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JFL Bieber now looks like the type of pedophile that would stalk gas station bathrooms

For any of you bluepillers who think no one notices and no one cares, read the comments in this Daily Mail article about him. It's pure blackpill top to bottom. There are maybe 3-4 fans supporting him in the entire thread and everyone else is trashing his appearance:


He has love-handles, his hair is moving backwards, and his sleeve tat is unfinished, he isn't very attractive, at least in these photos.

He looks like a 70-year-old named Myron on his annual Miami Beach trip.

With all the money Justin Bieber has he still cannot buy good looks.

Boy is messed up.

Oh oh....hair going. Get that treatment started son...

Hahaha- his tattoos look really pathetic!

Those tattoos! money well spent Justin. You look $h!t

He looks like he's in his 40s.

It looks like he put on a few pounds and is not ageing well.

Hanging out with the flabby is a sign of his having peaked...It's over; now for the periodic episodes of announcements of "born again,", arrests and charges begins...

Never saw a guy lose his looks so quick since prince William...

Suddenly gone from a baby face to an oap face. Stay away from drugs kids.

He's looking Rough and less youthful all of a sudden........

Short little man will be pudgy old man with silly tattoos one day. Hahaha!

The hype is over

I still would
(Which leads to the reply "ewww")

What a scrawny, grotesque-looking mess!! He should keep his shirt on, theses tats look ridiculous on that flabby, scrawny frame.

Who cut your hair Justin the council...

A wreck already - only took 7 years

He's got a dad bod.....

He's going bald, lol.

Are we all just going to ignore the fact he is badly losing his hair lol.

Is he entering his bloated ex-star years now? Someone show him a picture of Axel Rose, see if he snaps out of it.

Shouldn't he look hotter for a 23 year old international pop star? His body looks mushy with not much musculature. And a bit worn out like an old sock.

Is he balding?

He's obviously stopped going to the gym.

Not aging well at all.

Wasn`t he quite good-looking a few years ago?

Thats not even cherry picking. 90% of the comments are people calling him old, flabby, and balding. One upset fangirl posted three times just to claim that the pics aren't even of Justin Bieber, because she couldn't handle it.

Daily Mail commenters are now more blackpilled on looks than incels.is posters. JFL

@Felix97 @Mr. Pajser @TheGoodGuy @Opus132 @Flabcel Repulsive @Allblueeeee @armis @Spite @CopeWithTheRope @Redpill Robert
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For any of you bluepillers who think no one notices and no one cares, read the comments in this Daily Mail article about him. It's pure blackpill top to bottom. There are maybe 3-4 fans supporting him in the entire thread and everyone else is trashing his appearance:


He has love-handles, his hair is moving backwards, and his sleeve tat is unfinished, he isn't very attractive, at least in these photos.

He looks like a 70-year-old named Myron on his annual Miami Beach trip.

With all the money Justin Bieber has he still cannot buy good looks.

Boy is messed up.

Oh oh....hair going. Get that treatment started son...

Hahaha- his tattoos look really pathetic!

Those tattoos! money well spent Justin. You look $h!t

He looks like he's in his 40s.

It looks like he put on a few pounds and is not ageing well.

Hanging out with the flabby is a sign of his having peaked...It's over; now for the periodic episodes of announcements of "born again,", arrests and charges begins...

Never saw a guy lose his looks so quick since prince William...

Suddenly gone from a baby face to an oap face. Stay away from drugs kids.

He's looking Rough and less youthful all of a sudden........

Short little man will be pudgy old man with silly tattoos one day. Hahaha!

The hype is over

I still would
(Which leads to the reply "ewww")

What a scrawny, grotesque-looking mess!! He should keep his shirt on, theses tats look ridiculous on that flabby, scrawny frame.

Who cut your hair Justin the council...

A wreck already - only took 7 years

He's got a dad bod.....

He's going bald, lol.

Are we all just going to ignore the fact he is badly losing his hair lol.

Is he entering his bloated ex-star years now? Someone show him a picture of Axel Rose, see if he snaps out of it.

Shouldn't he look hotter for a 23 year old international pop star? His body looks mushy with not much musculature. And a bit worn out like an old sock.

Is he balding?

He's obviously stopped going to the gym.

Not aging well at all.

Wasn`t he quite good-looking a few years ago?

Thats not even cherry picking. 90% of the comments are people calling him old, flabby, and balding. One upset fangirl posted three times just to claim that the pics aren't even of Justin Bieber, because she couldn't handle it.

Daily Mail commenters are now more blackpilled on looks than incels.is posters. JFL

@Felix97 @Mr. Pajser @TheGoodGuy @Opus132 @Flabcel Repulsive @Allblueeeee @armis @Spite @CopeWithTheRope @Redpill Robert
Lmao, think about the kind of bitter niggers that comment on Daily Mail articles, it doesn't matter what other men think of Bieber, it only matters what girls think of him. Because Bieber has had unparalleled success with women, unsuccessful normies are constantly trying to cope by shitting on him and claiming he doesn't deserve what he's gotten. It is true that he doesn't deserve what he's gotten, but not because he's actually ugly or untalented or anything, but because no one deserves anything since life is a complete lottery. Hating Bieber is for coping normcels. I'd trade places with him in an instance.

The, "He's gonna lose it all any second now!" Is such a ridiculously sad cope. Maybe he will eventually, maybe he wont, either way it wont help you and he's had enough pussy to sustain himself for a lifetime.
JFL at beiber going Bald copers. He could afford a hair transplant everyday for the next 10,000 years. He doesn't even need to get on Finasteride either, because he can just buy another hair transplant when his hair loss progresses.
Lmao, think about the kind of bitter niggers that comment on Daily Mail articles, it doesn't matter what other men think of Bieber, it only matters what girls think of him. Because Bieber has had unparalleled success with women, unsuccessful normies are constantly trying to cope by shitting on him and claiming he doesn't deserve what he's gotten. It is true that he doesn't deserve what he's gotten, but not because he's actually ugly or untalented or anything, but because no one deserves anything since life is a complete lottery. Hating Bieber is for coping normcels. I'd trade places with him in an instance.

The, "He's gonna lose it all any second now!" Is such a ridiculously sad cope. Maybe he will eventually, maybe he wont, either way it wont help you and he's had enough pussy to sustain himself for a lifetime.
Highest IQ comment of the day
JFL at beiber going Bald copers. He could afford a hair transplant everyday for the next 10,000 years. He doesn't even need to get on Finasteride either, because he can just buy another hair transplant when his hair loss progresses.

Highest IQ comment of the day

What is a limited supply of donor hair ...

What is a limited supply of donor hair ...

If he's only gone that bald by how old he is, he will have plenty of donor hair. I've seen friar tucks at younger ages those guys are truly screwed. Diffuse thinners are truly fucked, temple recession isn't that bad in comparison, your hair is still thick.
If he's only gone that bald by how old he is, he will have plenty of donor hair. I've seen friar tucks at younger ages those guys are truly screwed. Diffuse thinners are truly fucked, temple recession isn't that bad in comparison, your hair is still thick.

I think he'll follow Prince William's rate of balding. The density has already taken a hit though he's mostly receding right now.

All the men in his family went cueball bald by ~30.


I feel like you'd have to be completely joyless in life to not enjoy watching this at least a bit. Or maybe a Bieber fan I suppose.

Normies are already turning on him as posted above.

A few years ago an article of him topless by the pool would have had hundreds of "OMG SO HOT!!!" comments etc. Now people just shit on his looks. The "fangirls" deny it's even him or don't say a word.

Here are the only two comments from the article the original pic of this thread came from:


Good lord. Ugly ugly ugly

Here are the comments from this article on these pics:


Looking like Pablo Escobar's slow nephew.

He looks a right creep with that tash.

I feel like he has mental health issues

Omfg my eyes

NO ONE is calling him hot anymore.

How bluepilled can you guys be? His fans are already deserting and mocking him mercilessly. It's only going to escalate.

You think they love him for his personality?
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Reading articles on Bieber and their comments is hilarious. Seriously, these average normies are more blackpilled than half the copers here. That's the really funny thing about the blackpill - EVERYONE KNOWS IT! They just pretend they don't when it's convenient for them. People are blackpilled as fuck.

They're roasting him for losing his looks, for looking unhinged (because once you lose your looks everyone assumes something is wrong with your personality ie. looks=personality). Try to find an article where girls are still calling him "hot". Just try. This is what you'll find:


He's morphing into Kid Rock.

He looks like a miscreant.

Can not put my finger on it but something is off with him, like he is ready for a breakdown.

Little self-adulating weirdo

She knows a good bank when she sees one.

IS Bieber the next Macaulay ??

Hey, Ms. Baldwin, you can do better. A. Lot. Better.

JB looks extremely unhealthy to say the least.

Bieber is at the end of his career

Of course she's excited to have access to his cash..oops, I mean marry him. He looks pretty well strung out in a few of these pix.

There is no reason on this earth to look so disheveled ALL the time... I've seen homeless people at least comb their hair and have a little pride in their appearance.. like my Dad always said.."Soap is cheap and water is free" Act like you care already!

There are reasons like drug use and mental health issues. Pretty sure he has both.

She's slowly morphing into him and that's not good, specially since he is a hot mess.

She deserves so much better then that greasy dork. He's damaged beyond repair.

Take a look at his father, Hailey. Be careful what you wish for.

Yep, she will be set for life after divorcing his sorry self.

Bluepilll beta boy

I don't think Justin is mentally well... I hope he doesn't think that a marriage and maybe kids are going to save him.

Please Justin, get a makeover, you're not a kid anymore so stop dressing like one. It just doesn't do you any favours.

it's not who you are marrying dear it's the way he dresses and that stupid moustache

Her obsession with him makes her blind to the fact he seems to have some serious issues.

I wish he would clean up his appearance.


This is literally the douchiest a person can look.

Those tattoos...just a mess.

Please lose the p o r nstache!

Justin is just undergong a David Arquette phase.

Bieber needs his meds checked. His fashion is worse than Kanye's!

He needs to lose the moustache

What happened to him?...

I wish Justin would go back to his look in the video for the song Friends with BloodPop. So adorable.

HE LOOKS LIKE A DUMB SLOB! run hailey run!

OMG, he just keep getting more laughable by the day. This is too much.
(^posted by "Stacey" in Colorado lol)

He's revolting

Justin Bieber what happened to you. You look older than 24. He looks like a Serial Killer or a con Man.

Selena must be relieved that she got out on time... He looks a mess

Don Johnson meets Gomer Pyle

What a dork

Wtf does he look like lol

Should be titled: The Unwashed

Funny looking little guy

Bieber has over killed this look! It's been years now u need to cut those oily strongly hair and shave!! And get back on the proactive his looking all sorts of sleez ball like this.

He looks like Joe Dirt

He looks like he doesn't shower. She left Shawn Mendes and is engaged to Justin... strange taste.

He's becoming Macaulay Culkin. Gorgeous as a child... not gorgeous as a man

Please tell me he looks and dresses like that for a reason otherwise I'm completely lost

Wtf is he wearing lately get a grip you look a state

Why is Justin trying so hard to not be cute?? I don't get it...

He looks awful.

Justin get yourself a stylist son!

Oh he looks a bloody mess

Bieber is slowly morphing into a Mexican day laborer.

Biebs is constantly finding new ways to look like a giant dork.

Imagine what he would look like in a video now

Justin, you are a mess! Get a grip.

With that moustache and those shirts, I thought it was Weird Al.

Damn... he's not aging well... yikes

Selena, you dodged this. Congrats!

I think he forgot to wipe the chocolate milk off of his upper lip.

Justin Bieber shall end up alone lol

He's looking like a serial killer!

Poor idiot, he looks ridiculous

He looks like a p e r v e r t from the 70s.

Is he going to sell me drugs or a timeshare? Or both?

He looks like a creep with that pathetic moustache .

He really let himself go.

He is standing out sure, but since his looks have declined it makes him look even more unattractive Guess you can't be that cute kid forever

This dude seriously look like nothing less then S H * T

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Balding ages a man 10 years.
Reading articles on Bieber and their comments is hilarious. Seriously, these average normies are more blackpilled than half the copers here. That's the really funny thing about the blackpill - EVERYONE KNOWS IT! They just pretend they don't when it's convenient for them. People are blackpilled as fuck.

They're roasting him for losing his looks, for looking unhinged (because once you lose your looks everyone assumes something is wrong with your personality ie. looks=personality). Try to find an article where girls are still calling him "hot". Just try. This is what you'll find:


He's morphing into Kid Rock.

He looks like a miscreant.

Can not put my finger on it but something is off with him, like he is ready for a breakdown.

Little self-adulating weirdo

She knows a good bank when she sees one.

IS Bieber the next Macaulay ??

Hey, Ms. Baldwin, you can do better. A. Lot. Better.

JB looks extremely unhealthy to say the least.

Bieber is at the end of his career

Of course she's excited to have access to his cash..oops, I mean marry him. He looks pretty well strung out in a few of these pix.

There is no reason on this earth to look so disheveled ALL the time... I've seen homeless people at least comb their hair and have a little pride in their appearance.. like my Dad always said.."Soap is cheap and water is free" Act like you care already!

There are reasons like drug use and mental health issues. Pretty sure he has both.

She's slowly morphing into him and that's not good, specially since he is a hot mess.

She deserves so much better then that greasy dork. He's damaged beyond repair.

Take a look at his father, Hailey. Be careful what you wish for.

Yep, she will be set for life after divorcing his sorry self.

Bluepilll beta boy

I don't think Justin is mentally well... I hope he doesn't think that a marriage and maybe kids are going to save him.

Please Justin, get a makeover, you're not a kid anymore so stop dressing like one. It just doesn't do you any favours.

it's not who you are marrying dear it's the way he dresses and that stupid moustache

Her obsession with him makes her blind to the fact he seems to have some serious issues.

I wish he would clean up his appearance.


This is literally the douchiest a person can look.

Those tattoos...just a mess.

Please lose the p o r nstache!

Justin is just undergong a David Arquette phase.

Bieber needs his meds checked. His fashion is worse than Kanye's!

He needs to lose the moustache

What happened to him?...

I wish Justin would go back to his look in the video for the song Friends with BloodPop. So adorable.

HE LOOKS LIKE A DUMB SLOB! run hailey run!

OMG, he just keep getting more laughable by the day. This is too much.
(^posted by "Stacey" in Colorado lol)

He's revolting

Justin Bieber what happened to you. You look older than 24. He looks like a Serial Killer or a con Man.

Selena must be relieved that she got out on time... He looks a mess

Don Johnson meets Gomer Pyle

What a dork

Wtf does he look like lol

Should be titled: The Unwashed

Funny looking little guy

Bieber has over killed this look! It's been years now u need to cut those oily strongly hair and shave!! And get back on the proactive his looking all sorts of sleez ball like this.

He looks like Joe Dirt

He looks like he doesn't shower. She left Shawn Mendes and is engaged to Justin... strange taste.

He's becoming Macaulay Culkin. Gorgeous as a child... not gorgeous as a man

Please tell me he looks and dresses like that for a reason otherwise I'm completely lost

Wtf is he wearing lately get a grip you look a state

Why is Justin trying so hard to not be cute?? I don't get it...

He looks awful.

Justin get yourself a stylist son!

Oh he looks a bloody mess

Bieber is slowly morphing into a Mexican day laborer.

Biebs is constantly finding new ways to look like a giant dork.

Imagine what he would look like in a video now

Justin, you are a mess! Get a grip.

With that moustache and those shirts, I thought it was Weird Al.

Damn... he's not aging well... yikes

Selena, you dodged this. Congrats!

I think he forgot to wipe the chocolate milk off of his upper lip.

Justin Bieber shall end up alone lol

He's looking like a serial killer!

Poor idiot, he looks ridiculous

He looks like a p e r v e r t from the 70s.

Is he going to sell me drugs or a timeshare? Or both?

He looks like a creep with that pathetic moustache .

He really let himself go.

He is standing out sure, but since his looks have declined it makes him look even more unattractive Guess you can't be that cute kid forever

This dude seriously look like nothing less then S H * T


Hes ready to die, already lived through everything life has to offer
Balding ages a man 10 years.

Yeah he looks fine overall but that hairline and hair density in general doesn't look too great. And only 24 too... that's young for that to be happening. Maybe he has given his body a hard time (but probably had a great time doing it) and is now starting to pay the price.
He now looks like an inbred redneck, his personality is ruined now.
He used to have a youthful look which women of all ages loved. This guy fucked prime pussy all over the world, at least he got to enjoy it. Imagine what it is like to bang a 14-15-year-old pussy. I can't even imagine what it feels like.
He still looks good, you're using a very bad picture of him to proof your point.
But if his hair went bad, he could get a hair transplant. Problem solved.
"His hairline's just maturing guys!"
"It will stabilize soon!"
"He'll get a hair transplant and then he'll be a slayer again!"

Biebercels on suicide watch.
Was just thinking, this dude has all the money in the world.

I doubt he will allow himself to go bald.
he was never good looking, he always was a baby faced twink faggot 99% of his appeal was from status. actual gl pretty boy twinks like river phoenix mog bieber to death, from the grave
I'll spell it out for the slow people in the crowd.

The Bieber Personality Pill

Phase 1 (Prime Bieber):


Objective Reality:
- Storms off stages without finishing concerts
- Hung out with degen rappers and developed drug addiction
- Slept around with loads of hot foids
- Mocked bald men
- Literally spit on his fans

- "He's really a good guy! I can tell!"
- "OMG but he's so hot!"
- "He's just going through a stressful time now!"
- "He can spit on me any day!"

Phase 2 (Current Bieber):

Objective Reality:
- Has quit drugs after rehab and is living a clean life
- Goes to church weekly
- Is family oriented, biggest goal is to be happily married
- No longer so arrogant

- "He really looks like he has mental issues"
- "He needs to stop the drugs and take a shower! Ew. Gross"
- "He needs to go for therapy"
- "He looks like a miscreant/rapist/conman/serial killer"

Any questions?
Weak height, frame. Twink skull. General lack of bonemass. Balding will destroy his looks. He wasn't that good looking to begin with tbh.
Fine wine theory DESTROYED
he could just run wig game tbh.
I'll spell it out for the slow people in the crowd.

The Bieber Personality Pill

Phase 1 (Prime Bieber):


Objective Reality:
- Storms off stages without finishing concerts
- Hung out with degen rappers and developed drug addiction
- Slept around with loads of hot foids
- Mocked bald men
- Literally spit on his fans

- "He's really a good guy! I can tell!"
- "OMG but he's so hot!"
- "He's just going through a stressful time now!"
- "He can spit on me any day!"

Phase 2 (Current Bieber):

Objective Reality:
- Has quit drugs after rehab and is living a clean life
- Goes to church weekly
- Is family oriented, biggest goal is to be happily married
- No longer so arrogant

- "He really looks like he has mental issues"
- "He needs to stop the drugs and take a shower! Ew. Gross"
- "He needs to go for therapy"
- "He looks like a miscreant/rapist/conman/serial killer"

Any questions?
fucking sad when the home of the blackpill's userbase is less blackpilled than daily mail commenters
Pretty boys hit the wall chads don’t.
lol @ these dusty ass british people with bad teeth commenting on dailymail
His hairline is still plenty intact, it's just how he has it pulled tight and slicked back. I'm sure he's on meds. Either way, we are the ones spending our time on a message board obsessing over this dude who got to experience prime JB foids constantly. It's over for criticisingbiebershaircels.
Sadly, this.
Still lifemogs 99% of the planet

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