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Serious Being tall is so overrated (horizontal bone mass>vertical)



Jan 13, 2018
I wish I had a masculine wide frame and wide skull, jaw and thick neck, thick wrists. I would rather be the former and 5ft10 than a 6 foot 3 lanket. For example look at this chad who is 5 foot 10

He looks very masculine and is pretty much unmoggable despite being sub 6ft, I have a hard time imagining any female would reject him for being '''too short'''. He looks decent next to masculine actors that are 6ft2 plus. Decent frame and skull + average height is all thats needed to be chad, Brad Pitt is another example who is only 5 foot 11 and he is top tier chad

obviously it would be the most ideal to have both but Masculine skull and frame >>>>>>>> height for appearing dominant.
Thank you. I'm 6'2 only because of my freakishly large head. My height has gotten me nothing from foids, even 4'10 midget noodlewhores
You're listing average height with tradeoffs disregarding manlets, cope af.
i am a fucking ugly cunt
Wrong. Tall is the #1 chad trait.
Imagine him standing next to some 6'2 ogre, he would be mogged immediately. Height is the first thing a foid notices, that's why all celebrities are obsessed with being tall, it's the one thing that can't be forgiven. Sure they look good in pictures but in real life where height is noticeable the short man always lose.
You're listing average height with tradeoffs disregarding manlets, cope af.
yeah averagish plus these features> tall imo. Manlets are still fucked unfortunately
Manletcels don't know what it's like to be a walking clownshow
While I don't think you're wrong that face/frame is more impostant, being 6'2" with an incel face is better than being 5'6" with an incel face. Its better to be tall and ugly than short and ugly.
Imagine him standing next to some 6'2 ogre, he would be mogged immediately. Height is the first thing a foid notices, that's why all celebrities are obsessed with being tall, it's the one thing that can't be forgiven.
I was watching the actor matt lanter in a tv show limitless next to 6 foot 3 guy and he wasnt even mogged, this is what prompted me to make the thread
While I don't think you're wrong that face is more impostant, being 6'2" with an incel face is better than being 5'6" with an incel face. Its better to be tall and ugly than short and ugly.
short isnt a part of the equation, manlets are fucked,im talking about average height cels
Imagine him standing next to some 6'2 ogre, he would be mogged immediately. Height is the first thing a foid notices, that's why all celebrities are obsessed with being tall, it's the one thing that can't be forgiven. Sure they look good in pictures but in real life where height is noticeable the short man always lose.

Replace "tall" with "face" and your statement becomes true

Femoids don't associate tallness with someone being more intelligent, a winner and sexy (unless you're already attractive, then it can be a bonus, but being a 6'1 incel like me doesn't help in the slightest, if anything it's bad because it draws attention to you)

Unlike face
I would rather be 6'3 and have such muscles. If you don't have both, it already sucks. Personally getting heightmogging feels worse than getting framemogged
You can gain muscle mass. We can't gain height.
Yes it’s very overrated l
In 2018, they demand face and height. And they call us entitled.
I would rather be 5'11 with bones.
Being a lanklet is suicide fuel.
Height does nothing, it would help some people but if your face is horrendous then it won't do anything. Height and face go right with one another.
Being tall is worth shit with a sub4 face. I personally know lots of tallcels, I'm 6'1, I know a kissless truecel at 24 who's 6'2, another one is 6'1 as well. And the average here is something like 5'7.

Tall= bonus for already good-looking guys.
I would rather be 5'11 with bones.
Being a lanklet is suicide fuel.
exactly, horizontal bone mass is very important
Tall people are subconsciously treated better than short people by everyone, especially women. It's been proven.
lol stop coping.
5'11'' is above average and the tallest countries in the word have 5'11'' as man average height.
give me some examples of 5'8'' and below
lol stop coping.
5'11'' is above average and the tallest countries in the word have 5'11'' as man average height.
give me some examples of 5'8'' and below
Not the point of this thread... im talkig about average height, manlets are fucked
At least tallcels can make a mean leatherface cosplay :feelsokman:
You're right for men with an average or above average height. Being a 6'3 lanklet is by far preferable to being 5'6 with a masculine frame.
Frame (wrist size, naturally muscular etc) is far more important than height imo. Or probably more accurate - height is meaningless without frame.

I'm 6'3, but 6" inch wrist ecto trash. Women have treated me like a leper for my entire life. Height is only a bonus for interaction with men, I feel more confident around male peers than back when I was a turbo manlet at age 14.
This is legit. If you have a very small frame or a fucked up bone structure, like this:



Then height won't save you. So indeed having a robust and masculine bone structure with an average height would be better than being tall with a fucked up one. Hell even being a robust manlet would be better than looking like the guys above.
Just thank god your not manlet you would've been fucked from birth.
Frame game is legit, and height overall is bullshit, as long as you're above 5'9, at least. You still can slay even at 5'7 something with good frame and 10/10 face.
Having tiny frame with 16 cm girly wrists and height below 5'9 at very least, as i said, is purest death sentence, no face could save you at this point.
roidcelling can improve ur frame, but not height
Ideally you need both. Width works if over 5'9". If not you look like a muscled meatball midget.
This is legit. If you have a very small frame or a fucked up bone structure, like this:



Then height won't save you. So indeed having a robust and masculine bone structure with an average height would be better than being tall with a fucked up one. Hell even being a robust manlet would be better than looking like the guys above.
lmao my body looks like that except im a bit wider.

As a 6ft2 Lanklet gymcel with a skinny fat physique, i would 100% trade 4 inches of height for decent frame.
GTFO of here with your cope!

To be honest retarded femoids would prefer a 7' skinny demon over a 5'8, makes no sense, just like their brains.
Being tall and having a wide frame doesn't help shit if you look like an ogre.
Being tall and having a wide frame doesn't help shit if you look like an ogre.

Being an ogre is instadeath regardless of height, but a tall+wide ogre will inevitably outmogg a short (sub 5ft6)+narrow guy with a chad face

Overall imo, face aside:
Large frame + 5ft8/9 > Narrow/small Frame + 6ft2

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