These stats surprise me. Bravo on being the first person to actually go ahead and find stats to back up BBC. This at the very least confirms to me that the stereotype is true to some degree, black men
are having sex more interracially. I couldn't be sure whether or not that was true, but the other stats made me assume that was just a myth, but evidently it is not a myth. What this does not confirm, however, is that black men are anymore
desired than other ethnics.
I've always admitted that thug game works, just that if you're not born and raised in an environment that makes you naturally low-inhib and high NT you will never be able to forcibly mold yourself into a "thug". My theory is basically this; black men are having sex and able to interracially marry more because of the environments and culture they grow up in, which far more often than not produces men who are bold, masculine, and assertive. By default Black men are normally red pilled by their upbringing.
If a black guy has a bachelors degree, he's basically Tyrone tier. 30% of them are interracially married. (Just Be Bachelors Degree Theory?)
That one shocks me though.
Maybe i'm wrong on my theory? Because I doubt most blacks earning a bachelors degree personify the same stereotypical black characteristics that explain how the rest are getting laid at such a high frequency.
I dunno, i'm actually kind of befuddled here, this doesn't line up with my experiences or observations whatsoever.
Do you mind linking me to the full study? I'd like to take a good look through it myself and make sense of the facts there, because this kind of shatters everything I know about the race pill as it relates to Blacks...
how do you respond to that ?
they only want thugs ?
if i was black I would still be bitter as hell though
sure you can still stick to black women who don't/can't date white men. but you will never get a taste of superior caucasian beauty
not to mention your children will be negroid too
Yeah I dunno, some of these facts surprise me.
One thing I absolutely can rebutt though is the idea that Black men have it 100x easier because we can date women of our own race more. That's false. Black women, more than other women, have a very high value of hyper-masculinity. If you seem weak, if you seem geeky, if it seems like you stray even a little bit from the status quo in the wrong direction they want nothing to do with you, which is probably why 30% of those Black college graduates marry interracially. Not necessarily out of choice, but rather because of how black culture is.