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Venting being incel during high school is pure torment



Nov 7, 2019
i know the gatekeepercels are about to bust down this thread telling me to leave and never come back, but you were incel my age too.

foids have mocked me, bullied me and at best of moments ignored my existence ALL MY LIFE. EVERY single foid i ever tried making a move on rejected my efforts. i was first rejected at 6th grade and the whore just walked away angrily and called me ugly.

im not too social but i do have a handful of friends i talk to everyday at school so i guess thats better than nothing.

i am going through my teen years without ever holding a girls hand or kissing a girl. 90% of my fucking friends are going out with girls and having fun while i'm on this forum. people are gonna tell me to try to looksmax.. i have tried.. i've left this forum for many months to try to ascend but i came back with this new account(admins know) because i failed so FUCKING MISERABLY. i wish i could just be normal like everyone else my age. im a senior by the way, and uni is around the corner and i know it's only going to get worse... going my university years without getting laid either.

the agepill is the darkest pill there is. if you don't get laid before 20 you will spend the rest of your life knowing you NEVER got laid during your teens and you will never be able to change this fucking fact.
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You can't be incel if you haven't finished high school, and most dudes lose their virginity at university.
it's not going to get better in uni, from my experience.
You can't be incel if you haven't finished high school, and most dudes lose their virginity at university.

im fucking deformed and have been bullied by foids all my life and you have the balls to say im not a truecel? GO FUCK YOURSELF
im fucking deformed and have been bullied by foids all my life and you have the balls to say im not a truecel? GO FUCK YOURSELF
"You have the balls to say that I can get sex and I'm not victim at high school? Why do you gatekeep so hard? Why didn't I win the victim olympics?"
Go on r/truerateme and get your true rating instead of calling yourself "deformed". Also, unless you're 160-163cm then no you're not incel until you have finished high school.
Sorry to break it to you but high school will very likely be the best time of your life. Uni and especially wageslaving are worse. It also gets harder to get laid with desirable women as you get older, in university competition is also bigger because the world is those women's oyster. In school they're still more limited in their options.

I'd tell you to try to ascend, but if you're really deformed, shit sucks dude. Try to find a plan to work bare minimum and be as much of a NEET as possible. Maybe government NEETbuxx. If your deformity is something specific that can be fixed like jst your nose, then you can try to get surgery, if you opt for that you can go the opposite way and moneymaxx.
>90% of my fucking friends are going out with girls and having fun while i'm on this forum

mate,they are all larping,kek.Some of my old acquaintances claim to have a *gf* of which no one has ever seen while being absolute subhumans(manlets who are 3/10 at best).
Gatekeepers are going to storm this thread with their faggotry.

As for the topic, I wish I can tell you, it'll get better, or that sex robots will be cheap as you get older, but I can tell you this, since you're young, the anguish,torment,depression,rage, and sex drive will shoot through the roof especially in your early to mind 20's, BUT as you get older you become more and more numb to it and you eventually accept it, I'm 31 going to 32 and I'll tell you age mellows you out, no it won't get better, BUT you learn to adapt and live with it, but you have to go through the hellish pain first before your body accepts you'll never find a mate. I hope you have copes to indulge in, keep away from normies and foids at ANY means, fap ALOT that will help your sex drive, you can do some drugs to help numb your pain. You're going to need the copes to help you through and I mean LOTS of copes.

That's all the advice I can give you. Good luck young man, you're so going to need it.
Gatekeepers unironically use the confidence meme on us youngcels and don’t even realise it, lol.
There are more incels than you realise OP, I wish I knew that at you're age. But yeah, it sucks to miss those years, especially when you were obsessed with a fucking foid like I was.

But knowing that approaching her will end in disaster. But if you haven't tried approaching, then you should, it will get it off you're chest.

On the other hand, approaching in high school probably has a higher chance of getting you beaten up than it does as an adult. I never went to high school but went to a youth club so I kind of understand the social structure of such places.
I knew that I was a cel since I was 15.
Your experience wasn't as bad as mine, when I was in high school I didn't even have any friends period. My friend was that shit 100$ chromebook they'd issue you and I'd play it 24/7. At lunch I'd play it below the staircase and in the corner of the starwells and stuff. Brutal. Also I didnt even finish high school. Had no motivation to and dropped out. Also how old are you? If you're in HS which at the latest is 17/18, you would be like 16 when you joined?
Your experience wasn't as bad as mine, when I was in high school I didn't even have any friends period. My friend was that shit 100$ chromebook they'd issue you and I'd play it 24/7. At lunch I'd play it below the staircase and in the corner of the starwells and stuff. Brutal. Also I didnt even finish high school. Had no motivation to and dropped out.

im so sorry dude
In high school the 80/20 rule is actually 95/5 I am sure that things will get better for you in Uni.
the agepill is the darkest pill there is. if you don't get laid before 20 you will spend the rest of your life knowing you NEVER got laid during your teens and you will never be able to change this fucking fact.
I know :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
It’s over for 80% of men, so welcome home again, brother
You're right. I'm about to be 20 soon, and I made a thread on here when I was 17, and people on here said that I will eventually ascend because apparently I can't be an incel in high school. I'm a sophomore in college now, about to end my third semester, and I have got absolutely zero female attention, and when I'm talking to them, they always look away from me or pretend I don't exist. I even nearly failed an entire fucking college writing class last year due to foids not wanting to work with me on a major project.

The only difference between your story and mine is that you apparently have a lot of friends that could get girls. Most of the guys who I knew who were normie tier eventually got cucked, but there were Chads and high-tier Chadlites who were many inches shorter than me who were able to get a girlfriend. Not to mention, the foids in my high school were literally on Tinder getting rammed up the ass by Chads who were four years older than them. Literally no one in my direct friend group and even my acquaintance group ever had a successful girlfriend in my high school. It was so fucking hypergamous, and even the girls who were in the anime club and the "quirky nerdy types" with dyed ass hair were talking about hanging out with 6'8 high school quarterbacks. Literally made me want to fucking kill myself.
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I'm a sophomore in college now, about to end my third semester, and I have got absolutely zero female attention, and when I'm talking to them, they always look away from me or pretend I don't exist. I even nearly failed an entire fucking college writing class last year due to foids not wanting to work with me on a major project.

atomic suicidefuel

Not to mention, the foids in my high school were literally on Tinder getting rammed up the ass by Chads who were four years older than them.

most folks in my country dont even know what tinder is, let alone teenagers

and even the girls who were in the anime club were talking about hanging out with 6'8 high school quarterbacks.

my fucking god please be exaggerating. which country/state are you from? jesus
Finishing hs a virgin is rough
my fucking god please be exaggerating. which country/state are you from? jesus
I'm actually not, at all. I even made a thread about this exact scenario, you can find it in my thread history, though you'll have to do some digging because it's a couple years old.

I'm from Texas, near Dallas, but kind of far away from it at the same time. Any place within a 30 mile radius of any of that fucking city's suburbs is extremely hypergamous, regardless of how out in the country it is. 7/10 or bust, though the 6/10 Chadlites had landwhale gfs.
Any place within a 30 mile radius of any of that fucking city's suburbs is extremely hypergamous, regardless of how out in the country it is.

if im gonna be honest you kind of sound like a locationcel, you're 6'3 man.. im not familiar with the dating culture of the jew s a but there has to be somewhere where you could betabux as a 4/10? is there nothing you can looksmax?
jfl at gatekeepers. My incel felt just as painful in high school as it does now decades later.

People minimized my problems then and still do it now.

All I can say is try hard as fuck because it's not gonna get any easier.
if im gonna be honest you kind of sound like a locationcel, you're 6'3 man.. im not familiar with the dating culture of the jew s a but there has to be somewhere where you could betabux as a 4/10? is there nothing you can looksmax?
I literally did everything within my boundaries except get plastic surgery. I lost 85lbs over two years and gymmaxxed until it got me nowhere. Also, I go to college in a completely different state now. It's MUCH less hypergamous, but it's still not good enough for a 4/10 like me, even though I'm 6'3.

I also wouldn't betabux either way. That's probably the worst thing you can do in this kind of situation.

Also I pulled up the original thread here:

You might be thinking of "college or university". While it's true that more than 50% of GRADUATES attend those, I'm not sure what the stats are when you look at the overall population including non-graduates.
Yes man, Im glad that shit ended.
High school set me 10 years back in life.
Hey man im on the same boat. I had always been the weird bullied quiet introvert ugly kid that was just there afraid to talk to anybody and had no friends. I wish i could be a fucking normal kid in high school.. life is so fucking cruel on us.
Everybody in school was fucking. Fucking pregnant mexican bitches, girls OPENLY talking about which guys they fucked, "I'm going to Jason's house after class, becky said he was huge" Meanwhile I was labled a virgin, in front of everybody, which I admitted I was because I was naive to all this fucking going on, I only cared about video games and music.
OP you need to do this. Every bully, every foid who mistreated you, whom you still have contact with... start beef with them right now. Call them losers, call them bitches, call them whores, call them the worse things you can think of. Do it on social media if you have to. You don't want to be post high school and regret not standing up for yourself.
How do you dare calling yourself incel if you are young and still have a chance of ascending at your 30s with a fat ugly used up whore who only wants your few money? Come back when you are 50.
In high school the 80/20 rule is actually 95/5 I am sure that things will get better for you in Uni.
Foids get hornier but also pickier so no it gets worse
Oh, it gets insanely worse after HS, especially around your mid-20s, where everyone is getting life sorted together, getting decent jobs, hanging out, doing drugs, travelling, and fucking a ton. The worst part is seeing all your friends, acquaintances and bullies dating, building relationships, marrying and having kids. Your "misfit/incelish" friends start to date and talk about marriage, then they abandon you shortly after they ascend. No one eager to pair you up, no one to help you or to hear your pain, no one to sympatize with your problems, nowhere to run, nothing to do. From then, your life is reduced to a dull routine, that boils down to: Wageslaving, sleeping and coping. Weekdays start to amalgamate with eachother untill they resemble a big, tortuous, single 120 hour day, where you can't discern anything. Your weekends also amalgamate into a big 48 hour coping/sleeping session, flying by before you even enjoy them. And you know, deep into your gut, that this situation will probably last for the rest of your life.
Not getting laid in high school should equal auto rope. At least then we'd start looking at foids as the murderers they are.
the agepill is the darkest pill there is. if you don't get laid before 20

Wait till 30 before declaring yourself incel. Maybe at least 25...

That is, to rule out any ugly duckling effect wherein the ugly duckling (you) turns into a beautiful swan (future you)
. i wish i could just be normal like everyone else my age. im a senior by the way, and uni is around the corner and i know it's only going to get worse... going my university years without getting laid either.

i feel you bro. I’m currently a junior and my dadliterally mocked me for being “lonely” in my room yet he’s a helicopter parent and never lets meoutside.
OP you need to do this. Every bully, every foid who mistreated you, whom you still have contact with... start beef with them right now. Call them losers, call them bitches, call them whores, call them the worse things you can think of. Do it on social media if you have to. You don't want to be post high school and regret not standing up for yourself.

i was actually planning to make a "hit list" (fbi, not a literal hit list) of people to do something similar to this.

basically my plan was to make a fake account and curse them and their mothers out with the fake account. is that okay as well or do i have to let them know its me
How do you dare calling yourself incel if you are young and still have a chance of ascending at your 30s with a fat ugly used up whore who only wants your few money? Come back when you are 50.
brutal oldcel gatekeeping reply and agepill
Have you considered plastic surgery?
In high school the 80/20 rule is actually 95/5 I am sure that things will get better for you in Uni.
JFL if you think this.

In Highschool, there may not be any Chads in the year, but at Uni. Chads are to be expected by foids.

If you don't do well in Highschool, that's an indicator of your future dating life.
How do you dare calling yourself incel if you are young and still have a chance of ascending at your 30s with a fat ugly used up whore who only wants your few money? Come back when you are 50.
Not getting laid in high school should equal auto rope. At least then we'd start looking at foids as the murderers they are.

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