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Blackpill [Blackpill Barrage] “Men have grown twice as much as women over past century, study shows”

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
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There are no happy endings in Eastern Europe.
Oct 30, 2022
Phoneposting because I was just about to go to sleep when I found this and I knew I’d have to post about it right away:feelshaha::feelsthink:. I’ll 100% lose an hour of sleep because of this but whatever:feelshmm:.

The Guardian once again proving us right in everything we say to a level no conservative outlet they’d claim supports us ever would:feelsjuice:.

Amid the profound changes humanity has witnessed, one might be forgiven for failing to notice a rise in sexy and formidable men: those tall, broad-shouldered types that are strangers to self-doubt.

B-b-b-but, muh personality:soy:? Are they implying that the all-important confidence comes from your body giving it to you, and not you making yourself sexy by making yourself confident:waitwhat:?

Surely not:feelsjuice:.

Analysis of records from dozens of countries found that for every 0.2 point increase in HDI, women were on average 1.7cm taller and 2.7kg heavier, while men were 4cm taller and 6.5kg heavier. This suggests that as living conditions improve, both height and weight increase, but more than twice as fast in men than women.
To see whether similar trends played out within countries, the researchers delved into historical height records in the UK where HDI rose from 0.8 in 1900 to 0.94 in 2022. During the first half of the century, average female height increased 1.9% from 159cm to 162cm, while average male height rose 4% from 170cm to 177cm.
“To put this in perspective, about one in four women born in 1905 was taller than the average man born in 1905, but this dropped to about one in eight women for those born in 1958,” Halsey said.
It’s a Manlet Apocalypse boyos and we are all along for the ride:feelstrash:. Are you enjoying it yet:feelsclown::society:?

Writing in Biology Letters in a study titled “The sexy and formidable male body:

men’s height and weight are condition-dependent, sexually selected traits”, the scientists speculate that women’s sexual preferences may have fuelled a trend for taller, more muscular men – although in an age of obesity, heavy does not necessarily mean muscular.
May have?

May have?!


If I remember right there’s a study cited on incels.wiki which found that the unusual height of the Dutch people can be just about entirely explained by female sexual selection of tall men, seems like we have another study we can add next to it:feelsjuice:.

“Women can find men’s height attractive because, potentially, it makes them more formidable, but also because being taller suggests they are well-made,” said Halsey. “As they’ve grown up, they haven’t been affected by the slings and arrows of a bad environment, so they’ve reached more of their height potential. It’s an indicator that they’re well-made.”
Height is 80% genetic and they still try to bring environment into it:feelshaha:.

Besides, how’s it supposed to be an excuse since we have no control over either?

The findings build on previous work that found women want taller men more than men want shorter women.
Literally just bringing up another study which I’m pretty sure is on incels.wiki:feelskek:. Also, casually demolishing the simps, soys and orbiter-seeking attention whores on Reddit who claim that short women also struggle in dating:lul:, or that tall women struggle as much as short men, if not more:lul::lul:.

Yes, pointing out that there’s more to lookism, heightism and weightism than just less dating opportunities and that those things and issues spill into all areas of life is very important and exactly what I love talking about:feelshehe::feelsokman:.

Not the fucking cancer cope again:lul::lul:.

Michael Wilson, professor of ecology, evolution and behaviour at the University of Minnesota, said the faster increase in male height and weight was “striking”. He said it was consistent with a long-standing idea that females are “the more ecologically constrained” sex because of the demands of reproduction, particularly in mammals where pregnancy and nursing are “energetically expensive”.
Of fucking course they found a way to twist this into a “women are oppressed” or “women have it worse” thing:feelsPop::feelsUnreal::feelshaha:. Never change Guardian, never change:feelskek:.

Copying one of my recent spoilered taggings because, again, phoneposting:

@based_meme @KillNiggers @Epedaphic @DarkStar @Regenerator @Stupid Clown @Sewer Sloth @Sergeant Kelly @Flagellum_Dei @To koniec @reveries @LeFrenchCel @PersonalityChad @Diddy @VideoGameCoper @AsakangaHalo @OutcompetedByRoomba @daydreamER @Biowaste Removal
Finishing up something I wrote myself, will read, seems interesting.
Leftist media accidentally spilled a blackpill.. again :feelsseriously: :shock: color me shocked
Leftist media accidentally spilled a blackpill.. again :feelsseriously: :shock: color me shocked
The blackpill was not even supposed to be a right-leaning or left-leaning ideology, it is simply just the truth. It only got popular in the right because it stemmed from the redpill, which was already full of retarded right-wing copers.
The blackpill was not even supposed to be a right-leaning or left-leaning ideology, it is simply just the truth. It only got popular in the right because it stemmed from the redpill, which was already full of retarded right-wing copers.
I mean people on the left just generally obviously tend to dislike painful social truths, especially those that paint foids in negative way or point out male oppression, shifting the attention away from muh precious foids.
Height comes with confidence. Confidence doesn't come with height. And people still fail to realize this.
Leftist media accidentally spilled a blackpill.. again :feelsseriously: :shock: color me shocked
They're only against the blackpill when we point it out. Otherwise it's fine. Some feminists even see women being Chad only as empowering :foidSoy:
Of course men green way more than women, we are subjected to a multitude of ridiculous standards and woman aren’t. Just fucking brutal man, women live on absolute tutorial mode. But I do believe the cancer thing. Taller people in my family have indeed died of cancer WAY more than shorter ones. But still, I’d much rather be taller with higher cancer risk than short.

Good post, and absolutely despicable they tried to twist it to make women like the victims, goddamn, fuck this world
They did grow over the past century but hasn't it been decreasing lately in some countries like the Netherlands? Not sure if I am misremembering this but this might be a little lifefuel. Of course there is the ethnic population in the country.
They did grow over the past century but hasn't it been decreasing lately in some countries like the Netherlands? Not sure if I am misremembering this but this might be a little lifefuel. Of course there is the ethnic population in the country.
overall heights are increasing everywhere even in my family and friends, everyone is taller than their parents or atleast one child of them gets to be taller than the avg. In my case , my mother bred with a 5`5 shorty and I get to be 5`7 while mother is 5`1. So yea heights are increasing overall but there we are , the manlets, full of unluckiness .
How big will men grow in the next 100 years?
Brutal blackpill :blackpill:

I think this is the reason why ricecels are so ridiculed for being skinny manlets when it doesn't seem to have been much of a problem in the past. But now China is catching up @pyromancer1234
JFL :feelsclown:
Just recently I was thinking just about how much female preferences shape male behavior, in the context of how women are complaining about men being violent.
Entire species like peacocks for example have evolved completely useless and bothersome appendages just because it increased chances of mating, but somehow that doesn't apply to humans because...because it just doesn't okay!?
They love eugenics
The fucking "well-made men" cracked me up, that definitely goes into my list of ironic euphemisms :feelskek:
yet this cuckcel community thinks men still need to be sacrificed to "natural selection" when that's already taken place for men. 90% blackpill is just crypto fem-worshipping.
Manlet genocide is already happening
Manlet genocide is already happening
Manlets are the master race, we require less resources to continue existing and have less health complications, but can still do everything required to maintain society, being tall really has no advantage besides being good at fighting.
It's fucked manlets are being genocided, the future is going to be so dysgenic because of unchecked female hypergamy, men are going to die on average when they are 30 while women live to be 90 in the next 1000 years or so.
Manlets are the master race, we require less resources to continue existing and have less health complications, but can still do everything required to maintain society, being tall really has no advantage besides being good at fighting.
It's fucked manlets are being genocided, the future is going to be so dysgenic because of unchecked female hypergamy, men are going to die on average when they are 30 while women live to be 90 in the next 1000 years or so.
Women are simply stupid
I fucking hate tallfags so much.
Manlets are the master race, we require less resources to continue existing and have less health complications, but can still do everything required to maintain society, being tall really has no advantage besides being good at fighting.
It's fucked manlets are being genocided, the future is going to be so dysgenic because of unchecked female hypergamy, men are going to die on average when they are 30 while women live to be 90 in the next 1000 years or so.
This isn't even true. Being taller doesn't automatically make you a better fighter. It gives you more reach and allows you to have a larger frame, which means more muscle mass. It's certainly great advantages, but manlets have a more stable center of gravity (closer to the ground), which means the tallfag is can be knocked to the ground easier by a skilled manlet.
This isn't even true. Being taller doesn't automatically make you a better fighter. It gives you more reach and allows you to have a larger frame, which means more muscle mass. It's certainly great advantages, but manlets have a more stable center of gravity (closer to the ground), which means the tallfag is can be knocked to the ground easier by a skilled manlet.
Most of the worlds best fighters are tall I think (willing to be proven wrong) so I think they have an advantage but obviously a skilled fighter of any size if going to beat an average person.
That doesn't really say a lot though, the best female fighter could probably beat an average make but females still aren't good fighters.
Most of the worlds best fighters are tall I think (willing to be proven wrong) so I think they have an advantage but obviously a skilled fighter of any size if going to beat an average person.
That doesn't really say a lot though, the best female fighter could probably beat an average make but females still aren't good fighters.
I'm not invested in this point either way. I'm just pointing out that height doesn't add to fighting skill, but to potential physical output.
Not the fucking cancer cope again:lul::lul:.
while manlets/uglycels will get cancer due of stress of not having a foid to creampie
Brave 2025 01 22 17 53 18
Just be tall theory remains undefeated.
This isn't even true. Being taller doesn't automatically make you a better fighter. It gives you more reach and allows you to have a larger frame, which means more muscle mass. It's certainly great advantages, but manlets have a more stable center of gravity (closer to the ground), which means the tallfag is can be knocked to the ground easier by a skilled manlet.
Tallfags can still have short arms reach and their height won't give them much of the advantage.
It's all about persoynality, delusional inkwell :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::bluepill:
Even if men's average height is increasing at a slightly higher rate, femoids are still getting insanely taller as well. A century ago, a 5'7+ woman was rare, but now it not uncommon to see even an ethnic foid that tall.
Of course men green way more than women, we are subjected to a multitude of ridiculous standards and woman aren’t. Just fucking brutal man, women live on absolute tutorial mode. But I do believe the cancer thing. Taller people in my family have indeed died of cancer WAY more than shorter ones. But still, I’d much rather be taller with higher cancer risk than short.

Good post, and absolutely despicable they tried to twist it to make women like the victims, goddamn, fuck this world
JFL :feelsclown:
Just recently I was thinking just about how much female preferences shape male behavior, in the context of how women are complaining about men being violent.
Entire species like peacocks for example have evolved completely useless and bothersome appendages just because it increased chances of mating, but somehow that doesn't apply to humans because...because it just doesn't okay!?

The fucking "well-made men" cracked me up, that definitely goes into my list of ironic euphemisms :feelskek:
Manlets are the master race, we require less resources to continue existing and have less health complications, but can still do everything required to maintain society, being tall really has no advantage besides being good at fighting.
It's fucked manlets are being genocided, the future is going to be so dysgenic because of unchecked female hypergamy, men are going to die on average when they are 30 while women live to be 90 in the next 1000 years or so.
Dysgenics is exactly correct. Men as a whole don't functionally need to be so big and tall, with the attendant tradeoff of lower life expectancy. The arms race for women to feel good about having the best man is literally selecting the male population into earlier graves.
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Even worse, men as a whole don't functionally need to be so big and tall, with the attendant tradeoff of lower life expectancy. The arms race for women to feel good about having the best man is literally selecting the male population into earlier graves.
Yes, most of the tall men in my family died early. Heck my dad is dead already, and he was 6’1”. Meanwhile my grandfather on my mom’s side is short and is still alive at an age around 16 years older than my dad died at.

I’m 6’0” myself and have a few chronic health conditions so I don’t expect to live long at all as well.

Women still don’t like me because I’ve got a shit narrow frame, wide hips, non NT, and a bit below average face.

And it’s crazy how other than being compared to other men in height, there are almost no practical advantages to it. My hips have been bad since age 17 and already needed surgery
I think this is the reason why ricecels are so ridiculed for being skinny manlets when it doesn't seem to have been much of a problem in the past. But now China is catching up @pyromancer1234
Asians just aren't as big as Whites. More generally, some races of humans are just smaller than other races of humans. There shouldn't really be a problem with that, except that women's simple selfish minds prefer the largest man of any race. It's women's preferences that are the problem.

This isn't even true. Being taller doesn't automatically make you a better fighter. It gives you more reach and allows you to have a larger frame, which means more muscle mass. It's certainly great advantages, but manlets have a more stable center of gravity (closer to the ground), which means the tallfag is can be knocked to the ground easier by a skilled manlet.
Most people are untrained. And among the untrained, taller and bigger wins 100% of the time.
Phoneposting because I was just about to go to sleep when I found this and I knew I’d have to post about it right away:feelshaha::feelsthink:. I’ll 100% lose an hour of sleep because of this but whatever:feelshmm:.

The Guardian once again proving us right in everything we say to a level no conservative outlet they’d claim supports us ever would:feelsjuice:.

B-b-b-but, muh personality:soy:? Are they implying that the all-important confidence comes from your body giving it to you, and not you making yourself sexy by making yourself confident:waitwhat:?

Surely not:feelsjuice:.

It’s a Manlet Apocalypse boyos and we are all along for the ride:feelstrash:. Are you enjoying it yet:feelsclown::society:?


May have?

May have?!


If I remember right there’s a study cited on incels.wiki which found that the unusual height of the Dutch people can be just about entirely explained by female sexual selection of tall men, seems like we have another study we can add next to it:feelsjuice:.

Height is 80% genetic and they still try to bring environment into it:feelshaha:.

Besides, how’s it supposed to be an excuse since we have no control over either?

Literally just bringing up another study which I’m pretty sure is on incels.wiki:feelskek:. Also, casually demolishing the simps, soys and orbiter-seeking attention whores on Reddit who claim that short women also struggle in dating:lul:, or that tall women struggle as much as short men, if not more:lul::lul:.

Yes, pointing out that there’s more to lookism, heightism and weightism than just less dating opportunities and that those things and issues spill into all areas of life is very important and exactly what I love talking about:feelshehe::feelsokman:.

Not the fucking cancer cope again:lul::lul:.

Of fucking course they found a way to twist this into a “women are oppressed” or “women have it worse” thing:feelsPop::feelsUnreal::feelshaha:. Never change Guardian, never change:feelskek:.

Copying one of my recent spoilered taggings because, again, phoneposting:

@based_meme @KillNiggers @Epedaphic @DarkStar @Regenerator @Stupid Clown @Sewer Sloth @Sergeant Kelly @Flagellum_Dei @To koniec @reveries @LeFrenchCel @PersonalityChad @Diddy @VideoGameCoper @AsakangaHalo @OutcompetedByRoomba @daydreamER @Biowaste Removal
Height is 80% genetic
It is not 80% genetic. 93-95% genetic and 5-7% environmental at max.
Amid the profound changes humanity has witnessed, one might be forgiven for failing to notice a rise in sexy and formidable men: those tall, broad-shouldered types that are strangers to self-doubt.
Do foids not realize that the fact they call these guys sexy is the reason they are so confident? Being a chad literally makes you entitled to being called sexy by foids and the attraction literally happens automatically in the brain of foids. This is why chads are more confident.
It is not 80% genetic. 93-95% genetic and 5-7% environmental at max.
From what I've seen studies usually converge around the 80% figure, but admittedly, I can imagine it still being understated by scientists trying to inject at least some environmental factors anywhere they can.
From what I've seen studies usually converge around the 80% figure, but admittedly, I can imagine it still being understated by scientists trying to inject at least some environmental factors anywhere they can.
@Logic55 enters the chat.
Asians just aren't as big as Whites. More generally, some races of humans are just smaller than other races of humans. There shouldn't really be a problem with that, except that women's simple selfish minds prefer the largest man of any race. It's women's preferences that are the problem.
I mean in the past there wasn't much difference, just a few centuries ago Europeans were short af.
Michael Wilson, professor of ecology, evolution and behaviour at the University of Minnesota, said the faster increase in male height and weight was “striking”. He said it was consistent with a long-standing idea that females are “the more ecologically constrained” sex because of the demands of reproduction, particularly in mammals where pregnancy and nursing are “energetically expensive”.
Funny thing is that bigger babies that result in more painful births and higher risks of complications during childbirth are more likely when sluts decide to get knocked up by a tall guy. Yes, having a taller bigger dad means a bigger baby with greater subsequent hazards associated with giving birth, shocking I know. So when foids and bluepilled feminists/cunt apologists try to make womeme the victim here, it's actually the opposite since they directly cause their own suffering by choosing taller men to procreate with to create crotchspawn that's more likely to hurt them. It's literally their own fault but these whores won't admit it since all foids are allergic to taking responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Just more evidence that goes to show how braindead females and their defenders are.

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average IQ has also dropped. Women are breeding the next generation of dysgenic tall dumb fuck mouth breathers.
We're just sadly the chosen men who are gonna get their genes deleted from the gene pool :feelsbadman:
Sounds plausible. Older couples I observe usually have smaller height gap than those today. Can also notice this from old black and white pictures.
B-b-b-but, muh personality:soy:? Are they implying that the all-important confidence comes from your body giving it to you, and not you making yourself sexy by making yourself confident:waitwhat:?
"Just hold frame, bro." :soy:

Phoneposting because I was just about to go to sleep when I found this and I knew I’d have to post about it right away:feelshaha::feelsthink:. I’ll 100% lose an hour of sleep because of this but whatever:feelshmm:.

The Guardian once again proving us right in everything we say to a level no conservative outlet they’d claim supports us ever would:feelsjuice:.

B-b-b-but, muh personality:soy:? Are they implying that the all-important confidence comes from your body giving it to you, and not you making yourself sexy by making yourself confident:waitwhat:?
JFL they ALWAYS find a way to say the quiet part out loud. :lul:
It’s a Manlet Apocalypse boyos and we are all along for the ride:feelstrash:. Are you enjoying it yet:feelsclown::society:?
No, it's pure suffering.

If I could go back, I'd hop on hgh

I'm 5'8.5 in the US & it's hell.
Height is 80% genetic and they still try to bring environment into it:feelshaha:.
These certain types of wokefags have an obsession with "socio-environmental conditions" which as I sort of addressed in my newest thread are somewhat influenced by genes. :feelsjuice:
Literally just bringing up another study which I’m pretty sure is on incels.wiki:feelskek:. Also, casually demolishing the simps, soys and orbiter-seeking attention whores on Reddit who claim that short women also struggle in dating:lul:, or that tall women struggle as much as short men, if not more:lul::lul:.
Literally most foids I see with tallfags are femlets

In fact, that's how a lot of my patrilineal tall genes got destroyed
Of fucking course they found a way to twist this into a “women are oppressed” or “women have it worse” thing:feelsPop::feelsUnreal::feelshaha:. Never change Guardian, never change:feelskek:.
The classic "men on the frontlines of war, women most affected" trope.
Copying one of my recent spoilered taggings because, again, phoneposting:

@based_meme @KillNiggers @Epedaphic @DarkStar @Regenerator @Stupid Clown @Sewer Sloth @Sergeant Kelly @Flagellum_Dei @To koniec @reveries @LeFrenchCel @PersonalityChad @Diddy @VideoGameCoper @AsakangaHalo @OutcompetedByRoomba @daydreamER @Biowaste Removal
Nice thread as always mango
Leftist media accidentally spilled a blackpill.. again :feelsseriously: :shock: color me shocked
Yup, makes sense

Awhile back, I recall @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY told me about some post he saw which basically was dealing how "leftists" in the mainstream globohomo/wokefag sense tend to try and sort of "use our words against us" in a way by taking what we say and sort of twisting it in some way, shape, or form, as sort of exhibited here.
I mean people on the left just generally obviously tend to dislike painful social truths, especially those that paint foids in negative way or point out male oppression, shifting the attention away from muh precious foids.
Correct :yes:

Now yes, the mainstream Right-Wing of Cuckservatives aren't ideal ofc, but they are at least somewhat more "grounded" I'd say compared to the mainstream Left. For Cuckservatives, eventually a foid will be seen as accountable, but for wokefag leftists it's impossible.
They're only against the blackpill when we point it out. Otherwise it's fine. Some feminists even see women being Chad only as empowering :foidSoy:
This kind of connects to what I said above in a way.
How big will men grow in the next 100 years?
Well with 30-50% of the male population not being able to reproduce, probably 4-6 inches.
Manlets are the master race, we require less resources to continue existing and have less health complications, but can still do everything required to maintain society, being tall really has no advantage besides being good at fighting.
It's fucked manlets are being genocided, the future is going to be so dysgenic because of unchecked female hypergamy, men are going to die on average when they are 30 while women live to be 90 in the next 1000 years or so.
Why would being able to fight matter when someone could just pull out a gun and shoot you, that’s why the whole protection aspect some Women speak of is useless when someone can just shoot your mans.

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