being puppeteered by the puppetmasters.
Just be redundant by repeating syntagmas theory.

i agree Israel controls the united states.
He would have been crucified if he had publicly stated any of these quotes in the present day.
Times...they have changed...

“You know what happened to the Greeks,” Nixon said. “Homosexuality destroyed them. Aristotle was a homo, we all know that. So was Socrates. But he never had the influence television has.”

“The last six Roman emperors were fags," the former commander-in-chief continued. “You see, homosexuality, immorality in general, these are the enemies of strong societies. That’s why the Communists and the left-wingers are pushing it.”
First time I read those
True, Kennedy was largely only able to defeat Nixon in 1960 because of his personability, looks and charisma as TV became more influential in the political landscape. That really was a turning point in history, it doesn’t matter how smart you are now, if you’re ugly and awkward it’s very hard to win people over as a politician with the exposure that TV allows for.

Nixon was a very smart guy, but he was also a totally egocentric and opportunistic bastard, probably because he was bullied so much when he was younger.
True, Kennedy was largely only able to defeat Nixon in 1960 because of his personability, looks and charisma as TV became more influential in the political landscape. That really was a turning point in history, it doesn’t matter how smart you are now, if you’re ugly and awkward it’s very hard to win people over as a politician with the exposure that TV allows for.

Nixon was a very smart guy, but he was also a totally egocentric and opportunistic bastard, probably because he was bullied so much when he was younger.

Nixon was our-president.
Maybe those are some reasons why he didn't get elected
"Jews are a very intelligent group of people, but I think they are compensating for something" (Their short statue and ugliness)

I'am still waiting for incels to drop their stupid copes and become new jews as a compensation for "something".
He was elected, these quotes were revealed after he resigned from office.
Oh nvm got confused about the comment up there (not a USAcel btw)
I'am still waiting for incels to drop their stupid copes and become new jews as a compensation for "something".

You can't become a Jew unless you're born Jewish. They'll never accept you.
Oh nvm got confused about the comment up there (not a USAcel btw)

No offense but I think it's global common knowledge to know who Richard Nixon was.

He lost the election to John F Kennedy, but then ran again 2 terms later and won. While President he was caught for wiretapping and conspiracy and forced to resign from office, all his tapes were leaked to the public and these tapes contained most of the quotes.
Nixon was our-president.
I find his mindset relatable, but I hate politicians without scruple generally - which is why I admit I could never be one myself in good faith. What he and Kissinger did at the Paris accords is morally unforgivable imo, he’d descended into the exact kind of self-obsessed hypocrite he hatred for exerting power over him when he had been young.
I find his mindset relatable, but I hate politicians without scruple generally - which is why I admit I could never be one myself in good faith. What he and Kissinger did at the Paris accords is morally unforgivable imo, he’d descended into the exact kind of self-obsessed hypocrite he hatred for exerting power over him when he had been young.

Nixon was doing what he believed was in the best interest of the West.
JFL at thinking presidents have any power, @ovrload. They're just pretty puppets being puppeteered by the puppetmasters.
Just be redundant by repeating syntagmas theory.
massive cope. they can't do anything against Jews but besides that they have lots of power.
I can relate with what he said

massive cope. they can't do anything against Jews but besides that they have lots of power.
What a crock of shit post. Trump is pro-reactivation, people go out on protest to defend economic reactivation, yet the vast majority of the states are in lockdown.
If Donald were so powerful, you guys would be wageslaving right now.
"Mr Frost, you don't know how fortunate you are. You actually enjoy those wild parties, I never did, I never could get along with people. People who do well with others don't realize just how lucky they have it and how much people like me would kill for it. Maybe I should have been the staunch journalist and you should have been the politician"
That's something i'd expect from Elliot tbh
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Nixon was doing what he believed was in the best interest of the West.
I think politicians always delude themselves into thinking that they must win election at all costs due to the threat their political opponents’ ideas pose to their nation. The only reason they are not willing to act more craven they do is out of fear for being caught. I don’t think he was stupid enough to believe Vietnam was a crucial piece on the global chessboard, he just didn’t want the stigma of being the first president to lose a war on his name in the next election, especially as he’s supposed to represent the ‘tough talking’ republicans. Prolonging the war by 4 more years for the sake of domestic political convenience is possibly the worst atrocity committed by a US president in the entire 20th century (of which there are many).
What a crock of shit post. Trump is pro-reactivation, people go out on protest to defend economic reactivation, yet the vast majority of the states are in lockdown.
If Donald were so powerful, you guys would be wageslaving right now.
0 IQ post. states control the lockdown. but the executive branch is determining how money is being distributed from the stimulus bill. executive branch gets also massive amount of control over international policies. while lots of the shit won't impact average person directly enough of it will eventually
I didnt know Nixon was so fucking based. I should read more about him lol. Thanks for sharing

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