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Theory [Blackpill]How Foids Serve as the Perfect "ZOGbots"

Re-read that quote again, it's originally from 1949, how does it hold up today? Notice the correlation?

The ZOG & its allies are probably

"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.” -George Orwell, 1984.​

Re-read that quote again, it's originally from 1949, how does it hold up today? Notice the correlation?

The ZOG & its allies are probably some of the most blackpilled individuals on Earth, alongside us. Reason being, that they know the true nature of foids, the inherent differences between genders, and most importantly how the inherent nature of foids allows for them to easily be molded.

To start off, let's analyze the nature of foids from what we can simply observe in their behavior: Foids are some of the biggest supporters of LGBTQ+, all are feminists, and every foid from my HS almost instantanoulsy changed their avi on normiegram, twitter, etc. to some black-background after George Floyd, as a show of "solidarity"

It appears that foids are the first to hop on some "trend" -which of course has in some way been orchestrated by (((ZOG & friends))) in order to create reactions they will control(I will touch on this format another time)- and thus, any normie who falls into this trend likely has done so due to foids external influence.

Let's also take a look at some data:

View attachment 1049297

According to this graph, a very wide gap is opening amongst Gen-Z between males & foids politically: With foids skewing much more further to the Left whilst males skew more further Right. Whilst most of the "Right-Wing" in the modern world is little more than controlled opposition, it still highlights just how easily foids can be manipulated, due to the fact that Leftists often are more outright about what they want.

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Let's compare the IQ between both genders as well: As you can see from the graph, foids-IQ tends to cluster more closer with one-another & tends to skew towards the middle or "midwit" section of the plot, in contrast to males who are more spread-out.

According to the "horseshoe theory" those on opposite ends of some sort of spectrum tend to agree frequently, just for differing reasons. It also ties into the "midwit" theory, which claims that those with a median IQ tend to follow norms, trends, etc. at a more frequent rate as opposed to "top wits" who have higher-IQs & "bottom wits" whom are able to "see-through" the lies so to speak.

Let's also look at the overall composition of the foid brain in comparison to the male brain:
View attachment 1049309

According to this, foids tend to not only have significantly more amounts of pre-frontal white matter which exaggerates their abilities to lie, but they also seem more capable at assimilating information which has been verbally told to them.

This means that foids can not only serve to spread & even twist the lies pushed by (((ZOG))), but that they also are incapable of critically thinking & recognizing patterns in the way men are.

Foids are the perfect ZOG agents: They are incapable of thinking independently, are naturally good liars, and will follow just about any "current trend." Not to mention, they can sway normies & the such in favor of the ZOG due to the halo they have as foids. Quite literally, the ZOG has normies by the balls.
based + did read
they get their way by using lots of emotion words like "feel", "frustrated", "traumatic", etc. in order to guilt-trip others' logic mechanisms into getting what she wants. i've done this before and i can say it works like 80% of the time, the more buzzwords you use the more successful it is.
Idk, the reception has been extremely mixed on this one. Even the CEO didn't humour her much in his tweet. If more people (I'm guessing more foids) start doing this, companies are going to include clauses strictly to prevent them from doing this sort of shit, and I'd completely agree with that. Discussing someone's performance would necessitate going into internal details. I'd definitely not want that for public to see if I owned a company. It's always foids who do this sort of things without thinking about repercussions. They think everything is like toying with a guy on tinder. Yes, foid's tears can save them here and there, but not in the face of mass layoff, which doesn't happen for no reason (there's literally no money), from a corporate juggernaut like Cloudflare (btw, their president and COO is a foid).
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based and nice thread :feelsYall:

holes are always in favor of more and more bureaucracy as well. they want to control everything and preserve the status quo. stifle all rights of sub5s to not be a wageslave taxcattle cuckold of used up withered roastoid. don't tread on me :feelshmm:

based + did read
based and nice thread :feelsYall:
Thanks boyos. :feelsYall:
holes are always in favor of more and more bureaucracy as well. they want to control everything and preserve the status quo. stifle all rights of sub5s to not be a wageslave taxcattle cuckold of used up withered roastoid. don't tread on me :feelshmm:
This is true: Foids, like ZOG governments, want us to own nothing & be happy.

We need a Blackpill/Incel "Don't Tread On Me" flag @blackpillednigga
Thanks boyos. :feelsYall:

This is true: Foids, like ZOG governments, want us to own nothing & be happy.

We need a Blackpill/Incel "Don't Tread On Me" flag @blackpillednigga
how woudl that flag look like? a blobfish instead of a snake?
Thanks boyos. :feelsYall:

This is true: Foids, like ZOG governments, want us to own nothing & be happy.

We need a Blackpill/Incel "Don't Tread On Me" flag @blackpillednigga
ayaye captain


"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.” -George Orwell, 1984.​

Re-read that quote again, it's originally from 1949, how does it hold up today? Notice the correlation?

The ZOG & its allies are probably some of the most blackpilled individuals on Earth, alongside us. Reason being, that they know the true nature of foids, the inherent differences between genders, and most importantly how the inherent nature of foids allows for them to easily be molded.

To start off, let's analyze the nature of foids from what we can simply observe in their behavior: Foids are some of the biggest supporters of LGBTQ+, all are feminists, and every foid from my HS almost instantanoulsy changed their avi on normiegram, twitter, etc. to some black-background after George Floyd, as a show of "solidarity"

It appears that foids are the first to hop on some "trend" -which of course has in some way been orchestrated by (((ZOG & friends))) in order to create reactions they will control(I will touch on this format another time)- and thus, any normie who falls into this trend likely has done so due to foids external influence.

Let's also take a look at some data:

View attachment 1049297

According to this graph, a very wide gap is opening amongst Gen-Z between males & foids politically: With foids skewing much more further to the Left whilst males skew more further Right. Whilst most of the "Right-Wing" in the modern world is little more than controlled opposition, it still highlights just how easily foids can be manipulated, due to the fact that Leftists often are more outright about what they want.

View attachment 1049303

Let's compare the IQ between both genders as well: As you can see from the graph, foids-IQ tends to cluster more closer with one-another & tends to skew towards the middle or "midwit" section of the plot, in contrast to males who are more spread-out.

According to the "horseshoe theory" those on opposite ends of some sort of spectrum tend to agree frequently, just for differing reasons. It also ties into the "midwit" theory, which claims that those with a median IQ tend to follow norms, trends, etc. at a more frequent rate as opposed to "top wits" who have higher-IQs & "bottom wits" whom are able to "see-through" the lies so to speak.

Let's also look at the overall composition of the foid brain in comparison to the male brain:
View attachment 1049309

According to this, foids tend to not only have significantly more amounts of pre-frontal white matter which exaggerates their abilities to lie, but they also seem more capable at assimilating information which has been verbally told to them.

This means that foids can not only serve to spread & even twist the lies pushed by (((ZOG))), but that they also are incapable of critically thinking & recognizing patterns in the way men are.

Foids are the perfect ZOG agents: They are incapable of thinking independently, are naturally good liars, and will follow just about any "current trend." Not to mention, they can sway normies & the such in favor of the ZOG due to the halo they have as foids. Quite literally, the ZOG has normies by the balls.
High IQ, good read. People IRL are disgusted that we think this way/that we believe such things to be true but in my years of life what you describe aligns more or less with what I’ve observed for myself — rather than what I’ve been “told” and “directed” to think by others.

What matters is whether what you’re saying is true but most western people have been trained like dogs to short such thoughts at the root because it’s “wrong” to think men and women are different or that women could on average have negative traits. They won’t even consider views that are deemed “wrong think” by the current regime.

Another example of this kind of thing would be talking about the utter delusion of the trans movement or trying to discuss the underlying reasons behind black crime in the US. The “truth” doesn’t really matter to these people, it’s just not even on the table and if you say anything outside the norm even as a question you will face at minimum social ostracism.
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too long can't understand but i guess is a good thread
"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.” -George Orwell, 1984.
nice quote
I remember coming to the realization myself, maybe as far back as a decade ago, that females all seem to be "midwits." Even when it is insisted their average IQ is roughly the same, it is pretty much always acknowledged, even in mainstream academia, that the spread of IQ in females is lower.

You can't tell them apart. All you see among them are liars and conformists.
weird how they havent taken this site off their roster if they are both toilets
No, she is both. Maybe they are giving young men at least one place to vent, so they don't go completely insane.
They are far more likely to trust authority they call the police at the first instance. From robbery, a commotion in residential areas or whatever else is part & parcel of living in a bigger city.
a few sentences in i can already tell this is high IQ will bookmark for later
Sometimes I legit wonder if femoids are literal demons
They are far more likely to trust authority they call the police at the first instance. From robbery, a commotion in residential areas or whatever else is part & parcel of living in a bigger city.
IMG 2056
They abuse their mental capacity. How about I abuse my physical capacity. :lul: :lul: :lul: :reeeeee:
No wonder why foids are more easily brainwashed.
Hippity hoppity, women are property. They really do behave like money, accumulating uncontrollably into the hands of the already wealthy. The rulers of the world know this: the game is just high-tier men dunking on low-tier men, forever.
I am curry but I really fucking hate the Jews. Kicked out of 190+ countries for being parasites but somehow these evil snakes have convinced (supposedly) much of the world that it's not their fault. Every Jew is either evil or capable of birthing evil spawn. The evil Jews should be eradicated and the "good" ones should be sterilized so that they don't pass on their evil kike bloodline (in video game).
Every Jew is either evil or capable of birthing evil spawn. The evil Jews should be eradicated and the "good" ones should be sterilized so that they don't pass on their evil kike bloodline (in video game).
I am curry but I really fucking hate the Jews. Kicked out of 190+ countries for being parasites but somehow these evil snakes have convinced (supposedly) much of the world that it's not their fault. Every Jew is either evil or capable of birthing evil spawn. The evil Jews should be eradicated and the "good" ones should be sterilized so that they don't pass on their evil kike bloodline (in video game).
ok pajeet

View: https://twitter.com/xbtGBH/status/1753464176830230988?t=_KsknnJYQu4bLsV-djWQqw&s=19

The female brain can not comprehend that the most retarded friend in a male friend group can become the unquestioned leader if the right situation occurs, because unlike women, men are logically capable of quickly figuring out what is the most rationale way forward to solve a problem and differing to the best authority to take point

Furthermore, females also fail to understand that many times

When you look at unvaxxed non-npc male friend groups

Nobody needs to be a leader or a follower

Everybody just collectively exists together to hang out and fire off racist jokes and bangers while independently figuring out their own life, but never being afraid to ask for advice or help as it occurs

In summary

Women just fail to understand that unlike themselves

Men can actually thrive in life without the help of anyone else and dont require a stronger figure to constantly dominate them to feel like their life has significant meaning lmao


"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.” -George Orwell, 1984.​

Re-read that quote again, it's originally from 1949, how does it hold up today? Notice the correlation?

The ZOG & its allies are probably some of the most blackpilled individuals on Earth, alongside us. Reason being, that they know the true nature of foids, the inherent differences between genders, and most importantly how the inherent nature of foids allows for them to easily be molded.

To start off, let's analyze the nature of foids from what we can simply observe in their behavior: Foids are some of the biggest supporters of LGBTQ+, all are feminists, and every foid from my HS almost instantanoulsy changed their avi on normiegram, twitter, etc. to some black-background after George Floyd, as a show of "solidarity"

It appears that foids are the first to hop on some "trend" -which of course has in some way been orchestrated by (((ZOG & friends))) in order to create reactions they will control(I will touch on this format another time)- and thus, any normie who falls into this trend likely has done so due to foids external influence.

Let's also take a look at some data:

View attachment 1049297

According to this graph, a very wide gap is opening amongst Gen-Z between males & foids politically: With foids skewing much more further to the Left whilst males skew more further Right. Whilst most of the "Right-Wing" in the modern world is little more than controlled opposition, it still highlights just how easily foids can be manipulated, due to the fact that Leftists often are more outright about what they want.

View attachment 1049303

Let's compare the IQ between both genders as well: As you can see from the graph, foids-IQ tends to cluster more closer with one-another & tends to skew towards the middle or "midwit" section of the plot, in contrast to males who are more spread-out.

According to the "horseshoe theory" those on opposite ends of some sort of spectrum tend to agree frequently, just for differing reasons. It also ties into the "midwit" theory, which claims that those with a median IQ tend to follow norms, trends, etc. at a more frequent rate as opposed to "top wits" who have higher-IQs & "bottom wits" whom are able to "see-through" the lies so to speak.

Let's also look at the overall composition of the foid brain in comparison to the male brain:
View attachment 1049309

According to this, foids tend to not only have significantly more amounts of pre-frontal white matter which exaggerates their abilities to lie, but they also seem more capable at assimilating information which has been verbally told to them.

This means that foids can not only serve to spread & even twist the lies pushed by (((ZOG))), but that they also are incapable of critically thinking & recognizing patterns in the way men are.

Foids are the perfect ZOG agents: They are incapable of thinking independently, are naturally good liars, and will follow just about any "current trend." Not to mention, they can sway normies & the such in favor of the ZOG due to the halo they have as foids. Quite literally, the ZOG has normies by the balls.
Very High iq analysis
High IQ Thread. Take education away from women.
High IQ Thread. Take education away from women.
i wouldn't take education away from foids entirely, i would educate them with proper values, not whore values
assuming they listened to it, it would fix a decent amount of problems with foids
High IQ Thread. Take education away from women.
Thanks, based Warhammercel.

good find, serves to highlight just how foids seemingly only value the "status" which they can attain through a relationship, similar to how normies wish to attain status in order to fulfill their ego, which is guided purely by their reasoning which is programmed via the mainstream.

In summary

Women just fail to understand that unlike themselves

Men can actually thrive in life without the help of anyone else and dont require a stronger figure to constantly dominate them to feel like their life has significant meaning lmao

This kind of reflects foids innate nature: They know that males are significantly more adapt at surviving, so they chase the "higher tier" males in order to satiate their narcissistic egos.
Yes, women are and will always be the maintainers of the Status-Quo. If you are a rebellious man, or with revolutionary tendencies, women become your enemies en masse.

The type of woman who is a radical feminist today would have been staunchly Catholic in medieval Europe, there is no difference in the psychological type.

Defeating women = defeating the system.
"I heckin love science, no not that science wahhhh"

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