No because for example noodles and ricecels cant be looksmatches despite same pheno and race because noodlestacies are goddesses while ricecels are trucels and changs are a joke in the west
Black men are the looksmatches of white females tbh
No other two groups have this much in common:
-Both are left leaning
-Both hate white men
-Both are used to destroy white countries from the inside
-Both are idolized by cuck white men
-Both are viewed as superior by weak whites
-Both have been here in the usa since its founding
-Both share a similar history with white men first being subjagated and practically without rights and now in the 21st century oppressing white men in return
-Both are stereotyped as traditionally dimorphic and low iq (dumb blonde and savage african/black thug)
-White men fear black men to the same level that they feel attraction towards white women(whites fear blacks more than any race/whites love white women the most)
-Both are degenerate and blast rap music
-Both are the main stars of and bbc porn websites or videos
-Both can be found in all white nations (id consider abos in australia to be the looksmatches of white aussie foids since abos and black men are similar anyways)
-both speak mainly the languages associated with western countries (abos in australia also are included)
-both white female feminism and black blm movements use the fist symbol( and are both used to ruin white men and the usa)
-both are found in almost any white town or city or white area
-both are included alongside white men in any tvshow or film with a white male main character(usually the blacks or whitefoids are the side characters)(black male best friend/white girlfriend or sister)
-both lifemog every since subhuman deathnic(blacks mog curries and rices into hell and back)(white stacies mog curries and asians to another dimension)
- both only want to use wokeness to hurt white men and are pawns for the elite to hurt white men
And i could go on more but i dont feel like typing an entire wall of text to prove to u that blackmen are the looksmatches and male counterparts of white women