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Being incel doesn't mean God hates you

The Idiot Mechanism = “CHRISTIANITY”

Well, let's go...

I will demystify your Catholicism with a simple study based on Judaism itself and the Holy Torah.

Jesus did not come for the Gentiles, he came for the Jews. And one more small detail, Jesus did not die in Islam, there is also no “original” sin.

Christianity has its origins in Paul, not Jesus. Much of “Christianity” came from Paul. Christianity has always been a cult, even Jews and Gentiles have come together to take pages from the Holy Torah and distort the true meaning of the teachings... so = "Christianity".

“Christianity” also has Platonic foundations.

Catholicism is nothing more than a distortion of Judaism.

Catholics distorted everything about Jesus, even his color, which was BROWN. And Catholicism is also considered paganism, as it idolizes a Jew and his Jewish mother.
Jesus was white passing Jew. Hes described so in scripture, the first century art depicts him as such too. The brown Jesus is a zionist lie. The other stuff you said has been refuted so many times but I doubt you care to listen.
good point

the catholic church has sold itself out to the modern world, it is a worthless organisation which is barely religious

but islam has remained a bastion of true resistance to modern feminist western soyciety
Awesome Los Angeles GIF by Animation Domination High-Def

Muslims are cucks who chop up their own cocks.
God has other plans, he doesn't wish misery on anyone, though we won't always desire his plan we should fulfill it. You should research Baldwin IV.
history channel win GIF by HISTORY UK

Baldwin was a man who had no chance at a healthy, intimated relationship, healthy body, or a good life. He coped by lightsabering a bunch of Tusken Raiders conquering a disputed piece of land. After he died, the land has passed through dozens of hands, and will again.

Movie Raise The Roof GIF by Star Wars

Big whoop.

College Basketball Sport GIF by butlermbb

A tall white dude playing D2 basketball with a hot girlfriend and an uncut cock has an infinitely better life than Baldwin IV. Life is about the meaningful relationships you make, not how many brownies you fork in the desert. It’s what makes life living.

I don’t know why dudes glorify war so much. It’s gotta be some extreme mental cope. Who wants to die over something that makes no difference in the long term of history? War is pure cope.
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history channel win GIF by HISTORY UK

Baldwin was a man who had no chance at a healthy, intimated relationship, healthy body, or a good life. He coped by killing a bunch of Tusken Raiders conquering a disputed piece of land. After he died, the land has passed through dozens of hands, and will again.

Movie Raise The Roof GIF by Star Wars

Big whoop.

College Basketball Sport GIF by butlermbb

A tall white dude playing D2 basketball with a hot girlfriend and an uncut cock has an infinitely better life than Baldwin IV. Life is about the meaningful relationships you make, not how many brownies you fork in the desert. It’s what makes life living.

I don’t know why dudes glorify war so much. It’s gotta be some extreme. Who wants to die over something that makes no difference in the long term of history? War is pure cope.
Believing in something you're ready to die for is better than playing videogames all day
A few points to remember and although being Catholic can be fine they over complicate everything.

1.Only blood can pay for sin and Jesus spilled blood so we can be forgiven.
2.You can't do anything for Jesus ,he rescues you ,you do not rescue him ,he did all of the work on the cross and you can not add to that
3.Jesus is the only hope and the only way,no other gods can help you
4.Jesus is divine and did rise from the dead and accended to the right hand of the Father.
Believing in something you're ready to die for is better than playing videogames all day

Why? Because Hollywood told you it is? What’s so awesome about dying for nothing? Think of the thousands of WWI soldiers that ate shrapnel just trying to move the trench 5ft forward just for it to move 5ft back the next day.

>Wow, such honor. He really stood up for what he believed in.

Lol. Who cares? You’re slurping that soyciety juice.
A few points to remember and although being Catholic can be fine they over complicate everything.

1.Only blood can pay for sin and Jesus spilled blood so we can be forgiven.
2.You can't do anything for Jesus ,he rescues you ,you do not rescue him ,he did all of the work on the cross and you can not add to that
3.Jesus is the only hope and the only way,no other gods can help you
4.Jesus is divine and did rise from the dead and accended to the right hand of the Father.
Every Catholic believes this. Catholics even believe in a form of Sola Fide, but not the nonsense Luther came up with.
If you want to debate with me you will regret it, I have studied the Torah, Talmud, Mishnah, etc....
make a tinder account and put your occupation as "Talmudic Scholar" and you'll drown in foids
Fuck off retard
when you die u go to a void and stay there for the eternity
its like a dreamless dream
it sucks
Jesus was white passing Jew. Hes described so in scripture, the first century art depicts him as such too. The brown Jesus is a zionist lie. The other stuff you said has been refuted so many times but I doubt you care to listen.
In fact, I'm the one who refutes you, idiot.

Everything "Christianity" possesses of Christ is through distortion. And as I said, Christianity came from Paul. Once again, Christianity has platonic bases and not only that, everything that idiots like you currently have of Christ is Persian, the vision of hell, the devil, Christ, the supposed "end of the world" ahahahahahaha

Christianity never began, my friend. You could never handle the religious Blackpill. You do not know anything! Read Moshe Maimonides.
As a fellow christian, I agree to that. But christinity today is a subverted by the j00s and satanic fr33m@0ns.

Its a sad state of affiars how our society looks today, if Baldwin was alive today, not only he wouldn't get anything and would be a shut in, he won't want to do anything for our unthankful degenrate (Soycity).
make a tinder account and put your occupation as "Talmudic Scholar" and you'll drown in foids
The madness of Incels is their coping, where they think they are superior and outside the matrix. They invent stories, call themselves "based" and feel extreme shame. Go there and scold your German philosophers and their supposed knowledge about who "runs the world", all in your own room. PUT THE BLAME ON THE JEWS, MAKE PROJECTIONS WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THE FUNDAMENTALS.....JUST MAKE YOUR COPING USELESS AND CONTINUE BEING ARROGANT.

You don't know theology, much less philosophy. SHUT UP WHEN YOU ADDRESS ME, AS I AM TRAINED AND HAVE INFORMATION IN THE FIELD.

The madness of Incels is their coping, where they think they are superior and outside the matrix. They invent stories, call themselves "based" and feel extreme shame. Go there and scold your German philosophers and their supposed knowledge about who "runs the world", all in your own room. PUT THE BLAME ON THE JEWS, MAKE PROJECTIONS WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THE FUNDAMENTALS.....JUST MAKE YOUR COPING USELESS AND CONTINUE BEING ARROGANT.

You don't know theology, much less philosophy. SHUT UP WHEN YOU ADDRESS ME, AS I AM TRAINED AND HAVE INFORMATION IN THE FIELD.

okay Rabbi
If you want to debate with me you will regret it, I have studied the Torah, Talmud, Mishnah, etc....
I'll debate you on the Torah and the Mishnah and Gemara,bring it on in a DM
Why are 2024users so braindead ...

So you're saying God lets us rot in unloved loneliness, making us sad, depressed and suicidal because he likes us? Yeah buddy, maybe smoke a bit less of that fentanyl or whatever you're taking because waht you're saying doesn't make sense at all.
That means God is narcissist
Cope God said that only 144k virgin male kikes will go to heaven while rest will get killed or tortured for no reason. Fuck that cunt God he is not real anyway since council of Aliens made us in their image.
That means God is narcissist
Biblical God is a mass murdering psychopath and a narcissist. He is like a foid does some stupid shit like killing 100% of the population with a flood and then regrets it. 0iq just being emotional, needy egoist that want all your attention and wants your offerings very day, zero accountability for anything.
Baldwin was the living incarnation of the Christian spirit.
If only God would cure me.
meh tons of men have been volcels, including many early Christians

it's just torture if you're involuntarily celibate
Very few took the celibate life of living like a Saintly figure 100% flawless seriously, since it is without a shadow of a doubt, something that would turn anyone into a long term sufferer.

Maybe if you are enclosed in a room. And playing video games only... maybe...
I Live like This^ and even then i have to take SSRI meds to cope.
9 years...
whatever helps you cope brocel
yes it does, fuck god.
yes it does, fuck god.
This ^^^^

I can imagine god would be a glowing gigachad with a white robe and send us to hell for not being able to mog
An old testament prophecy about Jesus:

Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is NO beauty that we should desire him.

My point is, despite not being chad God loves his only begotten Son from eternity, and to be a Christian is to be an adopted son of God. God doesn't hate you, he doesn't want you to be suicidal.. he wants a relationship with you, he knows everything about you, he wants you to be with him in paradise.

Catholic king Baldwin IV had a face so hideous he always wore a mask, he had leprosy and went blind and even lost the ability to move the majority of his body. Despite this he led the crusaders into victories when things looked helpless. He trusted in God, and died satisfied. He is regarded as the greatest Christian military leader ever 900+ years later. Do you not think he often didn't understand why God would allow him to have leprosy?

Being a Christian isn't about having a cope nor does it promise an easy life, but it does ensure a grand retirement plan.

Luke 6:21-23
[21]Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh.

[22]Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

[23]Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.

Come home to the Catholic Church.
Religions in a nutshell.
Those characters were before Jesus.
Same shit.
Copy and Paste.

Guess what?

You've been scammed.
You delusional animal..
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Fuck God, I hate him more than anything...
The other religions are about being a good person and hoping that grants you salvation, but to me that is illogical. It's essentially demanding someone to forgive you instead of asking they show mercy.
This is actually a very good point. The other religions seem extremely arrogant when you put it that way. You have no right to enter paradise, you can only beg for it.
I never thought about it like that.

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