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News [Blackpill]Millennials Gave Birth to ‘Generation Alpha.’ Are These Kids Already Doomed?



nevER lose your smile⚡⚡
Nov 20, 2022

Generation Alpha now make up over a quarter of the population of the planet, however it is mindless Millennial parents that are shouldering the blame.

Kinda surprised to hear that they make up a quarter of the population, yet considering the rising birthrates in certain countries & regions, this makes objective sense.

And ofc, they are assigning blame to Millennawhores, which in a way is fair enough, yet they are forgetting the simple fact that "a fish rots from the head down" so perhaps we should consider why Millennials seemingly "failed" these children.

The current article extends this research by examining the relationship between job burnout and the little studied phenomenon of couple burnout in a group of working couples in the “sandwiched generation,” that is, working couples who care for both children and aging parents
In addition, with the aging of the population, the median age of the workforce is also rising. These various factors contribute to an increased probability that workers will face parent care demands in addition to responsibilities for dependent children as they themselves are aging.
Hmmm, maybe the fact the work-laws leave many families with an extremely unfulfilling lifestyle, which prevents them from actually raising children correctly has something to do with this?

Combine this in with the modern "education" system, as well as the fact that virtually every kid is an "iPad kid" nowadays, it shouldn't be too hard to connect the dots here. :feelsjuice:
Later childbearing means that the care needs of the younger and older generations are more likely to overlap.
This is another factor at play which many seem to disregard: As I have stated, many of us on here clearly were born later(my parents had me at 35) which has been proven on various instances to cause possible brith issues:

One of the demographic con- sequences of postponed parenthood is a lower fertility rate.
One of the medical consequences of delayed childbearing is the increased risk of congenital defects in the baby.

Clearly, this all should be indicative enough for anyone to conclude that the reason why Gen Alpha, and by simple logic Gen Z, seem completely & utterly fucked in every possible way: Parents not only are unable to actually provide critical development towards their offspring, thus leaving them to the education system & technology, but quite literally are living a lifestyle which quite literally produces worse offspring.

Scores of teachers continue to leave education as they struggle to control illiterate kids, with one expert telling the LA Times: 'Teachers are complaining they have 14-year-olds who can't read.'

'We hear people complaining [alphas] lack empathy — well, you learn that through literature,' said Shervaughnna Anderson-Byrd, director of the California Reading and Literature Project. 'There’s a lot of blame being placed on these babies when it’s the adults setting the narrative.'
Across social media, Generation Alpha are dubbed 'feral' and 'evil' as they continue to make headlines, not least thanks to the presence of smartphones to capture every moment.
I genuinely cannot even imagine how brutal things will be for Gen-Alphacels: Not only will they likely have inherited some kind of mental condition, but they possibly will have missed out upon critical developmental skills, which will leave them even more vulnerable for bullying & mogging.

Namely, young girls are going wild in beauty retailers such as Sephora, testing out expensive skincare products for free without a care for what they leave behind.
Ah yes, we never fail to see yet more blackpills when we look at these articles. :feelsjuice:

Clearly, this highlights that the next generation of foidlets will be even more insufferable, pretentious, entitled, and consequential for society as opposed to the current & previous ones: Ultimately, their behavior seemingly will worsen due to the massive ego-boost & halo provided via social-media, as well as the clear amounts of Socio-Cultural influences combined with, ironically, "bad personalities" due to dysgenic birth-rates. :society:

Allegations that Gen Alpha is out of control aren't helped by the prevalence of cameras at schools, catching the worst moments and plastering them across the internet.

This week, cameras were out at school as a sixth-grade girl was brutally attacked by another student in California.

Her fellow students either stood around and watched or took out their phones to film the brawl - as her mother told KTLA: 'Nobody came to help my daughter; no student came to stop this at all. So, she was left alone.'
If you wish to look at this article as well, you will notice that "le empathetic" gender clearly exhibits their empathy in the video: They also were fighting over the class Chad and/or Tyrone, so now just imagine how brutal future hypergamy will be.

'(Generation Alpha) are some of the hardest-hit kids when it comes to reading,' he said. 'Only 43 percent of our students are on grade level in California.'

Indeed, the future is bleak: Clearly, the Elites want a population which is dumbed down & dysgenic, as this will be easier to manipulate & control in various ways.

Unsurprisingly, the generation which has shortened attention spans due to Shit-Tok & Soycial Media also lacks intelligence: Considering how foids select against intelligence, this will make things not only more brutal for Gen-Alphacels, but will also continue this cycle of dysgenic breeding at the hands of foids, plunging us into greater darkness.
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But they are literally gen alpha :redpill:
Millennials' are manchildren so to easen the parenthood for themselves, they push the kids in front of tech since birth. Since real world doesn't interests kids much, they don't care for socialization or studying. Another factor is that Boomers were such shitty strict in wrong way parents that millennials let their kids do whatever and defend them no matter what, not to be bad parents in the same way boomers were. Also half of kids nowadays being born in eprouvettes from 40yo parents does not help. They will be the most autistic generation.
Millennials' are manchildren so to easen the parenthood for themselves, they push the kids in front of tech since birth. Since real world doesn't interests kids much, they don't care for socialization or studying.
Unironcailly, this will actually impact their personality since they will miss out on critical development skills: When mixed in with inheriting non-NT traits, this will be a recipe for disaster.
Another factor is that Boomers were such shitty strict in wrong way parents that millennials let their kids do whatever and defend them no matter what, not to be bad parents in the same way boomers were.
Boomers fucked everything up- no questions asked.
Also half of kids nowadays being born in eprouvettes from 40yo parents does not help. They will be the most autistic generation.
I plan on making some threads about this at some point.
They're the ones who made the skibidi toilet phrase, what do you think:feelskek:.
You are blowing it way out of proportion
They will be the most faggot generation to have ever walked the earth once they grow up because they will be the first to have been fully raised in this weimar tier enviroment (zoomers were only partially raised in it)
You know how media loves fear mongering. Again iPad kids is a west only phenomena, in Asia most of gen alpha aren't ipad kids. And have normal reading comprehension. And I would argue that also doesn't happen in Europe. Usually people are responsible in Europe (especially nords) comapred to other parts of world. And Europe also have a better work life balance. So people who actually wants kids have kids in Europe and there education system is better.
I want to live just to see how much people will become retarded
They will be the most faggot generation to have ever walked the earth once they grow up because they will be the first to have been fully raised in this weimar tier enviroment (zoomers were only partially raised in it)
If that's the case, then this perhaps means that we(GenZ) would have been the last generation to grow up with any zeal of "resistance" if that makes any sense, and the future is utterly fucked.

And yes, Weimerica is what I should start calling this place.

Based Croat btw; Illyria & Dalmatia belong to Italy though. :feelsEhh:
Foids of that generation are gonna be chadsexual as 100x more

Gen alpha is when everything ends
Foids of that generation are gonna be chadsexual as 100x more
Unironically, Sub-7 law may be true at that point. The memes will become reality.
@based_meme @Mortis @TBIcel @WorthlessSlavicShit @wereq @Chudpreet @AsiaCel @SupremeGentleCel @KillNiggers thoughts brocels?
Unironically, Sub-7 law may be true at that point. The memes will become reality.
Tinder data already points to worse. Subtract single moms and/or landwhales and I doubt it's not already sub-9.
Tinder data already points to worse. Subtract single moms and/or landwhales and I doubt it's not already sub-9.
Can you share something about this? I believe that sub-7/sub-8 law is true to an extent: Sure, MTN-HTN guys can still get laid & relationships, but they will inevitably get cucked.
They're literally brain damaged. Screwed from the moment of birth.

Women should never had rights. Now it is screwing everyone over, women themselves as well
The West is done for, point blank and period. If women think today's incel problem is bad, ooooooh boy, they're in for some shit once generation alpha reaches dating age. Once it reaches the point where literally 30% of the male population can no longer get a date, that will have catastrophic socioeconomic effects.
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ngl gen alpha will be genZ but 10x worse with horrible shit attention spans and brainrot humor
ngl gen alpha will be genZ but 10x worse with horrible shit attention spans and brainrot humor
At that point, what is there which separates us as a species from feral animals.
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I forgot what generation alpha even was kek but yeah makes sense. The goyim is getting dumber with each generation. We have one guy from generation alpha in this thread right now and we can observe the effects. Atleast where I live generation alpha doesn’t seem so bad but maybe it’s only on a surface.
it will only get worse
@based_meme @Mortis @TBIcel @WorthlessSlavicShit @wereq @Chudpreet @AsiaCel @SupremeGentleCel @KillNiggers thoughts brocels?
Those kids' brains will be so fried and useless once they'll get to adulthood, holy shit:worryfeels::worryfeels:.

Society is not ready for the effects of internet to start hitting hard in the next 20-30, like, by that point, a majority of the people who grew up with the internet will be middle-aged and elderly, just imagine the doomposting and despairing everywhere once the average person on the internet is dealing with the facts of their mortality and the pain of lost opportunities and destroyed dreams.

They're literally brain damaged. Screwed from the moment of birth.

Women should never had rights. Now it is screwing everyone over, women themselves as well
I forgot what generation alpha even was kek but yeah makes sense. The goyim is getting dumber with each generation. We have one guy from generation alpha in this thread right now and we can observe the effects. Atleast where I live generation alpha doesn’t seem so bad but maybe it’s only on a surface.
Those kids' brains will be so fried and useless once they'll get to adulthood, holy shit:worryfeels::worryfeels:.
Mixed in with their dysgenic mental conditions & the fact that they were born sub-5, or at that point sub-6, in extreme hypergamy will ensure that they will go on to become Incel perma-rotters online, possibly even here/another iteration of this place.
Society is not ready for the effects of internet to start hitting hard in the next 20-30, like, by that point, a majority of the people who grew up with the internet will be middle-aged and elderly, just imagine the doomposting and despairing everywhere once the average person on the internet is dealing with the facts of their mortality and the pain of lost opportunities and destroyed dreams.
That is brutal: I don't know if I will still be alive by then, but should I be, it will be unbelievably brutal knowing most of my life has been spent online.

This factors into the whole "behavioral sink" which we are undergoing; simply highlighting how Inceldom has been a root cause of this issue & is mutually tied in with it.

I predict at that point, male suicide rates will skyrocket higher than they already are. :cryfeels::feelsrope:
Women should never had rights. Now it is screwing everyone over, women themselves as well
That's the cherry-on-top of this whole situation: It proves female nature is innately self-destructive, however, it also acknowledges that women have a crucial role in maintaining a society & civilization as child-birthers. Thus, this amounts to concede that foids are effectively the harbingers of most ills in the world.
The irony of that name....

Hey, at least I got to be part of Gen Z:feelsLSD:
Said it before, and will say it Again:
Gen Alpha will be much worse than Gen-Z, in every aspect.
Degeneracy, Laziness... you name it.
Social media did more harm, than good , even outside of the fact that it cause a massive imbalance within the dating market.
Would love to see this ShitShow unfold in front of my eyes, watching from the sidelines with chips and beer.
The majority of Gen Alpha will never work a normal job,
Once it reaches the point where literally 30% of the male population
If you believe this dataset, we are already at a point where 30% are the men willing to admit they are incel. This problem is swept under the rug because it's a male problem, and, seriously, who gives a fuck about men?

I predict at that point, male suicide rates will skyrocket higher than they already are.
And this problem will be swept under the rug, because men are disposable. The rates are, in some cohorts, already ten times greater for men. No one cares, it's a male problem.

Watch Sean O'pry tell us what his agent told him when he proposed retiring:

View: https://youtu.be/YXEs6j1reBE?t=1220

Male problem. Maybe it isn't so big of a deal when your job is existing in the field of view of a camera lens, but it is the same principle to remember.


Kinda surprised to hear that they make up a quarter of the population, yet considering the rising birthrates in certain countries & regions, this makes objective sense.

And ofc, they are assigning blame to Millennawhores, which in a way is fair enough, yet they are forgetting the simple fact that "a fish rots from the head down" so perhaps we should consider why Millennials seemingly "failed" these children.

Hmmm, maybe the fact the work-laws leave many families with an extremely unfulfilling lifestyle, which prevents them from actually raising children correctly has something to do with this?

Combine this in with the modern "education" system, as well as the fact that virtually every kid is an "iPad kid" nowadays, it shouldn't be too hard to connect the dots here. :feelsjuice:

This is another factor at play which many seem to disregard: As I have stated, many of us on here clearly were born later(my parents had me at 35) which has been proven on various instances to cause possible brith issues:

Clearly, this all should be indicative enough for anyone to conclude that the reason why Gen Alpha, and by simple logic Gen Z, seem completely & utterly fucked in every possible way: Parents not only are unable to actually provide critical development towards their offspring, thus leaving them to the education system & technology, but quite literally are living a lifestyle which quite literally produces worse offspring.

I genuinely cannot even imagine how brutal things will be for Gen-Alphacels: Not only will they likely have inherited some kind of mental condition, but they possibly will have missed out upon critical developmental skills, which will leave them even more vulnerable for bullying & mogging.

Ah yes, we never fail to see yet more blackpills when we look at these articles. :feelsjuice:

Clearly, this highlights that the next generation of foidlets will be even more insufferable, pretentious, entitled, and consequential for society as opposed to the current & previous ones: Ultimately, their behavior seemingly will worsen due to the massive ego-boost & halo provided via social-media, as well as the clear amounts of Socio-Cultural influences combined with, ironically, "bad personalities" due to dysgenic birth-rates. :society:

If you wish to look at this article as well, you will notice that "le empathetic" gender clearly exhibits their empathy in the video: They also were fighting over the class Chad and/or Tyrone, so now just imagine how brutal future hypergamy will be.


Indeed, the future is bleak: Clearly, the Elites want a population which is dumbed down & dysgenic, as this will be easier to manipulate & control in various ways.

Unsurprisingly, the generation which has shortened attention spans due to Shit-Tok & Soycial Media also lacks intelligence: Considering how foids select against intelligence, this will make things not only more brutal for Gen-Alphacels, but will also continue this cycle of dysgenic breeding at the hands of foids, plunging us into greater darkness.
I think they fucked up the whole generation system. Why is Gen Z so short? A generation typically lasts like 20 years right? So Generation Z would be like 2000-2020 right? As in, born after the turn of the century or the millenium. So why is this article saying that Generation A makes up such a large chunk of the planet?
I think they fucked up the whole generation system. Why is Gen Z so short? A generation typically lasts like 20 years right? So Generation Z would be like 2000-2020 right? As in, born after the turn of the century or the millenium. So why is this article saying that Generation A makes up such a large chunk of the planet?
That's because these people who come up with where cut offs for generations are retarded, your point makes more sense.
That's because these people who come up with where cut offs for generations are retarded, your point makes more sense.
Like @nice_try said before, I don’t care about generational crap & the retarded cut offs people came up with for them is exactly why.

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