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Serious [Blackpill]Main reason for Jewish success. (It's not IQ.)



I.N.C.E.L. High Command, Psychological Operations
Oct 11, 2019

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK_k_X6JsKQ

Tribalism. Cloistered and insular tribalism. That's it.

@DarkStarDown @Adolf Hitler @GimmeShockTreatment @DonezoTheClown @PersonalityChad @AsiaCel @gymletethnicel @Copexodius Maximus @wereq @PLA1092
dnw, but is it about how some Jews got to the top and brought in their Jewish tribesmen?
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View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK_k_X6JsKQ

Tribalism. Cloistered and insular tribalism. That's it.

@DarkStarDown @Adolf Hitler @GimmeShockTreatment @DonezoTheClown @PersonalityChad @AsiaCel @gymletethnicel @Copexodius Maximus @wereq @PLA1092

ah dat dude who wrote culture of critique right?
i read some of it years ago
yeah they have natural in-group pref, just like women
i think he wrote in the book that even babies of different races react differently to strangers
and that white babies had less stranger danger instinct

just like with women, the jewish tendency to support their own indiscriminately gives them social super powers. You dont need a high iq population. Any outlier jew with high iq can use his position to elevate other jews.
Hence they are giga overrepresented in academia and such

Its very interesting. They are also very genetically homogeneous from all the inbreeding, similar to how women have super high homogeneity when it comes to attraction, mate choice, behavior etc... men are a way more diverse group of people than women.
Its very interesting. They are also very genetically homogeneous from all the inbreeding, similar to how women have super high homogeneity when it comes to attraction, mate choice, behavior etc... men are a way more diverse group of people than women.
Man, Arabs, Pakistanis, Jews, they're all the same due to cousin fucking :feelskek: :feelskek:
When Cuckipedia calls him an anti-Semite then you know he's right.
LOL :lul::lul::lul:
yeah true.
Man, Arabs, Pakistanis, Jews, they're all the same due to cousin fucking :feelskek: :feelskek:
:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: bro like the incest rate in Arabia is unreal. I came across it most recently when looking into gender ratios.
It's also because harems are allowed and so one guy fucks a ton of women.
This destroys genetic diversity in following generations.
This could be another reason for why monogamy is important and was enforced by cultures in the past.

Maybe the impact of breeding ugly men with foids is less than the impact of having giga-incest with 20% of men impregnating almost all foids to the point where we get a genghis khan situation:


Maybe thats why asians are so fucked up too?

"Millions of modern Asian men can trace their lineage to 11 powerful leaders"

On the same note - Ashkenazi Jews make up the majority of jews nowadays (10 million out of 16 million jews total). However, they all come from a group of 800-2000 or so jews, 2000 year ago, genetically.

They started tracing their lineage through the mother after the Jesus thing happened. Maybe to hide the inbreeding? Like imagine a family tree where one dude just bonks 1000 women. But if you trace through the moms, you could maybe hide that and make it seem like a normal family tree.
Jews aren't really super intelligent. The highest estimates put them at 110s something. What makes them most successful is their psychopath tendencies
This. The similarities between women and Jews are endless. Notice how in both of them constant propaganda is needed aimed at the test of society to keep the illusion that they are not soulless evil drones, but (in the case of. Jews) high iq, "defending themselves", successful, victims and (in the case of women) empathetic, high-achieving, higher value, always a victim, women's issues, etc.
yes very very similar.

  • Super aggressive toward out-group members (men), to the point where they don't even view them as human. Just like the jews view themselves in opposition to the "goyim"
  • victim complex
  • obsessed with power and money (80-90% of customer spending is done by foids)
  • into weird sexual shit (jews and women are obsessed with shit like bdsm and kink. no coincidence jews run the porn industry)
  • "rules for thee but not for me" - both groups do this to the extreme
  • filthy bodies, super concerned about their own health - jews with their genetic diseases and foids with pussy smell, perfume etc...
They are very similar and it's not surprising that jews and the elite have discovered and used women as a tool for social change over and over again. Men are powerless and thus useless for any attempt at controlling the masses.
LOL :lul::lul::lul:
yeah true.

:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: bro like the incest rate in Arabia is unreal. I came across it most recently when looking into gender ratios.
It's also because harems are allowed and so one guy fucks a ton of women.
This destroys genetic diversity in following generations.
This could be another reason for why monogamy is important and was enforced by cultures in the past.

Maybe the impact of breeding ugly men with foids is less than the impact of having giga-incest with 20% of men impregnating almost all foids to the point where we get a genghis khan situation:

View attachment 1053717

Maybe thats why asians are so fucked up too?

"Millions of modern Asian men can trace their lineage to 11 powerful leaders"

On the same note - Ashkenazi Jews make up the majority of jews nowadays (10 million out of 16 million jews total). However, they all come from a group of 800-2000 or so jews, 2000 year ago, genetically.

They started tracing their lineage through the mother after the Jesus thing happened. Maybe to hide the inbreeding? Like imagine a family tree where one dude just bonks 1000 women. But if you trace through the moms, you could maybe hide that and make it seem like a normal family tree.
Yup. Japanese are pretty normal, because they were never taken over by Genghis Khan.
JFK hired RFK as his Attorney General, is that Irish in-group preference?
I wonder why a people prosecuted by Roman pagans, Christians, and Muslims, would focus on minority rights and equality
Jews fuck over other Jews all the time. I'm a ex-communist, so I've read about Jewish Communists who went into Jewish villages and either collectivised everything or repossessed it from the synagogues, destroyed Judaism, etc
Yup. Jews are smart, they care for each other, but fuck up everyone else. Where I come from it's different, we fuck each other up, ourselves and treat outsiders very nicely. That's why my people are subhumans.
Yup. Jews are smart, they care for each other, but fuck up everyone else. Where I come from it's different, we fuck each other up, ourselves and treat outsiders very nicely. That's why my people are subhumans.
jews help other jews

also pretty decent IQs
I wonder why a people prosecuted by Roman pagans, Christians, and Muslims, would focus on minority rights and equality
Jews themselves prosecuted Christians when they had power.
I just found out I had a Jewish grandparent. I've been bobby fischer maxxing since then. I've been doing a lot of research on how much power and influence the jews actually have in the media and how they promoted a degenerate society in order to protect themselves. I don't think things in the long run. Are going to workout for the Jews. Because they literally are trying to destroy their host they are parasiting off.
Jews aren't really super intelligent. The highest estimates put them at 110s something. What makes them most successful is their psychopath tendencies
jews are dark triad moggers confirmed
No tribalism for your face
Yes that's why white tribalism is considered the ultimate sin for the last 80 years and white infighting through feminism (putting men vs woman) and other garbage is pushed on us. But only for whites, standard jewshit "tribalism for me but not for thee" and if you point it out they'll just say "not all jews" but the results speak for themselves.

The amount of niggers I've heard say to "support black owned businesses" or some rapper who donated some money to "help black kids" are countless, even asians with their "stop asian hate"-shit do this. if a white person would tell you to support white owned businesses (you should btw) or donate money but only to help white kids the jewish media would have you on your knees by the end of the week apologizing for caring about your own people.

Is race your identity

I wonder why a people prosecuted by Roman pagans, Christians, and Muslims, would focus on minority rights and equality
What came first, jewish parasitic behavior or jews being prosecuted? Guess we'll never know. It's not really relevant either. The notion that they only want equality and rights for "minorities"(=shitskins proven by the fact they don't care about white/christian minorities in other countries) is the same as a modern feminist saying they only want equality and rights.

Even if distributing porn, censoring you online, murdering millions in the name of communism and opening our borders similar to when they opened the gates to muslim invaders to conquer Spain for a couple centuries etc etc was out of the good of their hearts and not any of the other less generous possible motivations like them just being evil, them wanting to get rid of their racial competitors, them force-fulfilling some ancient religious prophecy: it still doesn't matter, they're antiwhite and so being antisemitic is the only logical thing to do.
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But only for whites,
India has SJWs complaining about racism towards Chinese, East Asians, Africans, South Indians, etc

Russia has SJWs complaining about racism against Central Asians

Zimbabwe has SJWs complaining about gay rights and the treatment of Ndebele people

Japan has SJWs complaining about treatment of Koreans, Vietnamese, Indonesians, etc

Korea has SJWs complaining about treatment of Vietnamese

China has lots of feminists, and the government is trying to suppress them right now

The Islamic community has SJWs who virtue signal about standing up for African Muslims. Whether that's genuine or fake remains to be seen.

South America has SJWs who criticise society for it's treatment of gays, natives, and Africans.

African-American society has been divided by gender since the start. White feminists used black women to push affirmative action on gender and child support Jail, which put a lot of black men in jail. Affirmative Action benefits white women first and foremost.

Every society has SJWs. Stop being a victim.

That part wasn't for you streetshitter. And where are the SJWs crying for whites? Exactly.
Clearly you're not related to Aristotle, mayomuncher. Go wash your ass. Deflection, ad hominem, whataboutism, tu quoque. Plenty of centre-left SJWs are crying for white Ukranians and plenty of far-left SJWs are crying for white Russians. So there's your example of SJWs crying for whites.

Let me guess, you want an example of SJWs crying for whites when it's an ethnic who hurts them? I used to be a radical (not corporate) feminist and saw them become incredibly racist against Arabs after the Cologne attacks, etc. Every #MeToo story where a white woman accused an ethnic man is an example of SJWs crying for whites.

Go ahead, move the goalposts to it being about white men instead. Throw in a motte and bailey fallacy or a continuum fallacy while you're at it.
I used to be a radical (not corporate) feminist
Donald Trump GIF by NowThis

and saw them become incredibly racist against Arabs after the Cologne attacks, etc. Every #MeToo story where a white woman accused an ethnic man is an example of SJWs crying for whites.
Being against rape or being against people getting murdered isnt SJW behavior dude. If you mom got raped would you be an SJW for wanting to murder the shitskin who is most likely to have done it? Were the people who voted innocent on the OJ trial actually the anti-SJWs because they're pro-murder? If there were so many bluehaired feminists who went racist after those attacks I'm sure you can find me an example right? You don't expect me to believe these women told you, a brownoid, face-to-face how much they hate brownoids now when they won't even do so anonymously online?
Go ahead, move the goalposts to it being about white men instead. Throw in a motte and bailey fallacy or a continuum fallacy while you're at it.
I don't even know what any of those fallacies mean but obviously white men are on the bottom of the victimhood pyramid and white women are one degree above that.


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When u nutted but she still sucking

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White success = "because of IQ", even though the numbers don't show them having the highest.
Asian success = "not IQ, they cheated"
Jewish success = "not IQ, they cheated"

Even the man in the video, who I'm familiar with, mentioned that IQ is in fact an important factor in jewish success. Not that I agree with him.

The amount of niggers I've heard say to "support black owned businesses" or some rapper who donated some money to "help black kids" are countless, even asians with their "stop asian hate"-shit do this. if a white person would tell you to support white owned businesses (you should btw) or donate money but only to help white kids the jewish media would have you on your knees by the end of the week apologizing for caring about your own people.

View attachment 1056161
A lot of those "black owned" businesses aren't even really black owned or they're owned by black women, which is obviously useless to a community. It's a virtue signal. Notice for all the "Black Lives Matter", "support black business", the graph you posted about racial identity (means nothing), the charity towards black kids; all of this amounts to absolutely nothing and blacks are pretty much just as bad off as always. Because it's not actually genuine.

If there's one lesson to be learned about jewish success, it's that success is quiet, failure is LOUD.

It's what they do when no one is looking that makes a successful community. Black people talk the talk but the vast majority of black people do not live pro-black lives.
You can clearly see this in certain aspects of the culture.

In my catfish thread there was a black girl who worked for a black-owned business but was simping for the white chad I was using to catfish.

Black women literally have the lowest marriage rates (in US, where marriage would likely be most beneficial per capita). Notice Kevin McDonald mentioned marriage in the video. It's a crucial cornerstone of any community.

Asians don't go around beating their chests about how proud they are to be asian, but their actions are often pro-asian.

You can't trust self-reports. Of course whites are going to virtue signal and say race is not important to them. But what do they actually do in their real lives? This data is as valuable as the data that surveys women's dating habits that shows they mostly care about "honesty, things in common" and other bullshit. What do they actually DO?
African-American society has been divided by gender since the start. White feminists used black women to push affirmative action on gender and child support Jail, which put a lot of black men in jail. Affirmative Action benefits white women first and foremost.
:yes: :yes: :yes: Feminism has done way more damage to blacks. Feminism did in 40 years what slavery couldn't do in 400. Eurocentrists have the most superficial logic.
Every society has SJWs. Stop being a victim.

Yeah it's funny how all they do is play the victim but then accuse so-called minorities of a "victim mindset".
Jews aren't really super intelligent. The highest estimates put them at 110s something. What makes them most successful is their psychopath tendencies
110 average is high.
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:yes: :yes: :yes: Feminism has done way more damage to blacks. Feminism did in 40 years what slavery couldn't do in 400. Eurocentrists have the most superficial logic.
Black women are the most obese, get the most abortions, are the least married, and have the most single mother households.

This is the kind of data that actually matters. Most women preach feminism when they're young until they realize they need a betabucks to live a remotely acceptable life and not be a baby mama. Black women actually LIVE feminism.

And this coincides with a lot of the things they do openly: openly bash their male counterparts and call for their death and abortions, openly embrace "boss babe" and "independent strong wimmin" lifestyles, openly wear other women's hair on their head and go out of their way to look as nonblack as possible, it goes on.

THIS is who goes around saying "support black businesses, muh generational wealth, fix muh generational curses", and how race is "important to their identity". Yeah race probably is important to their identity, it's important to their negative perception of themselves which is why it doesn't amount to anything positive.
You can't trust self-reports. Of course whites are going to virtue signal and say race is not important to them. But what do they actually do in their real lives? This data is as valuable as the data that surveys women's dating habits that shows they mostly care about "honesty, things in common" and other bullshit. What do they actually DO?
White liberals are some of the biggest racists. Their self-reporting would have you think that they are self-loathing whites.
A lot of those "black owned" businesses aren't even really black owned or they're owned by black women, which is obviously useless to a community. It's a virtue signal. Notice for all the "Black Lives Matter", "support black business", the graph you posted about racial identity (means nothing), the charity towards black kids; all of this amounts to absolutely nothing and blacks are pretty much just as bad off as always. Because it's not actually genuine.
Well yeah obviously throwing money at blacks isn't gonna magically raise their IQs or stop them from being violent because that's genetic. But the point is that you could never openly advocate for whites the same way blacks do for other blacks or jews do for jews. As far as it being genuine? I think blacks are more antiwhite then they are pro-black but it's still better than whites being antiwhite.
Asians don't go around beating their chests about how proud they are to be asian, but their actions are often pro-asian.
Well yeah, culturally they're kind of raised to keep their heads low and don't make too much of a fuzz. It's smart to do it that way. In a healthy society either everyone can have in-group preference or nobody can so if they do they gotta do it in a sneaky way. Only whites and blacks go along with this weird thing where it's okay for one race to be very tribal and the other one has to hate themselves.
You can't trust self-reports. Of course whites are going to virtue signal and say race is not important to them. But what do they actually do in their real lives? This data is as valuable as the data that surveys women that shows they mostly care about "honesty, things in common" and other bullshit. What do they actually DO?
Well then why don't the other races fake it? Because whites have been conditioned to fake it and faking it their entire lives will lead their kids to actually be like this or also start faking it and it becomes a vicious cycle. But that's assuming it is faked, if they were actually pro-white Trump would've won the elections, in fact a more extreme version of Trump would be winning elections.
Well yeah obviously throwing money at blacks isn't gonna magically raise their IQs or stop them from being violent because that's genetic.
In a thread where the OP clearly shows that these types of things don't matter.
But the point is that you could never openly advocate for whites the same way blacks do for other blacks or jews do for jews. As far as it being genuine? I think blacks are more antiwhite then they are pro-black but it's still better than whites being antiwhite.
I promise you most of these "antiwhite" blacks are antiwhite in the same way incels are "antiwoman". Most of these folks are inadvertently groveling for white acceptance. Look at Tariq Nasheed, he literally has his white mother in law living in his house with him. Again you have to look at the actual results and what people do.
Well yeah, culturally they're kind of raised to keep their heads low and don't make too much of a fuzz. It's smart to do it that way. In a healthy society either everyone can have in-group preference or nobody can so if they do they gotta do it in a sneaky way. Only whites and blacks go along with this weird thing where it's okay for one race to be very tribal and the other one has to hate themselves.
More or less yeah
Well then why don't the other races fake it? Because whites have been conditioned to fake it and faking it their entire lives will lead their kids to actually be like this or also start faking it and it becomes a vicious cycle. But that's assuming it is faked, if they were actually pro-white Trump would've won the elections, in fact a more extreme version of Trump would be winning elections.
Faking it could also lead to their kids rebelling and doing the opposite. Either way it doesn't mattER if you're pretending to be one thing (antiwhite) but your actual lived experience shows otherwise.

Trump did win the election, it was clearly rigged so he wouldn't. Joe Biden getting 81 million votes is comical.

Elections show gender divides at least as much as racial divides. The data shows that pretty much every state would be red if only men voted.

Which is funny because Trump's initial election gave a lot of people a wakeup call when it came to white women and their supposed liberal tendencies (most white women went for Trump). Again what people say vs what they do.
In a thread where the OP clearly shows that these types of things don't matter.
Of course it matters, a country filled with low IQ people regardless of race will look different than a country of people with very high IQs after a 100 years. The video just says that's not the only factor.
I promise you most of these "antiwhite" blacks are antiwhite in the same way incels are "antiwoman". Most of these folks are inadvertently groveling for white acceptance. Look at Tariq Nasheed, he literally has his white mother in law living in his house with him. Again you have to look at the actual results and what people do.
Well that's a really odd way of trying to be accepted by whites. I disagree, i think if certain conditions are met (no repercussions, no prison time) many blacks would start murdering white people indiscriminately out of pure hatred and resentment. Maybe a few secretly want to be accepted by us, then again, most whites already do accept them.
Faking it could also lead to their kids rebelling and doing the opposite. Either way it doesn't mattER if you're pretending to be one thing (antiwhite) but your actual lived experience shows otherwise.
Trump did win the election, it was clearly rigged so he wouldn't. Joe Biden getting 81 million votes is comical.
Well it does matter, if one group feels the need or the urge to fake it to virtue signal and the others don't then obviously something caused that. And I'm not just talking about Trump I'm talking about every western country for the last 60 years have voted for equality and open borders, either because they support it or because they were indifferent.
Of course it matters, a country filled with low IQ people regardless of race will look different than a country of people with very high IQs after a 100 years. The video just says that's not the only factor.
And most of these "giga-IQ" places you couldn't pay me to live in. It's an arbitrary made up factor that cacs overly rely on because it's a cope. You all prove this time and time again. Like I always say anytime the shit is not being used to put cacs on a pedestal it somehow becomes irrelevant or challenged.
Well that's a really odd way of trying to be accepted by whites. I disagree, i think if certain conditions are met (no repercussions, no prison time) many blacks would start murdering white people indiscriminately out of pure hatred and resentment.
Pure projection. As if whites wouldn't do the exact same. Like there aren't countless whites stockpiling firearms and ammo fantasizing about the upcoming race war that will allow them to shoot blacks and nonwhites with impunity.

Care to remind me what whites have historically done to blacks when they felt there would be little or no consequence? Btw most people aren't violent criminals. Of any population, it's not likely to be more than a few percent and that's without even factoring in the corruption of the law and it's demonstrable bias against blacks.
Maybe a few secretly want to be accepted by us, then again, most whites already do accept them.
Not really. Most people stick to and favor their own kind whether they actually disclose this, deny it, or whatever. Again compare it to incels. Incels want women to accept them but they obviously don't, thus rage and contempt ensue. This is akin to the normie arguments: "ya know being a misogynist is a strange way of getting women to like you bro!"
Well it does matter, if one group feels the need or the urge to fake it to virtue signal and the others don't then obviously something caused that. And I'm not just talking about Trump I'm talking about every western country for the last 60 years have voted for equality and open borders, either because they support it or because they were indifferent.
The need to virtue signal is basically the same as a rich person becoming a philanthropist. I think you're mostly talking about the political mechanisms of the elite. Most people don't really care for this shit it's the tiny few who always get what they want and force their agendas down everyone else's throats. Most people are normies so unless the needle moves too far to fast, they'll just sit back and accept the agenda.
Black women are the most obese, get the most abortions, are the least married, and have the most single mother households.

This is the kind of data that actually matters. Most women preach feminism when they're young until they realize they need a betabucks to live a remotely acceptable life and not be a baby mama. Black women actually LIVE feminism.

And this coincides with a lot of the things they do openly: openly bash their male counterparts and call for their death and abortions, openly embrace "boss babe" and "independent strong wimmin" lifestyles, openly wear other women's hair on their head and go out of their way to look as nonblack as possible, it goes on.

THIS is who goes around saying "support black businesses, muh generational wealth, fix muh generational curses", and how race is "important to their identity". Yeah race probably is important to their identity, it's important to their negative perception of themselves which is why it doesn't amount to anything positive.
Slaveowners would teach black women to read but not black men
Look at Tariq Nasheed, he literally has his white mother in law living in his house with him.
Ooooohh nononononono hahahahahahahahahahaha
Slaveowners would teach black women to read but not black men
According to Dr. Umar white women got the right to vote because they saw how liberated the women in Marcus Garvey's organization were and complained to white men about it.
Every Jew I've ever met was smart. But they are a different kind of smart than us East Asians.

They have high verbal IQ. When you try to describe something to them they got the better words to describe it or the phenomenon.

And when you say something they can do a lot of inferences quickly. But the problem with inferences is that its not always correct or takes in the whole picture. So their inferences fundamentally have a lot of subjectiveness which is unfair. Objective reasoning is the ultimate way the universe works and if you reason objectively by leaving yourself out of the picture, everything just flows. And people will appreciate you for it. The best way to reason objectively is to take into account your experiences, take into account everyone's experiences, and then assess the role of nature and the environment.

They are nepotistic but then again all people are nepotistic. Its just that with east asians and northern europeans who have higher standards of trust, they check themselves when it comes to nepotism which makes them modern and efficient. Unlike brownies and shitalians... and Jews have brownie roots. Nepotism without checks makes people degenerate, low trust, corrupt, and inefficient and vice versa. Thats because people only trust their cliques and it doesn't work for a high functioning efficient modern nation.

If people are nepotistic as fuck thats probably a sign that the nation or civilization is falling apart.
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And most of these "giga-IQ" places you couldn't pay me to live in. It's an arbitrary made up factor that cacs overly rely on because it's a cope. You all prove this time and time again. Like I always say anytime the shit is not being used to put cacs on a pedestal it somehow becomes irrelevant or challenged.
Regardless if you'd want to live there or not the society would be different. And let's be honest they do wanna live there that's why we need to have a big wall around it.
Pure projection. As if whites wouldn't do the exact same. Like there aren't countless whites stockpiling firearms and ammo fantasizing about the upcoming race war that will allow them to shoot blacks and nonwhites with impunity.
No I don't think whites would do the same thing, we're way less violent and vengeful than blacks are. And yeah there are guys like that but they're a minority. I don't think Asians would do it either, sorry you guys are just visibly seething at white people 24/7 and I can't say the same for other races or my own race.
Care to remind me what whites have historically done to blacks when they felt there would be little or no consequence? Btw most people aren't violent criminals. Of any population, it's not likely to be more than a few percent and that's without even factoring in the corruption of the law and it's demonstrable bias against blacks.
I'll remind you what every people have done to everyone historically but it's not very relevant because the times have changed. And a big reason people aren't criminals is because they know there will be consequences for their actions.
Not really. Most people stick to and favor their own kind whether they actually disclose this, deny it, or whatever. Again compare it to incels. Incels want women to accept them but they obviously don't, thus rage and contempt ensue. This is akin to the normie arguments: "ya know being a misogynist is a strange way of getting women to like you bro!"
And if I was still trying to get laid I wouldn't be dropping blackpills at women I meet at the bar or wherever you're supposed to meet women, I wouldn't be talking about how retarded I think women are publicly. Your argument is comparable to the "we can smell your personality"-argument IT uses. Nobody acts like us IRL unless they really stopped giving a fuck, blacks act like this IRL all the time.
doubt religious jews have the high iq
>"Da joos control the entire world bro, literally everything it's all jewish control. They have been doing this shit since Napoleon bro it's over for the west."

>"They're also not high IQ tho"

It's bullshit like this the drives me mad, you just can't admit anything can you? If you are going to say they control everything and got the world by the balls atleast admit they are high IQ.

It's this facist "the enemy is infinitely strong and infinitely weak" nonsense.

Also what does "tribalism" even mean here? Are they disproportionately giving jews nobel prices, because they aren't making any advances at all? They're just getting them because schlomo is on the committee?
I wonder why a people prosecuted by Roman pagans, Christians, and Muslims, would focus on minority rights and equality
Exactly XD
What came first, jewish parasitic behavior or jews being prosecuted?
>We need people that are allowed to do usury so the banks can function.

>jews: we got that covered bro we can do that in our religion.

>These deceiving lying money hungry jews! They're always after your money, these hook nosed bankers!
>"Da joos control the entire world bro, literally everything it's all jewish control. They have been doing this shit since Napoleon bro it's over for the west."

>"They're also not high IQ tho"

It's bullshit like this the drives me mad, you just can't admit anything can you? If you are going to say they control everything and got the world by the balls atleast admit they are high IQ.

It's this facist "the enemy is infinitely strong and infinitely weak" nonsense.
I didn't say they're not high IQ. I said their success is not attributable to the false claim of "Jewish IQ" (their IQ distribution is the same as the general population).

Also what does "tribalism" even mean here?
It means they support each other with nepotism and cronyism disproportionately higher relative to other groups.

Are they disproportionately giving jews nobel prices,

They're just getting them because schlomo is on the committee?
No, that's not how it works. Peers in the respective fields forward their nominations to the committee who then decide from the list of nominees that they get in the different fields the prize is given out.

But guess what? Most of the academic peers of the nominees are - you guessed it - Jewish.
>We need people that are allowed to do usury so the banks can function.
You don't need usury to have a functioning bank. JFL
I didn't say they're not high IQ. I said their success is not attributable to the false claim of "Jewish IQ" (their IQ distribution is the same as the general population).
While Asians are often touted as the smartest people in the world, Ashkenazi Jews as a group average 115 on an IQ test—eight points higher than Asians and dramatically higher than the world average of 79.1.
It means they support each other with nepotism and cronyism disproportionately higher relative to other groups.
Most persecuted group throughout history. Relatively small compared to toher religions and ethic groups. Figures that that is going to be a thing.

No, that's not how it works. Peers in the respective fields forward their nominations to the committee who then decide from the list of nominees that they get in the different fields the prize is given out.

But guess what? Most of the academic peers of the nominees are - you guessed it - Jewish.
Where are all these discoveries that aren't getting nobel prizes then simply because they aren't Jewish? Were are all these discoveries jews make that don't deserve to have nobel prizes attached to them?
And let's be honest they do wanna live there that's why we need to have a big wall around it.
By this logic North Korea and Cambodia > USA because "muh high IQ". Mega cope. At a glance there's only a few high IQ countries I would consider to be desirable to live. And that's ultimately what matters. No one gives a shit about test scores when it comes down to it.
No I don't think whites would do the same thing, we're way less violent and vengeful than blacks are.
Literally nothing about the history of Europeans confirms this, just the opposite. Just look at all the wars. Hell, look at the wars going on now.
I'll remind you what every people have done to everyone historically but it's not very relevant because the times have changed.
LOL mega cop out, yes let's just completely ignore the past. Stormcels bring up that same "irrelevant" past to glorify whites but when it makes whites look bad it should be ignored right? smh
blacks act like this IRL all the time.
Nope, that's your media-based fantasy.

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