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Serious Betabuxxers, Boomers, Cucks, and Simps are EXPONENTIALLY worse than Homosexuals could ever be.

Who Deserves To Be Beheaded More? (in Rocket League)

  • Homosexuals

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Betabuxxers, Boomers, Cucks, and Simps

    Votes: 36 94.7%

  • Total voters
Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017
There are literally only two reasons incel have to hate homosexuals. The first is the fact that they are degenerate, which is usually an argument made by Alt-Rightcels. In my opinion, the degenerate homosexuals are the ones who flaunt it around in public and force it down people's throats (no pun intended) to virtue signal/gain attention for some (((agenda))). A lot of gay dudes despise these freaks and want to go ER on them. I would even argue that gay men who keep it behind closed doors are less degenerate than straight coomers who fap every day to (((porn))). The second reason for incels to hate homosexuals would be the fact that a lot of the younger ones brainwashed male feminists who blame all of the worlds problems on "evil straight white cis males". I have no objection to hating these particular homosexuals, they hate us for very Low IQ reasons and are heavily influenced by (((their))) agenda. They are ironically some of the most bigoted, hateful, and close-minded people in The West.

From a purely pragmatic perspective, gay men cause no harm to incels and gay men with no (((agenda))) are no benefit to femoids. Every gay man that exists is one less male to compete with in the heterosexual battlegrounds. If every chad and chadlite was gay, normies would be the new chads, incels would be the new normies, and truecels would be the new incels. A gay chad is literally sacrificing a nearly endless harem of femoids and his own genetic legacy just to fuck other men. Gay chads are a mercy to all non chad men. A gay chad is not going to fuck your girlfriend if you ever ascend. How many gay chad bullies do you remember from high school? Homosexuals are actually more based than a majority of men, they do not betabux used up roasties, they do not orbit and validate thots, they do not provide simpbux to e-whores. Every gay man is essentially a net loss for feminism. Draculafoids cannot sink their fangs into butt stuffers and suck their shekelblood. In fact, LGBTI is legit because both MtF and FtM trans people literally fight for healthcare to cover surgeries that they need to feel better about their lives... just like us. There are even gay and trans people who hate femoids as much as we do, for the same reasons we do. If you support ectogenesis, for incels and MGTOW, you need to remember that gay couples have the biggest voice with the best optics when it comes to making ectogenesis available and accessible for us. Regardless of how you feel about gay people, they don't make life worse for incels at all. Hating them is irrational and basically a form a moralfagging to try to look based in front of other Alt-Rightcels. It's actually cucked.

Meanwhile...who makes up the backbone, the resource suppliers, and enforcers of feminism? Straight men. Bluepilled betabuxxers, boomers, cucks and simps. These traitors support their own genocide in exchange for good goy points. Many of them even join the military (the armed branch of international feminism) can partake in global, industrial scale, genocidal warfare against the males of races deemed inferior by Global International Feminism. It's betabuxxers, boomers, cucks, and simps who support Zionist neo-liberalism, the ultimate bluepilled ideology. I have infinitely more respect for a gay dude than any shekel worshiping Dennis Prager boomercuck, desperate coward who betabuxxes a used up roastie and raises chad's kids, spineless cuckold, or paypig simp. In my opinion, a fag that literally takes dicks in his ass is more based than any straight man who provides material or ideological support to femoids or enforces feminist laws. It's time to weaponize LGBTI to fight for the rights of Trans-Chads. Remember, LGBTI people don't want to kill and enslave you because of your face, height and race... but all femasites do, including your own mothers who really stopped caring about you as soon as you were ugly..
Eternal reminder to ERadicate all White Knights
I hate cucks to core, because it is they who have inflated the hypergamy. I wish cucks could be penalised.
being a homosexual is like being a woman tbh.
easy sex, everybody is supportive of you and you get alot of privilege points
Should go without saying tbh. Simps, cucks etc affect us directly as opposed to faggots. They're both degenerate but thinking about it in a rational manner, the answer should be conspicuous.
Cucks, betabuxxers, simps and boomers, hands down.
Getting mad at men for being "cucks" is like being mad at a slave for not killing their slave master. If it was really as simple as "Don't be a cuck," people wouldn't be cucks. There are systemic issues that force men to be cucks, or crumble.
Answer is obvious. I'm indifferent towards gays , i forget they exist tbh
The types you mentioned are the ones that tolerate homosexuals creating the problem. They are the types that give women voting rights and turn the law to their favor far beyond an absurd degree.

"Fags aren't a problem, relax who cares what consenting adults do" leads to this:

View attachment 191885
Femoids had rights before gays became socially acceptable. Most gay men over 24 find that demon drag queen in the preschools shit disgusting and would want to beat the shit out of that weirdo. AIDS patients who literally ass fuck each other in front of kids during the Sydney Pride Parade and Milo are two extreme ends of the gay spectrum and most gays are somewhere in the middle. Even the gays who ideologically support feminism aren't giving femoids money or getting cucked by femoids. They are still better than cucks.
Getting mad at men for being "cucks" is like being mad at a slave for not killing their slave master. If it was really as simple as "Don't be a cuck," people wouldn't be cucks. There are systemic issues that force men to be cucks, or crumble.
I get what you're saying. The "pussy is pussy" cope is still strong with most bluepilled men. Most men are so afraid of loneliness that they prefer cuckoldry to inceldom, at the cost of their pride, bloodline, and bank accounts. It's often bluepilled men men who oppress other bluepilled men. It's like house niggas whipping field niggas. Incels and MGTOW are like Nat Turner.
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Your basically saying that gay men are more degenerate than betabuxxers, boomers, cucks, and simps. You have to remember that the gay pride parade fags are like the gay community's version of radical feminists. No matter how fucked up, gross, or diseased gay men are... they still do not support femoids and the femoid agenda more than spineless straight men. Bluepilled cucks inflate hypergamy.
Fucking kikes, they must envy caucasian ppl and semicope their incel skeletons and facial features with material things
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They are the mainstream norm of faggots, the decent, modest fag is the rarity. TV Shows with wholesome queer couples are propaganda and not reality.
From what I've noticed, most fags are high inhib tumblr twinks who barely go outside. All the fags you see on TV are propaganda, whether they are modest or have dildos strapped to their foreheads. Either way, if (((they))) are using fags for their political ends, we need to weaponize the fags to fight for our rights. If LGBT says that incels deserve facial surgery, IT instantly become hateful bigots if they disagree.
There are literally only two reasons incel have to hate homosexuals. The first is the fact that they are degenerate, which is usually an argument made by Alt-Rightcels. In my opinion, the degenerate homosexuals are the ones who flaunt it around in public and force it down people's throats (no pun intended) to virtue signal/gain attention for some (((agenda))). A lot of gay dudes despise these freaks and want to go ER on them. I would even argue that gay men who keep it behind closed doors are less degenerate than straight coomers who fap every day to (((porn))). The second reason for incels to hate homosexuals would be the fact that a lot of the younger ones brainwashed male feminists who blame all of the worlds problems on "evil straight white cis males". I have no objection to hating these particular homosexuals, they hate us for very Low IQ reasons and are heavily influenced by (((their))) agenda. They are ironically some of the most bigoted, hateful, and close-minded people in The West.
yes. High iq gay man ok. Low iq gay man bad.
Faggots promote degeneracy cucks and betabuxxers enable it further a just and sane society would do away with both.
Betabuxxers, Boomers, Cucks, and Simps are the disease, gay are just the simptom.
We need Milo to dress in drag and punch roasties.
Milo is such a troll. I love it. He got married to his boyfriend and then made gay marriage illegal lmao
Milo is such a troll. I love it. He got married to his boyfriend and then made gay marriage illegal lmao
I don't agree with Milo on everything but he's an overall good guy and he's on our side.
Milo is just a grifter like the tradthots such as Lauren Southern. He's in it for the $$$ and fame clout.
He should support the Incel Uprising, even if he's larping.
At least homos don't give money or support to foids
A gay chad is literally sacrificing a nearly endless harem of femoids and his own genetic legacy just to fuck other men. Gay chads are a mercy to all non chad men. A gay chad is not going to fuck your girlfriend if you ever ascend.
Hmm? Not really. While certainly he won't fuck women, he will still mog you in public. And women will give him attention until he tells them he's homosexual.
There are literally only two reasons incel have to hate homosexuals. The first is the fact that they are degenerate, which is usually an argument made by Alt-Rightcels. In my opinion, the degenerate homosexuals are the ones who flaunt it around in public and force it down people's throats (no pun intended) to virtue signal/gain attention for some (((agenda))). A lot of gay dudes despise these freaks and want to go ER on them. I would even argue that gay men who keep it behind closed doors are less degenerate than straight coomers who fap every day to (((porn))). The second reason for incels to hate homosexuals would be the fact that a lot of the younger ones brainwashed male feminists who blame all of the worlds problems on "evil straight white cis males". I have no objection to hating these particular homosexuals, they hate us for very Low IQ reasons and are heavily influenced by (((their))) agenda. They are ironically some of the most bigoted, hateful, and close-minded people in The West.

From a purely pragmatic perspective, gay men cause no harm to incels and gay men with no (((agenda))) are no benefit to femoids. Every gay man that exists is one less male to compete with in the heterosexual battlegrounds. If every chad and chadlite was gay, normies would be the new chads, incels would be the new normies, and truecels would be the new incels. A gay chad is literally sacrificing a nearly endless harem of femoids and his own genetic legacy just to fuck other men. Gay chads are a mercy to all non chad men. A gay chad is not going to fuck your girlfriend if you ever ascend. How many gay chad bullies do you remember from high school? Homosexuals are actually more based than a majority of men, they do not betabux used up roasties, they do not orbit and validate thots, they do not provide simpbux to e-whores. Every gay man is essentially a net loss for feminism. Draculafoids cannot sink their fangs into butt stuffers and suck their shekelblood. In fact, LGBTI is legit because both MtF and FtM trans people literally fight for healthcare to cover surgeries that they need to feel better about their lives... just like us. There are even gay and trans people who hate femoids as much as we do, for the same reasons we do. If you support ectogenesis, for incels and MGTOW, you need to remember that gay couples have the biggest voice with the best optics when it comes to making ectogenesis available and accessible for us. Regardless of how you feel about gay people, they don't make life worse for incels at all. Hating them is irrational and basically a form a moralfagging to try to look based in front of other Alt-Rightcels. It's actually cucked.

Meanwhile...who makes up the backbone, the resource suppliers, and enforcers of feminism? Straight men. Bluepilled betabuxxers, boomers, cucks and simps. These traitors support their own genocide in exchange for good goy points. Many of them even join the military (the armed branch of international feminism) can partake in global, industrial scale, genocidal warfare against the males of races deemed inferior by Global International Feminism. It's betabuxxers, boomers, cucks, and simps who support Zionist neo-liberalism, the ultimate bluepilled ideology. I have infinitely more respect for a gay dude than any shekel worshiping Dennis Prager boomercuck, desperate coward who betabuxxes a used up roastie and raises chad's kids, spineless cuckold, or paypig simp. In my opinion, a fag that literally takes dicks in his ass is more based than any straight man who provides material or ideological support to femoids or enforces feminist laws. It's time to weaponize LGBTI to fight for the rights of Trans-Chads. Remember, LGBTI people don't want to kill and enslave you because of your face, height and race... but all femasites do, including your own mothers who really stopped caring about you as soon as you were ugly..



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