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Blackpill Belief in the “Just World Fallacy” is the number one indicator of an illogical, bluepilled thinker



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
Normies are typically the ones who believe that the world is inherently “Just” by nature. They believe in things like karma, a concept predicated on the notion that what goes around comes around, that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, that those who do good will be rewarded for their actions by the natural order of the world and that conversely the bad individuals will be punished for their actions by natural order of the world.

In the country that I come from: Bangladesh, there was a genocide committed against us in 1971 by the Pakistan army who raped 300 000 women and killed over 3 million people. If karma is real, then why were so many of the government/military officials who were responsible for the genocide, never punished for their war crimes and instead were able to return to Pakistan and live out the rest of their lives living in mansions and palaces, living under state protection, and having a collective of servants to do their bidding ensuring that they lived lives of luxury and opulence despite their acts of atrocity?

If karma is real, why are there so many unsolved homicides, meaning that there are murderers who are living freely among society just because they were never caught and apprehended for their actions, due to police laziness, incompetence and corruption? Instead of avoiding consequences for their crimes, Shouldn’t the murderers have been punished in some manner by the mystical forces of the universe (otherwise known as karma)?

normies have this twisted idea that the world is somehow inherently fair, that’s why they keep telling men that women are attracted to personality, as this notion suggests that all men are in CONTROL of whether they can attract a woman.

They vehemently deny that women are attracted to looks, Because admitting that women are attracted to looks would be a direct contradiction of their view of the world being a place of justice and fairness if people are judged based on things OUT OF THEIR CONTROL

Its also the reason that normies believe that anyone can just work hard and make it out on top, because in a just and fair world, hard work = success, but in reality the people who work the hardest are working pay check to pay check, living their life like a slave due to being deprived of resources while the people who work the least (bosses, executives and people in positions of command/authority) earn the most money and live the most pleasurable/privileged lives.

There is nothing fair or just about the world we live in, when the quality of your life is dependant on the genetic lottery which determines: whether you’re born abled or disabled; whether you’re born in a rich or poor family; whether you’re born ugly or attractive etc.

How can you tell a child who is born in a slum in a third world country that “life is fair” when he didn’t do anything wrong to be born into poverty? If karma is real, what crime did the newborn child commit in the womb to be born into living conditions which he will most likely not survive while a child somewhere else is born in a wealthy family and will most likely live a long, healthy and happy life?

there is nothing fair or just about the world, this world is an inherently unfair and unjust place where the metaphorical roll of the dice or flip of the coin before your birth, determines the circumstances you are born into and thus the quality of life you are expected to experience. In this world, success or failure in anything is determined largely by luck and also by your physical/intellectual strength and social/political influence in a world where “might makes right”.
who else high af rn
I believe the world is unfair because it's inhabited by primarily unjust individuals.

What makes individuals just? In my point of view, a combination of consciousness, empathy, and logic. Which most people around the planet lack, unfortunately.

These characteristics are either inherited or learned. I would like to point out that we have what I consider overwhelming evidence that human behavior and overall intelligence are largely heritable. That is a reason to believe some individuals are prone to making fair decisions while others aren't.

Psychopaths, as a case in point, had their brains analyzed by multiple scientists over the years, and what they've found is that, to put it simply, their brains are fundamentally different from that of the average person. Aside from cases in which some kind of trauma occurred, these studies indicate that psychopaths are born, not made.

Psychopaths lack remorse, empathy, and consciousness. Now, you might find these same characteristics in lots of people out there, meaning that a significant portion of the world population has at least some traits of psychopathy. But about the individuals that don't have such traits? Those who are born with remorse, empathy, and consciousness.

These individuals exist and they are oppressed by unfair systems and unjust governments. They may see the vast majority of people as unjust as well, but that doesn't mean they have given up. They seek out others who are like them. They associate with other high functioning individuals and establish decent communities to live.

That's what good people should be doing. Treating the world like it is: a mental asylum. Weeding out the sick and wicked individuals, and associating with the few who are capable of good. That's what makes society thrives.

Just my two cents.
I don't believe in karma, but your points don't go against the concept, since it isn't only about punishment in the life were there was a bad conduct
They vehemently deny that women are attracted to looks, Because admitting that women are attracted to looks would be a direct contradiction of their view of the world being a place of justice and fairness if people are judged based on things OUT OF THEIR CONTROL
Admitting they have no chance of winning in life would turn most people into living rotting corpses. Even when all hope is gone at 35-40 years they still believe there is someone out there you just have to keep looking.
There is nothing fair or just about the world we live in, when the quality of your life is dependant on the genetic lottery which determines: whether you’re born abled or disabled; whether you’re born in a rich or poor family; whether you’re born ugly or attractive etc.
No justice in this world, the winner takes it all.
Cope many retard incels buy into just world bullshit

"Bu-bu-but Chad gets that! I should be able to get it too!"
Something normies and foids have a hard time understanding is not everyone is born perfect health in every way, middle class and normie intelligence.

Like can a guy with 80 IQ really aspire to be a college graduate and then a successful career.. Normies and foids straight up said everyone needs to be able to go to college.

Aka access to education is what separates people is their belief.
It's funny that you bring up Karma, because in my experience, I've usually observed quite the opposite: bad people having good things happen for them, and good people having bad things happen to them.
The world is a chaotic, meaningless place. The law of the jungle is the only law. IMO, anyone who has serious convictions about morality is deluded. I long since abandoned any such sense. Morality as a concept is :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
I don't believe in karma, but your points don't go against the concept, since it isn't only about punishment in the life were there was a bad conduct
Karma exists, its called revenge :ha..feels::feelsdevil:
Pakistani incel here
raping your mom felt good.:feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
Pakistani incel here
raping your mom felt good.:feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:

I’m seeing a Pakistani escort, I enjoy giving her a cream pie and filling up her pussy with my subhuman Bengali seed. I also link up my Bengali friends with this whore so that they may also fuck her and cum inside her. She has been fucked by Bengali guys so many times, I think she loves Bengali cock. I once made her swallow my cum and then tell me how much she enjoys swallowing Bengali seed. She probably isn’t the only Pakistani whore who gets fucked by Bengali guys, there would be many more paki whores like her getting fucked by Bengali cock.

I have made it my life goal to fuck as many Pakistani whores as possible, and to link up Pakistani whores with all the Bengali guys I know, fucking your paki women is our retribution for the crimes you committed against us in 1971. I hope you paki pigs enjoy being cucked by Bengali incels, we don’t have to rape your women when they are more than happy and willing to get fucked by our black bengali micropenises!
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I’m seeing a Pakistani escort, I enjoy giving her a cream pie and filling up her pussy with my subhuman Bengali seed. I also link up my Bengali friends with this whore so that they may also fuck her and cum inside her. She has been fucked by Bengali guys so many times, I think she loves Bengali cock. I once made her swallow my cum and then tell me how much she enjoys swallowing Bengali seed. She probably isn’t the only Pakistani whore who gets fucked by Bengali guys, there would be many more paki whores like her getting fucked by Bengali cock.

I have made it my life goal to fuck as many Pakistani whores as possible, and to link up Pakistani whores with all the Bengali guys I know, fucking your paki women is our retribution for the crimes you committed against us in 1971. I hope you paki pigs enjoy being cucked by Bengali incels, we don’t have to rape your women when they are more than happy and willing to get fucked by our black bengali micropenises
triggered virgin
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triggered virgin

I love paki women so much, I might marry a paki girl and make her my personal sex slave. Together her and I will create half Bengali and half paki mutts
God is perfectly just, that's why africa has aids and the chinese get ran over by buses
I love bengali women so much i will make them my slaves together me and her will create half Pakistani half Bengali mutts:feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
It's their way of torturing you by living an easy life where they are given everything while you struggle. And also no normie can admit to themselves they won unfairly, or at least that's incredibly difficult for most.

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