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"Biological failure"



Take the Blue Pill
Feb 15, 2020
I see this term being thrown around. Mostly to insult the antinatalism crowd and MGTOW folks, etc. However, it can apply to incels, since we also do not have children. Basically, biological failure is a term that means that you are a genetic dead end. It assumes that the role every organism is to procreate. If you remain incel your entire life and you fail to procreate, you are, by this definition, a biological failure. Sometimes I feel this way, and honestly, it gets worse the older that I get. My own mother told me that by her age, she and my father both expected to be grandparents. But she acknowledges that I "at least tried". I feel bad for them. I really do. I sort of got over not having a kid, but I think everyone who has children, hopes to also become grandparents some day. I feel like I failed my parents. But I tried my damnedest to find someone when I was in my 20s and 30s, it just never fucking happened. No one wanted a sub-5, severely awkward, horrible framed, horrible toothed, extremely eccentric, emotionally deadpanned, autistic boyfriend. The looks came first as the primary reason for my initial inceldom, then the rest of the baggage followed. Now I am almost 40 and I am physically disabled also, and -really is over- guys. I don't think I'll ever get over this feeling that I let my family down though. My brothers are also incels. No sisters. Fucking brutal. Its the fucking end of our family line. Does anyone else feel this way? I think the older you get as an oldcel, the worse it gets too. Not just the complete inability to find a romantic partner, but also the complete inability to procreate. Some incels talk about finding a surrogate mother to continue their family line. I don't think that's for me; I'd never be able to afford it. But if you can, I guess its not a completely terrible idea.
First time I see it
First time I see it

I see stuff like this floating around online:

You are not a failure. It was designed by nature to be like this. Look up the mouse utopia experiments.
You are not a failure. It was designed by nature to be like this. Look up the mouse utopia experiments.
I hear you. And thanks, that actually cheered me up there a bit, boyo.

I saw a movie about the mouse experiments. And it is a chilling replica of what we have in white middle class America today. I am a poor, white American, but I still can't get laid. Poor white chicks want rich chads, not guys like me. Sometimes I feel the worst for my brothers. I guess they are deeply blackpilled. I call dudes chads and chicks stacies in the car when we go to movies and shit, so they get it. But we don't talk about our inceldom. Those dudes never even tried though. Being the older brother, I tried to coax them into TRYING at least. Like my one bro, he is 6 foot tall. He height mogs me to the EXTREME. I am so jealous of him. But the dude never even fucking tried. We all look the same in the face, but at least my brother has height. He is a full 3 inches taller than me, and can "swipe right" on those fucking lousy foids who say "swipe left if you are under 6 foot". JFL :feelsrope: I fucking hate those cunts. Miserable fucking rotting roast beef sluts. But those dudes never even approached a foid to my knowledge. Or even used a dating app. They just gamecope hardcore whenever theyre not at work and thats it. My one brother is a "professional video game athlete" or whatever the hell you call it. So he gets money and shit sometimes in tournaments. I think every incel should at least try, especially cels who are in their teens and 20s. I cant really see how you can call yourself full incel if you never even TRIED. Anyway, its too late for us bros in my family, we're doomed to this incel shit for life now. It really is over. And thats the end of our family. Fucking sad. :cryfeels:
I see this term being thrown around. Mostly to insult the antinatalism crowd and MGTOW folks, etc. However, it can apply to incels, since we also do not have children. Basically, biological failure is a term that means that you are a genetic dead end. It assumes that the role every organism is to procreate. If you remain incel your entire life and you fail to procreate, you are, by this definition, a biological failure. Sometimes I feel this way, and honestly, it gets worse the older that I get. My own mother told me that by her age, she and my father both expected to be grandparents. But she acknowledges that I "at least tried". I feel bad for them. I really do. I sort of got over not having a kid, but I think everyone who has children, hopes to also become grandparents some day. I feel like I failed my parents. But I tried my damnedest to find someone when I was in my 20s and 30s, it just never fucking happened. No one wanted a sub-5, severely awkward, horrible framed, horrible toothed, extremely eccentric, emotionally deadpanned, autistic boyfriend. The looks came first as the primary reason for my initial inceldom, then the rest of the baggage followed. Now I am almost 40 and I am physically disabled also, and -really is over- guys. I don't think I'll ever get over this feeling that I let my family down though. My brothers are also incels. No sisters. Fucking brutal. Its the fucking end of our family line. Does anyone else feel this way? I think the older you get as an oldcel, the worse it gets too. Not just the complete inability to find a romantic partner, but also the complete inability to procreate. Some incels talk about finding a surrogate mother to continue their family line. I don't think that's for me; I'd never be able to afford it. But if you can, I guess its not a completely terrible idea.
Strong post, nearly everything you just said there describes me and your almost 40, I'm approaching 31 and I fully support antinatalism as I read books and forums on it, i even said to my mother if it were possible to take her to court for putting me on this earth i wouldn't hesitate in doing so
I see stuff like this floating around online:


There is certainly some truth to that.
Which is why I am against "recruiting/blackpilling"
If you ended up here, you are welcome and I am sorry.
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If you have brothers who can help you raise a child or two, I'd highly recommend you surrogacymaxx soon. We are not genetic dead ends. We have run up against an evolutionary filter, similar to what happened when agriculture became normalized. Most males will die childless, even chads. Many females will reproduce, but some won't. What needs to happen is that we embrace alternative reproductive methods and structures beyond the traditional nuclear family or more primitive alpha/beta relations we see happening today.

I'm a proponent of artificial wombs, sexbots, and surrogacy because they are the tools that will allow us to continue to survive. Tech is forcing us to evolve. My ideal family, is me, a sexbot "mother" figure and two boys. This is definitely not traditional, and it sounds crazy, but it is more likely to work in the current environment than the single mothers and chad breeding cycle we have now. Its also not that far away in the future. 20 years or so.
I hear you. And thanks, that actually cheered me up there a bit, boyo.

I saw a movie about the mouse experiments. And it is a chilling replica of what we have in white middle class America today. I am a poor, white American, but I still can't get laid. Poor white chicks want rich chads, not guys like me. Sometimes I feel the worst for my brothers. I guess they are deeply blackpilled. I call dudes chads and chicks stacies in the car when we go to movies and shit, so they get it. But we don't talk about our inceldom. Those dudes never even tried though. Being the older brother, I tried to coax them into TRYING at least. Like my one bro, he is 6 foot tall. He height mogs me to the EXTREME. I am so jealous of him. But the dude never even fucking tried. We all look the same in the face, but at least my brother has height. He is a full 3 inches taller than me, and can "swipe right" on those fucking lousy foids who say "swipe left if you are under 6 foot". JFL :feelsrope: I fucking hate those cunts. Miserable fucking rotting roast beef sluts. But those dudes never even approached a foid to my knowledge. Or even used a dating app. They just gamecope hardcore whenever theyre not at work and thats it. My one brother is a "professional video game athlete" or whatever the hell you call it. So he gets money and shit sometimes in tournaments. I think every incel should at least try, especially cels who are in their teens and 20s. I cant really see how you can call yourself full incel if you never even TRIED. Anyway, its too late for us bros in my family, we're doomed to this incel shit for life now. It really is over. And thats the end of our family. Fucking sad. :cryfeels:

Anytime fren.

Yes, I even know white people who are successful making around 6 figures that are still not having kids. Some of them make it into their 30's and then freak out and make 1 kid and say they're done. And how is this possible when just 50 years ago having 5 kids was the norm? It is simply the culture that is determining what people do.

I think my family is going to be a dead end as well. My parents were both raised in a communist state, so the only thing they truly love is money. They have no roots in any place in the world, since they left everyone in their home country to seek material wealth. After moving 10 times through 4 countries in 20 years, they have finally settled in a place 3000 miles away from me, and 6000 miles away from my only living aunt. As a result of all this, I have never had a real home, no childhood friends, no real nationality, but hey at least my parents get to live in a giant mansion now! This "family" is just a joke to me, and I don't care much about keeping this cycle of suffering going tbh.
You can call me whatever you want. I might be a biological failure, but at least I'm not a failure as a human being. Something normies will never achieve even if they have a 10000 year life while having the brain of a 25 year old.

I will never ever (even if I were Chad) have children, because why the fuck would I risk giving them a bad life in this shit 21st century. I'm not going to overpopulated the planet, I'm not going to contribute to pollution, I'm not going to have a whore daughter, I'm not going to have a miserable sub 8 son. I'm a rational human being. Normies are biological winners and that means absolutely nothing because they are the same spiritual level as an Indian poop on the street of Mumbai.
Fuck people who say this, as if shitting out a few kids is some achievement. They'll say this but most of them don't even know how to raise a kid properly. They just see children as some kind of pet to show off and to get validation and support.

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