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Black monkeys brutally beat white girl

You think that one's bad? Check out this one of a 17 year old nigger repeatedly punching a white kindergartener as hard as he can while other niggers join in. And they wonder why we want them ostracized from society.

You think that one's bad? Check out this one of a 17 year old nigger repeatedly punching a white kindergartener as hard as he can while other niggers join in. And they wonder why we want them ostracized from society.

View attachment 1063952
Lord I hate this race
Angry Inside Out GIF by Disney Pixar
Just saw it on twitter so brutal kill all niggers for acting though

You think that one's bad? Check out this one of a 17 year old nigger repeatedly punching a white kindergartener as hard as he can while other niggers join in. And they wonder why we want them ostracized from society.

View attachment 1063952

Peak Original Kang Activities. No wonder Blacks have outweighed all of us in civilisation building. They are SO advanced they need to BEG Evropeans to allow them to migrate and spread some of their advancements there since Africa couldn't handle the insane amount of advancements they made.

Tagging our resident Original Kang : @lifefuel
Peak Original Kang Activities. No wonder Blacks have outweighed all of us in civilisation building. They are SO advanced they need to BEG Evropeans to allow them to migrate and spread some of their advancements there since Africa couldn't handle the insane amount of advancements they made.

Tagging our resident Original Kang : @lifefuel
That guy is just going to say "muh bbc." Every post is just about his gay ass talking about dicks. The sissy-cunt needs to go back to fucking reddit or 4chan and take that fag fetish with him for the twink he is.
Nig,gers really do commit violence over the smallest of things. Another nig,ger was beating a teacher who took his Nintendo switch.

I follow jihad movements so I get a good insight. Even ISIS were at one point the moderates in Nigeria. These nig,gers kill foreign fighters, genocide each other regularly etc. It's frustrating hard to get them to fight for an ideology rather than personal and tribal interests.

And white cucks are to blame just as much. Don't even protect their own women.
You know it's fucked when ISIS is telling Nigerians to calm down with the way they treat people. And agreed, not enough whites stand up for their people.
That guy is just going to say "muh bbc."
Tbh he is a lot better than other snake niggers. All niggers have hatred for non niggers in their heart but they hide it to play victim and exploit the one weakness caucasiods have, compassion. They pretend to be victims while robbing us of our history, lands and livelihood. At least this one makes no pretense of being a victim or someone with whom we can act cordially. If only all niggers made their hatred known like him.
Tbh he is a lot better than other snake niggers. All niggers have hatred for non niggers in their heart but they hide it to play victim and exploit the one weakness caucasiods have, compassion. They pretend to be victims while robbing us of our history, lands and livelihood. At least this one makes no pretense of being a victim or someone with whom we can act cordially. If only all niggers made their hatred known like him.
Really? I've never seen him say any of that. Everything is just race-baiting shit. Seeing his content and other blackcels content on this site made more racist than I was before.
Really? I've never seen him say any of that. Everything is just race-baiting shit. Seeing his content and other blackcels content on this site made more racist than I was before.
Here's a quick fact for you : All Niggers are your enemy. They want to murder you so they can rape your women indiscriminately. Why they want this ? Because their own women are repulsive. You living a simple dignified life is an offense to them. You either deserve to exist as a slave or not exist at all in their eyes while your women exist only to be raped by them(niggers have a long and traditioned history of violence against us Indians and Asians since our women by and large refuse Jewish nigger propaganda). Even the niggers you see daily in life have an ocean of hatred in their hearts for you. They will do anything to make your life worse. They are your enemy and should be treated as such. They will pick on you, break you and make you eat dirt. Don't let them.
Here's a quick fact for you : All Niggers are your enemy. They want to murder you so they can rape your women indiscriminately. Why they want this ? Because their own women are repulsive. You living a simple dignified life is an offense to them. You either deserve to exist as a slave or not exist at all in their eyes while your women exist only to be raped by them(niggers have a long and traditioned history of violence against us Indians and Asians since our women by and large refuse Jewish nigger propaganda). Even the niggers you see daily in life have an ocean of hatred in their hearts for you. They will do anything to make your life worse. They are your enemy and should be treated as such. They will pick on you, break you and make you eat dirt. Don't let them.
Impressive Based GIF - Impressive Based American Psycho - Discover & Share  GIFs
Here's a quick fact for you : All Niggers are your enemy. They want to murder you so they can rape your women indiscriminately. Why they want this ? Because their own women are repulsive. You living a simple dignified life is an offense to them. You either deserve to exist as a slave or not exist at all in their eyes while your women exist only to be raped by them(niggers have a long and traditioned history of violence against us Indians and Asians since our women by and large refuse Jewish nigger propaganda). Even the niggers you see daily in life have an ocean of hatred in their hearts for you. They will do anything to make your life worse. They are your enemy and should be treated as such. They will pick on you, break you and make you eat dirt. Don't let them.
I agree strongly.
I love niggers, very based hope they keep doing stuff like this
You think that one's bad? Check out this one of a 17 year old nigger repeatedly punching a white kindergartener as hard as he can while other niggers join in. And they wonder why we want them ostracized from society.

View attachment 1063952
Bet he still gets the white pussy. But his personality :foidSoy:
I love niggers, very based hope they keep doing stuff like this
Too bad a nigger doesn't shotgun the back of your head (muh in gta 5) kys you fucking faggot.
Whores attacking a whore while the men tell them to stop *shrug* *yawn*

No context given

Only people upset by this are BBC obsessed stormcucks.

What exactly were the black men supposed to do? Jump in to save muh white kween?
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Here's a quick fact for you : All Niggers are your enemy. They want to murder you so they can rape your women indiscriminately. Why they want this ? Because their own women are repulsive. You living a simple dignified life is an offense to them. You either deserve to exist as a slave or not exist at all in their eyes while your women exist only to be raped by them(niggers have a long and traditioned history of violence against us Indians and Asians since our women by and large refuse Jewish nigger propaganda). Even the niggers you see daily in life have an ocean of hatred in their hearts for you. They will do anything to make your life worse. They are your enemy and should be treated as such. They will pick on you, break you and make you eat dirt. Don't let them.
USA and Western whites deserve to be mistreated by negroes because they together shit on East Asians. They rather show solidarity with negroes against Asians than to show solidarity with East Asians against negroes.
American dumb rednecks probably think that negroes abusing Asians is funny. Instead if they were civilized, they would protect their high IQ educated citizens ( like many East Asians are ) against animalistic beasts.
USA and Western whites deserve to be mistreated by negroes because they together shit on East Asians. They rather show solidarity with negroes against Asians than to show solidarity with East Asians against negroes.
American dumb rednecks probably think that negroes abusing Asians is funny. Instead if they were civilized, they would protect their high IQ educated citizens ( like many East Asians are ) against animalistic beasts.
They literally passed an anti-asian hate crime bill. About half of USA asian women date white men. They attacked affirmative action because Asians felt targeted by it... I mean the list goes on. Some of you are flat out delusional on this subject.

Since when are whites and east Asians not allied? I like some of your posts but this take is straight out of fantasy land.
I agree strongly.
I don't. Most black people unfortunately do not harbor any actual hate towards people who clearly hate them as ACTUAL history proves time and time again. But random videos like this are enough to convince you otherwise.
They literally passed an anti-asian hate crime bill. About half of USA asian women date white men. They attacked affirmative action because Asians felt targeted by it... I mean the list goes on. Some of you are flat out delusional on this subject.

Since when are whites and east Asians not allied? I like some of your posts but this take is straight out of fantasy land.
Look how many whites supported BLM. Even in my small EE country there were BLM protest attended by whites because there are only a few blacks...
I don't see anything similar with Asians. Can you show any protests against Asian hate not started by Asians ?
Im white and love my race, but Gotta give props to those black guys.
I feel 0 SYMPathy for those toilets.... they dont need a man, they strong and a boss girl
Look how many whites supported BLM. Even in my small EE country there were BLM protest attended by whites because there are only a few blacks...
I don't see anything similar with Asians. Can you show any protests against Asian hate not started by Asians ?
Yeah and for all that marching no laws were passed to my knowledge. BLM was just an agitprop virtue signal and scam by lesbians and Jews. You guys focus on the wrong shit.

Not to mention BLM literally attacked black businesses too when they were fucking shit up.

Asians don't need protests they can pull the coattails of the white power structure any time they want and actually enact change. Because the power structure actually favors them when all is said and done. They arent perceived as a threat.
Niggers need to be eradicated off the face of the earth
For half a second I was hoping that those would be actual monkeys:feelshmm::feelsEhh:.

Tired Bad Day GIF
Yeah and for all that marching no laws were passed to my knowledge. BLM was just an agitprop virtue signal and scam by lesbians and Jews. You guys focus on the wrong shit.

Not to mention BLM literally attacked black businesses too when they were fucking shit up.

Asians don't need protests they can pull the coattails of the white power structure any time they want and actually enact change. Because the power structure actually favors them when all is said and done. They arent perceived as a threat.
Do you have first-hand experience? Do you live in the USA? I'm tagging those who can say about situation more correctly. @starcrapoo Does American society and local communities care enough about violence against Asian Americans committed by blacks?
@lazy_gamer_423 whats TKD?
What I'm about to say I think, is even too inflammatory for here lol but here it goes:

I have this theory as to why white american foids have less children. Its actually quite simple. America has been experimenting with and pushing for racial integration for the longest time.

This is nothing new to white americans. They know that black kids can be very aggressive and violent in the integrated public schools. They don't want their kids to go to schools with blacks. Their kids will get beat up, bullied, taunted, and scarred for life. Its child abuse basically to send your kids to schools with blacks. Their kids will grow up with PTSD and become alcoholics and failures in life.

Whites know this and don't want it for their kids. So what the white foids do is become more and more career driven/materialistic so they can supplement their husband's income. The end goal of this is so that their children can go to safe, high learning, and high achieving majority white private schools.

But obviously not all whites are capable of this. The ones that can't become addicted to alcohol and meth and slowly become like the niggers that they hate so much. The people that they failed to avoid.

Whats fuckin crazy in all of this is that since America is the hegemon of the world, they have secondary reverberating effects on how other cultures behave and respond. The niggers that whites avoid with all of their might, well, the niggers in the East Asian sense are well, sub8 Asian men. Most of us Asian men are literal niggers to noodlewhores. If a career white woman is successful enough and earns enough to support her husband and family, their children go to majority white schools and they successfully avoid niggers. If noodlewhores are successful with their careers, they avoid niggers too. And the niggers are us Asian men. Thats the cascading effect of white foid's behavior.

I suppose my first theory could be analyzed by social scientist/historians. When did America start pushing harder for racial integration with blacks? When did white american birth rates start falling? Why REALLY did white foids leave the house to work? What was the real reason? Why was there a greater need to earn more? For what reason? Was it purely materialistic or was it to avoid niggers?
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Do you have first-hand experience? Do you live in the USA? I'm tagging those who can say about situation more correctly. @starcrapoo Does American society and local communities care enough about violence against Asian Americans committed by blacks?
The hate crime bill was for ALL "anti-asian" crimes. But anti-blacks made it a "black vs asian" thing, and many asians, in their eternal alliance to whites, went along with it.

Deserved for relaxing not my problem
But obviously not all whites are capable of this. The ones that can't become addicted to alcohol and meth and slowly become like the niggers that they hate so much. The people that they failed to avoid.
"Like the niggers". People have been drinking booze since the beginning of time and meth is as stereotypical a white drug as exists. Don't put caucusoid degeneracy on blacks or imply that it's somehow black influence that turns them into druggies. They've always been that way and they turn to substance abuse under much less duress than nonwhites do.
Do you have first-hand experience? Do you live in the USA? I'm tagging those who can say about situation more correctly. @starcrapoo Does American society and local communities care enough about violence against Asian Americans committed by blacks?
Nah White Americans look the other way when it comes to black on black violence or black on asian violence.

It doesn't concern them unless a white person was attacked or a crime occurred in a white area.

I do notice that in majority minority areas, the minority of whites that are there often befriend the asians. I see this in the middle schools and high schools. These are usually poorer whites and the poor white foids seem much more likely to date black or asian dudes.
Why tf do u cucked faggots care what happens to foids?
Why tf do u cucked faggots care what happens to foids?
Something about white women being victimized triggers the anti-black crypto-cuck/feminist in a lot of users here.
Nig,gers really do commit violence over the smallest of things. Another nig,ger was beating a teacher who took his Nintendo switch.

I follow jihad movements so I get a good insight. Even ISIS were at one point the moderates in Nigeria. These nig,gers kill foreign fighters, genocide each other regularly etc. It's frustrating hard to get them to fight for an ideology rather than personal and tribal interests.

The kuffar nigs are even worse. As the Islamic sociologist says:


And white cucks are to blame just as much. Don't even protect their own women.
Noo we must protect muh huwhite QWEEN!! @LeFrenchCel ban this nigga borderline foid worshipping
"Like the niggers". People have been drinking booze since the beginning of time and meth is as stereotypical a white drug as exists. Don't put caucusoid degeneracy on blacks or imply that it's somehow black influence that turns them into druggies. They've always been that way and they turn to substance abuse under much less duress than nonwhites do.
Yea but the high rates of out of wedlock births started in the black communities. Thats where a third of the problem in the black community comes from, another third comes down to their own inability to compete/organize and the rest definitely seems to come from whites proactively excluding and marginalizing them.
Something about white women being victimized triggers the anti-black crypto-cuck/feminist in a lot of users here.
this why mayos are never fully blackpilled they are too low T and their cucked brain cant be helped

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