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LifeFuel Being grotesquely deformed is bliss



Nov 15, 2017
I'm so glad to have serious deformities because I know for certain that it's over.

Mentalcels and men who are merely ugly?

They spend their whole life ruminating scenarios in which they could have got laid or get laid... It's hell. Their brain is in overdrive 100% of the time, 365 days / 365. I personally know several mentalcel Chadlites who were very severely depressed because of that.

Me, I know girls would be so repulsed by me that I don't even want to impose myself on them, to soil them with my monstrosity... Being rich, I could exploit them with sugar daddy game or porn studio game but I don't even want to: I have concluded a pact with the universe, that I would never attempt to defile a human female with my bestial form.

And it's bliss. No worries, no rehearsals of "I should do this", "I should have said this", "I shouldn't have done this". Just the pure and strong resignation of a monster in the loneliness of its dark cavern.
Do you just NEET? If I were truecel I would definitely just be a chilled NEET.
You’re right, that is favourable to having to obsessively scrutinise every mistake ever made. What are your specific deformities? If you don’t mind me asking.
Is there a surgery for dolicocephaly?
Is it just that the back of the head is longer than usual?
Looks DOM to me.
Anyways you should be focusing on your face, not the skull itself.
Is it just that the back of the head is longer than usual?
Looks DOM to me.
Anyways you should be focusing on your face, not the skull itself.
That skull is fine, it can be a very masculine trait to have an elongated cranium. A lot of black guys have this.
Do you just NEET? If I were truecel I would definitely just be a chilled NEET.
I have LDARed in my bedroom between the age of 15 and 25. I have worked a full year this year after having found a haircut that hides somewhat the extent of the deformity.
severe acne scars pretty much make your skin look deformed
High IQ.
severe acne scars pretty much make your skin look deformed
That must suck. Wondering every day if there's something you could have done to prevent the breakouts in the first place. :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Post a pic of your side profile(covering your face), I wanna see how severe it is.
I'll do that later, I just woke up

My dolicocephaly is not as bad as the skull I posted, of course (I would have sui'd long ago I think), it's more like Goebbels.


I also have three other mild deformities.

Combined, they make me look like an alien (very big skull, very small and skinny body).

Doesn't seem like a deformity to me. More like a piece of trivia. "Hey John, boy, you have a long head don't you?".
High IQ.

That must suck. Wondering every day if there's something you could have done to prevent the breakouts in the first place. :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
there is, gone on accutane sooner and avoided taking antibiotics that just fucked up my GI TRACT!!!! (((DR JEW))) you fucked me you cocksucka!!!!
Doesn't seem like a deformity to me. More like a piece of trivia. "Hey John, boy, you have a long head don't you?".
Women hate men with long heads. You never see movie stars or popular musicians with dolicocephaly. I've never seen a teenage girl dating a guy with long skull (admittedly we're less than 2% of the population).

Neanderthal men have been bred out to extinction because of their big skulls.
I'll do that later, I just woke up

My dolicocephaly is not as bad as the skull I posted, of course (I would have sui'd long ago I think), it's more like Goebbels.


I also have three other mild deformities.

Combined, they make me look like an alien (very big skull, very small and skinny body).

Come on man, most people don’t consider that to be a deformity. Have you ever been independently looks rated? And what do you rate yourself?
How would that be cope on my part? I don’t have that physical feature so I have no reason to view it more favourably than it is globally viewed. Can you reveal your looks rating? You’ve already revealed more personal details than that imo.

- also Thierry Henry has a cranium like that and he’s a sex symbol. It’s not an inherently deforming feature, it just depends how it looks in proportion to the rest of your body.
How would that be cope on my part? I don’t have that physical feature so I have no reason to view it more favourably than it is globally viewed. Can you reveal your looks rating? You’ve already revealed more personal details than that imo.
I never had my looks "rated" and I'm frankly too high inhib to go through that.

On the other hand, I did have a lot of people call me ugly, a monkey, etc. In real life.
I never had my looks "rated" and I'm frankly too high inhib to go through that.

On the other hand, I did have a lot of people call me ugly, a monkey, etc. In real life.
How would you rate yourself though? Or do you consider the rating system subject to too much debate to be meaningful in anyway? Are your other deformities more or less severe than the elongated cranium?
How would you rate yourself though? Or do you consider the rating system subject to too much debate to be meaningful in anyway? Are your other deformities more or less severe than the elongated cranium?
List of my other deformities:

- Pectus excavatum
- Extremely tiny bones (wristcel and anklecel)
- Extreme skininess (I weigh 100 pounds and cannot increase my weight except through muscle since my body cannot produce fat tissue)
- Weak chin
- Big jaw
- Ugly big nose
- Hooded eyes / Steve Buscemi eyes

Overall I would rate myself a 5.5/10 from the front (my face isn't bad if you exclude the eyes and the bulbous tip of nose), and a 1.5/10 from profile. Seems fair, not exaggerated either in good or bad. That's in fact pretty generous.
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You can't equate Thierry Henry because he's black. The Neanderthal shape and the negroid skull shape are similar, but very different. Blacks have essentially no Neanderthal DNA, whereas OP probably has a lot.
- also Thierry Henry has a cranium like that and he’s a sex symbol. It’s not an inherently deforming feature, it just depends how it looks in proportion to the rest of your body.
His dolicocephaly is mild, and his skull well-proportioned with his body.

List of my other deformities:

- Pectus excavatum
- Extremely tiny bones (wristcel and anklecel)
- Extreme skininess (I weigh 100 pounds and cannot increase my weight except through muscle since my body cannot produce fat tissue)
- Weak chin
- Big jaw
- Ugly big nose
- Hooded eyes / Steve Buscemi eyes

Overall I would rate myself a 5.5/10 from the front (my face isn't bad if you exclude the eyes and the bulbous tip of nose), and a 2.5/10 from profile. Seems fair, not exaggerated either in good or bad.
Pectus Excavatum is the only one there I’d consider a ‘deformity’. How severe is it? 5.5 from the front is awfully high for a man with ‘4 deformities’. Either you aren’t 5.5 and are coping or (more likely as I know you are a scrupulous guy) you are being too hard on yourself with the label ‘deformities’. Do you consider every other skinny wristed guy you see as deformed? Or do you reserve that criticism for chiefly for yourself?
His dolicocephaly is mild, and his skull well-proportioned with his body.

Yeah, you’re right it was probably a bad example. He’s an inherently good looking guy facially, is 6’3 and undoubtably has an enormous black baguette between his legs.
I have LDARed in my bedroom between the age of 15 and 25. I have worked a full year this year after having found a haircut that hides somewhat the extent of the deformity.

Why work? Do you feel the need to contribute or just for buying shit?
High IQ.

That must suck. Wondering every day if there's something you could have done to prevent the breakouts in the first place. :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

I'm convinced that a radically different diet from the standard american diet could help a lot of people. A carnivore or paleo diet would help a lot.
I always noticed that when I consumed a lot of wheat and dairy that my acne would get worse. I used accutane to get rid of mine so I have none.
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I wouldn't be surprised if you were better looking than you're making it out to be.
I'm so glad to have serious deformities because I know for certain that it's over.

Mentalcels and men who are merely ugly?

They spend their whole life ruminating scenarios in which they could have got laid or get laid... It's hell. Their brain is in overdrive 100% of the time, 365 days / 365. I personally know several mentalcel Chadlites who were very severely depressed because of that.

Me, I know girls would be so repulsed by me that I don't even want to impose myself on them, to soil them with my monstrosity... Being rich, I could exploit them with sugar daddy game or porn studio game but I don't even want to: I have concluded a pact with the universe, that I would never attempt to defile a human female with my bestial form.

And it's bliss. No worries, no rehearsals of "I should do this", "I should have said this", "I shouldn't have done this". Just the pure and strong resignation of a monster in the loneliness of its dark cavern.

Why work? Do you feel the need to contribute or just for buying shit?

I'm convinced that a radically different diet from the standard american diet could help a lot of people. A carnivore or paleo diet would help a lot.
I always noticed that when I consumed a lot of wheat and dairy that my acne would get worse. I used accutane to get rid of mine so I have none.
Even normies who don't know shit about nutrition science usually admit at the very least that too much dairy causes breakouts. Especially for nigs and asians. But yeah I doubt you would ever find someone on hardcore paleo diet that has really bad skin or worse skin than on a regular diet.

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